New Job and Fear

Trust and Believe


Sorry for late update! Enjoy!^^'


No One’s Pov

 “Are we doing this or not?”

“In time we’ll follow through with our plan. We don’t always need her around.”

“I’m sure our mission is being discussed by Noonim as we speak.”

“She doesn’t know ok. We don’t have time to wait on her anyways. She might be stronger than us but she can’t hold us in forever.”

“A little impatient aren’t we boys?” A sinister yet calm voice broke out into the room.

“N-noonim?!” they turned around in fear, frantically looking for her to appear at any moment.

“Are you two going to be a problem?” She continued, her eerie voice hitting against the walls.

“Of course not Noonim,” one of them answered.

“Good. You two will be heading out. Soon you’ll get to taste that…precious little girl that one of you is so… intoxicated by…that’s if you do the job right.” The two immediately grinned at the thought and sneered. “I’m sure you’ll have no problem with that right?”

“Ne noonim!” they both replied, her presence vanishing.

“She didn’t hear right?”

“I don’t think so. We’ll just discuss our plan elsewhere…Don’t you know that girl anyways?”

“More than you know...” he reminisced.

“Hmm…we might be able to used that later don’t you think.”

The other looked at him in response, not giving a verbal answer. He thought about what he already did to her during her dream, but immediately shook the thought.

“If only…if only she looked at me…” he silently said and left with his brother.

Lani’s POV

I went up to the design building today with hopes that they’ll finally accept my designs this time and maybe even hire me for a job.

‘They better. I worked ing hard on these designs.’ I went into the elevator and saw the vice president, Top.

“Hey Top!....How’s your boss today?”

“Hey little sis!....Mmm he seems to be in a good mood today. I think one of his friends that he hasn’t seen in along time is coming over. At least that’s what I heard.”

“Well thanks for the info big brother…” I smiled to him and we exited the elevator, going our separate directions. I went up to the secretary and asked to see the president.

“Is the president in?”

“One moment please.” I looked around waiting for her to get off the phone. I spotted someone familiar but, I could vaguely guess who it was. He was kind of far away. I squinted my eyes but turned my head back around as soon as the secretary called for me.

“It’s….sorry what’s your name again?”


“A Lani ssi….ah ne….You may go in now.”

“Thank you.” I bowed a little and entered the door. I saw him looking out the window, as if he was daydreaming about something or another.

“Excuse me…I’m here for you to look at some designs.” I politely stated.

“Yes…you may show me.”


“I’m here for a Jiyong ssi.”

“Oh?...A-ah ne…One moment p-please.” The guest smirked at her reaction.

“His name?...ah sorry your name sir?”




I sat on the couch flipping through the channels to see if anything good was on today. It was night time and I couldn’t concentrate on TV.

‘Hmm maybe I need some fresh air.’ I turned off the TV and went outside for a little walk. “Hhhaa…that’s better.” I sighed, closing my eyes to the sent. I walked around the neighborhood but no one was out today. ‘Hmm…weird…’ I went to the store to get some groceries since I was out of some.

“Kamsahamnida ahjumma.”

“Your welcome emi-yah.”

As I was walking back, I felt this strange aura around me. I turned around but no one was there. I started to head home where I could feel safer. Paranoia slowly took over my mind. I looked left and right, increasing my speed at every noise that occurred. The full plastic bag rustling in through the wind. I’ve never felt fear like that before by just walking home. It was freaking me out. I started to run faster. Suddenly a black shadow flashed in front of me, stopping me in the process. I dropped my bag an took a step back.

“W-who’s there?” No answer.

 A cold sweat broke out on my forehead. Trying to get away from what was following me, I started to run again.

‘I better get home fast.’ I hastily sped up my pace to get to my house faster. I was almost there when I saw Siwon in front of my apartment.

“Siwo-” A hand was put over my mouth. I was harshly slammed against the wall, scrunching my eyes to the pain and lowly spurt an “oww”.

“We meet again.” I heard in my ear. I quickly looked to the side but no on was there. It was really scaring me to the point where I was starting to hyperventilate a little.

“P-please...” I could barely beg….my head started to pound and my breathing became uneven.

“Does your memory fail you?”. I looked up slowly, holding in the pain. I widened my eyes even more as I turned and found a familiar figure.


Siwon’s POV

“Where did she go?” I thought aloud and waited for her in front of her apartment. I tried calling her but that didn’t work either.


“Is someone calling me?” i had a feeling it was her so I decided to sense her out. I found a trace and went on that. But something was weird. “Why do I sense something else…or someone else?...IT CAN’T BE!”


 Emi’s POV

This situation was all too familiar. ‘My…dream?’ I finally realized. My hands slowly crept up the solid wall that I tried to hold for support. He came closer to me, yet I didn’t hear his footsteps. ‘Is he…is he floating?!’

“I-I didn’t mean to cause trouble.” I just wanted to go home and my head was pounding more than ever. I felt something dripping down my neck. I brought my hand to my head.

“B-blood?” I weakly uttered, as I saw the red remnants on my hand. I so badly wanted to just fall out, but I couldn’t. My fear of what would happen next kept me awake. ‘Why is this happening?’

He began to touch my bloodstained hair, bringing his unnoticeable face towards my neck, tracing his icy lips across it. I shivered at the touch and my breathing became heavy from fear. And with that my body froze instantly.

‘Why can’t I move?!’.

He moved his hands down towards my shirt, forcefully ripping it open and revealed my peach laced bra.

“Ah!!” I screeched. ‘This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening!’

“Please stop! Pleaase! Let me go pleeaaase!” I began to sob. No answer. He wasn’t even listening to my pleads. ‘How…how heartless.’

Cold tears ran down my cheeks as his hands went down to my pants.

“No! No! Don’t do this!” I begged one last time.

“Your cries will only make things worse emi-yah…” He then started to smell my neck? “…just like in your dream.” I heard him say. I was frozen in shock and confusion.

He knows my name, yet I have no idea who he is. My mind went to the only thing it could think of.

‘Si-siwon…if only you were here…to help me like you did in my dream…’ I then heard a voice that sent chills down my spine.



 Siwon’s POV

I found a trace of her and went on that. I felt it get stronger and stronger by every step that I took.  Turning the corner and walking down this long alley way, no one was around. My worry intensified and without giving a damn anymore, I almost fully changed. My eyes became a crimson red and my fangs protruded from my gums. My speed increased to the point where everything around me was a blur yet, I could still see where I was going. I could sense her out even faster now.  I finally turned another corner and saw what I never wanted to imagine.

“GET THE OFF HER!!” I yelled angrier more that ever. A hunter was all over Emi and her face looks like she was about to fall out any minute.

“Well well well….” I saw him touch her cheek and that was really testing my patience. I knew I couldn’t do anything too hasty or she would get hurt even more than she was now.


Emi’s POV

I trembled in fear of both Siwon and this person that was holding me captive, but I still didn’t want Siwon to leave me with him. At least I knew that he would be safer. His eyes…his eyes were so…so different from before. They were a burning crimson red. Even though I could see various different traits from him, my vision was still becoming blurry. Yet, my body was still frozen. I tried to yell out to him.

“Si-siwon…you came…” the cloaked person turned his head back towards my direction when he heard me. He growled in response. He grabbed me by the neck, closing my air way tightly and lifting me off the ground.

“Agh…” I couldn’t mutter a word and my limbs fell limp. Suddenly, he let go of me and I dropped to the ground harshly, coughing as I tried to catch my breath.


No One’s POV

Siwon lost it when the hunter began to choke her. His breathing became heavy with anger. Faster than Emi could see, he punched him in the face, dropping her to the ground.  The sound of the hunter going through the wall ran through the empty alleyway.

“You’ll regret ever laying a finger on her!” he spat in his face, as the hunter slowly got out of the deep whole.

“I’ll let you have that freebie…until next time…Siwon-ah.” And then he disappeared.

“!!!” Siwon shouted as he let him escape. He had to for Emi’s sake. She saw everything that occurred and sat there against the wall shaking and terrified. He walked up to her, bending down to her level. He saw the state she was in and angrily sighed, staring into her eyes as she constantly blinked in horror.

“Do you fear me now?” 


I'm sooo sorry for the really late update... idk what happened with where i was going with this and me being sick and just didnt help at here you go anyways and hope ur still reading....see ya nxt chap!^^


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Maybe..maybe not hehe^_^
ooooh my i have a feeling that her and her friends are much more than what meets the eye
haha well thanks for commenting and ill try to keep you entertained!!hehe^__^
ohhh im hooked lol
HAHAHA...yea i kinda did too...i have all these ideas and i just want it to come out right in the end....And yea Siwon has that charm to him hehe^_^
wonnie-kyu #6
I giggled all the way reading while thinking this could be something happening every day for Siwon, women dazed by the gorgeous creature he is, trying to speak to him or draw his attention. I don’t blame them, he is a charmer!