Chapter 1

Can't I be the one?

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Your alarm rang, you switched it off and pulled yourself out of bed. "EUGH" You said grogily. It was the start of your third week in Korea. there were still boxes laying on your apartment floor and things still needed to be unpacked. Today was your first day of school and you already felt like you were going to explode from nervousness. 

You walked to the bathroom and started washing your face in the sink, you already had butterflies in your stomatch. You looked up at your face in the mirror. "what If they don't like me? What If I don't fit in? Or, what if...I die from shame?!" 
You shook your head
"andwae! ____ you will fit in. You have to work hard, make friends and start fresh...FIGHTING!" You said powerfully: holding a fist up.

About an hour later you were ready for school. You had had your breakfast and were ready to head out the door.
You gripped your bag strap tightly. "you can do this____ remember: Fresh start. Turning over a new leaf." 

"____ Do you really think you can live life like this?"
"Dad, It's a great opportunity for me to reach my potential. please, let me go! " tears rolled down your cheek
"NO!" Your dad spat. "this kpop thing has gone too far. You can't just up-root and move to Korea."
"Dad, It's like a scolarship! You wont have to pay anything. I'll get the best education and I will go far. Just watch."
"Don't try and convince me ____ It's a stupid transfer programme and I don't want you to go. That's final." Your dad said shaking his head.
"NO DAD!" You exploded "Can't you let me make my own decisions? Can't you you see that I'm old enough to take care of myself? Can't you trust me?"
"No. I can't." His voice almost a whisper.
Your dad sighed "Look ____, It's your choice now. Either your family...or Korea."

You wiped a tear from your face. "No ____ You have to stay strong. The past is the past. You're starting out fresh, turning a new leaf. You are a strong girl who will fight"
You smoothed out your uniform and checked your hair one last time before you grabbed your lunch and headed out the door. 
"Time to face the music." 

It took you about 20 minutes to walk to school. You had timed your journey the first time you had visited the school for a tour. 
Today was a nice day. It wasn't too hot or too cold, It was just right. You decided to listen to music as you walked to help pass time.
You plugged in your headphones and pressed play
[SHINee-lucifer] Soomeul gotdo chatji mothae naneun piharyeogo aesseo bwado 
You started to bob your head to the beat of the music and wandered off singing al

Suddenly you were hit really hard on your shoulder.
You tripped and almost fell over.Your earphones jerked out of your ears and your ipod almost went flying.
"OUCH!" You yelled. 
"YAH! Watch where you're going, You almost broke my new phone." A guy shouted back.
You looked up. In front of you was a tall, dark - tanned looking guy. With dark hair, broad shoulders and full lips. He wore a pair of jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a leather jacket. He had a tiny pink gift bag in one hand and his phone tighly cluched in the other.
He was good-looking...really good looking. You continued to stare at him.
"Uh...Hello? Aren't you going to say sorry?" The guy said waving his hand in front of your face. 
You snapped back into reality. "Wait,what? Why should I appologize? You're the one who bumped into me..."
He scoffed "Are you serious? I was on my phone and you're the one who crashed into me, I was having a very important conversation..."
You squinted your eyes and tilted your head "excuse me? maybe If you weren't so into your new phone you would've seen me coming and avoided me." you said firmly.
The guy looked like he was about to explode. But instead he said "you know what, I don't have time for rude little brats like you. I'm getting late to see my girlfriend." and with that he ran off. 
You stood there for a few seconds, confused as to what had just happened. "did...did he just call me a rude little brat?" 
You wanted to chase after him and slap him But you decided not to. He wasn't worth your time any ways.
You glanced down at your watch. 
Your eyes bluged out."OMMO! I'm 10 minutes late!...because of that pabo." You muttered.
You started to quicken your pace now. (almost running.) You plugged your earphones back into your ipod and powerwalked to the beat of the music.


You arrived at school just as the bell rang. You were out of breath and tired by now. But the feeling of tiredness couldn't compare to the fear and nervousness you were feeling.
You walked down the hallway to your class.
You sheepishly opened the door and stepped into the classroom. 
It seemed that all your classmates were all already there. You felt awkward and out of place. 
You heard people whispering "Is she the new transfer student?"  "She must be." "Oh she's pretty." 
You gulped "I....uhh...erm."

"aahh, you must be ______" A voice called from behind the desk at the front of the classroom.
It was a woman. She looked like she was in her mid thirties, she had her hair tied up in a neat bun with a small flower hair pin on the side of it. She wore a white shirt and a knee-length pencil skirt with short heels.
"I'm mrs Kim, Welcome to yongwha high."
You smiled politely and bowed.
"Thank you It's great to be here!" 

Mrs kim ushered you to the middle of the room. You weren't sure what she was doing. But you just kept your mouth shut.
"hmmm....where should I put you?" Mrs Kim said tapping her finger against her chin.
"aah! You can sit next to Tao at the back!" She said pointing to a boy and the far left hand corner of the room. 
You looked at the boy. 
He was fairly skinny, with jet black floppy hair, intense deep black eyes and flawless skin. 
He smiled as you walked over and sat down next to him.
"Hey, I'm tao." He said holding out his hand.
"Hey there tao, I'm _____ It's nice to meet you!" You smiled back. 
After shaking hands Mrs kim walked over to both of you. 
"oh tao, I have something to ask of you. Seeing as _____ Is new to the school I would like you to show her round our school for a bit, help her with her timetable and show here where all her classes are. I'll give you an hour, would that be enough?"
Tao smiled and nodded his head "Yeah, that's fine by me. Should we get going ____?"
You agreed and followed Tao out the classroom. You already knew your way around school and your timetable, but you just wanted to get out of that classroom. The atmosphere was awkward and stuffy and people continued to stare at you.

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Japanda #1
Chapter 15: awwww, i kindna knew you were pointing to kai being the guy we all like in the ff. i feel bad for tao though :(
Japanda #2
Chapter 14: itd ok author i understand you just take ur time but as long as you dont stop writing this ff update soon :D
Mirux27 #3
Chapter 14: I'm so glad you finally updated! :D I was so happy to see a double update!!! Yay!!! Although I think I'm really looking forward to this mushy dramatic stuff you mentioned, and if there will be any fluff between "me" and Tao. (^o^) He's so freaking cute I swear! I will look forward to the rest of the story and your updates! d(^~^)b
Guyyysss, I'm so sorry I haven't been updating all. But It's because I have like 3-4 chapters lost in cyber space PLUS the quadruple update I was planning on doing! So once they get the stuff back I'll update and gjlkjfddb drama has happened guys! so wait for all that mushy dramatic stuff...please? Lol I really wonder if you guys are gonna read this...anyways yeah, I'm super duper sorry! <3
Japanda #5
omg so Tao is so cute getting jealous easy
i need more chapters update soon plz
krisyeor #6
sobbing i flipped when i saw an update. dfklsj;fksdj I NEEED MORE OMG
Mirux27 #7
omg, I was giggling like a schoolgirl when OT12 appeared. LOOOOL. I love them all too much! And I would love to trade places with my character at any time. hahahaha! Talking to Kris in English sdlkfskjdfhskljdf!! I enjoyed reading your double update a lot! :D Tao is such a cute kungfu panda in your story, I really hope "me" and him end up together. He's being too cute I swear. ^-^