Thoughts of a Deaf Man



Since the day ___ was born he has not heard a single sound. Being deaf never posed a problem for ___ and his family. Living in a small town, he grew up with friends that accepted him the way he was. His life was perfect. That was until the day his father's company sent his father to another branch and they had to move. Leaving behind his friends and home, ___ must enter a new school where he comes to realize that not everyone is so excepting. 




Hi, i am taking this story over for my friend (dibidibidisM) who has lost the insiration to write but didn't want the stories to die. I don't know when i will get around to writing this because of my own stories and she understands that. If you have any opinions on who to use as characters then it would be very much appreciated if you dropped by the comments or my wall or where ever and tell me. (DibidibidisM also did not know what characters to use otherwise I would have used them)

The credit for the idea goes to her.


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