Chapter 8

The Guardian


Kris opened the door to his apartment, letting Tao in first and following behind him. He sat Tao’s heavy suitcases by the door and said, “Well, this is it. You didn’t really get to see it last time you were here.” He placed his hands on his hips and glanced at the other boy, who was gaping slightly.

“You live here by yourself?”

Kris nodded.

“But…” Tao started, “isn’t it lonely?”

He shrugged and shut the door. “I’m used to it.” He led Tao to the living room, “Make yourself at home,” he started to walk towards the kitchen; when he turned back, Tao was still standing awkwardly at the back of the sofa. “Relax.”

Tao smiled nervously and took a seat on the sofa, sitting on the front half of the cushion rigidly. Kris shook his head and went to the refrigerator. He took out two bottles of juice and returned, sitting on the other end of the sofa from Tao. He handed him a bottle and cracked his own. Tao held it in his hands, just looking at everything with a frown.

“What’s wrong?”

Tao shook his head and his nervous chuckle returned, “Nothing. It’s just so different from my place,” his eyes scanned the room, “It’s not…”

Kris sat up, watching him, “It’s not what?”

Tao looked at the floor, hesitating, “It’s not like a home.” He fiddled with the cap on his juice bottle, hoping Kris wouldn’t take offense.

“What do you mean?”

Tao looked up at him; his expression was slightly guilty. “It’s all expensive and nice, but there’s nothing out of place, there are no pictures or personal things… it just feels strange.”

Kris looked around; he’d never noticed before. “Well,” he said slowly, scanning everything, “Since it’s just me, there isn’t a lot of stuff around. And I don’t have any pictures…”

“None at all?”

Kris shook his head.

“Not even pictures with your parents? Or Chen?”

Kris frowned. “Is that weird?”

Tao chuckled, “Most people have photos with their friends and family.” He thought for a moment, and then jumped up. “I know!” He ran to his suitcase.

“You shouldn’t move around like that.”

“Oh hush.” Tao dug in the bag with his good arm, and pulled out a black case. He trotted back and sat directly next to Kris on the sofa. He ped the case and pulled out a polaroid. “Here, you take the picture.” He handed it to Kris, who looked it over as Tao wrapped his good arm around his shoulders. Kris tensed up and blushed, but Tao didn’t notice. Kris held the camera up. “Smile,” Tao prodded. Kris hit the button and there was a click.

They waited as it printed and developed; Tao never removed his arm. They huddled together, leaning over it as the picture appeared. Tao laughed at their smiling faces and snatched it from Kris. He pulled away and stood, looking over the flatscreen in front of them. Kris’ face fell as he moved away. Tao leaned the picture against the base of the tv and smiled. “It’s a start,” he said.


Tao came out of the bathroom connected to the guest room and froze. Kris was setting up a thin mattress on the floor next to the overstuffed bed. He laid the blanket down flat and tossed an extra pillow off the bed and onto the floor.

“What are you doing?” Tao asked.

Kris jumped, startled, and him. “You’re still too quiet,” he said dryly. He scratched the back of his head, “I figured I couldn’t hear you all the way from my room if you called.”

“I could text you if I need anything, you know.”

Kris frowned, “Well, if you don’t want me to stay…” his voice trailed off, sounding disappointed.

Tao waved a hand, “It’s not that,” he said, “I’m already such a pain. Making you sleep on the floor seems cruel.”

Smiling, Kris stretched and then slowly made his way to the floor, grunting. The doctor had given him medicine for his hip pain, but now and then, it really bothered him. Once settled, it became more comfortable. He laid on his back, with his arms behind his head. He sighed contentedly and then looked up at Tao, who was still standing by the bathroom door. “It’s really okay, Tao.”

“If you’re sure.” He climbed over Kris and crawled into the soft, plushy bed. He was lying on his stomach, his right arm curled under him. Luckily, his medicine was taking care of most of the pain in his shoulder; he might be able to sleep fairly comfortably. He pushed a pillow under his cheek, then reached out and clicked off the table lamp, throwing them in darkness.

They were quiet for a long time; Kris was sure that Tao had drifted off already, so he closed his eyes as well. A finger poked him in the cheek and he swatted the hand away, laughing, “What?!”

Tao chuckled, “Thanks for letting me stay.” He let his arm hang over the side of the bed.

Kris reached over and took Tao’s dangling hand, linking their fingers together.  

A few minutes passed, but the fluttering in Kris’ chest didn’t stop. He closed his eyes and a small smile crept to his lips. He started to say something, but heard the soft rattling of Tao’s breath and realized he had finally drifted off. 

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, it's been weird around here.


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS
pattyftw #2
Chapter 22: Yieeeeee so cute!!!! ALL THAT FLUFFFF IM MELTING!!!
Relationship goals ❤️
Govina #4
Chapter 22: Omg omg!! The end is just an epic! Kyaaa~~
Chapter 22: This was so awesome!! And the ending was so sweet :')
Chapter 22: Omg! Awwww ❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #7
Chapter 22: “If it’s with you, it’s not ‘just’ anything,” he replied, “it’s everything. And I could never forget.”

OMG! Im trying to stop my squeal here so i won't wake everyone up here. It's frickin' 3am here for pete's sake.
AND DAMN I LOVE THIS STORY! Tao-tao is so adorableee and Kris is just a lovely boyfriend.. Awww ❤❤
sanjana3 #8
Chapter 22: Omg this is absolutely adorable so cutteeee :D
Chapter 22: *wheezes/spazzes This is just pure fluff and perfection
Chapter 22: * sobs* Just beautiful <3 <3 :D