Secret Gangster
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven
The clock hits 6PM and Jinri's alarm went off. She was startled at first before cursing at her phone before turning the alarm off. She looked around and raised an eyebrow up at Taehwan who was on the laptop.

"Where are the others?"

"They're changing." He looked over to Jinri and chuckeld. "You should go change too. We're going out tonight remember?"

Jinri blinked a few times before gasping. "Oh right! Block B!" She squealed; jumping up onto her feet and ran up the stairs. "Nicole, get a move on and let me use the bathroom!" She hollered and banged on the door a few times.


"Anyone know where Block B is?" Minhwan questions as he adjusts his mask; his voice slightly muffled.

"We could always call them you know." Changmin chuckled and takes his phone out. ", I changed to a new phone so I haven't got their numbers." He stated and chuckled to himself. "Min?" He turned to Chanmi and had almost uttered her name inside of Min.

Chanmi sighed and shook her head. "Useless peoples." She grinned. "I already texted them where they are before we left the house. Before we go, let's go buy some food. I doubt they'd have any food with them." She made a face which made everyone laugh. "Well, off to the convenience store we go~"

After buying a whole lot of food, each member holding three to four bags of junk food and drinks, they  headed to where they usually meet Block B when they visited Seoul, South Korea. Which was pretty much Kyung's house but all members of Block B live together. Once they arrived at Kyung's house, Jonghyun ran up the drive way, towards the door bell and pressed it non-stop.

"I'm coming. I'm coming!" They heard U-Kwon's annoyed tone before the door opened. "The hell are you doing here?"

"How nice of you to greet us U-Kwon-hyung." Jonghyun rolled his eyes and pushed his way in; bumping U-Kwon's shoulders for the fun of it.

"Mind helping?" Nicole raised an eyebrow up and held up the bags.

U-Kwon rolled his eyes before taking some bags off them as they piled into the house one by one. Once they have taken their shoes off, each member of Tias went to different parts of the house. Changmin and Taehwan went to find Taeil and Jaehyo. Jihwan, Jonghyun, Minhwan and Miki went to find B-Bomb. Chohee was in the kitchen with P.O and Kyung. Jinri was in the living room with U-Kwon. Nicole was in the kitchen looking through the fridge while Chanmi went to find Zico.

"Hyung~ Where are you?" Both Changmin and Taehwan hollered as they went room to room but could not find Taeil or Jaehyo. "Do you know where Jaehyo-hyung and Taeil-hyung are?" They both said in unison?"

"They should be at the backyard." P.O shouted from the kitchen. "Should of told us earlier and save us from walking around the whole house." They both rolled their eyes before going to the backyward.

"Hyung!" Taehwan grinned; running up to Jaehyo and jumped onto his back. "How are you doing?" Jaehyo and Taeil blinked at them in surprised, not expecting they would be visiting. "Huh?" He blinked. "Didn't Zico-hyung tell you that we're visiting Seoul?" Jaehyo shook his head. "That stupid leader of yours." He shook his head and chuckled.

"We bought a whole load of junk food and drinks. We thought we should come over and visit to talk about some things." He winked before turning to Taeil and talked to each other.

On the other hand, Jihwan, Jonghyun, Minhwan and Miki were in B-Bomb's room. "Hyung, I heard you're repeating school." Jonghyun grinned and he leaned closer to B-Bomb.

B-Bomb choked on his spit and coughed many times before staring at Jonghyun in shock. "H-How did you know?" He coughed and looked away.

Jihwan laughed and shrugged. "Connections." Actually, we're in the same school as you but man I'm going to have fun teasing you. Sorry hyung.

B-Bomb glared at him and tousled his hair.

"Hey! Not the hair!" Jihwan shrieked and fixed his hair.

"Oppa, have you found out anything about your sister?" Miki questions as she played with his ipad.

B-Bomb sighs. "No, not yet." He mutters sadly. "I wonder where she is and I wonder how she's going to react if she finds out her whole family is a bunch of gangster."

She won't have any reactions at all hyung. Minhwan thought. Heck, she knows you're a gangster and hell she is one too. Though, I bet it's noona's family that is going to be shocked. "I'm sure you'll find her."

"So anything new today?" Jihwan asks as he lays down on the bed.

"Well, we were planning to take over Central but apparantly some gang claimed in. GOT7 won't tell us who it is."

"So what are you planning to do?"

"Force it out of their mouth if we have too. We're planning to do it tonight."

That's not good. Jihwan thought and frowned. "How about we go do it for you?"

"What do you mean?"

Miki rolled her eyes. "You're so slow and stupid oppa. We'll get the answers from them for you."

"Did you just call me stupid?"

"Yes. Do you have a problem?"

"Of course I do. You shouldn't talk to someone like that. Have some respect."

"Make me." She smirked. "If you win against me in Counter Strike one on one, I might give you some respect."

"Oh, it's on."

Meanwhile, Chohee was in the kitchen with P.O and Kyung with Nicole looking through the fridge. P.O rolled his eyes at Nicole while Kyung just chuckled at her behaviour.

"God damn it Mia. Get out!" Chohee huffed. "If you want food, you can get food later once we've cooked everything." She pointed over to the living. "Over there now."

"Eonnie~" Nicole whined but pouted when Chohee sent her a stern gaze. "I hate you."

"I love you too." Chohee grinned and turned back to P.O and Kyung. "So what are we making?"

"Spicy rice cakes, kimchi jiggae, ramen for seventeen people and side dishes." Kyung replied as he went through the list of food. "Would that be enough?"

"Mia can go stuff herself with those junk food over there if she's still hungry." Chohee rolled her eyes and chuckled. "So, have your skills in cooking improved?"

P.O scratched his head and then washed his hands again. "I think so, but I'm way better than last time." He cringed at the time he first used at fry pan and oil; he almost burnt the house down and Kyung had almost kicked him out.

"Kwon-oppa~" Jinri cooed and pounced on him. "Teach me how to dance~"

U-Kwon rolled his eyes. "Why do I even need to teach you how to dance when you can dance?"

"So I humiliate you?" She grinned and pinched his side. U-Kwon yelped in pain and the two of them started to tackle each other but most of the time U-Kwon was shouted in pain as Jinri continued to pinch him.

"Z~ico~" Chanmi hollers, knocked the door, opened the door and walked into his room without waiting for his reply.

Zico widened his eyes and hurriedly pulled his pants up and put his black shirt on. "Damn it girl, knock the ing door."

"I did."

"Then at least ing let me say something."

"I'm used to it Zico." Chanmi rolled her eyes. "There's nothing special to look at anyways."

Zico coughed and stared at her in shock. "What are you even doing here anyways?"

"What?" She faked a pained expression. "We can't even visit you? How can you say that to your world's number one back up gang? I'm hurt."

Zico rolled his eyes. "Are you going to leave soon?"



Nope. Cause we're planning to take over South Korea. Chanmi shrugs. "Soon." She lied and laid down on Zico's bed. She gazed over to him and laughed.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He touched his face and frowned. "Why are you laughing?"

"You're repeating school." She bluntly stated.

Water splattered everywhere when Zico heard what Chanmi had just said. He grabbed a whole bunch of tissues and wiped his mouth before getting more tissues and cleaned up the messed he made. Throwing the tissues in the bin, he stared at her in shock.

"H-How did you know about that?" He blushed, embarrassed to have her find out.

"Connections." She grinned. We go to the same academy. Sorry Z, but I going to have lots of fun teasing you from now on. She lets out a sigh and before Zico could ask her anymoe questions Kyung had hollered "Dinner's ready." and Chanmi had practically bolted out of the room and ran downstairs.

"Food!" Both Chanmi and Nicole hollered and sat down at the dining table.

Chanmi looked over to Nicole and raised an eyebrow. "From what I remembered, you freaking ate three whole burgers before we came here. Ugh, you and your black hole stomach."

"The day Mia starts eating less, I'll pay you a thousand dollars." P.O grumbled and served everyone food.

"Damn, your cooking skills have improved." Taehwan commented and took another big spoonful of the kimchi jiggae.

"Who made the spicy rice cakes?" Changmin cringed at the saltiness of the rice cakes.

"I did..." Kyung mumbles. "How does it taste."

"Did you put a whole pack of salt?" Jihwan scrunched up his face and almost threw up.

"You don't just like salty food." Chanmi rolls her eyes and happily ate the rice cakes. "It's really nice. Don't mind them." She grins.

After dinner, both Block B and Tias had decided to laze around for awhile. Miki excused herself and decides to go out for a walk. She argued with Changmin for a few minutes, something along the lines of going out by yourself was dangerous but Miki could careless. She's a member of Tias for goodness sake's. She could protect herself. Chanmi rolled her eyes at Changmin's over-protective character and sighed, excusing herself as well.

"Where are you going?" B-Bomb asked as he too put on his shoes. "Mind if I accompany you for a bit?"



Miki strolls around the park in near the border line of Central and West. She looks up at the starless night sky and lets out a long sigh. She thought back to class she had this morning and how she would glance at her step-brother from time to time. A huge wave of sadness hits her and she tries to blink away her tears. She wiped away her tears with the back of her hands when she heard voices and foot steps coming closer to the park. She looks up and sees a group of five girls entering the park.

Miki frowns and observed them. If I remember from the profiles, that should be Kara. The ones that rules East. What are they doing on this side? She thought and sighs. I miss Youngjae-oppa.

"Hey you," Seungyeon called out and walked right up to Miki and glanced at her up and down. "Who are you to be in this park?"

Miki scoffed. The nerve that this girl has. I guess not everyone knows about Tias. She rolled her eyes and looked up. "What?" She raised an eyebrow up. "Who are you to be telling me what to do?"

"I''m Seungyeon, member of Kara."

"So what is Kara doing near Central and West?"

"We wanted pay back from a certain group."

"And who would that be?"

"Why do you care?"

"Oh, I'm just interested." She stood up and walked around as she stared at each of the Kara members who were now a bit closer to Seungyeon. "So who is this group?"

"2NE1." Gyuri said and lifted her head up high.

Proud and cocky es. She rolled her eyes.

"What did you just say?" Hara fumed and grabbed Miki by the collar.

"Oops, did I say that out loud?" Miki chuckled.

"You ." Hara attempted to throw a punch at Miki but it was easily blocked and Hara was flipped.

"Yah! Who the hell are you to do this to Hara? Don't you know who we are?" Nicole growled.

"No no no," Miki waged her fingers in front of her and smirked. "I should be saying that."

Jiyoung scoffed. "Well aren't you a cocky one?"

"Yes I am and I'm proud of it. Why?" She tilted her head and narrowed at the five girls in front of her. "Because I am Miki of Tias." She pointed to her mask. "Does it not ring a bell?" She cracked her knuckles. Jiyoung shuddered in fear when she locked eyes with Miki. "Please do tell me why you want revenge on 2NE1? I could help you." She chuckled darkly.

"That CL was too close to our Youngjae." Nicole confessed.

Miki frozed. "Our Youngjae?" Her tone thickened. How dare they call my step-brother that and how dare they call Chanmi's step-sister that. "How is Youngjae exactly yours?" She stepped closer; glaring at them. She grabbed Hara by the collar and growled. "Youngjae does not belong to anyone. off. You come near here again, you can be sure you'll lose East."

The girls gulped and nodded before scrambling up and scurrying away from Miki. She took a few breaths before she calmed herself down. She looked around and was happy that she was alone again.

"I wonder how their turf is like." She mumbles to herself before walking out of the park.

Just as she turned into an alleyway that barely had any lights; both Youngjae and Miki crashed into each other. Miki stumbles back but Youngjae landed on the ground with a groan and hissed in pain. Miki blinked, looked down and gapsed.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" She shrieked and helped Youngjae up. She cleared her voice and composed herself. "Are you okay?" She asked again with a calmer but a slight lower tone than her usual tone. Who the did this to you? Whoever it is, I am going to kill him or her.

Youngjae looked up and was startled. "M-Miki... was it?" He blinked and frowned. "You're still here in Seoul?"

Miki nodded. "Yes and what happened?"

Youngjae groaned when he tried to stand up straight. "Just some misunderstanding with a gang from East."

Miki's expression darkens. "Who?"

"The Boss... why?"

"Great." She rolled her eyes. "First Kara now The Boss?" She narrowed her eyes at Youngjae and sighed. "Let's get you back to your, er, turf?"

Youngjae chuckled and regrets after. "Well, Yongguk-hyung's house isn't that far away so... I guess you can walk me back?"

Those bastards are so dead. Miki nodded and helped Youngjae walk.

"You know you have the same name as my step-sister."

"I-I do?" Miki stuttered, hoping that her voice didn't give it away.

"Yeah, this girl transfered to my class today. She's not in any gangs but her name is Yoo Miki."

Miki's heart swelled in guilt when she caught Youngjae's sad eyes. I'm sorry oppa. I'm here. I'm right here but I can't give away my identity yet. "Wow. You know lots of Miki's don't you?" She attempted a joke.

Youngjae chuckled. "Yeah. I wonder how she's doing."

I'm quite fine. I miss you lots. She thought and lets out an inaudible sigh. They both stopped and Miki looked up at the house in front of her. Heck this is even better than Kyung's house but Chanmi's house is better.

Miki rang the bell and waited for the door to be opened. She saluted Daehyun as a greeting before pointing at Youngjae. Daehyun widened his eyes and immediately elped Miki bring Youngjae in. Taking her shoes off again and she walks into Yongguk's house. She sat down on the couch in the living room and watched Daehyun asking Youngjae questions as Himchan patched him up. Yongguk came downstairs so see what all the ruckus was about and was surprised to Miki there.

"Hi." Miki greeted and saluted Yongguk."Youngjae was hurt so I helped him."

Yongguk nodded and smiled. "Thank you, er, Miki?"

She nodded and sighed as she turned to Youngjae again. "So what was the misunderstanding you had with The Boss?"

Daehyun widened his eyes. "Those bastards are still after you?"

After him? What does he mean by that? Miki tilted her head in confusion.

"I thought you already said sorry to them." Himchan frowned.

"I did!" Youngjae exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air and sighed.

"What did they want?"

Youngjae turned to Miki and shuddered under her hard gaze. "West."

Well they won't be anymore. Miki thought and sighed. She stood up and bid goodbye to B.A.P. Once she was back outside and was far from Yongguk's house. Since I have school tomorrow, I'll be on a look out of The Boss and then I'll make their life a living hell in Central Academy. She thought before making her way back home.


Chanmi and B-Bomb were at a park enjoying the cool breeze. Chanmi looked over to B-Bomb and her eyes softens. He must misses me a lot. How I wished I could just tell him everything. "How is the search on finding your sister?"

B-Bomb lets out a long sigh and leaned against the rail. "I don't know Min." He closed his eyes. "But P.O said something about a Lee Chanmi transferring to Central Academy and is in his class." He sighed.

And that's me. She thought bitterly. B-Bomb opened his eyes and glanced over to Chanmi. "Min," He paused. "She kind of looks like you. I mean her eyes look similar to yours."

Chanmi chuckled. "Anyone can have the same eyes as me B-Bomb." She smiles and gazed down at the ground. "You know, if you need someone to talk to. I'm always here for you."

B-Bomb smiled. "Thanks. Can I ask you a favour?"


"Is it possible if you can take over Central?"

Already done. "I don't know. Why?"

"GOT7 won't tell us which gang took the territory from them. They also said they've promised the gang to keep it a secret and they're also made an alliance with that gang."

Wow, news about that spreads so fast. "And you're telling me this because..."

"Because I want you to rule over Central while we are your alliance. Not that you're alread our back-up gang but you know what I mean."

Chanmi nodded. "All I know is that this gang is very secretive." She smirked. "And I've met them once."

"You have?" B-Bomb widened his eyes.

"They're very secretive. They even copied us in having masks but the only thing is that most of them talk via texting on the phone or writing it down on a paper." She chuckled. Oh, I'm having way too much fun.

"So you don't know how they sound like?" Chanmi shook her head and B-Bomb sighs.

"I can talk to them if you'd like. You know, like negotiating with them. I mean, I am the leader of Tias."

B-Bomb nodded. "Thanks. I guess I should get back now. I'll see you next time."

Chanmi waved goodbye to B-Bomb and sighed. "I should stop having these meet up with Block B and make it as if we have left Seoul. Well, I guess it's time to be normal for awhile." She mumbled to herself once B-Bomb was out of sight. "I should give them another visit."

Nodding to herself, she left the park and made her way to her families house. Walking the way she went when she visited her familiy secretly. Upon arriving at the back gate, she climb up the nearest tree that was near the gate to the backyard and sat on the thickest branch. She stretched her neck up and raised an eyebrow up. Where is everyone? She wondered and pulled her mask off, folding them in half and stuffing them inside her jackets pocket. If... If I reveal myself to them, some of them may find out about me attending Central Academy but it might make it easier for me to ask questions about the gangs and act extremely innocent. Before she could think anymore, the boy that is supposed to be her brother shouted at her making her lose her balance.

"That was so close." Chanmi muttered to herself when she landed on the gound. She stood up and brushed the dirt off her pants. She looked up and glared at the boy but stopped when she recognized who it was. "That was dangerous you know." She blinked.

Jonghyun glared at her. "Who are you to be snooping around my house?"

Chanmi chuckles and shook her head. He's still the same. Although, I forgot which brother of mine he is. "So... I can't visit my own family?" She innocently blinked at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun frowned, staying quiet before widening his eyes as he stared at Chanmi with his mouth parted a little. "C-Chanmi-noona?"

Chanmi smiled and nodded with a pout. "Sorry, but I don't think I remember any of your names..." She scratched her head.

Jonghyun shook his head. "That's okay noona. You left to America when you were really young and we never talked much so..." He trailed off and smiled. "Welcome back noona."

"Thank you." Chanmi beamed at her step brother then she blinked at him. "Your name?"

"Oh!" Jonghyun exclaimed and laughed. "Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun, your step-brother noona."

Chanmi nodded and sighed. "How is mum and dad?"

"They were really depressed when you suddenly left to America and just left them a note. They really miss you. A lot."

"And my brothers, step-brothers and step-sisters?"

"Of course we miss you noona!" Jonghyun pouted as he walked Chanmi to the front door. He turned his head and gasped at his noona in realisation. "Noona, you transfered to Central Academy?" He exclaimed in shock.

Chanmi laughed and scratched her head. "Is that bad?"

"Yes! Now I'll have to protect you." He sighed.

I don't have to protect myself. "Why?"

"It's a school for gangs. By the way, who are the people you hang around with?"

"They're my friends from L.A. We decided to come back to Seoul, our home country and attend school here."

"What about school in L.A?"

"Too much drama over there."

"Mum and dad would be very happy to see you again." He grinned. "Where are you living now?"

"Somewhere in Central with my friends. We're living together."

"How did you get the money?"

"It's called getting a job and save up money."

Jonghyun nodded and opened the door after struggling to find his house keys that were right at the bottom of his bag. Chanmi followed him inside the house and chuckled to herself when she heard Jonghyun annouce to the whole world that she was back. She then realised that the house was empty and Jonghyun came back to the living room with a pout.

"It looks like they're not home yet."

Jonghyun nodded with a pout, then he beamed. "Noona, you should wash up, change your clothes and we can catch up."

Chanmi nodded, thinking that it's a good idea to change her clothes since B-Bomb would or might question her if he sees her wearing the clothes she was as Tias. After the nice hot shower, she borrowed Jonghyun's shirt and black pants. She had worn her black tank top underneath his shirt since it was slightly big for her small body frame. When she came back into the living room, Jonghyun immediately bombarded her with questions and she anwered them honestly but she left out the fact she was Tias and who her friends were.

The front door opened and Chanmi recognised two voices; her mother's and her father's. She looked up and stared at them without blinking. She continued to stare at them until Jonghyun cleared his throat.

"Jonghyun who is this?"

Of course she wouldn't recognise me. She chuckled to herself. "Hi mum." She smiled.

Mrs Kim widened her eyes and stared at Chanmi. "C-Chanmi?" She nods and was immediately engulfed into a tight hug as her mother cried, making her feel guilty for not telling them why she left for America.

"I'm back and I won't go anywhere anymore." She promised and looked up at her father. "I'm home."

Mr Lee smiled, tears threatening to fall. "Welcome home sweety." He made his way over to Chanmi and patted her head.

I miss this. I'm never leaving without telling them again.

"Group hug~!" Jonghyun excaimed and jumped onto Chanmi's back, causing her to laugh. "I can't wait to see hyung's and noona's reaction when they see you."

"You're so evil Jonghyun." Mr Lee laughed and tousled his son's hair.

Chanmi smirked. "Maybe I should just stay hidden in my room if it's still there and when they're all back, Jonghyun could start talking about me and then I'll come down. when Jonghyun pretends to go back into his room."

Hours passed and Chanmi was in Jonghyun's room hiding. She could basically hear them talking over each other. She laughed to herself and shook her head. Meanwhile Jonghyun was continuously blabbing about Chanmi as he tried not to smile.

"Why are you suddenly talking about her?" Howon frowned.

"Remember the time I told you about the Chanmi that transfered to Central Academy?"

Howon nodded and frowned again. "You must be crazy." He rolled his eyes. "Are you saying she's our sister?"

Jonghyun shrugged. "I didn't say anything." He grinned. "Anyway, I bumped into noona on the way home. She's back from L.A."

"You saw her?" Minhyuk widened his eyes. "How is she? Is she fine? Is she healthy?"

Jonghyun bit down onto his lips and sighed. "Wait here. Noona gave me something and it's in my room." He grinned and got up. He immediately dashed upstiars and rushed inside his room, startling Chanmi.

"Is it my turn to come out?"


Chanmi smirked and followed Jonghyun downstairs, keeping her footsteps as quiet as possible. She didn't want them to find out just yet. She stopped right behind the wall, blocking everyone's view as Jonghyun walked passed her with a grin. Howon raised an eyebrow.

"So where is the thing she gave you?"

"It's not a thing hyung." Jonghyun chuckled and ran to pull Chanmi out from her hiding spot.

"Hey! You ruined my plan." Chanmi playfully scolded Jonghyun and messed up his hair.

"Noona!" He pouted and tried get away from her.

For awhile Chanmi forgot about her brother's and sister's until she remembered about them. She compsed herself and cleared . "Um... Hi?"

Howon rolled his eyes. "You have a lot of explaining to do young lady." He glared at her. "Don't you know how worried we were?"

Gahh! Stop making me feel so guilty. Psh, if only they knew I was Min from Tias but that ain't happening. "I'm sorry." She pouted. "At least i'm not leaving anymore."

"You're not?" Chaerin blinked and grinned. "Welcome back little sister." She got up and hugged Chanmi really tight before letting her go she patted her head.

"So you're not going to give me welcome back hugs?" Chanmi asked and sighed. "I guess you don't love me anymore."

"Wait!" They all hollered before they all gave her bone crushing hugs.

"G-Get off me!" She yelled and accidetly wacked Minhyuk in the head. "Oops."


Chanmi had left her families house at 11PM. She promised she'll stay safe when they found out she was attending Central Academy. Walking back to her house, carrying a bag that had her old clothes she wore before borrowing Jonghyun's clothes. Upon arriving at her house, she saw the lights were on when she entered the living room.

"You look happy." Changmin said and turned around in his chair. "Did you vist your family?"

"They have no idea that I'm Min of Tias and I'm keeping it that way."

"Until we've conquered Seoul right?"

"Damn right." She chuckled and yawned. "Good night. You should sleep too. We have school tomorrow. I'll use this opportunity to use my fake innocence and gather much information as I can on other gangs."

"Good night~"

Chanmi collapsed onto her bed, not bothered to wash up or brush her teeth as she lets out a long sigh and laid on her back; staring at the ceiling. I hope I can keep this secret about me being Min of Tias for a long long time.

Chanmi goes to spy on her family for the second time. Tias members have fun teasing the boys of Block B and Youngjae almost found out the truth about Miki. As for the part where they were eating dinner with Block B, they were actually eating by lifting their mask up a little to stuff food in their mouth before pulling it back into place.

Kyung's house

Yongguk's house

Chanmi's families house but imagine that there are gates around the house

Phew, that was a really long chapter wasn't it? And I'm totally sorry for the long update. If you've read my recent blog post, then you'd probably know why but if you didn't, then it was because i had really crap internet.

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Thank you!
sorry if it took me long to upload this chapter >~< hope you enjoyed the long chapter~


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Chapter 11: "The all-time champion" hahaha I think all others still can't beat him
sazuka #2
Chapter 11: Yeah I agree with you about BaekYeon thing^^

update soon^^ You don't know how happy I am when I know you already update it^^
Chapter 11: Seriously, This get's more and more interesting as it goe's on.
Can't wait to see how the plot will develop later in the story :D

I get all excited when you update XD
Update soon, Author-Nim <3
Tessatc #4
Chapter 11: Hey yo!!!! Just asking but when is. Leo gonna show up??? Not saying that the story write now is bad. It's REALLY GD
Update soon!! Really like the story and your layout :D
sazuka #6
Chapter 10: This is surely amazing. I love it so much^^ please update soon.
Chapter 10: Tias is sure having fun scaring those groups XD
sazuka #8
Chapter 9: Please update soon author nim.
This is so amazing. I love how the game going kekekeke
Chapter 9: Yay finally VIXX encountering this story .. and even VIXX won in music show today /throw confetti/ ... is it a coincidence ? Ok just kidding XD

The fun game will begin thanks to Chanmi who spread the rumour XD
sazuka #10
Chapter 10: We'll wait author nim^^ I wish you can update soon^^ fighting