

“Is our baby right? “

I look at yunho’s back, his body moving while he ride our bicycle. I put my arms arround his waist.


“i need your answer... “

“Yunho... i need someone who can give me advice about preganancy...”

“answer me first...”

“Yeah~ our baby is Ok, but the mother is not really....”

“what? morning sick? It hurt u?”

“No... I just needed someone who can give me an advice.”

“You can share your problem with doctor.”

“No... not like that,...” We have a silent for awhile~ then I continued said...

“what if I tell my mother?”


Yunho stopped the bicycle, I can hear his breathe...

“Are you kidding me?” He pulled my shoulders. “hash... Im not ready baby.”

I sigh...

“Me too... but I was afraid if I make a mistake again, I won’t make it(baby) hurt “

“then tell what the reason? “

“My sister has been pregnant... I think being pregnant  is hard. Must know anything about pregnancy... there’s some rules, that must be followed... My mother gives lots of advice to her, and I think if it will be very much. I remembered.... My sister has a different habbit since she get pregnant, when eating, bathing, and going anywhere... it must be careful. And I... I never knows it...”

“Hmm... tomorrow I’ll go to the book-store, buy some pregnancy books. How? Honestly, Im not ready if you told someone else except me and the doctor.”

“No... maybe it can’t help.... the books are same with doctor...what it says just based on logic. Have you ever heard... ‘after you got a surgery, you should not eat chicken’ says some ancients. But the doctor said...’ after we got a surgery eating chicken is not a problem’ and the truth is ... you may get a sick after eat it. I think our traditions is not totally wrong.”

“do you mean... you need some advice about the myth?”

“Yeah... that’s too much advices... I remembered my sister did not enjoying her life in the house because of... that.”

“-that-’? what is it?”

“myth... I want to knowing them.”

“But... Im...--- “

Jaejoong grabbed Yunho’s cold-hand.

“Look at me and trust me... I’ll keep the secret, between me and my mother.”

“What if your mother get mad? And tell my family?”

“Please look at me first...”

“hmm...” Yunho look at my brown eyeballs.

“it’s   da-i-jo-u-bu  “ I touching yunho’s chubby-cheeks with my hands and make him sure.

“Then... when you will telling your mother? Can I go with you? I am a man who make you get pregnant, so i must... must....ahh.... Im not ready!!”

“But I can’t alone keep our secret...” I facing yunho sad.

“What do you mean? I always besides you, and my family too... they’re arround you.”

“You’re not always... your family doesn’t know anything about the pregnancy. Yunho... you have to know how I feel now... it really makes me shock... i need my mother.”

Yunho ruffled his hair as frustated, and lying down... He’s crying...

A beautiful scene from Han’s river be our witness...

“Yunho... are you crying?” I sat besides him.

“No... just cold... you already makes my heart feel so cold and frozen like an ice... you simply take a hammer to destroyed it.”


“I said im not ready... Im not ready baby... really not.. hiks.. sob..”

I hugged him tight, make him comfort with me.

“Im sorry... “

“I know... “


I cleaned the table after we had a breakfast. I did not see yunho, are he still sleeping? I prepared breakfast for him.  Then, I take some plates to the kitchen, washing them. Moonbin, Mr and Mrs Jung  just left the house.

After doing that, i walked to the upstair... to the Yunho’s rooms with a tray.

I knocking the door for the response.

“Yunho... wake up... don’t you go to the campus?”

Knock knock knock...!

I didn’t hear anything, so i decide open the door gently,


Huft.. I saw a something covered by blanket on the bed.

“Hmm ... Yunho, wake up!” I kicked him after I put a tray on the table.

“Hmmh...” He groaned.

“wake up..!”


I open the window, make a sunshine entered this room, then opened the blanket.

“Omo~! Yak Jung Yun Ho! Why you didn’t wear your clothes!” I closed my eyes Im blushing~

“You shouldn’t make a worried-face like that... don’t you ever seen before? My body.”

“Yak! Wear your clothes now!”

“Ok... huhh last night the weather was so hot...” yunho wear his baby blue pjamas.

“Why you’re not wake up? Your mother asked you already.”

“Today is Sunday right?”

“Sunday? Piss off your head......? it’s Wednesday.”

“ah... really? I don’t want go to the campus. I stay here.” Yunho burried his face in to the pillow.

“Don’t be lazy!” I pulled him to wake up.

“I don’t want.....”

I tried make him wake up, kicking, drag, ruffled, ect.

“Haissshhh ... Ok Ok Im wake up ahjumma.”

“Ahjumma you said?”

“eh? Wait.”

Yunho stopped me for a while, told me not to move.


“Why it becomes bigger now?”

“What? “ I saw my belly, i was thinking if my belly become bigger now.

Yunho make a serious face, it make me worried.




“Look! You have a !”

He squeeze my chest tightly.

“Aww! It hurt!”I pushed yunho and touching my chest.

Yunho looks happy after doing that, but i was angry~

“Come here,”

Yunho pulled me onto the bed, trap me between his arm.

“ahhh! What are you doing??” I pats his chest.

“ at the morning is good for our baby-health.” He smirked to me.

“I know from a book. And i was remember, my grandmother ever said to my auntie. She must doing at the morning if she wants her baby health and genius after he born.”

“haiizhh maybe it just your opinion... you already teasing me with don’t wear anything even your underwear! dare you wants doing with me rightnow??”

Yunho didn’t hear me at all, he blows his breath into my ears lobe... my sensitive spot.

“Ahh I don’t want...”

“Look at your tomatoes-face. I’ll make it more reddish, hold on baby~”


Yunho biting my ears, sometimes it, whispered some dirty-word and groaned.

“My become harder now... want it? or What if I your as* hole now?” Yunho said THAT to me = =” ahh but it sound like a beautiful song from the heaven.

He bites my neck, teething my chest, and his hand tried make my trousers opened.

“ahh~ yunho yah...mmh..”

After he played with my neck and chest, he kiss my lips with passion. I opened his pjamas, that’s so easy to make yunho , because he didn’t wear underwear. Now we both ~

Bitting, necking, , !~ ahh it makes yunjae flying. again... ing.

Yunjae pov~

“faster! Faster! Im ~”Jaejoong screamed.

“Hold on! in my mouth! I want swallow it.” Yunho Jae’s pen*s harder and faster.

“Ah ahh ahh”



A white liquid come out from my body~ but Yunho swallow it all.

“tasted sweet as usually baby,” Yunho his mouth’s corner so y, his eyes told jaejoong if he wants more.

Yunho rubbing his harder pen*s with Jaejoong mine. For a minutes later, jaejoong’s mine to be harder again.

Jaejoong kissed Yunho chest, playing with Yunho’s s.

Bitting, necking, , !~ ahh it makes yunjae flying. One again... ing.

“Jaejoong i want your hole(y) nooooooow” Yunho screamed and make his on the right position, infront of my hole.

“ahh~ hold on...”

“Tell me if you’re ready.”

“Where’s the lube?”

“Wanna used that?”

“Yes.... I think i want it, “

Yunho released jaejoong, he runs to the bathroom. Maybe he keep the lube there~

“got it.”

Yunho rubbing Jae’s hole with the lube.

“ahh.... “ Jaejoong moaned.

“My finger first...”

“euhm..” Jaejoong nodded and let Yunho inside him with the finger.

Yunho moved the two finger, it make jaejoong feels hurt a bit... but he can hold it.


Yunho ed Jaejoong hole, a groaned and moaned come from their mouth. Their hand trailed from to thigh.



Mrs Jung at the way now, she left some documents at home. She doing a mistake, she forget to bring that at the morning. So he comeback to the house. After she parked the car, she entered her bedroom.

“ah~ there....” Mrs Jung was happy find it.

She quickly put the documents into the bag. She leaving room, crossing living room... but she heared something at the upstair.

“Yunho? Are you there?” she raised her eyebrow, maybe she’s wrong.


She heard it again. Mrs jung was afraid, she was tought if it’s a culprit. She come upstair slowly, until she infront of Yunho’s room. The door half-opened.





She open , make ‘O’

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Chapter 22: I want to know what happens next. Please update soon
mickeycute #2
Chapter 22: OMG!!! what hppen to joongie now?? pls update ^^
Chapter 22: OMG!!!

Yunho... why you dont tell truthfully to your parents about the baby???

poor jaejoongie T,T
ot5faith #4
Chapter 22: plz cont this story~
ahh i love it *-* do u want continue this? i hope it :o xD
Chapter 24: Why???? o.O'??
Chapter 24: Oh god, autor-nim, please make someone, i don't know, suspect jiyeon and protect jaejae, pwwweeeeeeaaaaaaseeeee, if he lose this baby will be the saddest thing eeveeeer T^T Update soon!
alint2709 #8
Chapter 24: but please update soon..
azura_fujoshi #9
Chapter 5: bad yuhno! how can you ignore jaejoong, he is waiting ur son t___t
azura_fujoshi #10
Chapter 2: jae don't cry, have a baby with that such a man like yuhno is wonderful, hehe, wooooo yunjae with babyes is kawaiii n.n