I Don't Know What To Do (On Hiatus)

Smiling he answers. "AHH, so you do know me." I nod my head. "Um, sorry to keep repeating myself but would it be all right to use your phone?" I nod again.

I put my finger up. "Just a moment." I'm able to squeak out before backing into my house and closing the door. I stand there for a moment thinking.

Ok so SHINee's Key did not just show up at my door. I must have had a hallucination. Did I take any drugs recently? No, stupid I don't do drugs. Well, am I asleep? I pinch my arm. Nope, I'm definitely awake. Oh, who cares if it's a hallucination? If he is one then he won't be there when you open the door again.

I grab the phone and after taking a deep breath I open the door. Well, I'm definitely not hallucinating. 

"Here." I squeak as I hand the phone to him.

"Thank you." He gives me a smile and a light bow before turning away and dialing a number. I know when the person answers because he begins speaking rapidly in Korean. 

Ripping my eyes from SHINee's diva, I look out to the street and sure enough, there's the van, smoke coming out from under the open hood. I hear Gracie whining in the back wanting to be let in so I motion to Key that I'll be back and go to let the dogs in, forgetting to close the front door before I go. The dogs run in the house only to see the open front door and bolt. When I get outside again Gracie is standing on her hind legs Minho's ears and Stormy is getting a neck rub from Taemin. 

"Gracie get down!" I quick run over to them and pull Gracie down. "I am so sorry! I forgot to close the front door before I let them in. I am so sorry!" 

"Oh, it's no problem." Taemin stands up and smiles at me. I swear my heart almost stopped. All I could do was stare.

"I'll just go takes these two into the house." I turn back to Minho. "I am really sorry."

He just bows his head and mumbles "It's ok." 

Having ushered the dogs back into the house and closed them in my parents bedroom, I come back out to find that Key is off the phone and talking to a person, who I assume to be their manager. When I come back outside Key turns to me. "Um, my manager was wondering if you have a number for a mechanic?"

"Oh, sure." I start to go back inside but stop. "If you guys want to you're welcome to wait inside." Key looks out towards the van and I follow his gaze. Taemin and Minho are leaning against the side of the van conversing softly in Korean, Jonghyun I can see through the open door is typing on his phone, and Onew is sound asleep in the front seat. 

"Are you sure?" I turn back to Key and nod. "Thank you."

"Come on in, I'll just be looking for that number."


I go into the kitchen and watch as Key rounds up the members who're awake before going to wake Onew. He lightly shakes his shoulder. When Onew doesn't respond Key slaps Onew's leg and yells. "Onew hyung, get up!" Onew jerks awake and almost falls out of the van. With all the members awake Key ushers them up the driveway, up the walk and onto the front porch. 

I can hear them talking low in Korean. I walk to the front door with my brightest smile and invite them in. "Come on in. Just take your shoes off at the door. My mom doesn't want dirt on the rugs." I hand the number to Key. "Here's the number."

"Ah, thank you." Key takes the phone from their manager and dials the number.

"You can go down that hallway if you need some quiet." I point down the hallway to the left and Key nods his thanks before wandering that way. Which left me  alone with  the others. Talk about awkward. "Would you like anything to drink?"

Taemin, who had been looking at some pictures of me and my sister when we were five, answered. "May I have some milk?" 

"Sure. Anyone else?" I look at Minho, Jonghyun, and Onew to find Minho and Jonghyun talking and Onew dazing. 

"I'm ok." Minho answers. 

"Water, please." Said Jonghyun quietly. 

Onew and the manager shakes their heads. 

"Ok. Umm, you can go sit in the living room if you want." I point down the hallway. "Just through there."

They nod and begin to walk that way while I go to the kitchen. After getting the milk and water I go to the living room and hand them their drinks. Minho, Taemin, and Jonghyun sit on the long couch while Onew and their manager sit on the love seat. I sit down in the chair. We sit there in silence with only the light talking of Key down the hallway. 

"So, where are you guys going?"

Onew looks up and answers. "We're supposed to be in Chicago for a concert but the plane had to make an e-emergency stop. Something about the uh..uh..fuel. There wasn't going to be another plane leaving tonight, I'm not exactly sure why, so Manager Jin decided to just rent a van. Then we..." He looks at the others for help. Taemin picks up where Onew left off.

"Manager Jin was driving and got lost. Somehow we had ended up in a re-re"


"Yes, thank you. residential area. Then the engine started smoking so he stopped. We kind of fought over who would have to ask for help." 

"And I'm guessing Key lost?" 

Taemin smiles. "Yes. And then, well you should know the rest." I nod. At this time Key comes back. 

"Thank you. Someone will be here for the van in a while." 


"Hyung, what about the concert?" questioned Taemin. 

"I guess we'll just have to call and tell them the situation." 

"What would happen to the concert?" I couldn't help it.

"It would be canceled." All their faces showed how upset they were about this.

"You said in Chicago right?" They all nod. I contemplate for a moment. "When's the rehearsal start?"

"The lasted we can arrive would be noon. Why?" 

"I was thinking. I have a my parent's van here. If you need to I can take you." They all just stare at me as if I suddenly sprouted a foot out the top of my head. "What?"

"You would do that?" This came from Onew.

"Yes, I mean it's not like you have another way, do you?" He shakes his head. "It's decided then. I'll drive you to Chicago. We can either leave now or early tomorrow morning. Which one?"

They all look at each other confused. "It takes about two and a half hours from here so we can now and get a hotel or go tomorrow and go straight to the venue." New confusion shows on their faces. "Sorry, the place where the concert is." 

They look at each other and converse softly in Korean. Onew looks at me. "Are you sure we can bother you?" 

"Sure. No problem." 

"Then would it be alright if we stay the night and go in the morning?" 

"No problem." Silence comes over us. "Oh, if you guys have anything in your van you may want to get it."

"Ah, you're right. Thank you." Taemin jumps up, grabs Minho and Jonghyun's hands and drags them to the door. "Oh, sorry but we forgot. What's your name?"

"Oh. I didn't even think about that. Morgan. My name is Morgan Jones."


We had just finished eating and had moved back to the living room when the doorbell rang. "I'll be back." I handed the remote to Minho. When I answered the door my fangirl heart almost burst. No, it wasn't another kpop idol. It was Sara, who I wanted to spill everything to. I stepped out onto the porch and closed the door.

"Sara, uh, what're-what-what's up?" 

"Well, I couldn't help but notice the van that was in front of your house earlier today. I was going to come over and ask you about it sooner but then Mom and Dad wanted to go to the store and then to eat. When we got back the van was gone. Then I came over to ask you about it." 

"Ah, well, um, uh."

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"No, no. Just someone's van broke down and they asked me for a phone. It was taken away a while ago."

"Where are the people?" 


"The people, the ones in the van. Where'd they go?"

"Oh uh, I don't know...Hey, what was the assignment for Brook's class?"

"Well, if that wasn't a quick change. I know you're hiding something. I mean, come on, since when do you ask about assignments?" 

I fish mouth for a couple seconds. "Shut up!" I stick my tongue out at her. "Anyways, they were just some people whose van died."

"Fine, whatever. Can I come in for a while? My dad and mom are watching some icky romance movie. It's creepy watching romance with them. You remember that one movie?"

"Yeah, that was pretty creepy."

"So, can I come in?" She reaches for the doorknob but I stop her.

"Um, actually I was just going to bed."

"At eight?"

"Uh..yeah." She gives me a funny look.

"Whatever. I still think you're hiding something, but I guess if you won't tell me it must be important. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Uh, actually I have to go to Chicago tomorrow."


"I, uh, have something to do." She gives me a look that says Seriously, what the hell, more secrets?

"Look, it's nothing important. But could you watch Stormy and Gracie for me? Feed them and let them out. Please?" I can tell it's not going to work so I put on my best aegyo. "Pwetty pwease?" 

"Fine, on the condition that you tell me what you had to do when you come home." She crosses her arms and gives me the I mean business look.

"Fine, I will if I can." 

"How long?" 

"I'll probably be back late tomorrow night. But, it might be till Sunday. I'll call when I get home."

"Ok, see you when I see you." With that she walks away. I go back inside and walk to the living room. They all look up at me as I enter. "So question, would it be good if I didn't tell my friend that you're here?"

"I guess it would probably be best." Key answers. 



"So I won't feel so bad about not telling her."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. Well, I don't mean to sound like a mother but since we're going to be getting up early I think it would probably be good to go to sleep now." 

Key nods. "That would actually be a really good idea. Come on guys. Get ready for bed. Uh, where will we be sleeping?"

"Um, well, we have a guest room with a queen. Then we have my sister's room. She has a queen and since she's in Colorado for college she won't care. Which leaves two." I stand there and bite my thumb. "I guess two could have my room."

"Oh, no we can't do that." This comes from Jonghyun, which surprises me since he hasn't spoken much all night. 

"The only other thing would be the couches or the chair."

"That's fine." Minho answers. 

"Are you sure?" They nod. "Ok, I'll get some blankets and show you to the rooms. Who get the beds?" Key, Jonghyun, Taemin, and Onew raise their hands. "Ok, follow me."

I show them to the rooms and get the blankets for Minho and Manager Jin. I tell them all where my room is in case they need anything and then show them the bathrooms so they can get ready. After I show them all this I say good night. 

They all bow saying thank you. When I get to my room, I close the door and stand there with my back to it before jumping on the bed and burying my face in in my pillows and scream my little fangirl heart out. 

Oh my god, SHINee is in my house, was all I could think as I got ready for bed and as I got into bed and as I shut my eyes. It was the last think I though before I drifted into dream land.

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So I was chair challenged today for orchestra so in order to practice Im going to have even less time to update. I will update when I can. Sorry!!


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DramaLuv #1
I'm sorry. I hope u feel better. :((( Poor Doggie!!
ftshinebang #2
I would totally die if this happened to me
DramaLuv #3
I luv it!!! Update ASAP!!!! Mmk?!
DramaLuv #4
Yay!!!! U updated ur first chapter!!!!!! I've looking forward to it!!!!!!! :))
DramaLuv #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! That's such a long time!!! I was hoping it'd be updated like tomorrow but okay. I'll wait...I was really looking forward to it....humumumumumu.......xD
superdino34 #6
Just to inform you I will not start writing this until I get out of school which ends next week.