Chapter 5

The Guardian

Tao stood in the kitchen, looking at what few things they had in the fridge. Kris had been in his room for several hours now; Tao hadn’t gotten the nerve up to check on him yet. He shut the door and tutted; he would have to order roomservice. He picked up the hotel’s phone and called downstairs.

“What’s the special tonight?” He nodded, “We’ll take the noodles. Can you bring two orders?” He hung up and wandered around the suite aimlessly. He tidied up, paced, wiped down the counters and tables, anything that kept him busy. When the food arrived, he placed the tray on the small, round table in their dining room. He pulled the lids off the plates and sniffed the noodles. They smelled pretty spicy; hopefully Kris wouldn’t mind.

He poured two glasses of water and set the table up for them, placing the side dishes next to the large bowls of noodles. But then it was time for the worst part. He made his way slowly to Kris’ door and tapped on it with his knuckle.

“Kris? I ordered room service.”

“Then go eat it,” he replied crankily.

“I ordered you some, too,” he waited but Kris didn’t respond, “Come eat with me. It’s noodles.”

“I don’t want to.”

He opened the door a crack and poked his head in. Kris was sitting up on his bed texting. He looked up at him. “Please, Kris. Come eat.”

Kris looked at the far wall and his lips pursed, but he stuck the phone in his pocket and climbed off the bed. He followed Tao into the dining room and took a seat at the table. Tao sat across from him and picked up his chopsticks. They both ate in silence for several minutes until Tao spoke up.

“Kris,” he said quietly. Kris grunted in reply. “Thank you for the shoes.” Kris shrugged. “You didn’t have to. I’ll pay you back for them.”

“No!” Tao jumped. “I mean, don’t worry about it.”


“Look, I knew it was my fault you’d miss out on them, so I got them. It’s not a big deal.”

“Maybe not to you,” Tao said between bites, “but do you know how long I’ve had to save up for those? For you to buy them so casually makes me feel bad.”

Kris watched him, his hand holding his chopsticks dropping onto the table. Tao kept his nose buried in his food. “Then,” he started slowly, “it’s your birthday present. And Christmas… and your next birthday.”

Tao snorted. Kris smiled. “But really,” Tao said, “thanks, Kris. I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier.”

Kris nodded; Tao really did look sorry. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as he thought. The two of them continued eating and didn’t say another word the rest of dinner.


Someone knocked on the door. Tao went to answer it, peeking out the spyhole. Chen, Xiumin and Luhan were outside holding treats. He opened the door and let them in.

“We brought a movie,” Luhan said, waving a case in his hand.

“And snacks,” Xiumin added.

Chen filed in behind them and clapped Kris on the shoulder then punched him in the stomach. Kris bent over, clutching the spot. “Don’t ever run off again.” He patted him on the back and sat down at the far end of the sofa. He folded his legs up next to him, taking more than his share of space.

Tao smirked, the corners of his mouth turning up, and sat at the other end. Kris righted himself and took the seat directly next to Tao, leaving room for Chen. Xiumin sat in the loveseat while Luhan popped the movie in.

“What are we watching?” Kris asked.

“Arang,” Luhan said as he took the seat next to Xiumin.

“But,” Tao jumped, “that’s a ghost story!” The all stared at him. Kris nodded slowly. “It’s scary!”

“It’s just a story, Tao,” Chen chuckled from the other end. He stretched his arm out, just barely catching the light switch with his fingers. When the light went out, Kris felt Tao tense up next to him. He couldn’t help but smirk.

They watched the movie quietly; Chen and Kris weren’t bothered, though Luhan and Xiumin were both a little jumpy. Kris sneaked a look at Tao, who had his eyes pointed at the floor. He was tearing up, but before Kris could say anything, he got up and left the room. No one else noticed. Kris snickered, but then frowned.

I should check on him, he thought. He shook his head and tried to plug into the movie again. Why would it bother him if he was upset? He was just another bodyguard.

Kris folded his arms and looked over at Chen, who was asleep. He glanced at the other two, who were huddled in watching the screen. Xiumin put an arm around Luhan, who squeezed his knee in return. Kris’ face turned hot watching this and he stood suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Luhan asked.

Kris started walking away, “I don’t know, just…” He waved a hand and kept going. He started for his room, but looked back at Tao’s. It was open a crack and the light was on. Kris hesitated, then slowly started walking towards his bodyguard’s room.

“Tao?” Kris knocked, “Can I come in?”

There was a muffled reply, so Kris swung the door open and stepped inside. Tao’s face was buried in a pillow. “Are you okay?” He shut the door and walked over to his bed. He stood beside him and patted him on the shoulder awkwardly. Tao raised his head but didn’t look at him, his eyes were red and puffy. “Did the movie bother you that much?” He sank down onto the side of the bed next to him. Tao nodded.

“I hate ghost stories.”

“I don’t think that it has much time left…” Kris said slowly, “Do you want to come out for snacks when it’s done?”

“Nah,” he said looking up at Kris. He wiped away a tear, “I’m sure my face looks awful, I don’t want them all to know.”

Kris smirked and left the room. Tao frowned, but a moment later, Kris returned with a washcloth from the bathroom in his hand. He took his spot next to Tao on the bed. He reached up and put his free hand on the back of Tao’s neck. “Close your eyes,” he said. Tao closed them and Kris started patting his face softly with the cold, wet cloth.



“I can do that, it’s okay.” Kris paused and scoffed. Of course he could, what was he doing?

“Just hold it there for a bit,” he said, “Don’t stay in here all night, okay?” Tao felt the mattress rise as Kris stood.


“Yeah?” Kris had barely reached the door; he turned back to look at him.

Tao lowered the washcloth and smiled. His eyes crinkled and he shuffled, embarrassed. “Thanks,” he waved the cloth.

His smile made him grin. He stepped outside and shut the door and that’s when he felt it. His heart started pounding faster and his face was hot again like earlier. His hand patted the spot on his chest, then clenched in a fist. He shook his head.

Kris walked into the living room and stood behind the sofa. He glanced at Xiumin and Luhan, who were cuddled together, finishing the movie. The feeling in his chest wouldn’t go away, and it mixed with something else. Jealousy, maybe? He bolted for the kitchen. No, he thought, this can’t be happening.

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, it's been weird around here.


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS
pattyftw #2
Chapter 22: Yieeeeee so cute!!!! ALL THAT FLUFFFF IM MELTING!!!
Relationship goals ❤️
Govina #4
Chapter 22: Omg omg!! The end is just an epic! Kyaaa~~
Chapter 22: This was so awesome!! And the ending was so sweet :')
Chapter 22: Omg! Awwww ❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #7
Chapter 22: “If it’s with you, it’s not ‘just’ anything,” he replied, “it’s everything. And I could never forget.”

OMG! Im trying to stop my squeal here so i won't wake everyone up here. It's frickin' 3am here for pete's sake.
AND DAMN I LOVE THIS STORY! Tao-tao is so adorableee and Kris is just a lovely boyfriend.. Awww ❤❤
sanjana3 #8
Chapter 22: Omg this is absolutely adorable so cutteeee :D
Chapter 22: *wheezes/spazzes This is just pure fluff and perfection
Chapter 22: * sobs* Just beautiful <3 <3 :D