Sorry I'm late.




“Who’d knew it would be Saturday already?” You say as you approach the front gate of Bae Rim’s house.


“She sure is rich.” You let out a sigh as you look at the spectacular spaces.  
You found out that you were the only one that Bae Rim didn’t ask if you wanted one of her driver to pick you up or not. You over hear she asking Tao and Kris but never to you. The only time she talked to you after that little chat about whose house to use was when she told you her address.
She told you to arrive super early but didn’t tell you exactly what time. So you decided to show up early.
6:30 AM.
Since you didn’t want to keep standing in the cold morning breeze, you came up to the front gate and press the button.
“Hello?” a male voice came out of the speaker.
“Hello, I’m ____. I’m here to do a project with Bae Rim. She told me to come early.”

“_____?” he paused for a few second, which you assumed he was checking the list of name for the day. Since that’s what most movies portray when the owner is rich. “Ah yes, _____, please come in.” the man over the speaker opened the gate and now you could see a clearer view of her house.
“Thank you.”  You say before entering.

The walk to the front door was longer than you thought. “Damn, did they purposely make it long so they could get some exercise?” you mumbled as the cold wind keep on hitting on your left side. After what seem like forever, you finally made it to the door. “And of course they have another security check.” You say before pressing the button on the side of the door.
“How may I help you?” this time the voice was a female one.
“Um hello, my name is _____. I’m here to work on a project with Bae Rim.”
Once again there was a pause after you stated what your name was and why you’re here.
“Yes, _____. Bae Rim informed me to only let you in when it’s 7:00 am.”
You stood there dumbfounded before pressing the button again.
“Yes?” the female ask, still knowing it was you.
“W-wait, so I’m just supposes to stand out here? You’re not going to at least let in sit in the living room and wait for her?”  
“I’m sorry, but this was instructive by our Bae Rim. I’m sorry again.” And just like that the communication ended.
“What the hell?!” you basically almost screamed. You took out your flip phone and saw that it was 6:38 am.
“Oh how much I hate you, Bae Rim.” You flip your phone back hard and put it back in your jacket. Since you didn’t just want to stand there and freeze, you decided to walk around.


You took out your phone again and finally it was 6:59 am, so you walk back to the front door and press the button again.
“Yes?” it was the same female again.
You look at your phone again before speaking. “It’s exactly 7:00 am now.”
“Indeed it is,” once again there was a pause. “Please come in.” and finally the door open.
“Thank you.” You said before stepping into the house.

When you got inside you closed the door and had a look around the house.
You heard someone call you and turned to the direction of the voice.
“Kris?” you ask, kind of shock. The boy literally looked like he just woke up and like he owns this place with how comfortable he made himself in her house.
“How long have you been here?”
Kris putted down his mug before walking closer to you since he was in the living room while you were still in the entrance.
“Since last night. Bae Rim told us to arrive the nigh before the project start since she wants all of us to settle in comfortably.”
Your blood was literally boiling on the inside now. You weren’t even cold anymore despite being outside for 30 minutes.
“So, you’re saying you and Tao are already here?” you try hard to control your anger.
“Yeah, they’re upstairs right now still sleeping. By the way, how come you didn’t come yesterday? Bae Rim was worried and since none of us have your number we couldn’t call you.”

Oh how much you wanted to punch Bae Rim right now.


“Well, it seem I was rather busy with another personal matter that I couldn’t make it yesterday.” You let out a laugh, but really you just wanted to scream and crush Bae Rim's soul.
“Ah, it seem our last member finally show up.” Both you and Kris turned your direction to the stairs.
There was Bae Rim walking down the stairs in her pj and full makeup already on her face.
“I told you to arrive last night but it seem you don’t think we’re that important to you.” She says as she put on her sad acting.
*More like the opposite* you thought as you look at her evil face.
“Anyway, we forgive you. Kris,” she looks at Kris now “can you please show her to her room? It’s the one next to yours.”
“Okay.” he said then gently put his hand on your shoulder to guide you. You on the other hand gave Bae Rim one last look before taking your eyes off her.

“Well, here your room.” Kris say then open the door for you.  You got in and so did Kris.
You put your backpack down on the bed then notice how Kris was inside your room too.
“Umm, so what did you guys do last night?” for some reason you were nervous. Usually you don’t get nervous around people.
Kris was sitting down on the sofa chair provided and was just looking at you.
“I arrived late so she just showed me to my room and then I slept right away.” He reply back still looking at you.
It’s funny how just second ago you were filled with anger and here you are standing beside the bed nervously as you look at Kris looking back at you.  
“You don’t like Bae Rim do you?” he finally let out a small laugh after having a staring contest with you.  
“You can tell?” you ask, this time a little bit less nervous.
“I can tell when girls don’t like each other.” He laughs again then lean back on the chair.
“You sure know how to make yourself comfortable Kris.”
“I’m not comfortable whatsoever.” He looks at you again and let out another laugh. You find yourself laughing too. 




Here's another update ^^ 
The next chapter will be longer. 
Happy reading :)
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I have no ideas what the heck I'm writing in the next chapter xD Just hope it all make sense and go along with the plot =.=


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@bunnyxwarrior: lolxD
let me give u a hint ;D
it's not the main girl or Tao because u guys live in a apartment 8D
theya re going to live at main girl's house. :O
no no... Bae Rim would not like that... her house probably. or Tao's... or Kris'? xD
anyways... whoopie doo for Bae Rim... not.
i don't mind Kris. :D
@MissDreamer: yes it is Jacinda! 8-|
omg this is crazy
@bunnyxwarrior: lol she a annoying evil girl 8D u'll know more about her soon~
haha take a guest ;D
main girl met Kris.
now... main girl works with Kris and Tao... and that mystery girl.
who is she. >O
anyways... i wonder who's house they are going to live in. :O
@dzgiirl96: aww I want to know!xD
LOL watch me write what u thought in ur head! xD
LOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LIVING TOGETHER XD I'm doing little scenarios in my head about what's going to happen but I won't say any 'cause maybe it's gonna happen for real xD
@Samona: OMG i should have thought of that!!!D8
well it to late to change now T-T
@Samona: yes yes it was fate 8D
lol same here i didn't like her when i wrote that chapter =.= ah i'm going to have to write more about her now ;-;
RLAB he could be~ i mean who can be that perfect?!O__O