Welcome Party {Part 1}

The Lie Hurts, but then Truth Kills

{The Night of the Party}
~Amy's POV~

Everyone in the house was busy making sure that everything was in place before the guests show up. It was not just a party for me it was to welcome me and my mom into the Kim family.

I was in my room making sure my hair was perfect the way I like it, it was half up with curls flowing over each other and the other half with lose curls coming down my back, I put little baby pink pieces of rhinestone clips on the top part of the curls. I hope Ryeowook will like my hair and my dress…..Ryeowook…… my heart skipped a beep again…….


Yesung came in asking "Amy ready for the party?” he stared for a moment as he enter my room, then made his way to a chair next to me and sat himself down watching me playing with the shinny stones on my hair. I can feel him scanning me with his interest eyes. I have also started to notice that Yesung likes coming into my room and watch me changing or just to stare at me, as I let out an inner smirk.

Yesung was dressed in an all black tuxedo, inside he had on a v cut white shirt. The cut was low revealing his chest, that I found it some-what attractive.

"Umm, Yy--yaaa…all-ll most done " I touch the stones one by one. Yesung slowly got up and stand right in front of me he place his hand under my chin with a finger on my lip, he gently leand in and whisper softly and said “you look very beautiful and seductive right now.” He place a soft peek on my neck, as I froze I didn’t know how to react. He let out a smirk as he backed away and sat back down.

"Who's coming again?” Yesung asks me, he lend on the arm of the chair with his hand on his chin and continue to starring at me with a creepy smile on his face.

"Seohyun and Ryeowook are for sure coming." I said to him, but I couldn’t look at him in the face.

"Well, I'm bringing Yoona, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Heechul and Hankyung."

"Oh Yay, Sungmin oppa is coming too." I cheered.

"Maybe I shouldn't have invited him; he's stealing my little sister away!"

"What are you talking about oppa…..?!?!"

He was quiet; he made a face that looks like a little kid that just found out that Santa Claus was not real. I pulled him up from this chair and said “Oppa lets go and see how the party set-up was going so far?” as I dance around him like a kid, he smiled and said. “Ok baby girl.”

We went down stairs to help the maids and butlers with the final set up. For some odd reason, there was only one thing on my mind, Ryeowook. I kept thinking about him when I am by myself looking at the many mirrors in this house.

{Finally, the party started}
(People Started to Arrive)

Yesung gently took my hand as he took me over to greet Yoona; she was the first to show up and I we greeted each other with half of a smile on both of our face.
Yoona looked really pretty; she had on a short sundress that was very colour-full, and with all her hair done all up with curls.

Then shortly after Seohyun and Ryeowook arrive; as they came in holding hands which made my heart hurt. I quickly shook off the pain and smile as I greeted them with a tight hug. I wanted to look good in front of him even tho he is not mine.

Ryeowook was wearing an all white tuxedo with a light pink handkerchief on his left tux pocket; inside shirt was white as well and with a very light pink bowtie. My heart was beating very fast he looked so handsome tonight.

Seohyun was wearing a really elegant, yet simple white dress with a pink ribbon tied around her waist, her hair was down with a little wave in the end. They matched as a couple. I started feeling odd, because I was wearing pink too.

"Woah! Hey the three of you are matching, did you guys plan this or something." Yesung said laughing.

"Noo….!" Ryeowook and I exclaim at the same time. Seohyun just stare and smile at us.

"Oppa……!!! We are best friends so we think alike, but they're the real couple okay." I felt like we're in a love triangle or something, and I was the third wheel. I didnt like that the fact I am not the main focus!

“Don’t you think Ryeowook and Seohyun match so well together, they are all in white” My heart burned a little just by saying that.

“I am going to get something to drink” I slowly walked away all I wanted was to be with Ryeowook only, wait..wait..wait…. WHAT AM I THINKING! My face felt hot as my head started to hurt. I immediately grab a glass of wine and started to gulp it down hoping it will cool me down from thinking too much.

"What are you doing?!?!" Ryeowook pulls the glass away from me, giving me a straight scary face.

"Sorry." I whisper. I didn’t want to look at him so I kept my head a little down.

"You don’t need to say sorry, if you drink like that the one that is going to be sorry is yourself. If you don’t want that then stop drinking." His words hurt me a little I didn`t want to be yelled at by him and at this moment.

"Amy take your time, there's plenty of wine left, no need to rush." Yoona said walking up to me.

I nodded and sat on the couch. Everything went awkward; I thought this party was supposed to be fun. But instead all I can think about was Ryeowook, I shouldn’t care he is a big meanie, we broke up already.

I was the reason why we had broken up.
I was the one that ruined everything.
And now I'm regretting, when it is too late...

*The music started playing*

Soon more people started to show up to the party. I became more comfortable when more people were around. I got up and start walking back to where Ryeowook and Seohyun were, but then I was stop.

“Hi, princess…” I turned around, and stood right in front of me was Sungmin. For some reason I couldn’t be happier to see him.

He was wearing a tuxedo that was totally black from head to toe with a pink tie that made him look so y and seductive; I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He has such a beautiful face that makes you melt as you look into his eyes along with his seductive smile.

“My beautiful princess will you honour me with the first dance” as he slowly kneel on one knee as he gently lifted my hand and placed a deep kiss.
(This attacked a lot of tension, everyone turn there heads and all eyes were on Sungmin and Amy.)

I nod my head slowly starring at him, I thought I couldn’t breath. Sungmin slowly got up from the floor and lead the way to the middle. He bows with one hand on his back with his face looking up at me and the other hand reach out toward me, I giggled with a smile as my face turn red, I handed my hand out to him and we started to dance.
Sungmin pulled me close to him as we dance our first song together.

The dance came to an end; we gave each other our bow as we both giggled away.
“Ohh…!!! Oppa....!!! I didn’t even see you here,” I said with a shock. I didn’t notice Yesung walking up beside me; cause at that time all I can see was Sungmin eyes.

“My dear baby sis I need to have a word with Sungmin about something” Yesung said with a jealous look on his face, as I slowly snap out of Sungmin eyes while he was being pulled away, as Yesung slowly walked away with Sungmin.

I started walking toward the window and stared up, it was so pretty the stars.
Ryeowook all of a sudden shows up standing right next to me

“Amy I’m sorry about earlier…..” I looked at him with a confuse look as he was saying this.

"You know, I was only yelling because I didn't want you to drink too fast------…" he said in a soft voice starring right at me and handed me a glass of wine.

"I know and I understand Ryeowook, I know you only wanted what’s best for me. I was never mad." I stare up at him and couldn't help but to notice, his face was like an angel.

“Amy are you feeling ok…? About Sungmin yo---”

“Wookie… do you sometime think about me? I know you are with Seohyun now, because I don’t know why I have been thinking about you….. Sorry just forget I said that” and I drank that glass of wine fast.

“Amy please don’t drink anymore, you can’t hold your alcohol, if an—yth--ing happen to you…. I would be mad at myself from seeing you like this” Ryeowook said with a straight face holding my hand where my glass was, he didn’t take his hand away from mine. But then soon after he realizes we were touching, he flinched and then took my glass away.

“Amy lets go over there and take a seat, because you drank the wine too fast again I don’t want you to fall in your beautiful dress of yours.”

“Thanks Wookie, I am happy for you and Seohyun, we are friends” I said with a force smile “but I love you Ryeowook.”

*We both blushed*

“I love you too Amy” Ryeowook whispered with his head turn the other way.

“……… did you say something??”
… … … … …

~Seohyun's POV~

I stood next to a beautiful painting and listened to the music that was playing, while people were dance in the middle of the room, the song was soft and sweet. I could see Ryeowook and Amy talking on the other side of the room.
I slowly glance around the room, I stopped and notice Kyuhyun was there staring at me right across the room. It felt my heart was going to jump out, as our eyes meet each other. He began to walk up to me.
Kyuhyun slowly made his way across the room with both his hand in this pocket and a half smile on his face. He was wearing a gray tux jacket, with a white button up shirt and dress pants.

"Hey." He said effortless.

"Hi." I kept my voice low

"Are you and... him... I mean Ryeowook going out?" He asked me
Why is he asking me this? Does he like me? How should I answer him?

"Yeah… We are……" He seemed to be disappointed by my answer.

“Oo-oh ok...please excuse me…ummm…..I-I need to go-go there" Kyuhyun said as his mind went blank and walked away from me.

What did I just say; my feelings are rushing to my head. I felt like I just broke his heart, my heart started to hurt and felt like time itself just stopped for me.
Why does my heart hurt so much from telling Kyuhyun that me and Ryeowook are dating? Why do I care about him so much?

I am happy being with Ryeowook I do love… him, we are close to each other all the time, but can this be true love what me and Ryeowook share together?

Then I start asking myself if I liked Kyuhyun …. I can feel my heart beating faster and faster just by saying his name, and in my mind all I can see was Kyuhyun face when we were at the photo booth as our body touch each other that day in the mall.
Oh noo……I think I am in love with him….. What did I just do……? I really do love Kyuhyun!

I was frustrated, I didn't know what to do, and I wanted to see Kyuhyun.
I looked around and see him talking to Yoona. I grabbed a glass of drink without noticing it was wine and drank it fast.

~Kyuhyun's POV~

"You're right, they are dating." I told Yoona.

"I'm sorry, Kyu."

"No, don't be."

"Hey, maybe she likes you better than him. They seem like brother and sister love” She said trying to cheer me up.

"What so you can read her mind now too?" I joked.

"Noo…. it's okay Kyu, there's always another girl out there for you…." She said.
I wanted to be alone. It did seem like she can read my mind and patted my shoulder and started walking away to Heechul.

I grab a bottle of “SOHO” and went outside where the air was fresh. I sit down on the steps and started to drink the SOHO straight from the bottle.

~Seohyun's POV~

I feel a little light headed, was that one little drink that strong for me, and I stumble my way to the backyard. I see Kyuhyun seating on the steps leaning on the building pole in his hand there was half a bottles of SOHO left. I ran to him.

"What are you doing? That bottle of alcohol is very strong " I yelled at him taking the bottle away from him.

"Seohyunnnnnn." He slurred his words at me. "Do yoo-uu know how bad I want to ask you out."

I was shocked. So he does that mean he like me? I couldn't believe him; he was drunk I have no idea what to say.

"I love you as much as Ryeowook does or maybe more and I think you feel the same way for me as well." Kyuhyun said in a total non drunkenness. Was he drunk or not!?!?
He put his face in front of mine and looks into my eyes.

"Do you love me, Seohyun?" He sounded so serious.

"Uhhhh.uhhh…" I held my head down, I didn’t know how to answer him, my head started to hurt so much and the fact that my heart won’t stop pounding didn’t help me at all.

He lifts my head back up. "Saranghea Seohyun" he said to me once again.

My eyes widen with tears flowing inside, I was so happy hearing those words coming from his mouth. I couldn’t hold my tears back anymore, it slowly flow out of my eyes running down my cheeks and touches Kyuhyun hands. While my tears running off the side of Kyuhyun hand he leans in and started to kiss my tears away. I wanted to tell him my feeling, but I want to be faithful to Ryeowook I can’t only think of myself. I lightly pushed away as I stepped back looking down.

"I love you Kyuhyun…. I now know the person I really love is you, you’re the only person that makes my heart skip a beat, and thank you for showing me what love is. But I can't bear to hurt Ryeowook… I can’t only think about myse--" I cried even more then before as I was saying it.

"That’s all I needed to hear” he said as I looked up at him. Before I realize what was happening Kyuhyun was in front of me with his eyes close and his lips on my lips. I was in shocked I couldn’t move with my eyes wide open and my tears slowly stopping I started to close my eyes feeling Kyuhyun lips on mine. He pushes his body on mine as I try to move away a little and letting a little air out of my mouth “st…o…p” I felt something in my mouth……. Shock……!!
Kyuhyun tongue was inside my mouth touching mine. I tried to push him way he was too strong I couldn’t break free, but as his tongue continue moving inside my mouth I couldn’t help but to enjoy every minute of it. I finally gave up as I close my eyes once again, as we were kissing he took my hand and place it over his shoulder to deepen the kiss. He titled his head as his tongue went into my mouth farther. “Mmm…” I let out a very soft moan, I could taste the alcohol in Kyuhyun mouth as my tongue went in, it was very bitter but I didn’t care, I was too deep in love with Kyuhyun. Everything felt sweet from the inside that I couldn’t stop as our tongue dance with each other in love….
I felt Kyuhyun hands sliding down my waist pulling me even closer, my hand start to move on its own as well touching Kyuhyun hair as my fingers sliding threw his soft hair, I don’t ever wanted to stop. I then thought to myself, I have never felt like this with Ryeowook before.

As I opened my eyes for the first time from kissing Kyuhyun right in front of me standing there was Ryeowook. Ryeowook stood there looking at me with a speechless look on his face. I pushed Kyuhyun away from me, I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to die and wish this never happen.

I took a step forward saying “Ryeowook I-I….” my eyes started to water up with my hands to my chests.

Ryeowook looked right into my eyes, and then turn right around with tears that flow out from his eye into the air and started to walk then ran away. “Ryeowook wait” I also wanted to run after him, but then Kyuhyun grad my hand.
What should I do now? My head started to hurt and why do I feel so dizzy….@.@
………………( Seohyun fainted )
……….( End of Seohyun POV )

Kyuhyun was in shock from seeing Seohyun faint. Then he heard a sound. “WHO IS THERE COME OUT!!!” He saw a figure shadow pass by, he didn’t know who it was, but he couldn’t careless, he was worry about Seohyun. As he hugged her tightly in his arm worrying if she is ok and placing a kiss on her head.

Kyuhyun then looked up to the dark narrow walk way outside and said “ I’m sorry Ryeowook but I really like Seohyun too” he said in the windless night. All he can hope was Ryeowook forgiveness.

“I’m sorry Ryeowook….” as it echo’s


I hope this is not boring….ToT
I am trying my best to write better …..please give me feedback to help me improve…..

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@meggy15990: thank you 4 liking my story and ur comment is making me work hard n keep me going. there is alt of drama in seokyu lol but then u will have to wait n c what will happen.<br />
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@TrannLennaa: i will try to up-date soon n thanks 4 reading ^.^
updateeee soon~ always supporting ur story~ please try reading my sstory~ its called 'better not to know' ^^
it was great seokyu story.. and i love it so much... juast keep writing... cuz i always curious about this story...
@TrannLennaa: thz 4 reading i will up-date soon ^.^<br />
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@luckyme176: hmm.... mayb it will b seokyu or yoonkyu or mayb both lol u will just have to c....xD thz 4 ur comment ^.^
I was wondering if this is going to be seokyu or yoonkyu? but i love them both, so it's fine with me. :)) Update soon!
Update sooooooooon~
@meggy15990: thz 4 reading n ur comment means a lot to me...i will try to up-date soon <3
keep update... i'm so curious....
seokyu couple.... i love it... love love love
@Yesungkiee: i hope u will like my story and thanks 4 reading. yesung will b in this story soon.<br />
ps...but in my story he is kind of creepy la lol.... but i like his cute creepy way lol ~big fan of K.R.Y & D.S~