chapter 15

Can't I be the one?

**WELL WOW IT'S BEEN A WHILE. I know I can think of 101 reasons why I haven't updated this fic...but the truth is I didn't know what to write, so I avoided it. So much, to the point where I completely forgot about it. BUT I'm not going to leave this unfinished so yeah...give me another chance?**

The sound of the microwave beeping woke you up from your sleep.
You hauled yourself off the couch you'd fallen asleep on and walked over to the kitchen. 
It was now 5:30 and you only had half an hour until you had to meet Kai at the Dance studio.
You weren't looking forward to it to say the least. You weren't even sure that Kai would show up.
The whole day you only thought about Kai and that little mishap you had with him. 
The way he looked at you, it was like his eyes were burning through you.
You didn't like it one bit.
Your whole day was ruined, you couldn't concentrate in any of your lessons and you constantly kept drifting off.

You sighed and took your plate of noodles out of the microwave and got a pair of chopsticks from the draw.
You sat down and began to eat your plate of steaming noodles
But your mind began to wonder off...for the millionth time today.
You thought about the first time you met Kai, how rude and angry he was.
A little smile played on your lips as you shook your head.

"Oh Kai, you and your temper." 

Kai walked slowly to the dance studio, his feet dragging along the ground.
He was already 15 minutes late to practice, but he paced himself, as he had something on his mind.
he kept saying things under his breath, "Look _____ I'm so sorry about today I just-"
he ruffled his hair frustrated, what was he meant to say?
Kai had felt bad the whole day.
He didn't mean to be mean to you, it just slipped out of him, and now he had to rectify his mistake.
As he neared the dance studio a shiver went up Kai's spine. What would he say? What would he do?
He gulped as he pushed open the large double doors that lead to the dance studio.

There you were patiently waiting in a corner of the studio.
The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the clock ticking.
You blew a raspberry and rolled your eyes, you'd been waiting for what seemed like forever.
You were slowly growing impatient and picked up your phone, when suddenly you saw the doors open.
Your heart began to beat faster and faster. 
You scrambled to your feet and neatened yourself up.
Kai stepped through the door, a bitter-sweet feeling overcame you.
You awkwardly smiled and shifted your eyes.

Kai put down his bag and walked toward you.
"S-shall we start?" he said, avoiding your gaze. 
You nodded and walked over to the music player, you plugged in your iPod and pressed play. 
The music blared as you walked over next to Kai. 
Continuing to not look at you, Kai started choreographing the dance. 
"one and two and three and four." He said doing a swift dance move.
"See, it's as simple as that."  Kai told you, this time he looked straight at you, but quickly looked away.
"Wow Kai, are you that angry at me?" You thought to yourself.

You and Kai danced for another half an hour non stop, figuring out the moves together.
Although the whole time there was an awkward atmosphere. 
You were soon both in a pool of sweat from dancing so hard.
"I-think-we-should-take-a-break." Kai panted.
You nodded solemnly.
Kai looked at you, you still had a glum expression on your face. 
"Yeah I'll just....yeah, I'll turn off the music." He said as he walked over to the music player.
Kai still felt really bad for what he did earlier and was determined to make things right.
"Stop being such an and say sorry, she probably feels terrible and it's because of you." Kai thought
And with that he got up and marched over to you. 

You were walking to your bag when suddenly you felt someone grab your wrist and spin you round.
You were met by Kai's face, his beautiful, tan, heavenly-perfect face.
It was so close to yours, your noses were almost touching.
You thought Kai was about to shout at you again,
So you just clenched your fists, closed your eyes and waited for his loud voice to pierce your ears. 
Instead you heard a low velvety voice, that made you tingle.
"Listen ______ I didn't mean to shout at you today, I- I have a lot on my mind and I took it out you and for that, I'm sorry."
You opened your wide you resembled D.O at this point. 
"e-eh?" You said raising a brow in confusion.
"I'm not usually like this, I'm a nice guy...honestly! I really don't mean to be so cold to you. Please, Forgive me?" 
His big black eyes stared right into yours, making your insides turn to jelly.
You nodded and smiled "I-it's alright." You gulped, a ball had formed in your throat making it hard for you to speak.
Kai Smiled back, he tucked a loose stand of hair behind your ears and hugged you tightly.
By this point your insides had melted and you were afraid that if Kai let go you'd flop to the ground.

Thankfully when Kai did let go you just wobbled a little bit, though Kai didn't see that...
After your break, you and Kai continued dancing, like there was no tomorrow.
It was fun, you often made mistakes and laughed at each other.
The atmosphere was so pleasant you lost track of time.

After what seemed like a lifetime of dancing Kai finally said.
"Aahhh jeongmal, It's time for us to pack up. The next group will be arriving soon."
"Hey isn't Tao scheduled to come next?" You said walking over to your bag.
"Really? Oh okay then, we'll wait around until he comes." Kai shrugged. 
Kai sat down next to you and stared off into space. 
You sipped your water bottle slowly as Kai stared to eat a packet of chocolate covered raisins.  
"Hey you wanna play a game while we wait?" Kai said nudging you.
"Wow...someone gets bored easily." You said raising a brow.
"PLEAAAAASSSE." Kai pouted, using every ounce of aegyo he had.
"okay, fine." You sighed and nodded.
Although on the inside you were screaming at how cute he was. 
Kai told you to sit across from him. 
For the game you'd each have a handful of chocolate covered raisins and you'd try and get it each others mouths. (idk sorry if you don't like raisins :/)
"Me first!" Kai smiled.
You nodded and opened your mouth wide. 
Instead of a single raisin going into your mouth, several hit your face.
You squinted your eyes and looked at Kai who was in hysterics.
Oh think you're funny...I'll get you back later.
"Okay my turn." You said still squinting your eyes.
Kai who was still laughing opened his mouth wide expecting the same thing to happen to him.
Instead a single raisin was flicked into his mouth. 
"Oh...Okay!" Kai smiled, seeming pleased with himself. 
Just you wait jongin...just you wait.
You and Kai continued to play your game.
Raisins rarely went in to either one of your mouths and they ended up being scattered around the dance studio. 
You only had a few raisins left by this point. 
"Nows the time." You said under your breath.
Kai yet again opened his mouth wide, this time five little raisins hit his face like tiny bullets.
You began to laugh so hard you fell over holding your stomach.
He wasn't expecting it and was in awe.
" You little- COME HERE!" 
And with that Kai stood up, scooped you over his shoulder and ran around the dance studio. 
"HAHAHA WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!" He Screamed as he zoomed here and there. 
You were laughing so hard you thought you might die. 
"OH MY- KAI PUT ME DOWN!" You said hitting his back with your fists, you hair dangling over your face.

Tao had been waiting outside for Victoria for more than 15 minutes.
"Aish chincha, where is this girl?" Tao sighed, it was getting colder and Tao wanted to go inside.
"I wonder if _____ is still in there with Kai...perhaps I should go wait inside." Tao thought.
He was about to walk in when he heard Victoria's voice from afar.
" HEY TAO, TAO WAIT UP!" She ran over to Tao and greeted him.
"Hey sorry I was late, I had to drop my little sister at a friends house." Victoria panted.
"It's okay, should we get going?" Tao smiled.
Victoria nodded and they walked in together.

Tao's eyed widened as he stepped through the door.
"HAHAHA YOU'LL NEVER ESCAPE!" Kai shouted as he ran around the studio, you dangling over his shoulder.
Tao could feel anger bubbling inside of him again, he formed a fist with his hand and clenched his teeth.
Victoria looked up and Tao his facial expression was blank but she could tell how he was feeling.
"AHEM." Tao's voice boomed throughout the studio.
Kai stopped running and looked at Tao, bewildered. 
"Having fun?" Tao said sarcastically. 
Kai put you down and straightened up.
"I was- we uhm..." Kai said, flustered. 
You put your hair out of your face and smiled.
"We were just waiting for you when we started to get bored, so we played a game!" You smiled. 
Tao's anger immediately cooled down once he heard your voice. 
"Oh it's alright ______ I was just wondering." He smiled coyly.
You smiled back and walked over to your bag.
"Well I guess we better get going, we just waited for you guys so we could say hi."
Tao smiled. "Oh okay, well I guess I'll see you later then?" he said slightly sad. 
You nodded and waved at him. "Bye!"
You packed your stuff and walked to the door. "Kai, you coming?" 
"Uhh yeah let me just grab the iPod, I'll be right out."  Kai smiled.
Instead Kai walked over to Tao. "Hey man we were just having fun I didn't mean to-" 
"No no, It's fine! I mean you guys are just friends, seriously I'm not jealous or anything" Tao interrupted.
Kai smiled and patted Tao on the back "Aight awesome bro! Hey, I'll see you tomorrow?"
He collected the iPod and waved to Tao as he walked through the door.
Tao could faintly hear you two laughing and talking. 
It made his blood boil.
He was jealous of you and Kai spending extra time together, if he was honest he almost liked the fact that you and Kai had that mishap.
It meant that at least you guys weren't talking.
"Stupid dance teacher messed up everything and stupid Kai for being her partner and stupid me for liking her." Tao grumbled under his breath.
"OKAY THEN. Shall we get started? Or should I go home?" Victoria said awkwardly. 
Tao turned around, "A-aniya lets start now. Sorry about that." Tao smiled.

You and Kai walked home together, it was dark and cold outside but being with Kai you hardly noticed.
"you know I had a great time today ______." Kai smiled as he looked at you. 
You nodded "Me too...I whooped your in that game." you said sticking your tongue out.
Kai gasped, "Do you really want to start this again?" He said pretending to grab your legs again.
You pushed Kai as you both laughed. 
You continued walking until you finally came to the road where you and Kai parted ways, but instead of saying good bye Kai walked your way.
You stopped. "What are you doing? You live that way..." You said pointing in the opposite direction.
" I know , I'm walking you home." Kai smiled. 

For what seemed like the billionth time today your insides melted and you felt all warm. 
By now you were sure of your feelings for Kai.  He made you feel all warm and nice, and he was fun to be around.
You'd tried suppressing them due to the fact that he had a girlfriend, but you couldn't contain it anymore.
You couldn't lie to yourself. You liked Kai a lot and after today you were sure of it. 

"Eugh It's so annoying liking someone who will only ever view you as a friend, I guess you'll never know my true feelings Kai..." You thought as you continued to walk home with Kai.


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Japanda #1
Chapter 15: awwww, i kindna knew you were pointing to kai being the guy we all like in the ff. i feel bad for tao though :(
Japanda #2
Chapter 14: itd ok author i understand you just take ur time but as long as you dont stop writing this ff update soon :D
Mirux27 #3
Chapter 14: I'm so glad you finally updated! :D I was so happy to see a double update!!! Yay!!! Although I think I'm really looking forward to this mushy dramatic stuff you mentioned, and if there will be any fluff between "me" and Tao. (^o^) He's so freaking cute I swear! I will look forward to the rest of the story and your updates! d(^~^)b
Guyyysss, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating all. But It's because I have like 3-4 chapters lost in cyber space PLUS the quadruple update I was planning on doing! So once they get the stuff back I'll update and gjlkjfddb drama has happened guys! so wait for all that mushy dramatic stuff...please? Lol I really wonder if you guys are gonna read this...anyways yeah, I'm super duper sorry! <3
Japanda #5
omg so Tao is so cute getting jealous easy
i need more chapters update soon plz
krisyeor #6
sobbing i flipped when i saw an update. dfklsj;fksdj I NEEED MORE OMG
Mirux27 #7
omg, I was giggling like a schoolgirl when OT12 appeared. LOOOOL. I love them all too much! And I would love to trade places with my character at any time. hahahaha! Talking to Kris in English sdlkfskjdfhskljdf!! I enjoyed reading your double update a lot! :D Tao is such a cute kungfu panda in your story, I really hope "me" and him end up together. He's being too cute I swear. ^-^