Just a Normal Sunday

I Don't Know What To Do (On Hiatus)


"So, what do you guys want to do today/?" I ask as we sit down to eat breakfast. 

'I don't know. What is there to do?" Key answers.

"In this town? Not much." It was Sunday and I had no classes. I have no idea what to do with five idols and one manager in my house. 

"I would be ok with just staying home for the day." Said Onew. "I'm still kind of tired."

"Ok. Is that good with everyone?"

"Yeah, and besides I think Taemin still feels guilty." whispers Key. We all look over at the end of the table were Taemin sits, his head hung low over his cereal. 

"Then let's do something that will cheer him up!” I say. "Any ideas?"

"Well we could-" Minho was cut off when we heard the front door open and people talking.

We all sat, frozen in our seats, as Paisley and Sara walked into the kitchen. "And so I said no you back off . That's my donut. Hey Morgan, I didn't know you had company...." said Paisley, her sentence dying off when she sees exactly who my company is. 

"Paisley you idiot, what are you doing? Move your ." yelled Sara who couldn't get through the kitchen door. When Paisley moved out of the way Sara was able to see who was sitting at the table. "Oh my god."



It had been five minutes before any of us said anything. When I finally broke the silence I explained what happened, how they got lost and their car broke down, how they needed a ride to the concert and how I got to watch (I left out the part about fainting though) and how they are now taking their vacation here. When I was done, the boys and I just stared at Sara and Paisley as they processed what I had just told them.

"So let me get this straight, because they missed their flight they are going to be staying here with you for a short vacation?" asks Sara.

"Uh yeah."

"Let me tell you Morgan you have got to be the luckiest fan in all the fandoms."

"I know, right?!" I squeal, my inner fan girl getting the better of my. 

"Hey Morgan you got any of those pancakes left?" asks Paisley.

"Oh would you like some?" Asks Key, who stands up to grab a plate for her.

She nods, unable to say speak. I mean it was her freaking idol getting her pancakes. When the offer any to Sara she declines saying she already had breakfast.

"So do your parents know?" Sara asks after breakfast. The boys had said that since I made pancakes that they would clean up for me. Aren't they nice? Sara, Paisley, and I were in the living room waiting to for them to finish cleaning so we can decide what to do for the day.

"About what?" I ask innocently even though I know what she's talking about.

"About them staying here. I mean they are five guys and their manager, no offence Mr. Jin, and you’re a girl and you're all staying under one roof. Do you really think your parents would be ok with this?"

"Probably not." I mumble. "But they don't need to know. I mean they're supposed to be away for a month and Paige is over at Iowa so I can keep it on the down low. As long as you guys don't go and blather to your parents because you know that they second they get wind of the arrangements they're going to call my parents."

"But Morgan do you really think this is a good idea? I mean what if something happens?" asks Paisely.

"Like what? You really think one of them is going to attack me?"

"No, we're more afraid that you'll attack one of them."

“Oh, haha, very funny Paisley. Anyways can you guys promise me that you’ll keep it a secret until they leave?”

“Duh, why wouldn’t we? If we told then we wouldn’t get to play with them either.” I breathed a sigh of relief and sat back in my chair.

“So what do you want to do today?” asks Key, who had just walked in with the guys.

“I don’t know, what do you guys want to do?” I direct to everyone in the room.

“Morgan, don’t you have a game today?” asks Sara.

"Crap, that's right I do."

"What time?"

"At one."

"Hey that's perfect! We can stay here and Onew can go back to sleep and we can watch a movie or something and then at one we can all go to Morgan's game. And after that we can go do something else if we want to." God, take a breath Key!

"Sounds like a plan! I'll get the popcorn." I say standing up to go to the kitchen. 

"Morgan, we just had breakfast." says Sara, always the lover of stating the obvious.

"It's not for me, it's for Paisley."


After the popcorn was popped and the movie was picked we all took our seats, except Onew and Manager Jin who opted for going back to bed. The living room had the television, which sat on an entertainment center at the front of the room. A couch sat against the left wall with a love seat across from that along the right wall and a chair in the back to the right.

Jonghyun and Key took the love seat while Taemin took the chair. Poor Minho had to share the couch with Sara and Paisely, who showed no shyness, kicking off her shoes and putting her legs across Minho's, the popcorn bowl in her lap. "Paisley don't be rude." scolds Sara, a disapproving look on her face. 

"Oh come on he doesn't mind, do you?" She asked Minho, who shakes his head. "See?" 

"Whatever, shut it you two." I commanded. I was not happy. Why was I the one on the floor? Who's house is this? I couldn't help but think as I tried to figure out where to sit. 

"Morgan, would you like the chair?" Taemin asked.

"Oh no, I'm good. I can just lay on the floor."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I may have wanted a seat but I ain't takin one from my future husband Taemin. I got some blankets and pillows from my room and spread them out on the floor. When I was all situated I pressed play on the remote."Hope none of y'all have to pee cause we ain't stoppin'." 

So I'm sorry for taking FOREVER to finally get this written and out and there are probably some mistakes but I'll fix them at some point. God, I'm such a bad author. Anyways, hope you're still stickin' with me even though we be goin' ultra slow. 

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So I was chair challenged today for orchestra so in order to practice Im going to have even less time to update. I will update when I can. Sorry!!


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DramaLuv #1
I'm sorry. I hope u feel better. :((( Poor Doggie!!
ftshinebang #2
I would totally die if this happened to me
DramaLuv #3
I luv it!!! Update ASAP!!!! Mmk?!
DramaLuv #4
Yay!!!! U updated ur first chapter!!!!!! I've looking forward to it!!!!!!! :))
DramaLuv #5
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! That's such a long time!!! I was hoping it'd be updated like tomorrow but okay. I'll wait...I was really looking forward to it....humumumumumu.......xD
superdino34 #6
Just to inform you I will not start writing this until I get out of school which ends next week.