Before I Go Blind

Haneul walked into the room.


Haneul : Doctor Lee?


A tall man in his late 50s was sitting behind his desk, going through some files. He shot Haneul a look when he saw Haneul at the end of the room.


Doctor Lee : Haneul... (he stood up and took of his glasses) please, sit.


Haneul slowly walked up and sat facing him. 


Doctor Lee : Sorry to have kept you waiting. (he sat down) You do know Director Nam already made an appointment for you right? (Haneul nodded) Its not until after lunch.

Haneul : I know. I just... I have something else later on. Is this okay with you?

Doctor Lee : Its fine. (he smiled) Now, what it is it, sweetheart?

Haneul : Is it really too late? 


Doctor Lee couldn't read her expression, therefore he didn't know how to respond.


Haneul : (Haneul sighed) I don't remember the last time I was here. Nothing really changed.


Her eyes wonder around the room. Just a few years ago, the hospital was like a home to her, Doctor Lee was like her bestfriend and this room was her hangout place. 


Doctor Lee : I never agreed on stopping the treatment. (he said with a sad voice)

Haneul : That's why I never came back. (She ran her fingers through her hair) I was 18. I was too young to go through all of that. 

Doctor Lee : And, now you're not?

Haneul : I'm not going through all of that again. (she let out a small laugh under her breath)

Doctor Lee : Then, how can I help you now?

Haneul : Just a few small matters.






Woohyun came rushing into the restaurant. When he saw Haneul sitting comfortably at a table, he sighed with relief. Woohyun walked up to her.


Wooohyun : I told you I'd pick you up.

Haneul : I know. But I was already out. 

Woohyun : You drove here? (his voice sounding a little frustrated)

Haneul : No, the driver sent me.


Woohyun took a seat and they both ordered coffee.


Haneul : Woohyun. There's something I need to talk about. 

Woohyun : Go on.


Haneul first hesitated. She looked for the courage in herself and man up.


Haneul : I want to travel.




Woohyun : What?

Haneul : I want to see the world, Woohyun. (she smiled) I want to see the Forbidden City in Beijing. I want to see the Eiffel Tower. I want to see sun in Hawaii. I want to see the coloseum in Rome and see the people in England. (she sounded very excited) Do you understand?

Woohyun : Well, (he quietly grunted) I have work and.. there's a lot still to do here. I can't just leave.

Haneul : I know. (she bit her lips) That is why.. I'm going.. by myself.


Woohyun's face turned red. He seemed angry.


Woohyun : No. (his voice calm, but stern)

Haneul : But...

Woohyun : I said no. (he stood up)

Haneul : Woohyun, please.


Woohyun walked out of the restaurant and head for his car. Haneul followed him.


Haneul : Wait.. (She chased him) Woohyun! (Woohyun kept walking to his car, not looking back) Please, just hear me out.. (he stopped and turned around)

Woohyun : That's enough, Haneul! (he grabbed her wrist)

Haneul : (Haneul's hand was in pain, but she didn't show it) Woohyun, please. (she teared up)

Woohyun : Don't cry. (he let go) Get in the car.


He gestured a sign to make her go in. Haneul backed away. Shaking her head as she did so.


Haneul : How could you.


Then Haneul ran across the street, called a cab and went home. 




"He doesn't understand," Haneul thought, "No one does..."






















".....how could he...."



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Thanks so much for commenting! you guys are awesome! I will update ASAP. Thanks a lot! <3
it's really good! sad ant sweet.. and really beautiful, :)

update soon!
OMG I finished ;____; It so beautiful! T_T Woohyun is really great i'm about to fall in tears ;~~~~; <3 so Romantic please do update soon <3
Chapter 5!! :D OMG IT'S SO SAD T__T THEY WERE HAPPY! WHY DIDN'T SHE TAKE HER TREATMENT? D:< ;______; I'm about to cry T_T I'll continue to chapter 9 when i get back >:3 hehe will spam you with comments hope you're ok with it :O
baoxyooj #5
chapter 4....awww...he's crying too
Update soon!!
stupid woohyun!!!!
Update soon!!