A Starry Night

Trust and Believe


Emi’s P.O.V.

I said goodbye to Janelle, went home that night, and tried to go to sleep. Unfortunately, my mind kept thinking about him. ‘I wonder if I’ll see him tomorrow.’ I looked up to the ceiling in contemplation.

~Five Days Later~

“AWWWW” I yawned as I stood in front of the cash register waiting for more customers. ‘I wonder if he’s going to come at all today.’ I sighed and looked at the clock. It’s already 6 pm. ‘I might as well give up in thinking that he’ll come again. My shift is almost done with.’ He’s been coming every day since the first time I saw him. And he would stare at me, order the same thing and tease me sometimes. Well, at least I think he is.  I heard the bell and quickly looked at the door. To my dismay, it was just a regular customer. “Welcome to Sweeties,” I said with a slightly sad tone.

“Hey Emi.” A partially deep voice said to me. I looked up and to my surprise it was Siwon.

“Oh?...Hi…Siwon ssi.” I was caught off guard and this time I didn’t have that much to say. Or in other words, I couldn’t say anything. I stood there frozen staring intently at him. “Emi? Hello?” I saw a hand wave in front of my face. ‘Again with staring. I just can’t stop doing that.’ I snapped out of my trance as I saw the same beautiful man in front of me. “I did it again didn’t I?” I asked with a sad expression.

“Yeeeaaaa….what’s up with you? Are you sick or something?” He put his hand my forehead and his other hand on his.

“I..I think I’m fine…t..thank you.” I pulled his hand away and turned around pretending like I was checking something. When, in fact, I was only trying to hide my embarrassment.

After I cooled down, I turned around and asked, “Anyways…umm…is it the same thing as yesterday?”

“Not exactly.”

“Oh? Well….did you want to try something new? It’s always good to change it up a little.”

“ I want to change it up a little but…not in that way.”

“Eh?...um…w..what do mean? Oh like coffee? We do that too if you want. It’s really not a problem.” I continued and counted on my fingers what kind of changes there could be to coffee. He suddenly leaned over the counter, looked at me in the eyes, and I stopped talking.

“You really do talk to much. You know that?” I looked back in his serious eyes and nervously laughed. “Yea…hehe…I thought…you know…you shou...” I couldn’t finish my sentence before he interrupted.

“By changing it up a bit, I mean you and me.”

“I..I’m sorry?”

“What I mean is that I want to take you out for a bit and talk to you.”

“Umm…I don’t think I’m free afterwards…I..I mean I made plans with my friend, Janelle, and she doesn’t really like me ditching out on her and it’s not really bright outsi…” he interrupted me once again as he put his index finger on my lips. I stared at him in shock.

“I’m not taking no for an answer…and don’t worry…I won’t try to kidnap you or anything,” he smirked at me and took his finger away from my lips. I replaced them with mine and continued my shocked face as he walked away. “Oh and by the way,” he turned around and looked at me again “When do you get off work?”

“8:00...b..but.” I tried to catch his attention again but I couldn’t. I pouted and mildly smiled. ‘Aw…what I have I gotten myself into? I mean I can barely speak normally in front of him. How am I supposed to go out and talk to him?’

I fearfully tapped my fingers on the counter as the clock approached 8:00. “One more minute and I’m doomed,” I whined.

“Well. Good job today Emi…you can go home now,” Sungmin oppa said to me. “Emi? Are you ok? Your face looks like you saw a ghost or something. And why do you keep staring at the clock? Is it broken? I thought I gave it new batteries last week.”

“Huh?...oh oppa…it’s nothing…nothing…in particular.” I sighed.

“Ok…then I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh and lock up will ya? Bye emi yah.” I sighed once again at the daily routine of me locking up and closing the shop.


Siwon’s POV

I waited for her outside her shop, knowing she was about to be off soon. When I saw her come out the shop, I noticed she didn’t see me. ‘She looks like she’s waiting.’ I didn’t hesitate to go to her. “Waiting for somebody?” I asked while putting my hand on her shoulder. She quickly looked up at me and just as quickly looked back down. ‘Haha. How cute. She’s shy once again.’ I mentally laughed but it only came out as a grin.

“S..so where did you want to take me?” she asked taking partial glances at me. I suddenly took her hand and led her to a place that I thought she would like. “Where a.are we going, Siwon ssi?”

“You’ll see” I replied still tugging her along. “Do you like stars, Emi ssi?” I said as I led her to my car.

“ YES! I LOVE STARS!” She grabbed my arm and finally noticed my surprised expression. “Ahem…I mean y..yea…there pretty cool you know.” She turned her head from my direction and once again I had to laugh. We soon got in my car and drove off.


Emi’s POV

“A..are we going to see stars, Siwon ssi?” I asked curiously and excitedly. Ever since I was little I loved stars. I would try to pick out the constellations too. But I could never find any wherever I lived.

“Yes, we are.”

“Really? With a telescope and everything? And constellations too?” I said almost too fast. He chuckled and nodded. I squealed. Yes squealed at the chance to finally see the big dipper, little dipper, or any dipper for that matter. “Siwon ssi? A..are we almost there yet?” I asked 10 minutes later.

“We’re pretty much there.” He replied and continued driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on his mouth as his elbow rested by the window. I really must say that’s really y of him. I looked at him and quickly turned back around to stop myself from thinking any further. ‘Get it together Emi,’ I told myself.

“We’re here,” he said. I looked around and saw all these hills and fields without any city lights, just the night sky lighting all around it. The moon was as full as ever.

“Wooow! It’s beautiful!!” I exclaimed as we got out the car.

“I figured you would like it.” Siwon answered as he went to his trunk. “What a..are you doing back there?” I went to where he was to see what he was bringing out.

“What do think it is?” He said. ‘Duh! The telescope,’ I mentally slapped myself. “Oh” is all I said. “Let’s go.”

Siwon’s POV

I had my telescope in one hand and her hand in the other. I also had some food since she probably hasn’t eaten yet. I took her to a spot on the hill that I always go to and set up the telescope. I looked through it and tried to find the little dipper. I glanced over at Emi and saw that she was restless. ‘It looks like she really wants to see it.' I smirked and finally, I found it. I knew exactly where it was but it takes a minute. “Come here,” I motioned for her to come near me. She came over and stood on her toes to see through the telescope. “Here…let me help you.” I laughed to myself. I grabbed her waist and held her up. She gasped and I just smiled.

“T..thank you,” She replied shyly.

“Can you see it?” I asked after a while

“O My Gosh! Yes! I Can!! It’s Amazing!” She shouted as soon as she let go of the telescope.


She looked back up at the sky. I let go of her waist and she turned towards me. She jumped up and down lightly. To my surprise, she gave me a huge hug around my neck and I held her by her waist. “T..thank you soo much for taking me here. You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to see stars.” She let go and stared at me and I stared back.

“You really love stars don’t you?”

“I loved them ever since I was small.” She looked up to the sky like she was remembering her childhood. “My dad would take me to the backyard and he would always say that he would take me to that place where the ceiling roof opens and we would look out to see these different stars and even the moon through this huge telescope that’s like 2000 times better than what we were seeing in our backyard. I couldn’t wait for that day to come.”

“So why didn’t you?”

“As most stories, we were low on money and my dad was getting ill.”


“Yea…that’s why I couldn’t go anymore and still haven’t. But what about you? Have you ever been?”

“Well…you can say that I’ve seen the stars from a whole different point of view.” We were now sitting on the grass looking up at the stars.


“Nevermind. You hungry?”

“You brought food too?”


After eating for a while, I started to have this weird feeling that someone was watching us. I looked behind me and again, no one was there. ‘This feeling is getting stronger by the day.’ I thought while looking around. “Emi. I think it’s time to get you home. It’s already 12am.”

“Oh.” She sadly replied.

“Maybe we can come again another time.”


“Yea sure haha.” She squealed once again and gave me a hug. ‘I can get used to this,’ I thought. And there it was again. That strange feeling. “Let’s get going,” I said and pulled away from our embrace.

“Oh..s..sorry about that.” She said

“Mmm.” I said nonchalantly. We got in my car and drove off.


No One’s POV

“We need to hide our appearance more. He’s starting to notice us or at least something leading to us,” the guy in the red cloak said.

“Yea ok but who’s that girl that’s with him? She can’t be one of them can she?” the one in the blue cloak asked.

“No. I sense that she’s just a regular human being.”

“Hmmm…this gives me an idea.”

“Your not talking about the classic kidnapping idea, are you?” The one in the red cloak sarcastically said.

“Hehe maaaybee…or just an attempt. What do you think?”

“Depends. What do you have in mind?”

“Haha. We’ll talk back at the lair.” Soon, they disappeared in the night.

Emi's POV

We arrived at my apartment and got out the car. "T..thank you again. I really loved it," I looked at him.

"No problem, Emi ssi...oh by the way, give me your phone number."


"And also give me your phone." I hesitantly pulled out my phone but he saw it and grabbed it immediately.

"Here...you've got my phone number. Now what's yours?"

"721..." I continued. "Alright. See you on our next date."

"W..what?...This was a date?"

"What you think I go around and take girls to go see stars and make them food all the time? Pssh! Hell no! haha"

"Oh...well...thank you...for a nice...date Siwon ssi." I turned around and headed for the stairs. "Oppa."

"What?" I turned back around. "Call me oppa from now on." "O..okay....oppa." I giggle like a little school girl and ran upstairs to my apartment. 'Ugh...i can be such a little girl.' 

I sat in my bed and looked at my text that I was going to send Siwon. It reads

'Thank you for a wonderful time. I hope you have sweet dreams. Good night.....Oppa:)' -Emi

I was going back and forth on whether to send it. "Just send it Emi. It's not like your asking to have with the guy. Your just saying thank you and good night. that's all," I convinced myself and finally sent it. "Ahhhh!! I sent it. I wonder if he'll reply back soon.' I wondered while laying on my stomach staring at my phone.

Siwon's POV

I drove back home and saw my friends lying on the couch and floor while the T.V. was on. Junk food was everywhere I shook my head in amazement of how they could do that almost every night. "Hey Jaejoong! Hey Taeyang!" i yelled to them but they just waved there hand at me like they were watching some thing good. As curious as I was, I went over there and tried to see what they were watching. Unfortunately, I couldn't because I suddenly got a text. From Emi yah. I read it and smiled to myself.

"Who could that be that's making you smile that wide." Jaejoong said. I looked at him and Tae trying to look at my phone.

"Yea man. I haven't seen you smile that wide before." Taeyang included.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I said putting my phone in my pocket. They ignored me finally after giving me the speech of not being able to look that much into the relationship because of what we are. I knew that but i didn't really care. I might as well break the rules for this year of my life. I replied back to her and sent

'You've thanked me enough already...Go to bed:)' -Siwon


Annnnd the second chapter is done with. It seems they're progressing pretty fast or at least at a good speed to me. What in world could Siwon be you ask?.....Hmmmm......well i have an idea in mind hehe...but you'll just have to wait and see...and also the third chapter will be up...mmmm...maybe in a few days but you wont have to wait long...alrighty then....see ya in the next chapter. annyeong!!:D

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Maybe..maybe not hehe^_^
ooooh my i have a feeling that her and her friends are much more than what meets the eye
haha well thanks for commenting and ill try to keep you entertained!!hehe^__^
ohhh im hooked lol
HAHAHA...yea i kinda did too...i have all these ideas and i just want it to come out right in the end....And yea Siwon has that charm to him hehe^_^
wonnie-kyu #6
I giggled all the way reading while thinking this could be something happening every day for Siwon, women dazed by the gorgeous creature he is, trying to speak to him or draw his attention. I don’t blame them, he is a charmer!