unknown tittle


“Take off your shirt, we will do USG”

Jaejoong felt a cold when the cream rubbed on his belly. He was tremble,worried about something bad happen to his baby. After the cream on the surface, the doctor takes a tool and put it on jaejoong’s stomach. The tools connected to the monitor, so Jaejoong can see his baby from there.

“Look... it’s your baby. So far so good. What amazing! The baby can live in the man’s tummy.”

“Really? There’s Something here?” Jaejoong look at his belly.

“yes... look at there.”

 “Whoa... can I have the print out?”


“Yunho must be happy... thank you doctor!”

“Keep your condition by drinking milk for pregnancy and consume vitamins. And the most important... don’t have a negative thoughts that can make you stress. Ok?” The doctor write a recipes and give it to Jaejoong.

“Yes. I’ll do my best. And very thank you.” Jaejoong leaving the room, bring the recipes then go to the drugstore.




Jaejoong look at his cellphone. Now he at drugstore, wait the calling from pharmacist.

“what? 50 new message?”

--Pip—Jaejoong opened the cellphone, checked the message from who.

From chuby hubby

-where are you- 20x

-please reply me- 10x

-im worried- 20x

-are you now with changmin?go home quickly! >:( 10x

Jaejoong sigh.

“Not changed!”


Jaejoong press the red button and shut his phone, and take away the battery.

“Kim Jae joong!” the pharmacist called his name.

“Ah, yes.”

Jaejoong leaving the drugstore after take the vitamins and milk. He turn on his another phone.

-Piip- 70 new message.

Jaejoong sigh~

“Jung yunho... why are you so possesive? Huh.” Jaejoong ignored it and press the number that can called Changmin.


“Ah Hello, it’s me Jaejoong. Are you home?” Jaejoong looks happy. It seems he got the answer. “Just sent me your address.”


“Ne, thank you Changmin ah~ I’ll be there. See you.”

Jaejoong stopped a taxi and entered.

“I’ll buy some fresh fruits first. Can we go to the market nearby?” Jaejoong asked the taxi driver.



Yunho lay on his bed, can’t away from his cellphone and don’t stopping sent jaejoong message.

“Yunho, what are you doing? Don’t you go to the campus?”

“I have a fever.”

“Don’t lie~ just tell mom what happen? Do you have a trouble with your friends?” mrs Jung come closer to Yunho and his hair.

“Mom..! Im not a kid anymore. Don’t threat me as Moonbin. Huh.” Yunho burried his face on the pillow.

“Yes, You’re not kid anymore~” Mrs jung pinched yunho’s cheek.

“Today Mom will stay at home too.”

“Why Mom? Why you’re don’t go at the office?”

“I take all my task at home. Mommy can’t doing that at the office until night. Then Mom take it all.”

“Oh like that~ then what are mom doing here?”

“Just cleaning your room.”

“Jaejoong just cleaned it.”

“Yes, Mom knows. He’s a good ahjumma ever.”

“he’s also has a Sweetest smile.”

“Yeah~ while he’s not here Mom will clean his room too. Wanna give him a surprise.” Mrs jung leaving Yunho and go to the upstair.

Yunho still lay on his bed, still sent Jaejoong message.


Jaejoong stand infront of the apartment. He make an ‘O’ at his lips. An exclusive apartment was build there.

“Sir, you’re not wrong? That’s really the address?” Jaejoong asked the taxi driver but he has gone.

“aish~ what if it’s the wrong place?” Jaejoong mumbled but he entered the lobby with look at his phone, seeing Changmin’s address.

20th floor~

Jaejoong pressed the button on the door.

“Hello~ Changmin Im here.” Jaejoong look at his own face in the monitor.


“Hello hyung~”

“Can i come in?”

“Sure... I wait for you for a long time.”

“Don’t joke, i just come late for a while. Here~” Jaejoong give Changmin bananas.

“Ah~ I like it very much. Thanks hyung.” Changmin suddenly give jaejoong an embraced, make him a little shock.

“Eh..you’re welcome.” Jaejoong quickly released changmin’s hug.

“im sorry.”

“Ah~ no problem, it shows you’re a good and warm person.” Jaejoong smiled.

“I don’t think so~ I can be evil sometimes.”

“Hehe, “ Jaejoong smells something from the kitchen.

“What?” Changmin little confused saw jaejoong.

“Do you cooking? I smell burnt here.”

“Ah!! Im forget! I cooked stew just now.”

“Stew? What a stew? Ahh quick turn off the stove! Before the fired-alarm ringing!”

The two runs to the kitchen. Jaejoong quickly turn off the stove, then take a deep breath.

“Ah~~ can’t be... it’s burned at all...”

“yaah~ Im sorry ...really sorry maybe it happen because of me.” Jaejoong make a such a pity face.

“No, no problem hyung. That’s my fault.”

“No.... that’s my fault. I’ll do anything you need.”

“Haha... really? That’s not your fault jaejoong hyung.”

“NO! That’s all my fault. Give me your punishment.”

“Araso araso... that’s your fault. And really? Wanna hear my punishment?”

“Yes Changmin ah. Im ready.”

“please take off your clothes in front of me.”



What’s Yunho doing? Ah~ he fall to sleep. He sleep Like there’s not something ‘danger’ happen with his lover. With opened mouth exactly.

Mrs Jung started sweeping the jaejoong’s room. The room was tidy and clean, not too difficult cleaned it. But there’s  some papers on the floor, The sketch that Jaejoong made.

“what a pretty draws... I proud with his tallent.” Mrs Jung take one of them then take it on the table.

She continued cleaned, wipe the dust from the window and the hello kitty lamp. But at slight, she saw the cupboard was opened.

“ah~ maybe Jaejoong forget closed it.”

Mrs jung come to the cup board, wanna closed it. But there’s something that make her surprised. She took something pink and read the instruction.

“What’s this? Is it a pregnancy testpack?? Why it can be here?” She shut and make ‘O’.

She opened the cupboard, checked something there. A suspicious package make her take it out.

“There’s also pregnancy vitamins? Who’s pregnant? Jaejoong’s girlfriend?? Or my son doing this with girl?—OMO!”

She shocked.


Changmin apartment.

“Changmin ah~ want bite it too?”

“No, i just want it.”

“please... give me more a little bites.”

Changmin smiled. “it’s must be not a little, but huge~”

“Bites huge as your said. It’s your punishment then do that as tour wish.”

“It’s really make me feel good like in heaven  hyung, thank you.”

What happen? Who bites who??


“please take off your clothes in front of me.”

“ahh? Just it?”

“No... Just kidding, i want hyung cook a chicken grilled for me. the ingredients was complete.” Changmin give Jaejoong a knife and chicken.

“Mwo? Chicken grilled?? Are we celebrating something? Your birthday?” Jaejoong make a little confused.

“No... just make it for my special guest.” Changmin wear the apron and do it too onto jaejoong. “I’ll help you.”

“Who? Who is your special guest? Your parents? “

“sshh~ let’s do it and talk less.” Changmin interrupted Jae and continued wash the chicken meat.

---30 minutes later---

“tasted it.” Jae give changmin a chicken with chopstick.

“Gently... it’s still hot~”


“Delicious.” Changmin said to Jaejoong.

“Really?? It’s my first time cooking something big like that. It must be trial and error... but u said if it’s delicious. Im really happy now...”

Changmin feels happy too... in his deepen heart he’s very thankful to yunho who hit him last night. If jaejoong visited him after he got the punch or kicked from Yunho, maybe he will accepted it with joy of happiness.

“Changmin ah~ why you’re so strange? Is it the effect from Yunho’s punch right?” Jaejoong touch Changmin’s cheeks with his two hands.

“Errh? Why hyung?”

“Are you Ok? Where’s the hurt?”

“Im... Im Ok hyung Im Ok.” Changmin released Jaejoong hand and his face turn into red.

“Huh? Why? Last night i saw yor nose was bleeding. Im really worried. The bastard (yunho) act too much yesterday.”

“Im ok~ don’t worry hyung. Look~ my nose still sharpen than you.”

Jaejoong chuckled, close his mouth with his hand feminimly~

“Wanna bite it?” Changmin ordered the chicken grilled to Jaejoong.

End of flashback


Mrs jung still can’t believed. Not only test pack, vitamins, milk and some medicines that she found. But she still remembered if the fruits from referigerator quickly disappeared too. A most favorites pregnant women’s fruits... Oranges and Lemons.


Jaejoong sitting on the living room... still at the changmin’s apartment.

“Do you live alone changmin?”

“yes, but sometimes my dongsaeng stay here too.” Changmin now make a orange juice.

“Ah~ you have a dongsaeng~ i envy you. I don’t have it.” Jaejoong pouted his lips, remember if he is a magnae from eight sisters.

“Yes, i have two. They’re such a child~ crying if i can do something for her.”

“How old are they?”

“hm... the older 13 years old and the younger is 9 years old.”

“Still young >< then you’re is a big brother. Ganbatte!”

“haha what are you saying hyung? But thank you, and btw.. here.” changmin give Jaejoong a glass of orange juice.

“Do you added some lemon extract here?”

‘No, I don’t. Why hyung?”

“No... just want more sour~”

“Ah Ok, wait. I’ll take it for you.”


“Thank you Changmin ah~”

“for what?”

“Being a such a good friend for me. It hard to find a male friend like that.” Suddenly jaejoong feels sad... remember his past.

“Like you’re now unwell hyung... what happen? Something bad happen?”

“Yes... I really happy find a good friend like you, but...”

Changmin moved from his place, sitting besides jaejoong more closer. “You can tell me your problem.”

“But at first.. promised me don’t be angry.”

“Ok. I promised. You can trust me.”

“... i really want some male-friend, but i dont know... at least they leave me one by one. Because of something...”

“Something what?”

“uhmm... the rumors about I am gay... ”

Changmin widenend his eyes. unbelieve~

“Ah Changmin ah Im really sorry... maybe now you feel the same like my male-friend now...” Jae started sobbed.

“No... not at all hyung... tell me more... ”

Changmin very very very happy hear that. He always prays to God, make Jaejoong turn into gay~ (author: what a pray = =”)

“Are you not shocked?”

“No, i have a some gay friends too.”

“What? i said it just a rumors Changmin ah~.”

“Ah~~ i mean... erghh... not just..”

“no problem... But the fact... many peoples said if i look a like gay person.” Sob—

“That’s Ok for me hyung... but honestly... you’re so beautiful like a girl.. ah no.. i mean your beauty more than girls i think.”

“Yes... but I still don’t know... what a pretty am i...so that many people judge me as gay. I don’t have a male friends because of that... they’re scary if i had a crush with them.”

“Hahhaha~ hyung it heard sadly but still funny for me.”

“Why do you laugh? don’t you afraid with me? how if i crush to you?”

Changmin still laugh~

= =” jaejoong drink his orange juices, waiting Changmin finished his laugh.

“Im not afraid. I must happy hear that haha.”


“I like you hyung, i like you as friend.” But changmin lied :P

“Really?? “

“Yes, i loved a person  who can be honest with his friend.”

Jaejoong hugged changmin as friend.

“Don’t worry changmin ah~ i won’t do that... i won’t have another feeling (love) for you, my heart was taken.”


Changmin : after he flying on the sky.... only just a few minutes he falling down to the earth with all pain :(

“Who is she?”

Jaejoong smiled and released his embrace.

“Not now~ I’ll tell you later.”

“Ok... “

“Ah! Im already late! I have an appointment with my friend!” Jaejoong take his bag and wear his boots.

“? Hyung be carefull.”

“Changmin, i must go now... btw thanks for the lunch and our friend promised. I hope you will be my friend forever!”

“Sure.” Changmin smiled and closed the door after Jaejoong wave his hand.

Changmin muted at all...

-My heart was taken -

Ahh why..?


Yunho open his eyes~and yawn.

“mwoo??” Yunho saw his mommy infront of him with her darkness background.



Jaejoong runs crossing the street.

“Hello Jae~ i just arrived here~”

“Ah me too~”

“can we entered the store now?”


Yoona is Jaejoong old friend, she was a Jaejoong’s neighbour at the village. She and his family moved to the Seoul at elementary school. After a long time ago separated, they meet again at art exhibition a year ago. Yoona is an famous designer, focus at jewelry. Jaejoong really happy have a smart friend like yoona.

“Please choosed me the best.” Jaejoong said to yoona after he look some cute cardigan for a baby.

“the baby boy or girl?”

“My nuna told me if she still doesn’t know.”

“How old the pregnancy jae?”

“Three month.”

“wow~ >< so cute! your nuna can’t be patient wait the baby born soon~”

“It’s a first pregnancy.”

“Ah~ souka?... wakatta. She must be happy, but buying some stuff like that that’s too early.”

“yes... but she want try make it with her own hands.”

“She will knitting it with herself? Ah! jaejoong our nuna so sweet. Please tell to her if Im really happy hear her pregnancy~ it must be a my sweet niece/nephew.”

“Thank you Yoona.”

Yoona look some cute cardigans for baby then choosed one.

“Jaejoong, look at this. But it’s for baby girl... Look at the flower. A brown flower mixed with pink cardigan.”


“hahaha! Im sorry~ i really like something vintage.”

“It’s for baby Yoona.. not for grandmom~”

“Ok OK~ just kidding~”

“hm.... what if white? Look at this one.” Yoona showing a blue-white cardigan with an animal-printed.

“Ah~~~ that nice! cute!”

“now choosed the yarn. Choosed with a same color with it.”


  Yoona look at jaejoong... she thought if jaejoong happy because he will become an uncle for a pretty baby.

“Yoona! Look at here~ it’s funny too!”

“Ne? what is that?”


Tbc ~


mian 4 my english~ :(

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Chapter 22: I want to know what happens next. Please update soon
mickeycute #2
Chapter 22: OMG!!! what hppen to joongie now?? pls update ^^
Chapter 22: OMG!!!

Yunho... why you dont tell truthfully to your parents about the baby???

poor jaejoongie T,T
ot5faith #4
Chapter 22: plz cont this story~
ahh i love it *-* do u want continue this? i hope it :o xD
Chapter 24: Why???? o.O'??
Chapter 24: Oh god, autor-nim, please make someone, i don't know, suspect jiyeon and protect jaejae, pwwweeeeeeaaaaaaseeeee, if he lose this baby will be the saddest thing eeveeeer T^T Update soon!
alint2709 #8
Chapter 24: but please update soon..
azura_fujoshi #9
Chapter 5: bad yuhno! how can you ignore jaejoong, he is waiting ur son t___t
azura_fujoshi #10
Chapter 2: jae don't cry, have a baby with that such a man like yuhno is wonderful, hehe, wooooo yunjae with babyes is kawaiii n.n