The Trip

I Don't Know What To Do (On Hiatus)


I was back in the church. I stood at the altar next to my groom. I look at him but his face is in shadows. "I do." He speaks.

"And do you Morgan take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Still staring at my groom I speak. "I do."

He turns to the people in the crowd. "If anyone for any reason feels that these two should not be married speak now or forever hold your peace." Ok that seems a little out of place, I though. I wait with my heart in my throat.

"Come on dude someone needs to do it."  It's just barely a whisper but in the silent crowd it was as if someone had screamed it.

"No way, you do it." I start to turn around to find the people talking when my vision starts to blur. Everything goes black and I can feel myself falling.

"Fine rock, paper, scissors. Fair enough?"

"Fine. Kai Bai Bo!" There was a pause.

"Damn it!"

"Go go go! Hurry up." 

With my eyes still closed, I turn my head and face my bedroom door. "Morgan" comes a whisper. "Are you awake?" Not sure what's going on I stay silent. As I lie there, I hear the door squeak open all the way and the soft pad of feet on the hardwood. A hand touches my shoulder. "Morgan." I jerk awake. Taemin backs up and looks at me with worried eyes. "Sorry, did I scare you?"

"No....Well, yeah maybe a little." We stare at each other in awkward silence before I remember I'm in a tank pajama top. I bring my blanket up to cover my front. "Do you need something?"

"Umm, yeah. You said you could take us to Chicago at eight. It's um eight o'clock now." I stare at him for a moment before it sinks in.

"Oh! Okay, sorry I at waking up on time! Dang it!" I throw the covers off and jump out of bed before running around looking for clothes. Once I have them I pull my shirt halfway up before I remember something pretty important. Taemin was still standing behind me. I put my shirt down and turn to him, my checks on fire. He's just staring, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. "Uh, could you leave? Please." 

He shakes his head as if to clear something. "Oh, um, sorry. I'll ju-just g-go." He bows his head sheepishly and scampers out. 


"Come on guys, let's go!" I yelled as I walked out the door to the waiting van. I had already gotten it out of the garage. 

"We're waiting for you." I stop and look at the van only to find it already filled with guys. Key was in the front seat, Taemin and Manager Jin were in the middle seats and Onew, Jonghyun, and Minho were in the back.

"Oh." Walking to the drivers side, I start to get in only to remember I forgot something. "Just a minute, I forgot to lock the front door." After locking the door and closing the garage door we're off. Having never actually driven to Chicago, I had got directions from Google Map and printed them off, but after only a few turns I got confused. 

Apparently having noticed my internal struggle, Key speaks up. "Do you need any help?" 

"Uh, yeah actually. I at directions. I would have the GPS but my parents took it with them." Key puts his hand out and I give him the directions with a smile. 

"Okay, first off what street are we on?" 

"Uh, I think its Middle Road. Yeah, there's a sign." 

"Okay so just keep going down this street and turn left to get on the interstate. You know where right?" 

"Yeah, I know. Sorry, you think I could follow such easy directions." Then things get quiet. 

Taemin's the first to break the silence. "So, Morgan, what do you do?" 

"I'm a freshman in college. My major is undecided but I'm interested in art and music so I'm thinking about doing something that involves both. Though what that would be I have no idea."

"What type of music?" 

"I play the viola." When I get no response I look at Taemin in the review mirror to find a confused expression on his face. "It's bigger than a violin and one string lower."

"Ah, I know. I went to a concert once where the special soloist was a viola." This came from Onew. 

"That's so cool! I wish I could have seen that. Since violas are lower and tend to do the harmony they get out shined most the time."

"What else do you do?" Key questioned.

"Well, I play softball. I want to get on the college team but missed the tryouts this year." 

"What positions?" Minho inquired.

"Well, I'm mainly pitcher and short, but I'm also catcher, first, left, and deep center." 

"Wow, you must be good." 

"I'm okay. Right now I'm on a recreational league and we have a game Sunday. If you're still around maybe you can come!" Silence to that. Hey I could dream couldn't I? "So any idea on what you guys are doing next?"

"We're working on a new album!" Taemin shouts excitedly.

"Taemin!" Key turns around to scold him.

"Key, don't worry I won't say anything. I mean I haven't said anything about you guys being here have I?" He thinks it over.

"I guess. Sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that it's just we're not supposed to say anything without permission."

"Well, don't worry I won't tell. And if I won't tell and you guys don't nobody will know. See Manager Jin is asleep." And as if to confirm it, Manager Jin begins to snore lightly. "Hey, Key when's that turn off?"

"It should be coming soon. There's the sign." When we reach the exit I get off. "Stay on I-280 east and then follow I-80."

It was then that my stomach decided it was time to eat. "Whoops. I forgot to eat." I check the time. "We have time." I get off and find a McDonalds. "Are you guys hungry too?" Five nods and a snore answer me. "Kay then, everyone out."

Everyone piles out, Onew waking up Manager Jin as he passes, and we go in. "Is it okay for all of you to go in like this?" 

"I doubt we'll be recognized here." Whatever you say Key.

We stood back and looked at the board. Decisions, decisions. "I know what I want!" I pounce up to the counter. "Double cheese ketchup and onions only, medium fry, dollar large drink, and a s'more pie." What can I say, I was hungry. 

As she was punching that in Onew came up. He waited for her to finish. "Two three piece chicken tenders, small fry, and a drink."

"What size?"

"He'll have the dollar large drink also. In fact, hold on." I turn to the others. "You all want drinks right?" Five nods. I turn back to the lady. "Five more dollar large drinks, please." Minho came up next followed by Jonghyun and Key and then Taemin and Manager Jin. In the end we got seven fries, seven drinks and a chocolate milk, four double cheese burgers, two chicken tenders, one chicken nugget, a crispy chicken club, and two ranch snack wraps, plus my s'more pie. Thank god, Manager Jin paid. Bless that man. 

We got a seat and dug in. I swear, even at school, I had never seen anyone shovel food into their mouths as fast as these boys. For every bite I took they took three. When they were done I still had half my fries left. "While I'm finishing these if you have to go you probably should. Even if you don't you should go." All of them got up and I was left alone.

I still couldn't really believe I was doing this. I mean, I had just watched SHINee shovel down their food. I was driving them to a concert. I have meet and talked to and slept in the same house as the people that I though I would only ever see through my computer screen. How many fans dream of this? Probably a lot. And I get to live it!  I get to watch SHINee eat, I get to talk to them, I get to be woken up by them bickering. Okay so that last one was a little weird but how many fans would be thrilled to be woken up by that? 

Still in my thoughts, I didn't notice the younger girl walk over to our table. "Excuse me." When I give no response she pulls gently on my shirt. "Excuse me." Startled, I look around.


"Are you here with SHINee?" This girl couldn't be any older than eleven. 

"Uh." Talk about mind fart. I couldn't think of what to say. Do I tell the truth? Wait for them to come out? The look on her face gets the answer out of me. "Yes, I am."

"Can I say hi?"

"I don't see why not. They're in the bathroom right now so do you want to wait with me?" She nods and sits down. Just to make sure I ask "Where's your mom?" 

"She's over there." She points to a table in the corner.

"Ok." We wait for a couple minutes before they come out. Taemin reaches us first.

"Hi, who's this?" He bends down to get to her eye level and smiles at her. 


"It's nice to meet you Ava." Jonghyun pats her head. 

They all sit down and chat for a while, passing around a napkin and pen to sign. After a while, Ava's mom comes over and gets her. We all wave. "Bye Ava!" As her mom takes her away she clutches the napkin to her chest with her free hand. 

"Morgan, we should probably go." Onew says. They gather up their stuff and throw it away. When I think everyone's backs are turned I wipe away a tear that had formed in my eye. 

"Are you crying?" Damn you, Jonghyun! You just had to see that didn't you?

"No! I had something in my eye. Come on, we're going to be late." I push past him and head to the door. As I went past I could hear Minho whisper to Taemin "She was so crying." I chose to ignore it. 

When everyone's in the van, I drive to the nearest exit and stop at the light. When the light turns green I start to pull out but slam on the breaks and lay on the horn when a car runs the red light and almost hits us. Even though he's past I stick my head out the window and yell, "The light was ing red you ing moron! Learn to drive you ing !" I pull my head back in, face red with anger, still fuming. 

As I start to move again I can hear Minho whisper "Where did that come from?"

The rest of the trip was, for the most part, event free. However, when Minho fell asleep with his mouth open, Key thought it would be funny to make a game out of it by trying to throw popcorn into Minho's mouth. Let's just say I'm going to have to clean the car when I get home.

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So I was chair challenged today for orchestra so in order to practice Im going to have even less time to update. I will update when I can. Sorry!!


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DramaLuv #1
I'm sorry. I hope u feel better. :((( Poor Doggie!!
ftshinebang #2
I would totally die if this happened to me
DramaLuv #3
I luv it!!! Update ASAP!!!! Mmk?!
DramaLuv #4
Yay!!!! U updated ur first chapter!!!!!! I've looking forward to it!!!!!!! :))
DramaLuv #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! That's such a long time!!! I was hoping it'd be updated like tomorrow but okay. I'll wait...I was really looking forward to it....humumumumumu.......xD
superdino34 #6
Just to inform you I will not start writing this until I get out of school which ends next week.