chapter 10

Can't I be the one?

**le short update sorryyy

Tao spent 2 hours looking for something to wear, he rushed around his room frantically trying to find a top.
He went over to the mirror. "Okay what about this? No too flashy." Tao said taking it off.
(A/N akjdkdfbdg topless Tao omg.)
Tao paced up and down his room "Oh god what am I going to do? If I don't find something soon I'm going to be late to with ______."
He walked over to his wardrobe and started pulling out anything he could find. "no no no no" Tao said throwing clothes here and there.
There were clothes scattered all over the bed and the floors, his room was a state but Tao couldn't care less. 
He finally settled with a black v-neck top, a grey hoodie and black skinny jeans. It wasn't exactly his ideal outfit but he was getting late.

Tao had said to meet at a small coffee shop in Hongdae, he gave you directions as to where it was but you were still unsure of where to go since you still didn't really know your way round Seoul. 
Tao reassured you that he'd be waiting outside a small keychain stall in the main street so that you wouldn't get lost. 

The sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in sight and a lot of people were out enjoying the beautiful weather
You looked around the streets frantically searching for Tao in the sea of people.
"Oh god If I get lost..." You said worriedly, scanning the area.
Suddenly you spotted Tao standing near a stall as he had said playing on his phone, you sighed in relief and walked over to him.

Tao had seen you coming from afar and instantly his eyes grew. 
You had your hair up in a messy bun with your bangs down. 
You were wearing a white shirt tucked into your skinny jeans with a oversized jumper over it and a few accessories.
You looked so simple but it took Tao's breath away.
"______ what are you trying to do to me? Kill me?!" Tao thought to himself.
You and Tao hugged and greeted each other before Tao led you down a small side street. As you went further and further down the street the crowd thinned out.
Suddenly Tao stopped outside a small pink shop with a sign that read "Yeohaeng cafe."
"Here it is." Tao said holding the door open for you.

Once you walked through the door it was like walking into another world.
There were blossom trees painted on the walls and they crept up onto the doors and ceilings.
There were cute white round tables all over the place with different random chairs on each table.
There were cute little pictures in vintage frames all over the place and chinese words written large and bold on one of the walls.
It was nothing you'd seen before.
"woah Tao this place is beautiful!" You exclaimed as you sat down.
You, Tao and a few other people were the only people in the shop so It wasn't hard to find a seat.
A waitress walked over to your table and took your orders.

Whilst you were waiting for your coffee you and Tao started talking.
"Tao this place is absolutely beautiful, how did you find it?" You said resting you chin on your hand.
"Well when I first moved here I never used to get any sleep, I used to just wonder the streets late at night. One day I went down this street and found this coffee shop still open. And I don't know I've just been coming here ever since." Tao smiled.
Before you could reply the waitress placed the two cups of coffee in front of you two.
You had ordered a latte and Tao ordered a frappuccino. 
You smiled down at your coffee, on the top was an adorable bear face dusted in cocoa powder.
Tao slurped his frappuccino while you sipped your latte.
You put your cup down and looked up, instantly Tao cracked up laughing.
You tilted your head. "What's so funny?"
Tao continued to laugh harder. "_____ your nose...foam." 
(A/N oh gosh I know this is totally cheesy but this always happens to me, am I the only one? Probably...its those damn cups they're always so big erg)
You gasped and wiped it off quickly.
Tao snickered at your cuteness and continued drinking his coffee.
"It's not funny." You pouted and crossed your arms.
Tao ruffled your hair. "okay okay I'm sorry I wont laugh at you I promise." 
You starred at the walls and the ceilings in wonder whilst Tao...just starred at you.
"_____ how can you be so cute?" Tao thought as he slurped up his drink.

After what seemed like a lifetime of drinking coffee and talking, you and Tao finished and got ready to leave.
Before you could leave the waitress came over to pick up your cups.
"You know you two are an adorable couple." She smiled as she stacked the cups on top of each other.
You and Tao both blushed. "Oh no we're not a couple...we're just-"
The waitress gasped "Ommo I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to...well you make a good couple any ways." She said as she walked away.
You and Tao looked at each other awkwardly and smiled.
"______ as my girlfriend?"hmmm....that wouldn't be so bad, would it?" Tao thought.

You waved your hand in front of Tao's face, he seemed like he was in some sort of trance.
"Tao? Where are we going next?" You said.
Tao snapped out of his thoughts back to the coffee shop. "khgm hhmm? Oh uhh we're going for ice cream. I know this great place that sells the best ice cream in town...let's go!"


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Japanda #1
Chapter 15: awwww, i kindna knew you were pointing to kai being the guy we all like in the ff. i feel bad for tao though :(
Japanda #2
Chapter 14: itd ok author i understand you just take ur time but as long as you dont stop writing this ff update soon :D
Mirux27 #3
Chapter 14: I'm so glad you finally updated! :D I was so happy to see a double update!!! Yay!!! Although I think I'm really looking forward to this mushy dramatic stuff you mentioned, and if there will be any fluff between "me" and Tao. (^o^) He's so freaking cute I swear! I will look forward to the rest of the story and your updates! d(^~^)b
Guyyysss, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating all. But It's because I have like 3-4 chapters lost in cyber space PLUS the quadruple update I was planning on doing! So once they get the stuff back I'll update and gjlkjfddb drama has happened guys! so wait for all that mushy dramatic stuff...please? Lol I really wonder if you guys are gonna read this...anyways yeah, I'm super duper sorry! <3
Japanda #5
omg so Tao is so cute getting jealous easy
i need more chapters update soon plz
krisyeor #6
sobbing i flipped when i saw an update. dfklsj;fksdj I NEEED MORE OMG
Mirux27 #7
omg, I was giggling like a schoolgirl when OT12 appeared. LOOOOL. I love them all too much! And I would love to trade places with my character at any time. hahahaha! Talking to Kris in English sdlkfskjdfhskljdf!! I enjoyed reading your double update a lot! :D Tao is such a cute kungfu panda in your story, I really hope "me" and him end up together. He's being too cute I swear. ^-^