the truth


I put the laundry in the basket from washingmacine. It had finished, then bring it to the balcon and hanging it. Today i get up early because i have a lesson at 07:00am.

“May i help you Jaejoong.” Mrs. Jung help me bring the laundry.

“OK, thank you Mrs Jung.”

“I can handle it, prepare the breakfast. Moonbin already finish take abath,”

I nodded and go to the kitchen.

Maybe I’ll make a friedrice. It only took a vew minutes cooking them. I opened the referigerator, took chicken and seasoning.

I spread the chicken leg then cut it. But...

Suddenly my stomatch feels something that make me will throw up. But I holding it an continued cut the chicken.


It come again... keep hold...

I cut some chicken then cut some vegetables.

“Hoeghh, Uggh”

I stopped my activity. I can’t hold.

I runs to the toilet, open the closet then throw up.

“Hoegghh hoekk”

I didn’t throw anything, but my stomatch felt sick.




“Jaejoong? “ Mrs. Jung called him, Jaejoong heard but he still in toilet, holding his stomatch.

Mrs. Jung look at the kitchen, there’s no Jaejoong he look some chicken that prepared by Jaejoong then continued cooking.

While Mrs. Jung prepare it at the table, Jaejoong come with pale skin.

“Where do you come from Jaejoong?”

“Im from bathroom Mrs Jung, I think Im not Okay now~.”

“You looks pale, then let’s take a rest you may absent today. Take a rest in home.”

“I need go to the drugstore , Im sorry I can’t help you mrs. Jung.”

“I’ts okay~ but you’ll go now? “

I took my jacket and permission to go.

“Yes, buy some aspirin.”

“OK, be careful.”


My head feels so  heavy and my body doesn’t well. But i must buy something, today Yunho will come and I must talked to him.

“Good morning~ can I help you sir?” greeting the receptionist.

“Good morning, I need some aspirin.”

“OK, wait~.


“Here it is.”

I take some money then paid, but....

“I need a testpack too.”


“testpack pregnancy?”



“hmm... give me 20.”

“Oo..Ok~ here.”

After Jaejoong leave, the receptionist doing gossip.

“He buy alot of pregnancy testpack.”

“Wow... he’s make some woman pregnant at the same time?”

“hushh, back to work.”



I buy some testpack, hide it from my thick jacket.

“Jaejoong, you comeback, mr. Jung will take Moonbin at school, then i’ll go work too. Are you okay home alone?”

“im okay mrs. Jung.”

“ok, be careful, Yunho will come at noon, maybe at 12:00pm.”

I nodded, and badly... my stomatch react again. I want... throw up~


I lay on the bed, my headache make me stagger... so i decided going to sleep.




Ding dong~

The bell was rang, i wake up slowly, it maybe Yunho.

“Ok~ wait me...” i wear my slipper then went to the living room.


“Who’s that?” Jaejoong didn’t see anybody there.

‘it maybe a thief’ ah Im so careless, i open the door before knows the guest. Quckly Im closed the door and lock it.

I turned back then~


Someone hugged me from behind.

“Gyaaaa! Who’s that! A thief!”

“Yak, You called your beloved one a thief.”

“yunh.. Yunho?” I turned to Yunho’s face.

“It’s me baby~ Im already missed you.” Yunho hugged me tight, until i can’t breathe. Then kiss my neck and my earlobes.

“S-stop! ert!” I pats Yunho head.

“Why can’t?? I miss you after we didn’t meet one week.”

“You... you smell not good!”

“huh? Am i? Im not forget spray my cologne today.”

“But you make me... ugh...”

“Jae? Are you okay?” Yunho pats my back gently.

“Don’t near to me! “

Yunho was confused, but he keep holding me and hugged me.


“Ummphh... hoegh!”

I run to the bathroom, it happen again!

Yunho following me, he looks worried. But he just entered the bathroom I stopped him.

“Stop there! Don’t don’t move, your smell make me... hoeghh! Hoeghh!”

“Jae are you ok?im worried you.”

Jae didn’t hear Yunho’s he concentrate with his sickness.




I finished my new ‘ritual’ then go to the kitchen, wanna eat some fruits. I passed living room, but i can’t found Yunho. Maybe he’s sleep. I sigh~

I find pineapple and mangoes, i want eat more, looks yummy.

“Baby~ where are you?” Yunho’s voice.

I stopped eating and runs, will close the kitchen’s door. But Yunho was  infront of the door now.

“Yunho don’t come! “

Yunho looks uneasy, make a cross infron of his chest.

“Look at me, I already take a shower.”

Hmm maybe that’s right, i looks his wet-hair and i can smelled his shampoo.

“Believe me?”

I nodded, im really miss my beloved one.

“here, “ Yunho spread his arm, command me to hugged him.

“Yunho, I miss you.”

Yunho give me the sweet and tight embraced, kiss my hair and my cheeks.

“What happen just now? are you sick”

“Hmm, just a cold.”

“Don’t underestimate, you maybe tired, or do you miss me until you dying?”

I pats his back,

“im sorry, then now we have no distance. Wanna more? We separated only by our cloth now.” Yunho smirks and teasing me.

“No, I just want to talk something to you.”

“OK, talk to me,” yunho sit on the chair and eat some pineapple.

“Let’s go to the my room.”

Yunho smirk, like he wants something to me or he wants to eat me.

“You’re more agressive than me, i was thought. “ Yunho grab my hand and take Jaejoong to the bedroom.




Now it’s your time Jae, i wants look how wild are you. Yunho lay on my bed, need my body to push him. But I can’t.

“I want talking something important Jung Yunho, remove away your dirty-mind for a while~” i sit on bed and sigh.

“Ok, Im sorry~ ” yunho sit beside me, grab my hand and kissed it.


I sigh

“Yunho, are you remembered when the last time we have ? “

“one day before I flight to the america, don’t you remember i you until dawn?”

“hmmm... how many rounds we do?”

“I don’t remember...? why asked me like that?”

“Yunho you must believe me,”


“Believe me first, and promised don’t laugh or shocked.”

“Jae ahh~ what do you want?”

“Promised first.”

Yunho leaned his pinkie finger,


“You must believe me, and after I telling you , you may NOT laugh, smile and anything, just serious.”

“OK, i promised, then tell me.”

“Im... Im,...”


“Maybe i got pregnant yunho.”






BWAHahahhahaha!!! Bwahahahahahha!!!

He’s break his promised, Cih. I make a such painful face.

“Are you kidding me Jaejoong?? Buahahahha male can not pregnant.”

“You break your promised.” I really sad, my tears can’t be holding~




“Jae... Im sorry, but it unbelieveable.”

“I told you if you must believe in me but you can’t hiks, “ i started make a sob.

“Hshh~ don’t cry like that.”

Yunho feels so sorry to Jaejoong then ge hugged Jaejoong.

“But you’re not kidding me?”

I wipe away my tears then stand up, took something from cupboard.

“look ...”

I spilled a bag that contents by testpack.

“whoaaah~ what’s that?”

“Two line means Im pregnant.”

Yunho look at the test pack one by one, the results was same, two line.

“Jae, are you serious?”




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Chapter 22: I want to know what happens next. Please update soon
mickeycute #2
Chapter 22: OMG!!! what hppen to joongie now?? pls update ^^
Chapter 22: OMG!!!

Yunho... why you dont tell truthfully to your parents about the baby???

poor jaejoongie T,T
ot5faith #4
Chapter 22: plz cont this story~
ahh i love it *-* do u want continue this? i hope it :o xD
Chapter 24: Why???? o.O'??
Chapter 24: Oh god, autor-nim, please make someone, i don't know, suspect jiyeon and protect jaejae, pwwweeeeeeaaaaaaseeeee, if he lose this baby will be the saddest thing eeveeeer T^T Update soon!
alint2709 #8
Chapter 24: but please update soon..
azura_fujoshi #9
Chapter 5: bad yuhno! how can you ignore jaejoong, he is waiting ur son t___t
azura_fujoshi #10
Chapter 2: jae don't cry, have a baby with that such a man like yuhno is wonderful, hehe, wooooo yunjae with babyes is kawaiii n.n