Group Project.


"I'm ____ nice meeting you too." you said with a blank face on. You didn't know what face to put on so you just let whatever face pop on to you, which was a blank face. *What the heck ____? Seriously? A blank face?* 

You, Ji Hee and Kris end up eating lunch together. You still didn't know how in the world Ji Hee found herself this perfect human being as her friend. She couldn't even talk to Tao but how can she get him to be her friend?
Let just say a lot of thoughts ran through your head.

"So how did the two of you became friend?" you finally ask as you ate Ji Hee foods.
"Yah! I didn't say you could eat all of them!" she smack your hand from getting near her lunch box again. "Anyway we were already friend a long time ago because we're actually cousin. He just moved here to Korea a couple of days ago from China. Since he not familiar with how korean school run the principal made him have all of his class the same as mine." she said as she continue to get her lunch.

"Expect for one." he corrected her. "My last class is science with Mrs.Chae." 
"Really? I have her as my last class too."
"That's good then! You could be his friend and help him around!" she clap her hands.
"Yah I'm not a little kid to be needing help gosh." he playfully punch her in the arm, she just laughed.
*So that how real friends act with each other.* a small smile ran through your face. It wasn't like your usual fake smile.
It was a real smile.

"Uh-oh we better start getting back to class." Ji Hee said as she notice some students were heading back to their class now.
"Bye Ji Hee, bye Kris!" you waved them goodbye then head to your next class.
Once again you found that class was annoying like the rest of your class.
*I hope the last class won't be annoying like this* you sighed as you pack up your stuff and headed to your last class.
When you got there you saw Kris sitting alone at the end of the class. You decided to sit with him since you didn't know anyone in that class.
"Hey Kris." you said as you try to smile. You weren't use to smiling to people but if it come to a fake smile you could. You didn't know why.
"Hey ____." he said as he clear his throat still uncomfortable being with you. It was reasonable though, you two just met today and barely talk to each other much.
When you sat down you saw a couple walking into the class room in the corner at your eyes.
It was Tao and....that girl.
"Mr. and Mrs.Popular together huh?"
"Who popular?" Kris asked.
"Them." you pointed at them.
*She look familiar...* he thought as he examine her.

"Ok class take a seat." Mrs.Chae told the students. Tao and that girl end up sitting next to your table.
"Alright class, I know it's just the start of the new semester but you'll be doing a project for your first grade." the whole class let out a groan.
"It's not any kind of project you done before." everyone raise a brows.
"But you'll be working in a group of four." she happly clap her hands together. "Go ahead and form a group now." she gresture them to get going.
"Want to work together?" Kris ask which you automatically nod your head. "Now where are we going to get two more people..." he said as he scan through the classroom. 
"_____-ah want to work with us?" you turn around and saw that it was Tao who asked you and that girl was standing beside him. You look around the classroom and everyone already formed into a group so you had no choice. "Sure." 

"Now that all of you have formed a group. I'll be telling what your going to do." she said as she walk back and forth in front of the class.
"It's going to be a really interesting project. I never done this before so you guys will be the first class to do this." she stopped walking and stood in front of her desk with her hands on it.

"For two days, which well be this Saturday and Sunday. You're all going to live together in one of your group member's house." she smiled.


A/N:  yeah... you're probably like "what the @#%&$@ is this?!"
I don't even know what kind of science project is this! XD One of the weirdest 'project' I ever wrote so far 8D
BTW the girl name is still unknown until the next chapter~

Happy Reading<3

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I have no ideas what the heck I'm writing in the next chapter xD Just hope it all make sense and go along with the plot =.=


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@bunnyxwarrior: lolxD
let me give u a hint ;D
it's not the main girl or Tao because u guys live in a apartment 8D
theya re going to live at main girl's house. :O
no no... Bae Rim would not like that... her house probably. or Tao's... or Kris'? xD
anyways... whoopie doo for Bae Rim... not.
i don't mind Kris. :D
@MissDreamer: yes it is Jacinda! 8-|
omg this is crazy
@bunnyxwarrior: lol she a annoying evil girl 8D u'll know more about her soon~
haha take a guest ;D
main girl met Kris.
now... main girl works with Kris and Tao... and that mystery girl.
who is she. >O
anyways... i wonder who's house they are going to live in. :O
@dzgiirl96: aww I want to know!xD
LOL watch me write what u thought in ur head! xD
LOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LIVING TOGETHER XD I'm doing little scenarios in my head about what's going to happen but I won't say any 'cause maybe it's gonna happen for real xD
@Samona: OMG i should have thought of that!!!D8
well it to late to change now T-T
@Samona: yes yes it was fate 8D
lol same here i didn't like her when i wrote that chapter =.= ah i'm going to have to write more about her now ;-;
RLAB he could be~ i mean who can be that perfect?!O__O