My House or Your House?


Refreshment: (For those who forgot what happened) You found out Tao live next door to you. You and Tao have to be careful with your/his real personality. Kris and Bae Rim came into the story. You became friend with Kris and Bae Rim basically wants Tao. You guys all end up in the same science class and ended up in a group project where you have to live together for 2 days. 



"What is it Tao?" you ask calmly this time, you were getting tired from what happened all day.
​"It's getting late now. I'll walk you home." He says then finally let go of your wrist. You look up at the sky and noticed how it was getting dark now. You always walk home without paying much attention to how late it was.
“I can walk home by myself.”  You reply back after a few second of looking around your surroundings.
“You’re a girl and we’re also neighborhood so just let me take you home at least today. I don’t like knowing a girl is walking home by herself. The world isn’t as safe as we want it to be.”
To be honest you were going to let him take you home but decided to do a little test on him. To see if he’s really a guy you could rely on.
He passed the test.


Ji Hee came running up to you when she spotted you walking to the school’s entrance. “Hey ____! So how was class with my cousin, Kris?” she said, a little out of breath.
“It was totally weird if you ask me. The class that is, not your cousin. He’s cool.”
“Yeah, I heard from him that you guys have this weird project to do and oh my gosh, Tao is also in your group!” Ji Hee voie suddenly got higher and louder which made you cover your ears. It was that bad.
“Sorry ____, I just can’t believe you get to, kind of, live with him for two days. You know how much I like him.”  Ji Hee started to frown.
Once in a while you find Ji Hee to be cute.
You patted her head to comfort her. “Don’t frown Ji Hee, you’ll get your chance.”
Frankly, you rather have her as Tao girlfriend than that annoying Bae Rim. 

Time flies by so quick that you didn’t even notice it was time for your last period.
“Hey ____.” Kris greeted you as you came toward your desk.
“Hey.” You smile and he smile back. As you settle down on your seat you saw the 'unofficial' couple walks into the class room. Bae Rim was literally throwing herself onto Tao arm like she would fall down if she didn’t hold onto him. She should really get a hint that Tao doesn’t like her. Just looking at Tao expression made you laugh. “What’s so funny?” Kris ask when he saw you laughing.
“Um.. nothing.” You finally calm down when Tao and Bae Rim sat down next to your table.
“By the way, I forgot to ask during lunch time, but what happened yesterday?”
You were wondering what he was asking when you remember what he was referring to.
“Oh, that, um a friend of mine needed me?” you stated but it only ended up like your questioning yourself.
Luckily, he didn’t ask anymore question and ended it with an “Oh.”


“Well, hello class. Sorry I arrive after all of you guys but the class next door to us needed my help.” Mrs. Chae came up to her desk and put down some paper work on it. “For today, I’ll let you guys have a once in a life time free period all to yourself. But I want you guys to get with your groups and get to know each other a little bit,alright?  I have to go back and help the other class again and since it’s next door to us, I can hear you guys. So behave.” And with that she grab another stack of paperwork and before she left she said “Also, start thinking of which house you guys are going to be staying at. Bye.”

It was 1:20 pm and you and kris were sitting in front of Tao and Bae Rim. Since neither you or Bae Rim like each other, you were facing Tao and she was facing Kris.
“Have we met before?” Kris was the first to talk after you guys finish arranging the table to it's current state.
“Um, I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” Bae Rim let out a small laugh. You noticed how it was a rather odd laugh though, but you didn’t care about her so you didn’t think to much about it.
“Okay, so um whose house should it be?” Kris changed the topic.
“It can’t be mine because my apartment is too small to fit all of you guys.”  You confessed. It was true though, just having two people in that house was kind of crowed. But it was mostly because you didn’t like people getting in your stuff.
“Aww, how sad.” Bae Rim did a little sad face then smirk.  She then turn her attention to Tao “What about your place?”
“Um…” Tao was trying really hard to come up with an excuse. He didn’t want people to come into his house and see all of the cute decorations he putted in his house. “Umm, my grandparents are coming over to visit and they’re staying there for a week so we can’t use my place.”
You let out a little smirk since you could tell he was totally making up an excuse. That apartment you guys lived in can’t hold that many people.
“Aw, that’s too bad. Tell your grandparents I say hi.”
“Yeah.” He looked at Bae Rim, glad that she bought the excuse.
“So, now it come down to you two then.” You look at Kris, but he only sigh.
Bae Rim saw his expression and decided to speak up. “Okay, fine. We’ll do our project at my house. My parents rich so the place is huge enough for all of us.” She smirked at you and you smirk back.

“Okay then, Bae Rim house it is then.”  


Hey guys :) I don't know if any of you guys are still around to read this new update (after years of no news about this story i'm sorry T__T)

Enjoy ^^

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I have no ideas what the heck I'm writing in the next chapter xD Just hope it all make sense and go along with the plot =.=


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@bunnyxwarrior: lolxD
let me give u a hint ;D
it's not the main girl or Tao because u guys live in a apartment 8D
theya re going to live at main girl's house. :O
no no... Bae Rim would not like that... her house probably. or Tao's... or Kris'? xD
anyways... whoopie doo for Bae Rim... not.
i don't mind Kris. :D
@MissDreamer: yes it is Jacinda! 8-|
omg this is crazy
@bunnyxwarrior: lol she a annoying evil girl 8D u'll know more about her soon~
haha take a guest ;D
main girl met Kris.
now... main girl works with Kris and Tao... and that mystery girl.
who is she. >O
anyways... i wonder who's house they are going to live in. :O
@dzgiirl96: aww I want to know!xD
LOL watch me write what u thought in ur head! xD
LOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LIVING TOGETHER XD I'm doing little scenarios in my head about what's going to happen but I won't say any 'cause maybe it's gonna happen for real xD
@Samona: OMG i should have thought of that!!!D8
well it to late to change now T-T
@Samona: yes yes it was fate 8D
lol same here i didn't like her when i wrote that chapter =.= ah i'm going to have to write more about her now ;-;
RLAB he could be~ i mean who can be that perfect?!O__O