Chapter 14

Can't I be the one?

You looked over to your alarm clock, it read “6:30.”
You groaned at the thought of school and not being able to sleep in, you hated the fact that school had interrupted your perfect dream.
You sighed and got out of bed, there was no point in going back to sleep.
You only had half an hour left and you weren’t tired anymore. 

You dragged yourself to the bathroom to wash up. 
You turned the tap on and waited for the water to get warm.
As you waited, you looked in the mirror. You sighed at the dark puffy bags under your eyes. 

You’d spent the whole whole weekend setting up your apartment.
You were exhausted by the time you’d finished, you had boxes to unpack, clothes to put away and furniture to move. 
You hadn't got enough sleep either since you tossed and turned the whole night.
It was safe to say you were completely and utterly smashed, but never the less you got ready for school.

As you walked to school your feet felt heavy and your shoulders slouched.
As soon as you got home from your day out with Tao you started to unpack and didn’t finish until late Sunday night.
Your back was shattered and your whole body ached.
You felt so deflated and tired. You rubbed your eyes in hope that it would wake you up, unfortunately it made you feel worse.
Yet you carried on walking to school.

Kai was late for school as usual, but today he was annoyed and angry.
He knew why he just didn’t want to admit it. 
Kai stayed up the whole night just laying on his bed.
Although he told himself it was because he couldn’t sleep, deep down he knew it was because of Sooyoung.
He couldn’t get it out of his mind that his girlfriend was going to miss his birthday. 
Sooyoung had missed countless dates, programs, and dance competitions of Kai’s because of her modeling career,  and usually he would brush it off. But this time it was different, he felt hurt and let down. He was loosing faith in the person he loved.

Kai walked into the classroom with a glum look on his face, he didn’t bother saying good morning to Mrs Kim, nor did he bother to explain why he was late. 
He just quietly walked to his seat and sat down, his face remaining expressionless the whole time.
The whole class fell silent and were now staring at Kai. You and Tao both looked at each other in concern. 
Kai looked at all the eyes that were on him.
“What? Does my face entertain you or something? Do you people have nothing better to do with your lives?” Kai snapped.

Students looked him up and down before facing the front again.
“What's with him?” “Is he on his period or something?” People whispered to each other.
But he couldn’t care less what anyone thought of him right now.

You looked at Kai, he didn’t seem himself today and for some reason that bothered you.
As soon as Mrs Kim dismissed the class, Kai got up from his seat and headed towards the door he couldn’t wait to get out of a classroom of judgmental students who barely knew him. 
Although you and Tao caught him before he ran off.

“Hey, is everything okay?” You said catching Kai’s shoulder as he tried to walk away.
He shoved your hand off his arm. “I’m fine, just leave me alone.”
“You sure you don’t want to talk about it?” 
You asked.
“I’m fine just mind your own goddamn business!” Kai snapped, anger and frustration in his eyes.
His words hit you like a hammer, everyone in the hallway had stopped and were starring at you.
You just smiled and looked down at the floor not knowing what to do with yourself. 
How could Kai be so nice one minute and so cold the next?

Tao sighed deeply.
He hated when Kai was like this, and he knew exactly why. 
Kai was usually such a nice caring guy, but when he was pissed off he'd take his anger out on anything or anyone. 
He looked down at you sympathetically, he saw how hurt you looked.
"______ It's okay, Kai's just a big idiot. Don't pay attention to him, he's just in a bad mood is all."
You nodded and smiled weakly.
"N-neh, you're probably right. I'm late for class, I'll see you later." You said and you walked off quickly. 

Tao didn't hesitate in running after Kai.
Although Kai was rude to people when he was pissed of, Tao was worse. You wouldn't want to get on his bad side.
He could feel anger building up inside him, he wanted to give Kai a piece of his mind.
He could tolerate Kai talking that way to anyone else, but not you.
"no one talks to my girl that way." Tao mumbled to himself through gritted teeth as he ran after Kai.

Kai went outside to the field at the back of the school to cool down, so many things were going through his mind.
He felt angry, sad, heartbroken and upset all at the same time. 
He grabbed his hair in frustration and let it go.
"AISH CHINCHA!" he shouted angrily.
What was he doing? Why was he so angry? He knew he was being out of line but...what could he do?
He couldn't help how he was feeling.

Kai decided he would just go to class, he'd calmed down a little more and was now ready to get the day over with.
He straightened himself out and was just about ready to go when suddenly he felt someones hand on his shoulder. 

He turned around swiftly to find Tao glaring at him, anger seeping from his eyes.
Kai could tell Tao was angry. "Hey bro, you okay?" Kai said smiling slightly, trying to ease the tension.
Tao stared back at him, his grip on Kai's shoulder got firmer.
"Oh so now you decide to be nice? That's super great Kai!" Tao clapped, Sarcasm dripping off his ever word.
Kai squinted his eyes. "What the hells wrong with you?" 
"You're what's wrong here...not me. I can't take your mood swings man." Tao sighed in frustration.
"Well this is the way I usually am, why is it an issue all of a sudden?" Kai his lips and crossed his arms.
"Because today you decided to take your anger out on ______ and that makes it my problem." Tao said, slightly agitated.
"O-oh so now suddenly a girl is more important than our friendship?"
Kai knew what he was saying didn't make any sense, he was contradicting himself, but he would never admit that to Tao. 
Tao rolled his eyes and began to walk away.
"You know, it wouldn't even matter if you'd been mean to me, but to be mean to ______ when she was only trying to help...thats low, even for you." And with that Tao turned and walked away from Kai.

An awkward silence fell upon the empty field, the only sound that could be heard now was the faint chirping of birds in the background. Kai stood in there in silence not knowing what to do or where to go. Tao was right, you'd done nothing wrong, you were only concerned for him, and in return he was cold and rude. Kai now felt extremely bad and wanted to rectify what he had done...but how?

*OKAY EXPLANATION TIME. Well to tell you guys the truth after the chapters got deleted (when AFF spazzed out) I lost interest in this fic, I just couldn't write it. (Not that I was doing that great of a job before) Idk I just couldn't get passed those past couple of chapters, you know? And then school started and I had so much work blah blah blah...
Anyways, my writing style is going to change from this point, I think before since I wasn't really interested in this fic my writing/ the story in general were quite sloppy. I am just so sorry for that, but from now on I will try and update regularly and get on with writing this story. Uhm that's it I guess so sorry for this hope you like the rest of the story I have planned ^^*



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Japanda #1
Chapter 15: awwww, i kindna knew you were pointing to kai being the guy we all like in the ff. i feel bad for tao though :(
Japanda #2
Chapter 14: itd ok author i understand you just take ur time but as long as you dont stop writing this ff update soon :D
Mirux27 #3
Chapter 14: I'm so glad you finally updated! :D I was so happy to see a double update!!! Yay!!! Although I think I'm really looking forward to this mushy dramatic stuff you mentioned, and if there will be any fluff between "me" and Tao. (^o^) He's so freaking cute I swear! I will look forward to the rest of the story and your updates! d(^~^)b
Guyyysss, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating all. But It's because I have like 3-4 chapters lost in cyber space PLUS the quadruple update I was planning on doing! So once they get the stuff back I'll update and gjlkjfddb drama has happened guys! so wait for all that mushy dramatic stuff...please? Lol I really wonder if you guys are gonna read this...anyways yeah, I'm super duper sorry! <3
Japanda #5
omg so Tao is so cute getting jealous easy
i need more chapters update soon plz
krisyeor #6
sobbing i flipped when i saw an update. dfklsj;fksdj I NEEED MORE OMG
Mirux27 #7
omg, I was giggling like a schoolgirl when OT12 appeared. LOOOOL. I love them all too much! And I would love to trade places with my character at any time. hahahaha! Talking to Kris in English sdlkfskjdfhskljdf!! I enjoyed reading your double update a lot! :D Tao is such a cute kungfu panda in your story, I really hope "me" and him end up together. He's being too cute I swear. ^-^