chapter 13

Can't I be the one?

omg I'm so sorry lovelies! My computer would just NOT let me on AFF So I had to wait till I could access it to write this chapter! Was it just me or...? 

Anyways here's a long overdue update! enjoy.<3

The weekend was a blur for Tao, all he thought about was you.
He grew easily bored and started doing random things around the house, like cleaning here and there or just re-arranging random things.
More than often Tao would go into the kitchen and look in the fridge even though he wasn't hungry, and just sighed and moped around his house. 
Tao wanted Monday to come as quickly as possible despite having school. 
He was exited for some reason, to see you, to talk to feel the way he felt when finally admitted to himself that he liked you.

It was already Sunday night and Tao was flicking through the Channels.
"Ahh there's nothing good to watch." he said, frustrated.
He turned off the TV and chucked the remote of the side of the couch.
Tao paced around the living room thinking of what to do. 
"Ahh I'm so bored." he sighed. 
What could he do?
The only thing he wanted to do was see you. 
He would've called you but he didn't have your number.
"Hmmm...I have to get _______'s number." Tao thought to himself, as he turned the TV on a again.
Just then something interrupted his thoughts.
It was his phone ringing. 
Tao got his hopes up, could it be by some miracle that you'd got his number and were calling him?
He ran over to the phone and without checking who it was, answered it.

"Hello _____?" Tao said eagerly 
"So when were you going to tell me that you like ______." Kris chuckled over the phone.
Tao froze and gulped. "u-uh Diuzhang I-I was going to but-"
"So I guess It's true then." Kris scoffed.
Tao blushed, he didn't know what to say, he'd only just found out himself that he liked you.
"So when did you tell her? Kris smiled.
Tao rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhh...I haven't told her yet.
Kris sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"And why haven't you told her?" he said in a serious tone.
Tao grew nervous, he loved Kris like a brother but when Kris got serious it scared Tao a lot.
"Well I only just realized I like her, I think I need some more time to get to know her before I tell her."
Kris nodded his head and agreed. #
"mmhhm aarasso. Just tell her before someone else does. You know _____ is an amazing girl don't let her get away."
Tao smiled, he knew you were a special girl, and he wasn't planning on letting anyone have you.
Kris and Tao hung up after that and Tao decided to check his weibo account.

Kai had come into Kris's room to get something and he saw Kris getting off the phone.
"Hey man who was that?" Kai said sitting on the corner of Kris's bed. 
Kris sat down next to Kai. "That was Tao, he was talking to me about ______."
Kai smiled slyly. "eey, you know he likes _____, right?" Kai chuckled.  
"I know." Kris simply said.
Kai shot up. "Wait, he told you? B-before me?" Kai said defensively.
Kris sensed that Kai felt a little hurt. "No pabo, I already knew without him having to tell me. 
I knew from the first time he mentioned her name. The way his eyes lit up, and the fact that her name mangaged to come up in every single one of our conversations. Even if what we were talking about had nothing to do with her." 
Kai sat down feeling a little stupid. "Oh..."
Kris shook his head and smiled. "Come on pabo, I'll fix us something to eat."
Kai smiled and jumped off the bed.
"Oooh Hyung can we have your famous bibimbap? Pleeeeaaassee" Kai said doing aegyo.
Kris smiled and ruffled Kai's hair, he was a er for aegyo. "Sure munchkin I'll go cook us some now."
Kai grinned from ear to ear, he was grateful to have a brother like Kris who took care of him.
Even though Kris had problems of his own he always made sure to help Kai out with his problems, no matter what.

Kris cooked the food in no time, and soon there were two bowls of bibimbap sitting on the table.
"KAI FOODS READY." Kris screamed through the house.
Kai and Kris's apartment wasn't that big, but Kris always found it necessary to shout. 
Kai came rushing from his room excitedly.
"yaaaay." he said. Like a little kid he sat down eagerly and clapped his hands whilst waiting for Kris to get some chopsticks.
Kris shook his head and smiled as he looked at his hyper little brother.
"This guy's been hanging around Chanyeol too much..." Kris thought.
Kris bought two pairs of chopsticks and sat down at the table, passing a pair to an eager Kai who was staring at his bowl of steaming bibimbap. 
As Kai wolfed down his food Kris just smiled and ate his silently.

10 minutes later Kai had already had two servings of bibimbap, whilst Kris on the other hand still handn't finished his first serving. 
"You gonna eat that?" Kai burped, rubbing his tummy.
Kris furrowed his eye brows. "Bwo? You want more? What the hell man, are you an animal or something? Kris said.
Kai pouted. "pweety pweaaseee hyung?" Kai pleaded with his big brown eyes.
Kris sighed and passed the bowl to Kai. "I wasn't going to eat it Anyways."
Kai clapped his hands and chuckled evilly. "Mwahahaha, now you're mine." He said glaring at the bowl in front of him.
Kris rubbed his forehead. " I swear to god you were dropped on your head as a child." 
Kai looked up and stuck his tongue out at Kris.
"Yeah well If I was, you were probably the one who dropped me." Kai said scrunching his nose.
Kris just laughed and shook his head as he usually did around Kai. 

Suddenly something disturbed the silence.
"KROOONG." Kai's phone buzzed.
Kris jumped in his seat. "YAH! What the hell is that?" he shouted.
Kai blinked. "Sorry...It's just my message ringtone." He said checking who it was.
Kris put his hand over his heart that was beating at the speed of light. 
"Yeah well...change it! It gave me the fright of my life, idiot." Kris said looking Kai up and down.
Normally Kai would've insulted Kris back, but instead his expression changed to a serious one.
Kris noticed Kai's change in mood. "Is everything okay?" Kris said leaning forward.
Kai looked up but didn't smile.
"U-uh yeah It's just Sooyoung, she can't make my birthday because her fashion show's been extended." Kai said tapping his phone on his lap.
Kris knew how hurt Kai was. "Are you alright?" Kris said getting up to comfort Kai.
But Kai just stood up "Yeah I'm fine, I'll have other birthdays right?" Kai smiled.
But there was no fooling Kris, he saw the hurt in Kai's eyes.
"Look Kai, I'm your brother. It's okay to be angry or upset. Just let it out." Kris said patting Kai on the back. 
But Kai just shook his head. "No, seriously I'm fine." 
And with That we walked away into his room. 
Kris hung his head.
"Kai, why can't you just be honest to your feelings, and let your walls down?" Kris sighed as he put away the dishes.

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Japanda #1
Chapter 15: awwww, i kindna knew you were pointing to kai being the guy we all like in the ff. i feel bad for tao though :(
Japanda #2
Chapter 14: itd ok author i understand you just take ur time but as long as you dont stop writing this ff update soon :D
Mirux27 #3
Chapter 14: I'm so glad you finally updated! :D I was so happy to see a double update!!! Yay!!! Although I think I'm really looking forward to this mushy dramatic stuff you mentioned, and if there will be any fluff between "me" and Tao. (^o^) He's so freaking cute I swear! I will look forward to the rest of the story and your updates! d(^~^)b
Guyyysss, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating all. But It's because I have like 3-4 chapters lost in cyber space PLUS the quadruple update I was planning on doing! So once they get the stuff back I'll update and gjlkjfddb drama has happened guys! so wait for all that mushy dramatic stuff...please? Lol I really wonder if you guys are gonna read this...anyways yeah, I'm super duper sorry! <3
Japanda #5
omg so Tao is so cute getting jealous easy
i need more chapters update soon plz
krisyeor #6
sobbing i flipped when i saw an update. dfklsj;fksdj I NEEED MORE OMG
Mirux27 #7
omg, I was giggling like a schoolgirl when OT12 appeared. LOOOOL. I love them all too much! And I would love to trade places with my character at any time. hahahaha! Talking to Kris in English sdlkfskjdfhskljdf!! I enjoyed reading your double update a lot! :D Tao is such a cute kungfu panda in your story, I really hope "me" and him end up together. He's being too cute I swear. ^-^