The Dream and a Visitor

I Don't Know What To Do (On Hiatus)

As I sit in class, I stare out the windows trying to pay attention with little success. Watching as the clouds float slowly by while counting the seconds until we get released I think about all the things I would rather be doing. Talking to my friends, watching movies, fangirling over my favorite idols. But nothing helps to drown out the monotone voice of our teacher. I put my hands on my desk and my chin on my hands and try to pay attention but before I know it my eye lids are drooping and I’m asleep.

I’m in a church. Wearing a big white dress, I stare down the aisle as a sea of faces look back at me. I look to my left and take the arm of my father, who smiles at me lovingly. The wedding march begins playing and we start to walk down the aisle, following the flower girl. As I look around at the crowd I can see all the smiling faces of my family and friends. I look towards the front and see my best friends Sara, Paisley, and Annabeth lined up to the left of the alter. When I look to the front of the alter I see a man standing with his back to me in a black tux. When we arrive at the altar I turn to my father who lifts my veil and kisses my check whispering "I love you" before turning back to the front. As my father presents my hand to my groom, the man turns around and...

Something shoves my shoulder and I'm awake. "Morgan, get up. Class is over."

I look up and find Sara standing over me."What? But it just started." I state, still halfway asleep.

"No, you slept through it. You even drooled on your book, see." She points to the large wet spot on my Grammar book. "I tried to wake you but you were sleeping like the dead. Did you sleep ok last night?" She asks with a worried look.

"Of course I did." She looked at me with a skeptical look. "I did!" 

"Come on guys let's go! I'm hungry!" I turn around to find Paisley standing at the door of the classroom. I quickly pick up my stuff and shove everything in my backpack, not caring that it's the reason most of my papers get turned in crumpled and ripped. I close my laptop and shove it in it's case being slightly more gently this time.

"Let's go!" I yell but am pulled back by Sara. "What?"

"Forgetting something?" She looks pointedly at the front of the room where Mr. Brooks stands gathering his things. 

"Damn it. Tell Paisley to hold on. It will only take a second."

"Ok, well, hurry up. You know you shouldn't mess with Paisley and her feeding time." I wave her on and go to talk to Mr. Brooks.


After I finish talking with Mr. Brooks I speed walk to our meeting place, the second floor lounge with the always stocked vending machine. When I turn the corner Paisley is about ready to insert a bill. I pretend to slow motion run while yelling "NOOO!" in a low voice. She turns around, dollar still in hand, and scowls at me. 

"What the hell took you so long? I'm hungry!"

I dropped down to my knees, bring my hands together in front of me. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I look up at her and give her my best puppy dog eyes, but sadly it doesn't work as usual. She continues to scowl at me. I throw my hands down to my side and hang my head. "Fine I'll pay." She cheers as she jumps up and down clapping. 

"Well, if you're done with the drama, shall we decide where to go for lunch?" Sara asks us, ever patient to just watch us act like dorks.

"CHINESE!" Paisley and I say at the same time. 

"Guess it's decided then. And away we go!" Sara puts her hands in front of her and starts speed walking to the exit. Following her lead, Paisley and I do the same, adding some sound effects as we "fly" to the parking lot.


"So, what did you have to talk about with Mr. Brooks?" Paisley asked after shoveling a spoonful of chow mein into . "It must have been important seeing as you waisted my precious food time."

"It was about one of my papers from last week. I got it back with a C. That was A class work! Course then he talks about how it's all wrinkled, some of the spelling is bad, and all this crap." I stab a piece of sesame chicken with my fork and pop it in my mouth. "He did say that it would have been fine if I hadn't written it the night before."

"Then maybe you should start working on it earlier instead of staring at SHINee everyday." Sara interjects before taking a drink of her hot tea.

"But you do the same thing!" 

"Yes, but I start on my homework first, spend a couple hours doing that and then stare at U-KISS. Plus when we get an assignment like a paper I start the day its assigned and spread it out, doing a little everyday. You just work on it the night before it's due."

"That is not true! I work on it the day it's assigned!" I look down at my food and mumble, "It's just I usually get distracted after that."

Sara shakes her head at me. "Whatever, dork. So what  was your dream about? It must have been a good one since one I couldn't wake you, two you were smiling like an idiot, and three you drooled a river on your book." 

I immediately perked up at that. "It was awesome! I was in a church in a big white dress and my family was there and you guys too and Annabeth. My dad walked me down the aisle and everyone was smiling at me."

"Who was your groom?" Paisley had stopped eating to look at me.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" 

"No. My dad had just presented my hand and the groom was turning around when Sara woke me up." I gave Sara an accusatory look.

"What?! How was I to know you were dreaming about your future man?" Paisley and I start laughing at the look on her face.

"I'm kidding dork!" I look down at my plate and stare. "Where'd all my food go?!" I look up only to find Paisley avoiding my eye. "Paisley!"

"Well, you were freaking out about your dream and not eating and I was Hungry!" I give her a glare as she stares at me with no obvious regret on her face. 

"If you two are done fighting, we have to go to class." I shoot Paisley one more glare before turning to Sara. Placing my hands on Sara's shoulder, I turn on my crappy American aegyo, copying Key's recent aegyo attack from Weekly Idol. "Morgan is hungry. Morgan is hungry! What should I do?" It works on Sara. Score!

"Here, you dork." She hands me the rest of her rice before standing up to throw away the rest of her stuff. I wolf down the rice and throw away the bowl. 

I walk behind them before walking between them and putting my hands on their shoulder. "Do we have to go to class?"

In unison "Yes, Morgan." And away we went.


"Bye guys!" I wave at them as they drive away. Class just ended fifteen minutes ago and Paisley was dropping us off at our houses. Since we live so close to St. Ambrose Paisley, Sara and I just live at home. We all live on the same street but our houses are spread out. Since Paisley is farthest down the street she always picks us up on her way and in exchange we help pay for gas. 

I unlock the front door with the key around my neck. I've been wearing my key around my neck since the eighth grade and have only lost it four times. Throwing my stuff to the side as I enter, I yell to the house. "I'm home!"  The sound of running feet reach my ears and I brace myself. A poodle and a beagle attack me, smelling my clothes and my ear and neck. "Hey guys, whatcha been doing?" I scratch Gracie's ears (the poodle) before pushing her away in order to bend down and scratch Stormy's neck. "Who wants out?" They run to the back door so I open the door and they go running out. 

Today was Friday and even though I have a paper due on Monday, I grab my laptop and settle down on the couch.  When my computer is on I'm greeted by the smiling faces of my idols SHINee. "Hi guys" I whisper giving a little wave while feeling like a dork. But who cares? After it connects to the wifi I begin my routine, checking for new videos on YouTube, going through the articles on allkpop, checking for story updates on asianfanfics, and last Tumblr. Ah Tumblr, the place where I can see endless pictures of my babies, boyfriends, and husbands, the place where I meet my favorite Unnie Annabeth, and the place where I can spend hours procrastinating. If my parents knew how much time I spend on the internet, they would probably destroy my laptop, lock the office door (where our mac is), and put a password on the wifi that I don't know.

Not having parents around can be kind of lonely though. Don't worry they aren't dead. They just suddenly had a need to travel the world. But since I had just started college they decided to leave me and the dogs home. Which I'm fine with, they deserve it. They call every other night and send post cards. 

My sister Paige lives on campus at Colorado State so I don't see her much. We skype every once in a while but since we don't share the same interests it can get boring. Same questions every time. Are you eating ok? How are the dogs? How are classes? 

Having finished scrolling through my dash, I got up to let the dogs in when the door bell rang. I looked down at what I was wearing, an Iowa State sweatshirt and boys athletic shorts, to make sure I hadn't slobbed. All good. I don't really care about appearances but I always make sure I look at least presentable when opening the door or going out. Since there were no huge stains I turned the knob and opened the door. "Can I help..." I began to say but as the person at the door turned around I stopped cold.

"Ah, hello. Sorry to bother you but we got lost and then our van broke down outside your house. We were wondering if we could borrow your phone." The person asked in his adorable accented English. 

All I could do was stare. Wide eyed. With my mouth open. 

"Um, so can I use your phone?" 

"'" More staring.

"Ahh, do you know me?" I nod my head so fast I could have gotten whiplash.

"Ke-SHI-Ke-Ki-Key..." I pause and collect myself before trying again. "You're Kim Kibum. Right?"

Smiling, he answers. "AHH, so you do know me." 

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So I was chair challenged today for orchestra so in order to practice Im going to have even less time to update. I will update when I can. Sorry!!


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DramaLuv #1
I'm sorry. I hope u feel better. :((( Poor Doggie!!
ftshinebang #2
I would totally die if this happened to me
DramaLuv #3
I luv it!!! Update ASAP!!!! Mmk?!
DramaLuv #4
Yay!!!! U updated ur first chapter!!!!!! I've looking forward to it!!!!!!! :))
DramaLuv #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! That's such a long time!!! I was hoping it'd be updated like tomorrow but okay. I'll wait...I was really looking forward to it....humumumumumu.......xD
superdino34 #6
Just to inform you I will not start writing this until I get out of school which ends next week.