Secret Gangster
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
Chapter 9
The gang; Shadow frozed and Jonghyun tried to open his eyes. Chanmi stalked right into the warehouse, knocking out three members of Shadow in the process. She pulled Jonghyun up and pushed him over to Taehwan. Taehwan held Jonghyun tightly as he casted a worried look at his poor condition. Jonghyun was trying hard to keep awake, so that he would know who the people were helping him.

"What are you doing here?" Chanmi spat with hatred.

"My my, it's Tias. It's a pleasure to meet you." Shadow said with a sadistic grin.

Tias? Jonghyun thought. They're here in Seoul? Then how come we don't see them in the day time? Are they only active at night? He opened his eyes but his vision blurred as he stared at Chanmi. Her voice sounds familiar... He closed his eyes and passed out.

"You ing bastard." Miki hissed. "Why are you targeting JR?"

"JR?" The leader tilted his head. "Oh! You mean that shortie over there?" He nodded over to Jonghyun, grinning like a madman, making Chanmi shake her fist in anger.

"Why are you here?"

"Why, you ask?" Shadow grinned and laughed out loud. "I'm here to take revenge."

Changmin gritted his teeth. "Revenge, you say?" He growled. "It is us who should take revenge. You killed our parent's. What ing revenge do you want from us?"

"Everything." He smirked. "You took everything away from us. You took our rank."

"Just because we took your rank?" Miki smirked. "Well, aren't you wasting your time?"

"IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU WE ARE RANKED 12TH IN THE WHOLE WORLD!" Gou shouted, his face red and his veins almost popping out.

"12th?" Chohee raised an eyebrow up and chuckled. "Former world's rank 1 gang is now rank 12th?"

Jihwan chuckled. "How did you get all the way down there?"

"SHUT UP!" Taylor snapped. "All because of you, other gangs decided it was fun to gang up on us and take our rank continuously." He raged and glared at each member to Tias. "SHUT UP!" He hollered, his voice echoing throughout the warehouse.

"No need to shout." Jihwan muttered and shook his head. He looked over to Taehwan and sighed. "Hyung, I think you should take him back home. Make up some fake excuse."

Taehwan nodded, muttering a soft "thanks" and left the warehouse. Chanmi tried to calm down and stared at the three she knocked out. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Is revenge the only thing you want?" She enquired, shocking her friends, who weren't expecting her calm composure. "If that is all you want, then you're only wasting your time here. What is your real purpose here?"

Shadow smirked. "You know me too well." He chuckled and cracked his knuckles. "We want you all dead."

"W-What?" Jonghyun stuttered and widened his eyes in shock. "You want to kill us? What for?"

"I don't know. They're just orders and we're just obeying them."

Nicole scoffed. "So you're a lapdog now?" She laughed for awhile. "Since when did Shadow became lapdogs?"

Shadow lunged at Nicole but was shoved back by Chohee. He winced when his back hits against the wall and groaned in pain. Approaching slowly, Chohee kept her deadly gaze on Shadow while Miki played with Gou. Crouching down to Shadow's eye level, Chohee grabbed Shadow by the collar and pulled him close.

"Tell me, who are you taking orders from?"

"I would never tell you." He spat, coughing as he tried to gasp for air.

"Are you sure about that?" Jihwan asked casually and looked over to Gou, who had a knife pressed against his neck as Nicole held him in place, gripping on the knife. "You tell us who, we let you go and Gou lives. You don't tell us, we kill him and we'll kill the rest of you slowly."

"Your choice." Nicole chuckled and pressed the knife closer. "Who?" She demanded.

"Who ordered you?" Chohee growled and tightened her grip on Shadow's neck.

Shadow coughed, finding it hard to breathe. "B-Bloody C-Chains. T-They are the ones who hired us t-to track you down."

The moment Chohee let go of Shadow's neck, he was in a coughing fit, gasping for air as Chohee walked back to Chanmi. "I think it's best to have someone keep an eye on Shadow for the time being." She whispered into Chanmi's ear and glanced at Shadow and Gou.

"Who are you recommeding?"

"We can always ask Yuuji."

"Are you sure? I don't think it's a good idea to have Yuuji medle with this." Changmin pointed out as he stood behind Chohee. "It'll give us away."

"No one knows that we know Yuuji." Chohee stated.

"I'll give him a call tonight." Chanmi turned to Shadow. "Bloody Chains, where are they?"

Both Shadow and Gou shook their heads. "We don't know. They always call us on private numbers and they always send one of their mens to us when there's a new mission to do."

"You can come after us but remember this; no matter how many times you come after us, you can't win against us." Taehwan warned. "Consider this a warning and think about it well."


Back at their house, all of Tias were in a bad mood. None of them had talked on the way home. Once they had entered the house, they went to their own rooms and did nothing. Chanmi took off her mask and threw them in the drawer, her eyes fixed on the floor with her intense glare. She stared at it for a good minute before taking out her phone, scrolling her contact list and stopped at Yuuji's name.

"Would it be good idea to involve Yuuji?" She mutered to herself and sat down on her bed, leaning against the wall, hugging her pillow and pulled her blankets us to her waist. She sighed and tousled her hair. Her phone turned off and she turned it back on again, frowning at the time displayed on the screen; 1:30 AM. "I guess it won't hurt. I can always ask him to do it secretly."

She called him but the call didn't got through. She frowne, trying again and again until she gave up. She groaned and tossed her phone to the side. Just when sje was about to tuck herself in bed, her phone went off, startling her as she had jumped up a little.

"Chanmi~" Yuuji beamed with a smile as he held his phone between his ear and his right shoulder. "What's up?"

"Yuuji..." Chanmi trailed off.

Yuuji frowned and straightened up, holding his phone in his hand. "What's wrong? Did something happen while you are in Seoul now?"

She sighed. "Yeah. I don't know if I should really break it to you and ask you for help since I know you're a busy person."

Yuuji smiled and chuckled. "I will always have time for my best friend. Tell me, what's wrong?"

"Bloody Chains hired Shadow to find us."

Widening his eyes as he sat up straight. "Say what?!" He exclaimed. "Those mother ers are still alive?"

"Yeah. Shadow is ranked 12 now."

"In the whole world?"


"Serves them right." He chuckled. He sighed and closed his eyes. "I can send Hibiki and Yuzuki to keep an eye on Shadow's for you while you continue your innocent acts with the rest of Tias. I'll look into Bloody Chains for you."

"Are you sure you're not busy?"

"Yes. You ask too much Chanmi." He laughed. "I miss you. The others misses you a lot. Now tell me how is Central Academy?"

Chanmi blinked. "Wait, how the heck do you even know about that?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." He chuckled and yawned.

"Tell me what?"

"Suzu-nee is a 3rd year teacher in that school. She saw you and the rest but you haven't seen her right?"

"No." She pouted. "How mean, you didn't even tell me."

Yuuji laughed, his whole body shaking. "Sorry, I was just too caught up in my own work load."

"Hold on, if Suzu-nee is in school, then does everyone there knows she's from there?"

"Of course. Suzu-nee is quite well known if you haven't noticed."

"No I haven't." She pouted and rolled her eyes. "I'm not in Japan and I haven't caught up with any of yous at all."

"We should meet up sometime. Preferable after you've accomplished your goal and have more alliances from S.Korea."

"Ah, well, about that." She giggled. "We've already taken Central as our territory and got one alliance."



"GOT7?" Yuuji raised an eyebrow up. "If I remember correctly, Sii is a friend of Yugyeom but I don't think Yugyeom knows that Sii is part of this clan."

"Poor boy, he's going to be shocked once he finds out. So Sii knows Yugyeom. Wow, such a small world."

"How's your family?"

"I miss them heaps. I don't think I should leave without telling them."

"They don't know you're the leader of Tias right? They met your friends but they know nothing about the real yous at all right?"

", Yuuji, are you a stalker?"

"Me, a stalker?" He laughed. "No but I think Suzu-nee is."

"I don't think I should interact with Suzu-nee for the time being. It'll probably blow up my cover of trying to be innocent."

"Don't you have school later?"

"Yeah." Chanmi yawned. "Catch up with you some other time."

"I'll have Hibiki and Yuziki give you a call once they've landed in Seoul. They'll be living with Suzu-nee. Tell the guys I miss them. Bye~"

The call ended and Chanmi sighed as she closed her eyes. At least that is over and done with. For the time being, no more being Tias. Even if any of family members get injured. If that happens, we can deal with it a few weeks later.


Tuesday came and it was cold and chilly morning. There was fog and barely anything could be seen. Chanmi woke up with a groaned as she hits her sore back and shoulder. She stretched her arms up and sighed, tousling her hair and yawned.

"Ugh, I hate school and those s better apologise to NU'EST today." She grumbled and got out of bed. Even though it was only 6:45 AM at the moment, her body felt to sore to continue sleeping. Getting up and out of her bed, she randomly took a black ripped jean, black tank top, a M sized white T-shirt, her black leather biker jacket and her undergarments.

Once she had showered and changed into those clothes, she dried her hair with the towel as she flipped through her phone with one hand. Another yawn escaped and she lets out a long, loud sigh. When her hair is dried, she combed it into place, making sure it was perfectly in place before pulling her socks on and ran downstairs t to the kitchen with her phone in her hands. She had almost slipped on the last step but luckily Changmin was there to catch her.

"You're up early." He said as he stirred his coffee. "What were you and Chohee talking about last night after both she and Miki beat the crap out of Shadow and Gou?"

Chanmi hummed in response and sat down across Changmin. "I'll tell you once everyone has waken up. I'd rather not repeat myself and I'm going to set up a few rules about being Tias at night."

"Alrighty then."

"Why are you up so early?" She questions and looks up at the clock.

"I have work at 8. Both Taehwan and I do but because of last nights event, I just can't seem to sleep."

"Same here." The rest of Tias mumbled as they came into the kitchen, changed as they all let out a yawn.

"We heard what you said eonnie. What is it that you need to talk about?" Nicole asked as she saw down beside Changmin.

Chanmi guestured them to sit down and closed her eyes. Once she collected her plans together, she opened her eyes again and looked at her friends. "First things first. Chohee recommended to me that we should ask Yuuji to handle Bloody Chains and Shadow for the time being."

"Yuuji-nii??" Jihwan exclaimed, widening his eyes. "Really?"

"Let me continue and you can ask questions later." She eyed him and sighed. "Yes." She nodded. "I called him last night. Yuuji isn't exactly that busy but he isn't exactly free either. Therefore he'll be sending Hibiki and Yuzuki to keep an eye on Shadow while Yuuji himself will look into Bloody Chains."

"When are the twins coming here? Where are they going to stay? Wouldn't that blow our cover of being innocent?" Taehwan frowned and leaned forward.

Shaking her head as she leaned back in the chair. "I don't know when the twins will be here but Yuuji said they'll give me a call once they've landed in Seoul. They'll be living with Suzu-nee. Yuuji told me that she's a third year teacher at Central Academy. She say us but didn't say anything and no our cover won't be blown. We will not be making any contact with them while we continue our innocent acts."

"What do you mean?" Miki asked as she couldn't understand where Chanmi was heading.

"I'm going to put a ban on how many times we'll be Tias at night. If we continue showing up at every night, they'll probably start questioning about why we only show up at night but not in the morning. I've already thought about this so I'll might as well tell you about it, but before that I'll tell you about my visit to East."

"You went to EAST?" Chohee widened her eyes.

"Hey, I was beyond mad on Monday. Anyways, we'll be playing a game."

"A game?" Jonghyun and Minhwan tilted their heads.

"It's actually quite fun you know." She chuckled. "I told Kara that we are close friends with ourselves and that we're very innocent and don't know anything about the gang world." She smirked.

"Girl, you are evil." Taehwan. "So what's this plan you talk about?"

"We divide it into three weeks. We'll rotate the weeks and each night only a certain member of us are able to be Tias." She held up three fingers. "First week is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Monday night is Reaper and Miki. Tuesday night is Blade. Wednesday night is CH and Blue. The second week is Thursday and Friday night. Thursday night is Mia and Friday night is me. Third week is Saturday and Sunday night. Saturday is JiJi and Ji. Sunday is Death." She stoped and glanced at them. "We will stick to this and do not go against this rule."

"When will it be commenced?"

"Next week will be the first week."

"Alright. This plan sounds really cool." Minhwan clapped in awe. "It's amazing how you can come up with that in ONE night."

"I am the almighty Min." She flipped her fringe and chuckled. "Oh, two more things."

"What is it?" Nicole asked as she nibbled on her toast.

"It's time we search for gangs that are not in any alliances of the other territorries. Find, research, observe, test and then report it to me. The second thing is, try to make friends from people in the academy. That way we can scoop out more information from them and as well as find new gangs for our alliance."

"Yes, ma'am!" They saluted her.


Changmin and Taehwan had left for work, in which they work as a waiter for a cafe/restaurant that is a 10 minute walk from the house. Meanwhile, Chanmi and her friends were running as fast as they could as they were late. Although they were late, they were let off just once since it was their first time being late. Chanmi had dozed off half way of her first period and strangely enough the teacher didn't do anything.

Sitting behind Chanmi was Jihoon, who kept on poking her nack with his ruler and once in awhile he would kick her chair. Feeling quite annoyed she woke up, turned to Jihoon and glared at him. Putting both arms up in surrender but he had a grin.

"Miss Lee, would you please wake up and answer this question?" Mr Jang said and hit the wooden table twice with the ruler.

Chanmi looked up and yawned as she rubbed her eyes. Slowly standing up, she made her way to the black board. The girls; Hara Nicole and Hyuna snickered, thinking that Chanmi would get the answer wrong to the extremely difficult maths equation up on the board. Oh boy, they were wrong. Chanmi was up there for awhile, writing down  the answer which took up the whole space. She placed the chalk down and raised an eyebrow up at Mr Jang and smiled.

"T-That is correct. Next time don't sleep in my class okay?"

Chanmi nodded and walked back to her seat, smirking at the girls expression.

"Nerd." Hara muttered.

Chanmi rolled her eyes. "Just because I got the answer right doesn't mean I'm a nerd. I guess you're not that smart." She chuckled.

"What did you say" Hara yelled and stood up, pointing her finger at Chanmi. "Who do you think you are to say that to me?" She stomped over to Chanmi and slammed her hands down on the table.

Chanmi looked up and smiled innocently. "Me?" She tilted her head. "I am the younger sister of Lee Howon and Lee Minhyuk who goes by Hoya and B-Bomb. I am also Choi Minho, Kim Jonghyun who goes by JR, Bang Minsoo who goes by C.A.P and Jung Jinyoung's step-sister." She nodded and then clapped her hands. "Oh! I'm also the younger step sister of Lee Chaerin who goes by CL and Park Bom. I know they are gangs and that I'm not in one but that doesn't mean they sit back and let you bully me." She smirked as Jinri, Chohee, Jinhwan and Miki chuckled silently to themselves.

The whole class, excluding Jinri, Miki, Jihwan and Chohee, widened their eyes in horror. Chanmi saw it and tilted her head. "Did I say something wrong?" She asked innocently and blinked. "You asked a question so I just answered it. Do we have anymore problems Hara-ssi?"

Hara shook her head and went back to her seat. The whole class gaped at Chanmi and all thought the same. How the hell is she so innocent when her family are practically gangs?

Ding. Dong. Deng~

All  the students ran out of the classroom and headed or their second period, which was English, the subject Chanmi and the rest would just sleep throughout the whole class. The teacher, Mr Smith never picked the new students since they knew English too well to be picked on. Unlike every other days where Chanmi would just sleep, this time she was wide awake. She was curious of this one boy that was sitting diagonally to her. She was really intrigued by the boy who had blue-ish hair. She tilted her head and fixed her gaze on him.

Wonshik, who was trying to concentrate on the lesson, felt someone staring at him. He turned his head back and blinked at Chanmi. Tilting his head and stared at her. Chanmi didn't blink or break the eye contact until the teacher called out to Chanmi.

"Miss Chanmi, is staring at Wonshik-ssi more interesting that my class?" He raised an eyebrow up.

Chanmi broke the eye contact and stared at the teacher. "Yes." She asnwered honestly.

Mr Smith sighed and shook his head. Before he could go on with his lesson, the bell rang, signalling that it was lunch break. He sighed and left the classroom. Every student had left but Chanmi and Wonshik. He was interested in her since the first period.

"Yes?" Chanmi questioned as she stood up from her seat and stretched her arms.

"Why are you not in a gang?" He asked with a frown. "I mean, your siblings, as you've stated during the first period, are in gangs. Why aren't you in one?"

She blinked once, then twice and shrugged. "Because I left to America at a young age to study over there. I only found out that they were gangs when I came back." She lied. "Is that all you want to ask Wonshik-ssi?"

Wonshik shook his head. "Call me Ravi. Can we be friends? I don't see you hanging out with anyone else but those 7 friends of yours."

"Friends?" He nodded. This might be a good chance to find out which gang he's in. "Okay."

"I'll introduce you to my friends too." He beamed. "Oh, but what about your friends?"

She shrugged and grinned at Ravi. "Shall we go?" She ignored his question and took her phone out, texting Miki that she's with a new friend.

Ravi nodded. The two left the classroom and made their way up to the rooftop. There was a rooftop in this school? She thought as she walked up the stairs. No words were exchanged as the two got to the rooftop.

"Ravi!" Hakyeon shouted and pouted. "You're - who is this?" He asked once he saw Chanmi.

"Hyung, this is Chanmi. Chanmi, this is Hakyeon-hyung but call him N." Wonshik smiled.

"Hello." She smiled.

"Ah! She's the transfer student that isn't in any gangs, including her friends." Sanghyuk exclaimed.

"That's Sanghyuk, our maknae. He goes by Hyuk." Wonshik informed. "The other two aren't here so I'll introduce you them later."

"Is she your new friend?" Jaehwan asked as he walked pass the door, along with Taekwoon following silently behind him. "Hello." He cheerfully greeted her. "My name is Jaehwan but please call me Ken. This quiet one is Taekwoon but call him Leo."

Chanmi nodded and glanced over to Leo. She was somehow interested in him. So he's a quiet one? I wonder how he's like if he is fightng. "Are you guys a gang too?" She was very interested in thie group. Shs hadn't seen them around during the nights since she had arrived in Seoul.

Sanghyuk nodded. "We are called VIXX." He blinked and looked around. "Where is Hongbin-hyung?"

"Hongbin?" She tilted her head.

"We totally forgot about him. He's the second youngest in VIXX. How could we forget about him." Hakyeon chuckled but then he frowned. "Didn't he leave with you?" He turned to Wonshik.

"Hyung, he's not in my class rmember?" Wonshik rolled his eyes.

Chanmi walked over to the edge of the rooftop and looked down. She frowned when she saw five boys cornering a boy. She frowned when she saw Minho. She turned back to the boys and tilted her head. "Is that Hongbin?" She asked as she pointed down. Hakyeon frowned and walked over to Chanmi and looked down. He gasped and widened his eyes. "I'll take that a yes?"

Hakyeon and the rest immediately rushed out of the rooftop as fast as the could. Chanmi peered over the railings and saw that it wasn't that high. She climbed over the railings and sat on the edge of the rooftop. She inched closer and fell down, landing perfectly in between the Hongbin boy and the group of boys. Minho widened his eyes when he saw Chanmi.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Minho yelled in shocked. "You could have died!" he stormed over to Chanmi and pulled her by the arm.

Overreacting prick. "Sorry, but it wasn't that high..." She trailed off. "Are you Hongbin of VIXX?"

"How do you know about him? I thought you're not in any gangs." Minho frowned.

"Of course I'm not in gangs oppa. I just befriended with Wonshik, so Hongbin is a friend of mine and I don't like my friends getting hurt." She pouted and looked up at him. "Whatever you're doing, can you stop? Please?" I should get an award for my awesome acting.

"Hyung, who is this girl?" Taemin questioned.

Minho sighed and turned to his friends. "She's my step-sister. We should stop."

That's right. You should stop because you wouldn't want to anger the leader of Tias. Chanmi thought. She went over to Hongbin and helped him up. "Are you okay? Your friends should be here soon."

"Hongbin-ah!" Jaehwan exclaimed as he ran straight to Hongbin and hugged him. "Are you hurt anywhere?" He turned to Chanmi. "How the hell did you get here so fast?"

Minho sighed. "She jumped off the rooftop."

"WHAT?!" Wonshik hollered and ran to Chanmi. "Who in their right mind would do that?"

"Um.. me?" Chanmi chuckled.

Wonshik flicked her forehead. "Don't you dare do that again." He warned. "You okay?" He turned to Hongbin.

"Yeah, she saved me before letting these guys do anything."


Back on the rooftop, Wonshik was still telling her how dangerous it was to be jumping off rooftops even if they weren't that high. All Chanmi did was to nod at every word he said and eventually she rolled her eyes.

"I get it. I won't do it anymore." She pouted and her eyes travelled to Taekwoon who had been way too quiet. "Is he always this quiet?"

Hakyeon nodded. "The only time he'll talk is when he likes something or when he's pissed off."

"Ah, I see." She nodded and hummed in boredem. Her stomach growled and she blushed in embarrassment. She scratched her head and chuckled to herself. "It's okay, I'll eat later." She politely declined the food Hakyeon offered.

"Eat." He held it right in front of her face.

Pouting, Chanmi took the bread from Hakyeon and munched on it. "Thank you oppa." She beamed.

Hakyeon widened his eyes. "Did you just call me oppa?"

Chanmi nodded and giggled. "You are older than me right?"

"Call us oppa too~" Jaehwan whined with a pout as Chanmi, Wonshik and Sanghyuk stared at him with a what-the- expression. He cleared his voice. "Call us oppa too." He repeated, noramlly this time.

"When is your birthday?" Wonshik asked and crossed his legs. "Mines February 15th."

Chanmi grinned. "Mines January 15th. I guess you'll be calling me noona or just by my name only."

"Damn it." Wonshik grumbled.

"What? Did you want me to call you oppa?" She chuckled. She shook her head and glanced at each member before smirking inwardly. "Do you guys know a gang called Tias?" She asked ever so innocently as she tilted her head to the side.

Hongbin spat out his drink and choked on his spit. "W-What?" He widened his eyes. "Everyone knows Tias."

"Every gang but innocent ones." Hakyeon rolled his eyes. "Yes we do. Why do you ask?"

Scratching her head as she puts her acting into place. "I encountered them last night and I kind of eavesdropped on them." This is so much fun. Should have done this earlier. She thought..

"WHAT?!" They (excluding Leo) hollered with their eyes wide. Leo glanced over to Chanmi and frowned but said nothing.

"What did they say? I thought they left?" Sanghyuk said softly.

"From what I remembered, they said something about finding alliances before the leave." I can't imagine how these boys will think of me once they find out it's me. She frowned and stared at Leo who was still staring at her. "Yes?" Weird. She thought when Leo just ignored her. "Anyways, don't believe me. It might be a rumour."

"A rumour." They all said, even the quite Leo.

Ding. Dong. Deng.

Both Chanmi, Wonshik, Sanghyuk and Hongbin walked to the hall together. Unknowingly to the boys of VIXX, Chanmi knew there were students behind the door eavesdropping on their conversation. She knew that the rumour about Tias would circulate around the academy pretty fast. When they entered the hall, she smirked to herself. I was right. She thought. It's already been spread. The game shall begin. How long will it take for us to over South Korea and how long will our covers be hidden in the shadows?

Chanmi walked over to her friends with the three following behind her. She introduced them to her members and sat down. Hongbin and Miki became good friends in an instant. Wonshik and Sanghyuk became close with Chohee, Jonghyun and Nicole. Jihwan nudged Chanmi's elbow and leaned close to her.

"You made the rumour spread didn't you?" He whispered.

She chuckled and nodded. "Isn't this game fun?"

"Hell yeah." He grinned.

The gang Shadow (that's a lame name right?) is Tias number one enemy. They have a lot of enemies since they are the world's feared gang. Shadow is the Leader of his own gang, named after his stage name. Yey~ VIXX has finally appeared in the story.

Completely off topic, but are any of you guys up to date with recent Korean drama's. I've been wanting to watch them but I don't know which ones to watch. I want good ones.

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Thank you!
sorry if it took me long to upload this chapter >~< hope you enjoyed the long chapter~


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Chapter 11: "The all-time champion" hahaha I think all others still can't beat him
sazuka #2
Chapter 11: Yeah I agree with you about BaekYeon thing^^

update soon^^ You don't know how happy I am when I know you already update it^^
Chapter 11: Seriously, This get's more and more interesting as it goe's on.
Can't wait to see how the plot will develop later in the story :D

I get all excited when you update XD
Update soon, Author-Nim <3
Tessatc #4
Chapter 11: Hey yo!!!! Just asking but when is. Leo gonna show up??? Not saying that the story write now is bad. It's REALLY GD
Update soon!! Really like the story and your layout :D
sazuka #6
Chapter 10: This is surely amazing. I love it so much^^ please update soon.
Chapter 10: Tias is sure having fun scaring those groups XD
sazuka #8
Chapter 9: Please update soon author nim.
This is so amazing. I love how the game going kekekeke
Chapter 9: Yay finally VIXX encountering this story .. and even VIXX won in music show today /throw confetti/ ... is it a coincidence ? Ok just kidding XD

The fun game will begin thanks to Chanmi who spread the rumour XD
sazuka #10
Chapter 10: We'll wait author nim^^ I wish you can update soon^^ fighting