First Hug

The Twelve Dorky Guardians


You angrily brush your teeth as the sight of Kai was so close to you repeated in your mind.




“I’ll go wherever you will go!”

“I’ll go wherever you will go!”

“I’ll go wherever you will go!”



You instantly shook your head as you spit out the water on your mouth.



“I hate that jerk!” You ran your hand through your hair, frustrated because of Kai and his out of this world attitude.



“Who? Me?!?!?!” A husky voice came out from nowhere. You looked at the guy’s view at the mirror and saw him leaning on the wall, smirking. Your eyes immediately shot wide open.



“Yah!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??” You shrieked as you tried to cover your toweled body with your hands. A smirk formed on his plump lips, eyeing your body.


“What a nice body you got there!” Your cheeks burned, eyes widened on what he said.



He took one step while looking directly with your eyes.



*Aish! What is he doing now?* You gulped as you took one step back. You felt the cold, hard wall at your back. Dead end. You looked up and saw Kai smirking, mischievously.


He put his two hands against the wall as he inched his face closer to you.


You could feel butterflies in your stomach and his hot breath against your skin.


“I’m just doing the leader’s command. I’m not interested with girls so don’t worry.” He stepped back. You cocked an eyebrow as you looked at him.


Before you could ask something, a ‘tok’ was heard and Kai was nowhere to be seen.



“He is one tough mysterious guy!” You shrug and heave a sigh. “Good thing I’m wearing or towel or else, I’m doomed!” You wiped an imaginary sweat as you started to wear you night suit.




Meanwhile on the guardians’ room.


“Hyung! What is this for?” Sehun asked Luhan while he eyed suspiciously at the perfume he was holding.

“Let me see!” Luhan wave his hand that makes the perfume floats on air and coming towards him.


“Hmm….” Luhan smell it and he became amused after smelling it.

“Whoah! This thing smells good like Cameron flower on Athena’s garden!” He chimed while the others became curios so Chanyeol snatched the perfume away and accidentally pushed the top of the perfume that makes the contents squirts right into his eyes and he starts screaming.


“MY EYES HURTS!” Chanyeol cried. Everyone stopped from what they are doing and started to panic. Eventually, you heard that scream so you become scared on what on earth happens on the guardian’s room so you hastened your pace towards them.


“What happened to you Chanyeol?!” Suho worriedly asked his fellow guardian but the former didn’t respond, busy on his cursing words.


“Calm down Yeol! You’re such a giant, it’s freaking hard to control you, you know!” Xiumin snorted as he flicked the younger’s forehead.

Once again the giant throw a tantrum.


“What’s happening with you guys!?!?” Pair of eyes started to glare at you. You flinched a bit on sudden tension.

*What did I do!?*


“You the destroyer, what have you done to Chanyeol!?!” Ximin shrieked.


“I didn’t do anything?!? Ask Kai to know what I did!” You huffed as you crossed your arms. The guardians look at Kai. “She didn’t do anything.” You smirked.


“See!” You went to Chanyeol as you examined his reddish eyes and found your perfume on his hand.

“Earth really is a dangerous place!” Tao commented as he clucked his tongue.

“Yeah it’s more dangerous when you don’t think and act stupid.” You fired back.


“You dumb boy! Why did you spray the perfume on your eyes? Silly!”

“I don’t know, I just pulled the trigger and OWH please help me Yoojin-ssi!” He winced at pain.

You nodded and your eyes landed on the worried leader leader.


“Uhmm Suho-ssi! Can you get a bowl with water?” You politely asked the leader. He instantly nodded and hurried downstairs.


“And you guys get out on this room right this instant!” You furiously shouted at them but they obliged right away.


“That girl is a nagger! Owh my ears!” D.O commented while cupping his ears.



Suho came back with a bowl with a water on it. You thanked him as you soaked the fabric on the bowl and squeezed it.


“Chanyeol-ssi please stay calm and stop moving then blink your eyes. Please cooperate.” Chanyeol did all what you said. You slowly wiped his eyes with the fabric. All eyes are on you now and you started to feel uneasy and flushed.


*Gosh! I never felt this thing before!* After a couple of minutes. Chanyeol felt better.


“Are you okay now?!” You asked Chanyeol and he nodded.


“Thanks uhmm…”


“It’s okay whatever you will call me, destroyer or my name--”


“Thanks Byul!” He chimed as he hugs you. “You saved my eyes!” You were taken aback. You started to feel awkward so you gently pushed him away. It is the first time a guy hugs you like that.


“Uhmm.. it’s okay!” You felt your face heat so you tried to hide it away. Suddenly, four hearts pelt a pang on their heart.


*Weird!* The four of them thought at the same time.


Author's Note: Sorry for the super late update! Busy with school activities!

Here some exo pics for you guys (credit to the owners)



I would like to know, who is your bias in exo?!? please reply in the comment box! THANKS!

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RealFangirl #1
Chapter 16: OMG such a sweet chap x,x i'm laughing while reading ur ff author >< i'm waiting 4 ur next chap ^^ ㅋㅋㅋ
Cunet14 #2
Chapter 16: Annyeong!!!!!!! i'm a new subscriber and I REALLY LOVE YOUR STORY TO DEATH!!!! Tao is really cute and also Sehun!!! please update soon...
Chapter 16: awwwwwww they are sooo cute!! >.<
update soon!
Chapter 16: I'm a new reader here
this story is nice
please update soon :)
-sekai #5
Chapter 16: TAO is so cute >3< Kris' Buing Buing was DAEBAK!!! XD
Chapter 16: i wonder who she's going to fall for?
lyien96 #7
Chapter 15: wahhh...DAEBAK....!!!...hehehe...oh sehun soo cute....authornim update soon...
Chapter 15: PLEASE UPDATE SOOON!!!!!!!! ^^
hyerin_park #10
Chapter 15: AHahahhahaahhaha!
I remembered when Kris actually looked like an ahjumma! xD