Chapter 3

The Guardian


The next morning, Tao escorted him downstairs to the restaurant on the bottom floor of the hotel and acted like nothing had happened, though Kris was still steaming. It didn’t help that Chen, Xiumin, and Luhan all seemed very happy with their sleeping arrangements.

Kris pulled out the chair next to Chen, and sat at the large, round table. Tao started to pull out the chair next to him, but Kris glared and let out a long hiss. One side of Tao’s lips curled up and he moved around to sit on the other side of Lay. Lay turned to Kris and stared at him with his head tilted to the side. “What?” Kris mouthed. Lay pointed at him threateningly, but stayed silent.

“Sleep alright?” Chen asked.

“Yeah,” he grumbled, “I guess. You guys?”

Chen nodded. Kris looked at the other two; Xiumin tried to keep from smiling as he dove back into his breakfast, while Luhan grinned and said, “We slept well.”

“I’m glad you guys get along,” Kris said into his plate.

Chen looked across at the pair of them and covered his smirk with his hand. Luhan coughed and Xiumin pretended to take a drink of his tea.

“I wish I could get along with Tao like you guys get along with each other.”

Xiumin about dropped his teacup, but caught it before it spilled, then set it on the table. Luhan’s eyes shot wide open, and Chen couldn’t stop his laughter.

“What?” Kris asked.

Chen waved his hand. “I can’t-“ he said between giggles.

Lay cleared his throat loudly, “Kris, what is your problem with Tao?”

Kris jumped. “It’s not that… I mean,” he pointed at Tao accusingly, “He started it!”

Tao pointed at himself innocently, “What? I didn’t do anything, you’re just touchy.”

“What happened?” Lay asked.

“He said I talk too much!”

“No,” Tao said calmly, “I simply implied that the things you say aren’t worth the time it takes to listen.”

Their eyes shot to Kris, who stood suddenly. “What are you trying to say?” Their attention flew back to Tao.

“All you do is -“

Kris lunged for Tao, but Lay caught him as he went over and held him down. Chen pulled him up, but Kris pushed him off and straightened his jacket fussily. He huffed, “I don’t have to put up with this,” he stated stubbornly as he started out of the restaurant.

“Someone go with him,” Lay sighed, rubbing his eyes. He looked up; everyone had dug into their meal again, pretending they didn't hear him. “Hey! Come on!”

They ducked their heads more. Lay Tao, twitching his head in the direction of the exit. Tao wiped his mouth with his napkin and then tossed it in his half-eaten plate, excusing himself. He kept a few feet behind Kris, who didn’t notice that he was being dogged.


Kris got off the elevator on their floor, and a few seconds later, the next elevator door opened and Tao stepped out. He followed him to the hotel room, and waited around the corner as Kris let himself in and shut the door behind him. Tao shook his head and went to stand in front of their door like a security guard.


After an hour of waiting, Tao decided it was safe to enter. He pushed himself off the ground and wiped off his black jeans. Pulling the keycard out of his pocket, he let himself into the suite quietly. There was no sign of Kris.

Tao went into the small kitchen, taking a bottle of water from the refrigerator. He cracked it open and took a small drink. He made for his room, but looked back at the door to Kris’ which was just down a short hallway. He hesitated, then walked back and stood just outside the other boy’s room. There wasn’t a sound coming from inside. “Kris?” he said quietly, “Are you okay?” He knocked, “Kris.”  Tao said, his voice laced with panic.

He opened the door a crack and peeked inside. Kris was lying on his bed, curled up in a cocoon of blankets. Tao stepped inside and walked up to the side of his mattress, watching him. He was breathing lightly. “Idiot,” he whispered to himself, “and I was actually worried.” He tugged on the bottom of the blanket, covering his exposed feet. Tao considered waking him up, but there was still a couple hours until they had to leave for rehearsal.  He flicked off the light and shut the door behind him before returning to his own room.






Don't worry, there should be another update later today.

EDIT: Sorry guys, I've been working on it, but my mom wanted to watch some Rooftop Prince, and then the concert came on and since then I've been pretty dead.


@HoJongDrabbler - Thanks! I enjoy writing diva Kris.

@pripri - It can only go downhill from here.

@U-BIG-B2ST - Couldn't leave the others out!

@pacotjuh - Thanks! I hope you like it as it goes.

@Chrystelle - Update was later than expected, but there was too much Tumblring to do over EXO in LA.

@white_snowy - Moooooore. c:

@UndergroundMemories - Super Diva.

@justpeachie - So far he's brought it on himself for being such a little brat. lol

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, it's been weird around here.


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS
pattyftw #2
Chapter 22: Yieeeeee so cute!!!! ALL THAT FLUFFFF IM MELTING!!!
Relationship goals ❤️
Govina #4
Chapter 22: Omg omg!! The end is just an epic! Kyaaa~~
Chapter 22: This was so awesome!! And the ending was so sweet :')
Chapter 22: Omg! Awwww ❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #7
Chapter 22: “If it’s with you, it’s not ‘just’ anything,” he replied, “it’s everything. And I could never forget.”

OMG! Im trying to stop my squeal here so i won't wake everyone up here. It's frickin' 3am here for pete's sake.
AND DAMN I LOVE THIS STORY! Tao-tao is so adorableee and Kris is just a lovely boyfriend.. Awww ❤❤
sanjana3 #8
Chapter 22: Omg this is absolutely adorable so cutteeee :D
Chapter 22: *wheezes/spazzes This is just pure fluff and perfection
Chapter 22: * sobs* Just beautiful <3 <3 :D