boy or girl?


Yunho and jaejoong arrived at home, but Jae looks terrible.

“Are you two Ok? Where’s the car?” Mrs jung ask them.

“I sent my car to the washing car. And It’s Ok, today jaejoong drink so much and ended like that... he’s drank.” Yunho helped Jaejoong walked, he arround his arm to Jaejoong shoulder.

“Who’s drank? Im not!”

“Sssh.. let me take you to the room.”


“Ah~~ it comes again... hurry up!” Yunho drag Jaejoong quickly to the bathroom.

Mrs. Jung followed them, she was worried with jaejoong.


Yunho pats Jaejoong back and shoulder.

“Why so suddenly... it’s not a morning sick anymore... but noon sick, night sick, everyday sick. Huuft” Yunho sigh and still make Jaejoong comfort with rubbing his neck.

“Because of you! Why you threw something that I really want!”

“Because that’s so disgusting! Why you’re so happy after smelled another man’s scent?”

“it’s not me but our baby!”

“how can the baby flirting and old man, i think is not a baby but his/her own mommy.”

“You mean I flirting Changmin??”

“That’s true.”


Maybe Jaejoong feel angry now, he pats Yunho hands and leaving him.

“jaejoong are you OK? What are you talking in the bathroom with yunho? Are you fighting?” Mrs Jung wait in front of the bathroom.

“No Mrs jung... just missunderstanding. I leave first, I’ll prepare dinner.”

“no Jae, you looks unwell, have you eaten? After eat and drink medicine you may take a rest.”

“Im well Mrs Jung, really, then I’ll make breakfast.” Jaejoong looks weak, but won’t leaving Jung family without dinner.


“Where’s  Jaejoong?” Yunho asked after he bathing, to his Mom.

“i don’t know, after he prepared it all, he’s gone. Maybe he stay at his room.” Mrs jung said while she preparing Moonbin’s food.

“I’ll tell him if dinner ready.” Yunho take an apple and bites it, then walked at upstair.

“Mommy, I think Hyung take care ahjumma so much~ is it right?” Moonbin asked to his Mom.

“yeah, because they’re such a good friend.”

“I think it’s more than friend Mom, they’re lover.”

“uhukkk! “ Mrs Jung really shocked hear it from Moonbin. “Moonbin what are you saying? That’s should be true, they love each other as friend. Is it pretty right?”

“yesterday I saw Yunho-hyung kissed ahjumma,and I wish hyung marrying ahjumma soon.”

“Omo~ what are you saying dear?”

“Nothing Mom.” Moonbin opened his mouth, make Mrs Jung feeding him again.



--No answer—


“Jaejoongie? Are you in the room?”

--No answer—

Yunho gently open the door, and didn’t find Jaejoong at his room.

“Jae? Are you there?” Yunho knocked bathroom’s door, maybe Jae was there.

Yunho take out his phone and called Jaejoong.

“Piip piip piip piip” Yunho hear something from behind the Jae’s Hello Kitty-doll.

“aish, he don’t bring his cellphone.” Yunho reach that phone. Yunho saw A blink blink vivienne westwood at the case. “He already changed his case? What the... why he must look a like a girl” Yunho smiled and continued looking for Jaejoong.

“Mom, I can’t find Jaejoong at his room. Where is he?”

“I don’t know, maybe he walk nearby~ looking for fresh air?”

“what a fresh? It just a cold.”

“Why are you so worried? Jaejoong will be fine.”

“No, after he drank like that.”

“What kind a drunk? He can cooking the delicious dinner. I think he’s not drunk.he’s fine.”

“araso, then I’ll be back... I’ll look for jaejoong.” Yunho take his jacket and quickly he run.


Jaejoong walked alone at the departement store. How can? Ok let’s see flashback.

Flash back.

Jaejoong cooking for dinner, while he boiled chicken soup, he don’t stopped throw-up at basin. His stomatch feels strange and he has a headache. But he can ressist it.

After he prepared the dinner at the table, he suddenly really wants Changmin scent. If he don’t smelled it, so he can non-stopped to throw up. So he decide buy a same parfum that Changmin’s wear.

End of flash back

Jaejoong look some beautiful packaging of perfume at the rack, he smelled it one by one. But still, he can’t find it.

“Can i help you sir?” a customer service ask him.

“... I just looking for perfume that I don’t know the brand...”

“Ok, just tell me what kind a scent?”

“ah~ it smelled, sweet as vanilla, sometimes spicy as ginger, and also woody. It all make me really wants eat some spicy food.” Jaejoong tell the truth.

The customer service took a bottle of perfume and spray it at her wrist.

“Like this?”

Jaejoong smelled the scent,

“No. Not this.”

“Ok, I’ll search another perfume that you really wanted, just wait me here for a while.” The customer service leaving jaejoong.

“Here sir, just try.”

Jaejoong sprayed it at his wrist and smelled it.

“Ah~ it’s not too.” Jaejoong give up,



“nuna, that is! That smell....”

Jaejoong following The scent that suddenly appear , he sniffed and searching where’s it come from.

“Ah~ maybe like that nuna!” Jaejoong find it with no lift his head.


Jaejoong lifted his head.

“ah! it must be true! Changminnie ah!” Jaejoong with reflect hugged Changmin.

It make changmin shock and confused, but he feels happy... happy for what? i think he’s in love with jaejoong.

“are you alone?” Changmin released jaejoong, it make him shy.

“Yes, Im alone come here.”

“What are you looking for? A perfume?” Changmin ask me again.

“Yes.. ah,,, No.. NO. I Just walked arround.” Jaejoong lied.

“But I saw you ask customer service.” Changmin pointed to a lady who standing besides jaejoong.

“Ah~ is not like that.” Jaejoong look at nuna. “Nuna, thank you. I canceled order.”

The lady smiled and bow to Jaejoong then leave the two man.

“Have you eaten?”

“ah~ yes... but..”



Jaejoong and Changmin at the small restaurant now. Jaejoong ordered a lot of food.

“are you really can eat all of them?”

“it’s Ok. Btw I’ll pay with my self, don’t worry~” Jaejoong smiled and he opened the chopstick. “Happy meal. Fuahh fuuh it’s hot.”

Changmin stared at Jaejoong, he was thinking... why the boy infront of him looks so cute with his red-plum lips. And make him interested.

“Eat your food... eat while hot...”

“ah Ok~ look at the way you eat make me hungry.”

“I loved seafood, especially this.” Jaejoong show a slice of grilled-octopus.

“and a liver’s stew too?”

“How do you know? But you’re false. No, im not, the person who loved this food is my baby.”

“what? a baby?”

Jaejoong closed his mouth, as a criminal who caught lying.

“Ah~ I mean my baby Yunho. That’s right.”

“your cousin?”

“No, he’s my lo—“

Jaejoong stopped his sentences. “ah~ excuse me. i mean he’s my loyal cousin.”

Suddenly comes a married man, why we know? He wear a wedding-ring offcourse.

“Ahjumma, please give my wife a lot of liver.” The man ask the owner.

“You know, what’s good.”

“This is for my wife who’s pregnant, So please pile it on.”

“Really? It must be a boy, if she’s wanting liver.”

“Then it’s a boy?”

“I’m probably right.”

Jaejoong clearly heard their short-conversation, and touching his belly.

“Ah~ right... it must be a boy. Yunho must know this good news >,< ”

“Hyung? Are you ok?”

“Ah~ Im okay, and happy.”

“Ok, then Im happy too.” Changmin still confused, but he’s too happy can eat together with Jaejoong.


Yunho walking arround, looking for Jaejoong but after one hour he can’t find him.

“Haish? Where are you my baby’s mother..”

Yunho walked at the park, look arround but he’s find nothing. Then he look at the mini market, and same. There’s no Jaejoong.

“I’ll give him a punishment. Huh like that!” Yunho practice movement of pumping. “harder!”

Yunho hear some chuckled from nearby.

“wait. sounds familiar.”

Yunho walked to the restaurant near the street. Yeah, he find Jaejoong there. But...



“Ah~ i feel unwell.” Jaejoong stop eating.

“Are you OK?” Changmin stare at Jaejoong.

“hmm.. im ok... but why suddenly i feel bad...”

“Feeling what Joongie?” Yunho ask his lover with darkness behind him.

“Yunho ah~!”

“Annyong~ we meet again.” Changmin greet Yunho with inocence.

--skip the ‘sadistic scene’—


“You’re so naughty! Must I tie you with a leash tightly?” Yunho pats Jaejoong back and the two walked go home.

“Im not.”

“Shut up! I caught you together with him at twice! Who’s he? Do you have an affair with him??”

“Im not.”



“answer me!”


Yunho stopped Jaejoong and grab his hand, make a little hurt for Jaejoong.

“It hurt! Moved!”

“I can break it if you don’t answered me.”




“Oh, that’s true?”

“Leave me. I can go home by my self.” Jaejoong release yunho’s hand, and walked quickly.

“Hey! Jaejoong!”

“Leave me, i will make your clothes dirt like your car, i feel unwell again... like wants throw up.”


“Your apologize doesn’t work at this time.”

“Are you angry? Hey.. a person who must be angry it’s me!”

“congrat Jung Yunho, you make me have no friends anymore. Thanks for your possesive feelings.”


“You never listening me. act childish, doing some useless before thinking first, and selfish too! Have you seen Im angry if you hanging out  together with some girls?” Jaejoong grumbled. “ask me keeping our secret relationship, i do that while it’s hard for me... but you broke our promised. Now Can I show my feeling of jealousy? I’ll rip their*mouth! I’ll broke their arms! Or I’ll broke his leg!”

(*many girls who everyday followed Yunho at the campus)

Yunho muted at all.

“i’ll visit Changmin tomorrow... Im worried his bleeding-nose, You really make a such terrible Jung Yunho, hit him!.”


“stop there. Don’t close to me. our son don’t want his father right now.”

“A son?”

“probably it’s a boy... ah~ I wanna tell this for you with happiness, but can’t... you already broke my plan.”

“Tell me...”

“Haha it’s really you? Why say it with gently? Is it really you? Why not shouted or say loudly with your sarcasm? Im really tired.”


Jaejoong dress up so beautiful today,he wear a pink shirt with black cardigan same color with his jeans and boots.

Checked his three month pregnancy, visit Changmin and buy some knitting tools.

“we meet at barbara shop at 04:00pm. Don’t forget.” Jaejoong shut his phone then look at yunho who standing infront of him.

“Can I go with you?” he pouted his lips.

“No. You must stay here for a day.”

“But i want see our baby.”

“I can bring the USG later.”

“I want apologize to Changmin too.”

“let me say to him.”

“jaejoongie~! It’s too cruel!”

“today is my free day. It’s Wednesday! I do shopping with my old-friends.”

“But Im worried!”

“this is punishment to you. Haisshh Im already late! Then bye!”


“Are you go somewhere Jaejoong?”

“Ah~ yes Mrs Jung, but i’ll comeback before dinner and prepare for a delicious food.”

“Ok, take care... and be carefull.”



“Where’s your husband?” a doctor ask Jaejoong.

“Ah~ he attending some wedding ceremony  today, so he can’t go with me.” maybe Jaejoong lied~ Yunho can’t go anywhere~ it’s punishment from Jaejoong. If jaejoong caught him go from the house, he will make Yunho can’t sleep with him anymore~

“Ok, then please lay on the bed, I’ll checked your womb.”

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Chapter 22: I want to know what happens next. Please update soon
mickeycute #2
Chapter 22: OMG!!! what hppen to joongie now?? pls update ^^
Chapter 22: OMG!!!

Yunho... why you dont tell truthfully to your parents about the baby???

poor jaejoongie T,T
ot5faith #4
Chapter 22: plz cont this story~
ahh i love it *-* do u want continue this? i hope it :o xD
Chapter 24: Why???? o.O'??
Chapter 24: Oh god, autor-nim, please make someone, i don't know, suspect jiyeon and protect jaejae, pwwweeeeeeaaaaaaseeeee, if he lose this baby will be the saddest thing eeveeeer T^T Update soon!
alint2709 #8
Chapter 24: but please update soon..
azura_fujoshi #9
Chapter 5: bad yuhno! how can you ignore jaejoong, he is waiting ur son t___t
azura_fujoshi #10
Chapter 2: jae don't cry, have a baby with that such a man like yuhno is wonderful, hehe, wooooo yunjae with babyes is kawaiii n.n