Chapter 4

The Guardian


Kris convinced them to go to the mall after rehearsal that afternoon. They stood in the middle of the crowded food court, trying to decide which way to go. Xiumin and Luhan took off towards a large department store, while Kris, Tao, and Chen hung behind. Kris was drawing a finger along the map from their point to his favorite clothing store. Tao was close behind him, looking over his shoulder. Kris ducked away and took Chen by the arm.

“Let’s go look at clothes,” he said, tugging him along.

“But,” Tao said, “I don’t want to go to that store.”

“Then go to yours.”


“I’m not alone, I’ve got Chen,” Kris said, “just take the day off or something.” Kris booked it, dragging Chen along behind him.

Chen waved, “Sorry, Tao! We’ll meet up for dinner, okay?”

Tao sighed and looked back at the map.


“What do you think?” Chen asked, holding a long-sleeved shirt up to him.

“You should try it on,” Kris said as he held up a pair of jeans in his size, “with these.”

Chen looked the jeans over, tilting his head back and forth, “You would know best,” he laughed, “I’ll be right out, okay?”

Kris nodded. Chen let himself into the dressing room and Kris looked around the store. When he spotted the exit, he bolted, slipping out before Chen was finished.


That’s right, Kris thought as he sipped on his milkshake, freedom for a day. He walked through the mall, always on the lookout for one of the others.

He passed a shop he was very familiar with; it was a Gucci store. Kris didn’t think it was the sort of place anyone else would go, so he went inside and browsed. As he passed the men’s shoes, he heard a familiar voice. Kris plastered himself against a display and peeked around the corner.

Tao was trying on a sleek pair of black and red high-top sneakers. He couldn’t stop touching them. “They’re really beautiful,” he told the salesman, “I’ve been saving up for these forever.” He took them off and starting slipping his own shoes on when he phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, “Sorry,” he murmured to the clerk. “What?!” he shouted, “What do you mean you lost him?”

Tao flew to his feet, nearly knocking the salesman back. “I’m so sorry,” he said, “can you hold those for me?”

“We’re not supposed to…” the clerk replied slowly, “but I’ll keep them until the end of my shift. It’s just an hour…”

“I’ll be back for them!” Tao bowed and ran for the exit.

Kris watched him go and frowned. He looked back at the clerk, who was getting reprimanded from his manager who had overheard. Kris walked over and interrupted them. “Excuse me,” he said, “would it be alright if I just bought them? I know that person, it would be a nice surprise.”

The manager looked him over, “Aren’t you-“

Kris nodded.

“How could I say no? That’s very considerate of you,” he laughed and took the box from the clerk and took it to the counter to ring him up personally. The price was steep, but Kris didn’t mind; it’s not like he didn’t have the money. He paid it and took the large bag out with him.

Suddenly, he didn’t feel like shopping anymore. Kris left the mall, hailing a taxi and heading for the hotel.


Tao searched everywhere. It had been two hours since Chen had lost him; they all split up to find him, but he wasn’t anywhere. Even the mall security was looking. Tao stood in the middle of a crowded hall, turning in circles, looking for his Kris’ head sticking out of the throngs of people.

He dialed Kris on his phone again, but it went straight to voicemail. Tao couldn’t help but think of the worst; someone as famous as him could easily be hurt, kidnapped, or worse.

His phone rang and he answered it immediately. “Xiumin, did you find him?”

“No,” he answered, “I don’t know where else to look. He’s never been to this city before. He’s only been here, the studio, and the hotel.”

Tao sighed and scratched his head, “I’ll go check the studio. Keep looking here.” He hung up and made his way out to the street, waving over a cab. He gave the driver the address to the dance studio and they sped off.

He ran inside, after paying the cab extra to wait for him, and he searched every room; the separate studios, the men’s room, even the ladies, but he wasn’t there. When he hopped back in the taxi, he gave him the name of their hotel and they drove away.


Tao pushed the elevator button furiously, but it wasn’t coming fast enough. He ran to the end of the hall and took the stairs, two at a time, all the way to their floor. He was out of breath when he reached the landing. He pulled the keycard out of his pocket and let himself onto their floor, then sped to their door. Tao unlocked it and stepped inside.



Kris stepped out of the kitchen, a glass of water in his hand. Tao rushed to him; Kris tensed up and put the drink down. He stopped just in front of him, catching his breath.


Tao grabbed the collar of his shirt and shook him, “What the hell is wrong with you?!” Kris tried to reply, but he couldn’t get anything out. “Why would you do that to us? Do you know how worried we were?”

“I- it’s just,”

“Why, Kris?!”

“I hate being dogged, okay?” Kris knocked his hands away, “Would you like being followed twenty-four seven? It’s bad enough having people tell you what to do constantly, but then not even being able to use the restroom without someone breathing down your neck?”

Tao sighed and put his hands on his hips. “We could have let you stay here and have a day off.”

“Would you have, if I asked?” Kris demanded. Tao looked at the floor, “I didn’t think so. You’re just as bad as the others.” Kris picked up his glass again and pushed past Tao, knocking him in the shoulder.

Tao covered his face with his hand, and heard Kris’ door shut behind him. He stood there for a minute, before pulling his cellphone out of his pocket and dialing Xiumin. “Hey,” he whispered, “I found him. We’re going to go back to the hotel.”

Xiumin sounded pleased, but Tao didn’t listen. He hung up the phone and headed for his room. He flicked on the light and shut the door behind him. His eyes caught a large, black bag on his bed. Tao walked over and peeked inside before pulling out the box. He opened it and frowned. “These are…” he said to himself, his voice trailing off. He pulled the sneakers out of the box and held them to his chest. 

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, it's been weird around here.


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS
pattyftw #2
Chapter 22: Yieeeeee so cute!!!! ALL THAT FLUFFFF IM MELTING!!!
Relationship goals ❤️
Govina #4
Chapter 22: Omg omg!! The end is just an epic! Kyaaa~~
Chapter 22: This was so awesome!! And the ending was so sweet :')
Chapter 22: Omg! Awwww ❤❤❤❤❤
Greyson #7
Chapter 22: “If it’s with you, it’s not ‘just’ anything,” he replied, “it’s everything. And I could never forget.”

OMG! Im trying to stop my squeal here so i won't wake everyone up here. It's frickin' 3am here for pete's sake.
AND DAMN I LOVE THIS STORY! Tao-tao is so adorableee and Kris is just a lovely boyfriend.. Awww ❤❤
sanjana3 #8
Chapter 22: Omg this is absolutely adorable so cutteeee :D
Chapter 22: *wheezes/spazzes This is just pure fluff and perfection
Chapter 22: * sobs* Just beautiful <3 <3 :D