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Personal Message

Helllo my profile viewers!:D hehe.....I don't really have a personal message at the moment but I'll try to think of something later.

I didn't want to just leave this blank so i decided to write a little somethin' somethin' hehe.

But if you go down to "About Me" then maybe you'll be more interested in that than reading this useless "Personal Message" haha....

Alright see you there!

About Me


Hello again lol...

I was just a silent reader before I got my account. Now I want to be someone whom others read stories from.

Haha I say this like its a long life time dream came true or something! LOLXD

Anyway, Hi you can call me sweet muff or sweetie or whatever nickname you can get out of my username haha (no bad ones if there are any lol)...and I'm just a regular girl trying to write fanfics that people will like...or love... either one haha (preferably love hehe).

I might be even expressing myself through fanfics. I don't know yet, but I plan on writing as the ideas come to my head.

I will never try to abandon my stories because I know how intense a commenter can get or how silent readers and/or commenters are just dying for the next update on a chapter. So I will try not to fail you my beautiful silent/open readers and commenters haha...

Well...that's all I got for now hehe. Hope you read my stories to come.=D