A Girl Name Bae Rim


I hope you guys still remember what happened ;-; If not i'm sorry...


"WHAT?! WHY?!" everyone yelled.

She let out a laugh knowing that the whole class would react like that.
"You see, the point to this project is to see how well you guys can get along. I made sure that this class had nobody in here that know each other." 

"What kind of project is this?" Kris nudged you, you just shrugged not knowing how to answer to his question.
"Anyway, as I was saying you're all going to make observation and record down what you learn from living together with people you don't know." 
Everyone was still in shock and you were pretty sure they all thought the same thing you thought too. 
"This teacher is crazy." you said as you raise a brow, Kris laughed at you.
*Whoa....even his laugh is awesome.* you then start staring at him.
On the other side Tao saw you staring at Kris.  He somehow got annoy how you look at Kris like that and you barely did that to him when you guys seen each other everyday. Without thinking he poked you.
"URGAAAA!" you squealed and the girl beside Tao giggled at you. You try hard not to give a glare at Tao or anymore that was looking at you.
"____-ah calm down!" Mrs.Chae said as she giggled at your cute squeal "Back to what I was saying, since today is Monday you all have time to think who's house you'll be staying at and other things. This also give you time to pack up your clothing and other things you need. Then on Friday you will bee telling me which member's house your going to stay." she said with a smile but nobody was smiling back because the ideas was just too weird and over the top for a science project. Sure in science project you have to make observation and take note. But what could you exactly observe and take notes off? How they brush their teeth? How they eat? How they sit at home? How they sleep?
What in the world would you need to observe and take note of from your group members? Mostly importantly what could you learn from doing this?

Class soon ended and no more dissecting frog for you.
"I can't believe we had to dissect a frog and we're going to have to do that weird project all in one day." you said as you walk out of the class with Kris.
"Oh gosh my hands still stick!" you push your hands away from you, Kris laughed "Your funny ____-ah." he then took out something from his backpack and gave you a lotion. "Here use this." 
"But isn't it for guys?" you said looking at the small bottle of lotion.
"Don't worry it's for both gender." 
"If you say so." you shrugged then took some of it, rubbed your hands together and smelled it. "Yah! This is a male sense!" you light punch his arm.
"At least your hands doesn't smell now." he ruffle your hair, you started to become stiffen.
He saw that you didn't move so he bended down to your eyes level "Yah~ did that frog soul got into you?" he said as he wave his hand but you still didn't move or blink. 

Kris heard someone yelled so he turns around to see who but in a flash someone ran past him and took you with them.
"What.... just happened?" he question himself as he saw a tall black hair boy running away with you.

*Why the hell is the air hitting my face?* you thought then got back to reality when you saw that you weren't on school ground and there was no kris in front of you. Then you looked at the person in front of you *Who the heck is thi-* it took you a while but you knew who this was.
It was Tao.
"YAH! TAO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you screamed but not in your mean manly voice of course, you didn't want him to know your true side.
"He stopped running and turn around to see you then release your hand. "Tha-.....th-- " he was out of breath to even talk so you waited "That girl!" he cried.
You raise a brow "What girl? Ohhh you mean that girl." you said not really interest. If it had to do anything with 'that' girl you wouldn't be interest.
"Anyway what about her?" you ask crossing your arms.
"She! She wanted to come over to my house!" 
"So...?" you said not really getting it.
"If she comes she would find out about us being next door neighbor." he was talking normal now. *But mostly my stuff animals.*
"So? It not like we told each other to keep it a secret to start off with."
"Your okay with that?" he asked kind of shock.
"Yeah it not like it's a big deal." you shrug off then walked home. 
"Tao!~" the girl caught up to him. Tao turn around and saw that you weren't that far away so he ran up to you. The girl looked at him with confuse but ran up to him anyway. "Yah Tao!" she caught up to him and clings onto his arm.

You turn around to see that annoying girl again.
"What she doing here?" she ask obviously annoy.
"I was walking ho-" you were cut off when Tao put his hand over your mouth. "Let's all go out and eat!" he took your arm and pretty much dragged you with him. The girl didn't like the fact that you were going to come too but she didn't care as long as Tao is going to be there.

"L-lets introduce ourselves." Tao said as he tries to lighten up the atmosphere.
The three of you had just gone to a nearby hamburger shop and now was waiting for your order.
"I'm  Bae Rim, the most popular girl in school of course." she said as she flip her hair to the side again.
You rolled your eyes "I'm _____" you put on a fake smile, she did the same. "By the way, if your popular how come I never hear of you before?" you said as you title your head to the side. 
Her hands form into a fist under the table but maintain a smile on her face. "Maybe because your not popular? You know, like those loser who don't know what's going on in school." she eye smiled at you.
*I want to punch this girl so badly right now* you thought then pretend to smile again.
Tao was getting the feeling that you two were not getting along what so ever. "S-so lady..." he was cut off when you and Bae Rim turn and gave him the glare.
*Girls scare me.* he pouted.

"So 'Miss Popular' how long have you been that?" you ask as you eat your fries. She took a slip of her drink before answering.
"Ever since I was born hun."
*Did she just call me hun?!* you quickly control your temperature and gave a fake smile again "Just because you were surrounded by babies in the hospital doesn't mean you were popular hun."
She flips her hair again, obliviously piss. 

“It was sad not being able to come over to your house today but next time I’m coming over okay?” she winked at Tao then went to her home direction. You and Tao are now just standing outside of the hamburger place in silent.
“I’m sorry about dragging you along” Tao spoke up then did a little bow.
“It’s alright. At least I got to kill some time.” You gave him a fake smile. To be honest you hated it and having to waste those precious hours sitting there with her instead of watching B1A4’s videos. It just made you go insane in the inside. *Calm down ___, no need to get this angry. Remember your still in front of him* you took in a deep breath “I’m going to head home now bye Tao.” And with that you started walking home. Ready to spazz about B1A4.

But before you could Tao pulled your wrist and now you were facing him.
*This feel like déjà vu*



....Hey guys :D I know it been forever since I updated this story >< But i'm going to start updating more now since i have a lot of free time :)

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I have no ideas what the heck I'm writing in the next chapter xD Just hope it all make sense and go along with the plot =.=


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@bunnyxwarrior: lolxD
let me give u a hint ;D
it's not the main girl or Tao because u guys live in a apartment 8D
theya re going to live at main girl's house. :O
no no... Bae Rim would not like that... her house probably. or Tao's... or Kris'? xD
anyways... whoopie doo for Bae Rim... not.
i don't mind Kris. :D
@MissDreamer: yes it is Jacinda! 8-|
omg this is crazy
@bunnyxwarrior: lol she a annoying evil girl 8D u'll know more about her soon~
haha take a guest ;D
main girl met Kris.
now... main girl works with Kris and Tao... and that mystery girl.
who is she. >O
anyways... i wonder who's house they are going to live in. :O
@dzgiirl96: aww I want to know!xD
LOL watch me write what u thought in ur head! xD
LOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LIVING TOGETHER XD I'm doing little scenarios in my head about what's going to happen but I won't say any 'cause maybe it's gonna happen for real xD
@Samona: OMG i should have thought of that!!!D8
well it to late to change now T-T
@Samona: yes yes it was fate 8D
lol same here i didn't like her when i wrote that chapter =.= ah i'm going to have to write more about her now ;-;
RLAB he could be~ i mean who can be that perfect?!O__O