2 Days 1 Night (Part 1)



It was breakfast time and the whole group was finally together under one roof.
“So about this project, what exactly are we suppose to do?” Kris ask since he was absent on Friday, the day when teachers remind students what to do.
“She didn’t say much or gave us a paper telling us about the project. Expect telling us to record down what we observe while living together.” You say since nobody seem to want to answer his question.
“So Tao,” Bae Rim turn her attention to the boy sitting next to her “did you slept well?”
“Um, yeah.” He say, still a little sleepy. Seeing him look sleepy while eating his scramble eggs was a rather cute scene. You smiled at the scene.
“Can I have more orange juice?” he ask with food still in his mouth.
“I’ll get it for you.” Bae Rim happily took his glass and went to the kitchen.

She went back into the dining room second later and told us that she has to do something.
So now it was just you, Kris and Tao.
“_____-ah.”  Tao suddenly call out your name. Still eating with his mouth open and still had that same sleepy face. “Do you hate me or something?”
*Gosh, this look like it came straight out from a drunk scene in TV shows* you thought before replying back to him.
“Why do you think that?” you question him back.

“Because we have known each other for more than one month now and you neve-“ he couldn’t finish his sentence as his head went towards the hard table in front of him.
“Ouch.” You and Kris say in unison

You got up from your seat and came over to Tao’s side.

“Hey, you okay?” you ask as you shake his shoulder.
He literally looked like he was drunk with how he got right back up. “_____-ah.” He say again.
“What is it?”
“Why don’t you ever hang out with me?” he said with his eyes closed.
“Because…. I’m busy?”  you seriously didn’t know where he was going with these question.
“Do I look manly enough for you, _____-ah?”
You look at Kris, who has the same facial expression as you, then turn your head back to Tao.
“Umm, sure.”
“Yay.” He smile then put his head down again.
“I think he’s sleep talking.” Kris said.
“Yeah.” You say then went back to your breakfast.




After the whole breakfast scene,everyone was in the living room staring at one another.
Bae Rim and Tao sat next to each other and you sat next to Kris. It was like as if you guys were still in school.
“So…..” you were the first to speak.
You never knew how awkward this project would be. None of you guys were close enough to be able to just chat casually. It was also hard when you and Bae Rim hated each other’s gut.  If you had known this was going to be a project where you have to live with other people, you would have looked for a different pairs to work with.

“Okay, I got plans for all of us to do today and tomorrow.” Bae Rim spoke since you never finish your sentence.
“What’s the plan?” Tao ask.
“Well, I was thinking of going on a double date. Tao with me and,” she looked at you and Kris “you two together.” She finished her sentence with a smile 


"W-wait, so you want us to go on a double date?" your eyes widen.
"Unless you want a separate date, that could work." Bae Rim smile at the idea. 
"What if the person they are paired with doesn't want to go with them or vise versa?" you ask. 
"Tao, do you want to go with me?" Bae Rim was giving Tao her sad puppy eyes.
Tao nervously look around the room. "I agree with ____'s statement."
"Why don't we all just hang out together?" Kris suggested.
"No." you and Bae Rim say in unison. 
"But isn't a double date the same as hanging out together?" kris frown his eyebrows.
"Not really, since you pay more attention to your date then the other pair." Bae Rim reply back.
"Okay, how about this, we'll just switch partner halfway through the day.That way if the person they were first paired off with was someone they didn't like, they can move onto the next partner halfway tthrough the day."  Kris suggest. 
"Sound good to me. Like killing two birds with one stone." Bae Rim nodded her head.
Both Tao and Kris were thinking that they were the birds.
"So, let's just start off with the person we're sitting next to each other then." She turn her attention back to Tao. "Come on, let's go." and dragged him with her. 
Meanwhile, you and Kris were still sitting in the living room. Awkward was the word that stayed in your head since Tao and Bae Rim left.
You and Kris still haven't known about each other much. Heck, you didn't even know what his favorite color was.
"So," he pauses then looks around the room. "what do you want to do?"
*Oh gosh, it's that question. The question that tells your partner is not interest in you.*
"I don't know, what do you want to do?" In your mind you were hoping he'll just say something instead of asking you that question again.
"What's your hobby?"
*Fangirling* you automatically answered in your head. But you knew you couldn't say that out loud. 
"Um, I like watching Netflix?" you kind of lied. You did like watching Netflix but that was until you didn't have much money left for leisure stuff.
"Did you know that you have a habit of questioning yourself or questioning people back when someone ask you a question?"
"I do?" and then you realize that you did. "Ah, I see it now. I'll fix that habit of mine then." 
"Since we don't really know each other, how about we share something about ourselves?" Kris ask as he look at you.
"Sure." you smile.
It has been 15 minutes and you guys were on the last question.
The two of you wrote questions in a small paper then put it in a bag and randomly pick one out, to make it easier on both party.
Kris took out the last paper in the bag. "Do you have a job?"
"Yes, I work at a ramen shop and no, I won't tell you the name of it because I don't want people I know see me working. What about you?"
"I'm unemployed right now."
"Have you ever worked?"
"Hey," he gently hit your arm "no more additional questions." he laughed. 
"Fine, I guess that question will forever be unanswered until you get a job." you laughed and he also ends up laughing.
After the mini interview questions, the two of you decided to do a drawing contest since both of you guys like to draw on your spare time. 
"There's only 5 minutes left." Kris say as he checked the timers on his phone.
"Okay." you were to concentrated to look up.
*Beep. Beep. Beep.*
"Alright, let's see who's the real artist." you say as you close the marker's top.
"On the count of 1....2....3!" and both of you guys flip your paper over to show the drawing.
"What the heck?" you started bursting out. "What kind of animal is that?"
"Hey, I said I like drawing. I didn't said I was picasso." he folded his drawing paper in half and put it on the table.
"Are you hungry yet?" he ask after putting the markers back to where they belong. 
You checked with yourself before answering. "Yeah." you reply back.
"Are you up for some pasta? Because I know how to make some mean pasta." 
"Sound good." you smiled.
You and Kris were in the middle of a video game when you guys hear the door closed and noises coming from the entrance. 
"Look like they're ba-" you were cut off by Bae Rim "We're back!" 
"Welcome back." Kris greeted them. "Did you guys have fun?"
"It was the best date I ever had." Bae Rim stated then sat down on the couch. It was halfway through the day now, which meant time to switch partners.  
Since you spent most of the time inside the house, you told Tao that you wanted to go and walk outside. 
"How was your time with Kris?" Tao was the first to speak after walking out of Bae Rim's property. 
"It was nice. We got to know each other. How was yours?" you ask, pretty curious. 
"Um, I don't want to talk about it." He turns his head away. 
"Oh, did something happen?"
"Umm, let's just say it wasn't the best date I ever had." he was rubbing his neck now. 
The two of you didn't talk much after that and just continue to walk around the street. 
This was the first time that you guys spent time together. Sure, you guys work together and lived next door to one another. But you always try your best to find a way out of encountering him. 
"Want to go karaoke?" Tao ask as he saw one in front of him.
"Um, i'm not really a singer." 
"What do you want to do then?" 
*Oh gosh, that's the second time now. Maybe this is why I don't have much guy friends* you basically curse under your breathe. 
"What do you like doing Tao?" once again, you question him back. 
"Um..." he was trying to think of a hobby. "Want to ride a bicycle?"
"Sound nice." you nod.
You and Tao went to a nearby bicycle store and pay for the rented bikes. 
"It has been a while since I ride a bicycle." you admitted.
"Do you need help?" Tao offer.
"Um, yeah." you said embarrassed. You're the type that prefer figuring it out by yourself but this was not one of those moment you can. You always fall off easily when you don't ride bicycle regularly. 
Tao help held one side of the bike and had his arm around you, but he wasn't touching you.
It was there to make sure you won't stumble while trying to get on it. 
"You got it?" 
"Yeah." you reply.
"Okay, start to pedal and I'll be right beside you." 
You felt more protected when you noticed how big and tall he was. 
After a couple of time helping you out, you finally got your skills back. The first time you almost fell down with the bicycle but lucky for you, Tao was there to help you. 
"Thank you." you gave him a smile as a nice gesture.
"No problem." he smiles back. 
The two of you just randomly ride the bicycle everywhere you could go. Since you're a girl, Tao followed your speed and ride beside you, but a little bit behind. That way, he could watch over you more. 
An hour passed by and now you and Tao went to a convenient store to buy ice cream.
"Here's your change."
"Thank you." Tao took his changes; he was paying for yours too.
"You have such a nice boyfriend." The girl behind the cashier says and you automatically wave your hands.
"You got i-." you said but was overshadowed by Tao's "Thank you." 
When you got out of the store you ask "Why did you say that?"
He handed your ice cream and you rip the paper wrapped around it.
"Well, we are somewhat on a date so why not?" he blush a little bit. 
Meanwhile, Kris and Bae Rim date.
"What do you want to do?" Kris ask.
"I don't know, what do you want to do?" Bae Rim ask back.
"I don't know, wha-" 
"I'm going upstairs." Bae Rim cutted off Kris sentence.
Kris took out his phone and texted his cousin, Ji Hee. 
"Hey cuz, how do I talk to girls? ㅠㅠ"
"We're back." you and Tao came into the living room only to see Kris alone on the couch watching TV.
"Where's Bae Rim?" you ask, but didn't really care.
You let out a little laugh knowing how their date probably went.
Bae Rim finally came downstairs when she heard noises. 
"Tao!" she ran up to Tao and gave him a hug. "I missed you."
Tao didn't hug her back so she let go.
"Hey Bae Rim, it's dinner time. Is it okay if I cook dinner?" Kris randomly suggested.
"Are you good at cooking?" 
"Okay then, help yourself."
"Want to help me out again?" Kris ask you.
"Totally." you smile.
"That was a really good dinner Kris." Tao compliment Kris's cooking skills.
"Thanks man." he smiled.
"Alright, as the host of this house. We shall watch a scary movie to end the day." Bae Rim clap her hands together.
For once you actually likes her idea. 
"What movie are we going to watch?" you ask.
"We're going to watch Souless." (A/N: not a real movie, I just made it up.)
"I heard that was rated the number one scariest movie." Kris say. 
"Good! I'll be right back with snacks and drinks then." Bae Rim went out of the media room. Her media room was almost like a movie theater, but more comfortable and more spaces to relax. 
While she was gone, you sat down and Kris followed you and sat on your right side. 
"I don't want to sit next to her." he whisper and you let out a small laugh.
Tao then sat down on your left side, which guarantee you didn't have to sit next to Bae Rim. 
"I'm back." she say cheerfully. She putted all of the drinks and snacks in the middle so it was convenient for all of you guys. 
"Thank you." you all say.
"Alright, let the movie begins." Bae Rim clapped her hands together.
When it was playing one of those scenes where everyone knows something scary is going to happen. Kris suddenly bends down to whisper into your ear, which made you jump a little. "If you're scare, you can hold onto my hand."
"Um, okay." you were scare but after that moment with Kris you weren't scare anymore, you were feeling nervous sitting beside him.
How could you hold onto his hand like its the easiest thing on the planet? 
"Tao," Bae Rim whisper to him. "can I hold onto you?"
Tao doesn't like how Bae Rim was always clinging onto him but this time he was fine with it because he has been wanting to hold onto something. The boy was literally screaming on the inside ever since the movie played.
"Sure." he try his best to make it seem he's interested in the movie by just staring at the screen and not looking at her.
"Okay then." and she automatically wrap her arms around Tao.
Having her hug Tao made him less scare now. He actually wanted to hug her back but decided not too, since that might show that he's scare of the movie. 
For some reason, you suddenly felt a hand over yours and that hand grabbed onto your hand. 
You jumped a little by the sudden contact, which made you bump into Kris's shoulder a little bit. You guys were only inches away. 
"Something wrong?" Kris ask you.
"Um, it's nothing." you reply back before turning your head towards Tao. You knew that it was Tao's hands on top of your left hand.
He gave you an expression of despair. 
The room was dark and the only light source was the TV screen. 
But you could still see that Bae Rim was hugging Tao like he was her teddy bear. 
You just decided to let him continue to hold onto your hand. You guys weren't holding hands to be exact. His hand was just on top of yours. 
After Tao hold onto your hand, he felt a little more calm now. 
Half way through the movie, Kris was getting tired and he couldn't continue to open his eyes anymore. He felt asleep and minutes later his head slowly falls down on his left side which soon ended on your right shoulder. 
You were surprise by the sudden contact. You turn your head over to check on him. Turn out he fell asleep and since the movie was still going on, you just let him like that.
Frankly, as of right now, you couldn't even continue to pay attention on the movie. You didn't even find it scary anymore because your nervous system was acting up with how your sitting between two guys and making some sort of contact with them. 
It was 11:45 pm when the movie ended. Kris woke up during the last 5 minutes and Tao took his hand of yours the last 10 minutes. Turn out Bae Rim was sleeping the whole time. So basically, only you and Tao stayed awake the whole time.
You guys all clean up and say goodnight before entering the room you guys were assigned. 
You were the type who take a bath at night so you took a quick one before sleeping. After drying yourself up, you got into your pjs and made your way onto the bed.
That was until you heard a knock on your door.
*Gosh, and just after we finished watching that scary movie.* Sure, you weren't that scare when you were watching the movie. But after the movie, you tend to think about it more and now you're scare. You always get the after effects of scary movie. 
You walk towards the door very slowly then put your ears against the door. No sound. 
There was another gently knock on the door. You took a deep breath before opening it. *There can't possibly be a ghost in this house.*
You almost jumped out of shock when you shall a dark tall figure in front of you. 
The only source of light was the little lamp beside the bed. 
"W-w-w-who a-re you?" you stuttered.
"It's me, Tao."
You let out a huge reliefs. 
"How can I help you?"
"Um." he pause "can I come in?"
"No?" you say while many scenario was playing in your head, who know what he could do to you.
"Sorry to bother you." 
You watch his figure disappear into his room, which was in front of yours. 
Meanwhile, Tao was covering himself up in the blanket and rolling around on the bed trying to sleep. 
He stopped when he heard a gently knock on the door. 
*Oh my god, there's a ghost!!!* he was screaming for dear life in his head. *Why couldn't I just say I was too sleepy to watch the movie!*
Tao was literally a walking burrito right now as he made his way to the door. 
"H-h-hello?" he ask.
"It's me, ____." you say over the door.
All of Tao's fears went away when he heard that it was you. He opened the door and saw that it really was you. Not some disfigured ghost. 
"Are you okay? I noticed how you didn't look so well." 
"I'm fine now, thank you."
"You know you can always talk to me." you offered. 
"Okay." he gave you a faint smile.
The two of us just stood there looking at each other for a couple of minutes in silence.
Seeing how we weren't talking anymore and after seeing ____'s face, I felt a lot better now. "Um, I'm going to sleep now." 
"Wait." she suddenly say and grabbed onto my left arm. I stopped and turn back to look at _____. "What's wrong?" I asked, worried.
She didn't say anything.
Instead, she step closer to me, got on her tip-toes and kissed me.
A longer chapter like I promised you guys :D
I would really appreciate it if you guys tell me what you think of this story so far >__<
Happy reading ^^

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I have no ideas what the heck I'm writing in the next chapter xD Just hope it all make sense and go along with the plot =.=


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@bunnyxwarrior: lolxD
let me give u a hint ;D
it's not the main girl or Tao because u guys live in a apartment 8D
theya re going to live at main girl's house. :O
no no... Bae Rim would not like that... her house probably. or Tao's... or Kris'? xD
anyways... whoopie doo for Bae Rim... not.
i don't mind Kris. :D
@MissDreamer: yes it is Jacinda! 8-|
omg this is crazy
@bunnyxwarrior: lol she a annoying evil girl 8D u'll know more about her soon~
haha take a guest ;D
main girl met Kris.
now... main girl works with Kris and Tao... and that mystery girl.
who is she. >O
anyways... i wonder who's house they are going to live in. :O
@dzgiirl96: aww I want to know!xD
LOL watch me write what u thought in ur head! xD
LOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LIVING TOGETHER XD I'm doing little scenarios in my head about what's going to happen but I won't say any 'cause maybe it's gonna happen for real xD
@Samona: OMG i should have thought of that!!!D8
well it to late to change now T-T
@Samona: yes yes it was fate 8D
lol same here i didn't like her when i wrote that chapter =.= ah i'm going to have to write more about her now ;-;
RLAB he could be~ i mean who can be that perfect?!O__O