Truths of a Deaf Mute



At the age of seven, Taemin was in a terrible accident that left him completely deaf. Or so the rumors say.


The truth is Taemin was born mute and it's never caused problems, everyone around him accepted it. When his grandfather becomes ill, Taemin's parents pack up everything and move in with him. Soon after Taemin enters his new school rumors start to spread about him being deaf and he becomes the target of everyone's bullying. So he plays along. Pretending to be deaf, he hears everything, from which girl likes which guy, to which guy wants to bang which girl, who's in the closet, and who's doing their teacher. All the little truths people would only tell their closest friends. He hears everything and little by little releases these secrets to the school.




Hi, I am taking this story over for my friend (dibidibidisM) who has lost the insiration to write but didn't want the stories to die. I don't know when i will get around to writing this because of my own stories and she understands that. If you have any opinions on who to use as characters then it would be very much appreciated if you dropped by the comments or my wall or where ever and tell me. (DibidibidisM also did not know what characters to use otherwise I would have used them)

The credit for the idea goes to her.

Poster by Cheyne of Luxicity Graphics


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Ohh this sounds so interesting! I'd like a SHINee member too.. :3 although I think Onew would be more suitable for the role... :)
shiashin #2
Well since i really like SHINee and Key i'd wish the main character would be key but that's your choice:))
But this story dound really interesitng!