Chapter 13

The Guardian


Kris stretched out on the sofa, his shoulders leaning against the armrest. He was so glad to be home; their trip to the police station only took an hour, but it seemed like forever. He closed his eyes and tried to relax.

Tao rounded the corner quietly and crawled onto the sofa, nudging in between Kris’ legs and laying with his back against Kris’ chest. Kris smirked and placed his hands on Tao’s stomach; Tao linked their fingers together and laid his head back on his shoulder.

“Are you okay? Kris asked.

Tao nodded.

“How’s your shoulder?”

“It hurts, but I’m okay,” he paused, “I didn’t get to take my medicine yet today.”

Kris leaned forward, “You should take it,” he said quietly.

Tao shook his head and closed his eyes. “I’ll take it later,” he whispered. Kris started to protest, but Tao cut him off, “I just want you to hold me,” he felt Kris squeeze his hands and hold him tighter. “It didn’t help they dragged me around by that arm,” he said angrily, “but I didn’t say anything because I was sure they’d use it against me if things got bad.”

“Where is your sling?”

“I took it off on my way to see my dad,” he sighed, “I didn’t really want him to know, either.”

Kris sighed, “We’ll get another one at the hospital tomorrow. My doctor wants me in for physical therapy.”

Tao snickered, “We’re really a pair, aren’t we?”

“We’ll just have to hobble around for a while.”

Tao frowned and played with Kris’ fingers, “It’s not just that,” he said after a moment. He looked up at the ceiling, “How is it that two people as lonely as us ended up like this?”

“I didn’t know you were lonely.”

“Always,” Tao said, nodding, “My family was really happy, when we were all together,” he hesitated, “But, my mom was always working- two jobs, trying to put food on the table. But my dad blew all the money at the races, gambling,” he sighed, “I remember one other time he was taken away.”

Kris pulled a hand away and Tao’s hair. Tao’s eyes closed again and he relaxed.

“And kids are cruel,” he whispered, “no one wanted to be friends with someone who had a dad like mine.” 

“I’m sorry, Tao.”

“I was really glad you came looking for me,” Tao said, turning his head to look up at him.

Kris shrugged, “How could I leave you?”

“Other people might have,” he said. Kris’s face fell, but Tao looked away and smiled softly, “Anyway, I’m just happy I’m home.”

Kris was silent for a moment, but then smirked, “Oh, about me paying those guys back?” Tao nodded slowly. “You owe me.” Tao’s head shot up and he twisted around to face him. He glared at Kris, who grinned, then shrugged. “I mean, now that the police have them, they can’t collect. So I lost all that cash for nothing.”

Tao frowned, then slapped him hard on the arm, “You brat! I told you it was none of your business!”

Laughing, Kris placed his hands on the small of Tao’s back and held him close to him. “I’m joking,” he said quietly, “You don’t have to pay me back, but you do owe me.”

Tao glared, “What do you want then?” he sassed.

Kris pretended to think for a moment, “I want… a proper date.”

Tao made a sour face, “I’ll have to think about that…”


He chuckled and relaxed into Kris’ arms, resting his cheek on his chest.


Kris stood outside his apartment door. He was dressed up in a white shirt, with a dark blue, spotted vest; his black blazer was slung over his shoulder. He rang the doorbell and slipped the blazer on as he waited.

He heard Tao yell crankily from the other side of the door, “Who is it?”

Kris snickered, “Get out here! This is a date. It’s supposed to be sweet. Don’t be a jerk.” Tao laughed from the other side, then opened the door. Kris looked him up and down; even though his suit was simply black, with a white shirt and skinny tie, he looked stunning. Kris couldn’t help but grin.

“Where’s your sling?” Kris demanded.

“I’m not wearing it,” Tao said stubbornly, “It’s not happening. Not with this outfit. It’s ridiculous.”

Kris laughed, “When we met, I was sure I was the diva.”

“You must have rubbed off on me.” He walked past Kris, shrugging.

“That’s not a bad deal,” Kris said, reaching out and pinching Tao’s hip. Tao jumped and giggled.

“Stop it or I’ll go home,” he teased.


“What are the plans?” Tao asked.

“It’s something pretty simple,” Kris replied.

“So, you’re getting your private jet to fly us to Italy?”

Kris laughed, “This isn’t a drama.”

“Considering everything that’s happened recently, it might as well be,” Tao said bitterly.

“Oh stop it,” Kris pointed up the road, “We’re going to those tiny lights by the river.”

Tao looked down; Kris’ hands were hanging freely as he walked. He couldn’t stop himself from reaching over and linking their fingers together. Kris squeezed his hand.

It was nighttime; the city glimmered with lights on all sides of them, even from the remote sidewalk cutting through the huge park. Tao could see the lights by the river getting closer as they moved along. When they approached, he saw a park bench facing the water. The two light-posts just behind the bench on either side were connected by strings of bright lanterns that cast a glow over the area, even reflecting in the water.

Tao poked a lantern and moved around to take a seat on the bench. There was a large, cylindrical container sitting there, a lunchbox for two. He looked over at Kris and smirked, “When did you have time for this?”

Kris shrugged, “They don’t have physical therapy at seven at night, Tao.”

Tao threw his head back and groaned; when Kris said he was going, he didn’t even think twice about it. “You dirty liar,” he said, squinting at him.

He took a seat on the left of the bench, while Kris took the right and started pulling smaller containers out of the lunchbox between them. He handed one to Tao and took one for himself, leaving one on the bottom.  Tao cracked it open and smiled at the food inside; he could tell it was home-cooked.

He tested a noodle, then took a bite of the chicken. He nodded; it was good. Tao felt like he was being watched; he looked up and saw Kris staring at him. “What?” he laughed between bites.

“I was just making sure it was good,” he said before taking a bite, “I’ve never cooked before.”

“Never?” Tao asked, shocked. Kris shook his head; Tao tutted, “For someone as rich and out there as you, you’ve sure missed out on a lot of stuff.”

Kris shrugged, “Eh, you can help me catch up.”

“This is really nice, Kris.”

Kris snorted, “It’s just noodles.”

“No,” Tao laughed, “I mean this whole date. You chose well. It’s really pretty out here,” he looked back at the lamps, then out at the dark water.

“Here,” Kris opened the last container, “Close your eyes.” Tao closed them, but Kris sat the container back down. He leaned over, softly drawing his fingertips along Tao’s jawline. His lips brushed Tao’s, who softened and placed his hand at the back of Kris’ neck, pulling him closer.

Kris sighed and pulled away, watching Tao’s face; his eyes opened slowly and he looked up at Kris, the corners of his mouth turning up. Tao placed a hand on his cheek and chuckled. Kris glanced down at their hands and took Tao’s in his.  

“Kris,” Tao whispered after a few moments. Kris turned to him, “There wasn’t even anything in that other container, was there?”

Kris scoffed in disbelief, then opened the container again. He pulled out a strawberry and held it out to Tao, who smirked triumphantly. When he leaned in to take a small bite, Kris shoved the whole thing in his mouth and leaned back, looking out at the water. “Why are you like this?” he asked, snickering. 

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, it's been weird around here.


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS
pattyftw #2
Chapter 22: Yieeeeee so cute!!!! ALL THAT FLUFFFF IM MELTING!!!
Relationship goals ❤️
Govina #4
Chapter 22: Omg omg!! The end is just an epic! Kyaaa~~
Chapter 22: This was so awesome!! And the ending was so sweet :')
Chapter 22: Omg! Awwww ❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #7
Chapter 22: “If it’s with you, it’s not ‘just’ anything,” he replied, “it’s everything. And I could never forget.”

OMG! Im trying to stop my squeal here so i won't wake everyone up here. It's frickin' 3am here for pete's sake.
AND DAMN I LOVE THIS STORY! Tao-tao is so adorableee and Kris is just a lovely boyfriend.. Awww ❤❤
sanjana3 #8
Chapter 22: Omg this is absolutely adorable so cutteeee :D
Chapter 22: *wheezes/spazzes This is just pure fluff and perfection
Chapter 22: * sobs* Just beautiful <3 <3 :D