Before I Go Blind

Haneul walked arm in arm with her mother at the airport, while Hoya pushed the trolley with Haneul's luggage.



Hoya : Miss Kim, Mrs Kim. I'll handle all of this. (he bowed and left)



The two ladies walked to one of the cafe inside the airport. Mrs Kim ordered some tea and Haneul didn't have the appetite to even look at food.



Mrs Kim : I thought you would be excited. (she said as she sipped her tea)

Haneul : (Haneul bit her lips) I am.

Mrs Kim : I still don't agree to this. I'll come with you.

Haneul : Mother, please. (she smiled) You have to stay here with dad. I need you to keep an eye on Woohyun as well. (she giggled) Mine are going bad. 



Mrs Kim reached out for her daughter's hand.



Haneul : I'm sorry for saying that. (she tapped her forehead) Stupid me...



Mrs Kim stared at her daughter. For the first time, she noticed her beautiful features. Her heart shaped face, her deep black eyes, her small red lips and her incredibly fair skin. They were beautiful. She was beautiful.



Mrs Kim : (she fixed Haneul's hair) You look just like me when I was young.

Haneul : Then you, mother, were one hot chick. (Haneul joked)

Mrs Kim : Still am. (her mother winked)



Haneul laughed and hugged her mother.



Hoya : Miss Kim. (appearing out of nowhere)

Haneul : Yes.



Hoya handed her everything. Details for her hotel, her passport, plane tickets, money and maps.



Hoya : Everything is set perfectly. All the details are right there in your hand. Oh, wait! (he went through his jacket and grabbed something out) Here.

Haneul : (Haneul stared at the black gadget he handed to her) And this is?

Hoya : Your personal.. me.

Haneul : I'm sorry?

Hoya : I handle everything for you here so I know how you are. I set your schedule in there so you wouldn't get confuse. I set the time for you to check in, to check out. Where to go, what to see. When to eat and sleep. Your meds details. Everything. All set! So, technically you are are holding your personal.. Hoya.

Haneul : (Haneul let out a small laughter under her breath) Thank you so much Hoya. (she gave him a quick hug which Hoya awkwardly responded to) That's why I love you. (she turned to tell her mother) That's why I love him. 



Haneul kept her stuff in her bag and fixed herself. 



Haneul : Do me a favor, Hoya. Please take care of my mother. (Hoya nodded) And there's some paper work on the table I left for you. (Haneul grinned) 



After Haneul bid goodbye and hugged her mother, Hoya took Mrs Kim home. "I guess I'm alone now" she said as she pulled her coat closer to her neck. She began walking to the departure gate when a tall image stood out amongst the crowd. She walked closer to it. It was Woohyun. He came. He did.



Haneul dropped her luggage on the floor. She placed her head on his chest. Woohyun intertwined his fingers between hers and curled her waist with the other. For a moment, they stayed that way. Just so close. Woohyun nuzzled his face at the crook of Haneul's neck.



Woohyun : Because I love you. (he whispered) 



Haneul's lips drew into a smile. Haneul tilted her head to face Woohyun as her other hand traced the back of Woohyun's head. Before she knew it, Woohyun's lips was against hers. He was moving his gently against hers and she tried to match his pace. After some time, Haneul finally pulled away to catch her breath. Haneul buried her face in his chest. Woohyun held her petite body close to his as he inhaled her sweet scent. 



Woohyun : Come back, okay? (Haneul nodded) Take care. I'll be here when you come back. I promise. 



Haneul hugged Woohyun tightly again. She kissed Woohyun lightly, which he vigorously responded to. He let go of her and she picked up her bags. When Haneul was about to walk away, Woohyun yanked her into his embrace once again. 



Woohyun : I love you.

Haneul : I love you. 



Haneul backed away and peck his lips for the last time and continued her path to the departure gates. She turned around to catch a last glimpse of her fiance. He smiled at her and lightly waved at her. 



Haneul smiled. She was so happy Woohyun was here. She couldn't believe he actually came. She thought the scene that just happened moments ago was perfect. Like a movie scene. Even a movie couldn't make it that romantic. It was perfect.



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Thanks so much for commenting! you guys are awesome! I will update ASAP. Thanks a lot! <3
it's really good! sad ant sweet.. and really beautiful, :)

update soon!
OMG I finished ;____; It so beautiful! T_T Woohyun is really great i'm about to fall in tears ;~~~~; <3 so Romantic please do update soon <3
Chapter 5!! :D OMG IT'S SO SAD T__T THEY WERE HAPPY! WHY DIDN'T SHE TAKE HER TREATMENT? D:< ;______; I'm about to cry T_T I'll continue to chapter 9 when i get back >:3 hehe will spam you with comments hope you're ok with it :O
baoxyooj #5
chapter 4....awww...he's crying too
Update soon!!
stupid woohyun!!!!
Update soon!!