Dream and Date

Trust and Believe

Okay sorry it took a while...but here it is...Sorry i dont have a main chapter picture for u guys this time...couldnt find one that suits this chapter... By the way....the cloaked people are going to be called by the color of their cloaks just so you know. It's easier for me to just say Red or Blue okie dokie? alrighty ENJOOOOY!!:D


No One’s POV

“I wonder what we can do with that girl of his.” The Red one said.

“Whose? Siwon’s?” The Blue one replied.

“Who else’s?” Sarcasm written all over his voice.

“Oookay…how about another classic?”

“And your mind is thinking…what exactly?”

“Exactly…the mind.”

“Oooh!...that classic. Oooo and one of my favorites too.” The red one chuckled slightly.

“And again I agree with you… brother.”


“Who’s stopping us?”

“That’s why I love you haha” Red smiled evilly.

“What would you do without me?”

“HA…have a lot more to eat tonight. All my ‘morsels’ are gone by the time I get there.”

“Well come early and you’ll have no problem getting your share…So whose turn is it for the dream control?”

“I think that would be yours brother.” Red crossed his legs in the chair and connected his hands as his elbows resting on table.

“Don’t mind if I do then.”

“Remember…don’t eat her yet.”

“I wouldn’t dreamof it brother hehe.” Blue joked.

“At least not yet?” He read his mind…literally.

“Oh you know me too well.”  He smirked and then disappeared out the window.

Emi’s POV

“Huh…huh…huh….huh” I panted.

‘Why am I breathing so hard?’ I thought to myself.

‘And why does it seem like I’m moving?’ I looked down at the ground and found my legs moving as well.

‘I’m… running?...But why? And where am I going?’ I continued. All these questions ran through my mind. Instinctively, I had the sudden urge to look behind me and see if someone was following me. I did as I thought and turned around while bringing my run down to a jog. I turned back around and noticed my surroundings. It was dark but just light enough to see where I was going.

“Huh…huh…huh…then why…why…am I running?” I said out loud. I turned around once again and this time I saw glowing red eyes. I became somewhat scared. I turned back around immediately and tried to run as fast as I could to get away from whatever it was. 

‘Keep running! Keep running!’ I said to myself. I looked behind me again and saw that it was catching up faster than I thought. My eyes widened in horror. I realized it was a something or someone with a cloak looking thing on.

“Why…is it… so fast?” I was running out of breath. I glanced back once again and this shocked me even more. It was three feet away from me and its appearance spelled “You’ll never get away”. I tried to run harder. Again another failed attempt. I was scared out of my mind.

“SOMEBODY?! ANYBODY?! HELP ME PLEASE!!” I shouted but no one came. “SIWON OPPA!!” I screamed. I don’t know why I called his name but I felt that he would protect me for sure.

Suddenly, it came in front of me and stopped me dead in my tracks. I know…nice choice of words, but that’s how I felt at that moment. As good as dead. I backed away slowly. Eyes full of fear.

“What do you want from me? Why are you chasing me?” I asked trying not to anger it if it was angry. I heard…him?

‘It’s a person,’ I realized. He chuckled menacingly.

“What do you think?” He answered now approaching me. His voice was dark and deep. Not to mention very frightening. I backed up into a…wall?

‘When was that wall there?’ I thought as I looked up to him terrified. Immediately, my legs started to tremble, feeling weak, but I couldn’t fall down just yet.

“So this is what he sees in you? Hmm…you look quite innocent to me…But to your dismay…I like innocent ones. And your aroma…it’s…INTOXICATING!” he said while touching my hair.

“P-please don’t touch me.” I begged and turned my head as he now closed the gap between the hood of his cloak and my face. His hand trailed down my face to my chin. He then started to take my shirt off my shoulder.

‘Siwon oppa…help me.’ I cried out in my mind. I was too terrified and disgusted to speak anymore.

No One’s POV

“Hey Janelle…Where’s Emi? Isn’t she going to be late for her date? It’s already…3pm” Lani looked at the clock and then back at Janelle who was now looking at the clock too.

“How can she sleep so long? I mean we only stayed up til 4am.” Janie replied and got up from the couch.

“Lets go wake her up then shall we?” Lani turned off the T.V.

“Cool with me.” She agreed.

Janelle and Lani walked down the hallway and soon reached her door.

“!” the cloaked one sensed a presence at the door and soon flew out the window to avoid being caught.

“Damn! Someone’s always ruining my fun!” He said angrily while floating beside the window. He shortly vanished and returned to his lair.

“…Help me…somebody.” Emi faintly said, still in her dream state.

“HEY EEEEMIIII!! Wake up! You’re gonna be late for your own date that you set up!” Janelle through the cover off of her revealing her light blue night gown.

Night gown-


 She pulled her up by her arms in a sitting position. Lani just watched amused while crossing her arms by the doorframe. ‘She’s always so hard to get up,’ She thought.

They heard a weak reply. “Help me…please…”

“We’re trying to help you here but you won’t get your up! Now snap out of it!” Janie said mildly shaking her.

They saw a single tear come out of her eye.

“What the?” Janie sat there still holding her arms.

“Is she having a nightmare?” Lani came over and sat on the bed.

“Wake up Emi yah.” She started to shake her but she wouldn’t wake up.

“Janie go get some water and splash it on her.”

“Okay.” Janie went to the bathroom and got a cup full of water. She came back and immediately splashed it on her. She started coughing and breathing hard.

“Emi yah? You ok sweetie?” Lani said caringly.

“Yea emi.. you ok?” Janie added with the same concern.

“Lani? Janie?” She opened her eyes slowly. “Oh I’m so glad to see you guys!” She then pulled them both into a teary hug.

“What’s wrong?” Janie asked.

“Yea, what happened?”

“In my dream, this person had glowing red eyes… He was chasing me and then caught me. He then started to…He was trying to…to…” she couldn’t finish her sentence and started crying right then and there. They both looked at each other behind Emi’s head worried.

“It’s ok emi yah. We’re here. No one’s gonna do anything to you.”

“Yea sweetie. It was just a nightmare. Ok?”

“Yea… I-I realize that now…but it scared me so much.” She said now releasing them from her arms and wiping her eyes.

“Well…you know what will cheer you up?”


“Don’t tell me you forgot.”

“What is it?” She sniffed.

“Your date with you know who?”

“O NOOO!! WHAT TIME IS IT?”  She jumped out of the bed and picked up her clock from the nightstand. “3:15” the clock read.

“Oh my gosh! It almost 3:30! Ottoke?” She seemed like she lost all hope.

“Calm down ok? We’ll help you with your outfit, do your hair, and prepare the picnic basket thing.” Lani said and both pushed her out the room to the bathroom.

“Now go get in the shower and brush your teeth.” They closed the door, went back to her bedroom, and started to swarm through her closet.

“I think this one is a good one.”

“Naaah…She’s doing a picnic, not hosting a club party. Gosh sometimes I worry about how you dress for your daily activities.”

“Hey your outfit isn’t so picnicky either.”

“Whaat?! This screams sophisticated yet pure.”

“More like it’s screaming I want to be alone and not get laid for the rest of my life.”

“Ugh! Fine.”

“Fine. Let’s keep looking then.” They both put their dresses back and started rummaging through the closet.

“THIS ONE!!” they both said when they grabbed the same dress.

“I see we think alike sometimes.” Janie said amused.

“Yea I guess so.”

Dress- (http://clickini.com/media/images/product/large/lennox_yellowgold.jpg)

“And the shoes?” Lanie asked.

“These ones of course.”


Shoes-( http://www.plusshe.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Gold-Alli-Gladiator-Sandals-300x282.jpg)

Emi’s POV

~In the shower~

‘What was that dream all about? It felt so real. Why didn’t I have enough strength to lift my arms and push him away? Well…it was just a dream anyways. Hopefully I won’t have it again tonight.’ I thought, now wrapping myself in a towel. I wiped the mirror and looked at myself.

“Ok Emi…this is the day. You need to ask him what his feelings are for you ok?” I pointed to the mirror and commanded myself. I walked out of the bathroom when I was done with brushing my teeth and went into my room to find my outfit all laid out and read to go.

“You guys always have good taste.”

“We know!” I turned around and found them at the door with their arms folded.

“Now get ready it’s already 3:30.”

“You might want to tell him your gonna be late,” Janie said.

“Huh...” I sighed. “Yea I guess so…” I got my phone and called Siwon.

No One’s POV

“Zzzz…zzzz…zzzz”  Siwon picked up the phone and saw that it was Emi.

“Hey…where are you?” He asked without a proper hello.

“Oh y-yea…I wanted to tell you I’ll be a little late. Are you there already?”

“No” he lied while standing waiting for her to come.

“O-oh…well I just…I thought you might be there by now waiting for me…soo…I just wanted to call you,” She said a little disappointed that he wasn’t waiting for her.

“Yea? Well it’s fine…I’ll be there in a little while though.”

“O-oh…really? Well… I guess it all works out then.”

“I can pick you up if you want.” He replied while looking at his surroundings.

“No no! I-it’s fine. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” She answered quickly.

“Okay…see you there.”

“Okay then…bye Oppa.” He hung up the phone and looked around him.

‘ I wonder why she wanted to meet me so bad…and on a beach for that matter.’ He thought as he sat down under a tree in the sand and watched the ocean.

~Emi’s Apartment~

“Hurry up…you can’t keep him waiting any longer!” Lani said pushing me out the door.

“Ok okay…I just need the basket and need to put my shoes on….ooookay I’m ready!” Emi said while trying to find my key to the house.

“Good now lock the door and get in the car!” Janie yelled while walking downstairs. Lani followed shaking her head. She locked the door, got in the Lani’s car, and they drove to the beach. They finally arrived 8 minutes later.

“Thanks you guys. You’re the best!” Emi said as she got out the car.

“We know…now go and be as open as a book ok?” Janie enthusiastically said and Emi looked back with a confused face. Lani rolled her eyes.

“Not ually if that’s what your thinking. She means don’t be afraid to tell him how you feel. But with a few glued pages together ok?” Lani smiled and all three shouted “hwaiting”. They drove off to the mall to maybe catch some guys as Emi thought they were gonna do.


HEEEEEY!! i now your still wondering what they are and it will be revealed in due time...but not alot time though hehe^_^...Anyways...you'll be seeing the effects of the dream soon enough and the next chapter will be added soon....Trust me this time aha...i know corny...comment please...silent readers too...ok I'm off. See ya next chapter annyeong!! :D

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Maybe..maybe not hehe^_^
ooooh my i have a feeling that her and her friends are much more than what meets the eye
haha well thanks for commenting and ill try to keep you entertained!!hehe^__^
ohhh im hooked lol
HAHAHA...yea i kinda did too...i have all these ideas and i just want it to come out right in the end....And yea Siwon has that charm to him hehe^_^
wonnie-kyu #6
I giggled all the way reading while thinking this could be something happening every day for Siwon, women dazed by the gorgeous creature he is, trying to speak to him or draw his attention. I don’t blame them, he is a charmer!