Secret Gangster
Chapter Five
Chapter Five
Chapter Five
Chapter Five
Training Class
Training Class
Tias was able to end class safely. No one questioned them their reasons of transferring to Central Academy during the break. Nicole made lots of friends, pretending not to know anything about gangs as she had one goal in her mind; to become friends with the students here and gather as many information as she can on them. Minhwan and Jonghyun would glare at anyone who tried to approached them, pretending they don't want to be associated with them and they made their message and actions quite clear so none of the students approached them during the break. Both of GOT7 youngest members were also in their class; Kim Yugyeom and BamBam. Other than that, they don't know who the other students are.

Miki was still having troubles avoiding her brother as she would always cast side glances at him and find him staring at her instead of focusing on class. Chohee, Jinhwan and Jinri would always look back at Miki and rolled their eyes at her secret side glances at her step brother. As for Chanmi, she had gotten to know most of the students in her class but she only knows their real name. But as for seven students in the class, she knows which gang they belonged to. Sitting beside her was Pyo Jihoon. She knows that he's P.O of Block B but she has no intentions of letting him know that she is Min from Tias. Despite being the backup gang of Block B, none of the Block B members know Tias in real life. They only know them as the gang Tias, not the everyday, slightly normal Tias in the daytime. Im Jaebum, whom they had met earlier at the cafeteria is none other than JB of GOT7. There were four members of GOT7 in this class. Including JB, there was Park Jinyoung who goes by Jr, Mark Tuan and Jackson Wang. B.A.P's Yoo Youngjae and Jung Daehyun was also in her class.

Their fourth class ended and it was time for lunch. Almost every students were eager for lunch as they had just stuffed everything inside their bags and ran out of the classroom without waiting for the teacher to wrap up the class. Nicole, Minhwan and Jonghyun did the same thing. Miki and Jinri bolted out of the classroom without even waiting for their friends, making Chohee, Jinhwan and Chanmi frown at their actions.

"Well, that's very nice of them. I know they're hungry." Chohee rolled her eyes and got up as she packed her stuff. "They sure give us lots of books although I'm pretty sure we won't need them." She eyed the text books that were put inside her bag.

Chanmi chuckled and back hugged Chohee. "Let's forget about books and get lunch yeah? Then we can worry about this training class we have next."

"Oh yeah," Jihwan scratched the back of his head. "I totally forgot about that. I wonder how that's going to work, considering we're normal students." He grinned.

Both girls shrugged as they made their way to the cafeteria, already finding their table and found a whole lot of food placed in front of Nicole. Chanmi eyed her disapprovingly and shook her head.

"You have to cut down on how many food you eat." Miki scolded and took some away from Nicole and munched on them. "Why do you always buy the expensive ones?" She asks, taking another bite and grinned. "So have you found any gangs we know?" She asked in a whisper as she leans forward.

"Yup, we have." Minhwan grinned. "Though we only know two of them. They're the two youngest members of GOT7. Yugyeom and BamBam. How about you guys?"

"Four GOT7 members and two B.A.P members. Im Jaebum and Park Jinyoung. They're both more known as JB and Jr. The other two are Mark and Jackson. The two B.A.P members are Yoo Youngjae and Jung Daehyun." Jihwan grinned and looked over to Miki. "A certain somebody couldn't stop taking glances at Youngjae."

Miki coughed and blushed. "S-Shut up." She pouted. "I missed him you know." She whispers as she looked down at the table.

"We all miss our own siblings." Chanmi smiled sadly. "I miss my family too Miki. You're not the only one."

Miki blinked away her tears. "Yeah."

"Okay, enough of the sad stuff, I'm more curious about trainng class." Chohee grinned. "Do you think they'll make us participate as well?"

Miki wiped away her tears and frowned. "Who knows." She shrugged. "We're supposed to be normal."

Jonghyun glanced around and blinked before looking away. "I spy with my little eyes someone starting with letter Z." He grinned and winked at s.

Chanmi turned her head around, chuckled and turned back to her friends. "Zico... I guess they're really repeating." Her body trembled as she tried to keep her laughter in. "I'm going to have fun teasing them tonight."

"Damn right." Jonghyun grinned and hi-fived Minhwan as they laughed in unison.

"Hey, you ate all my food." Nicole whined with a pout and stared at her food that was eaten by all her members.

"Geez you pig." Jonghyun rolled his eyes. "It's not the end of the world. Try to eat less would you?"


"You guys are funny." Jaebum chuckled as he pulled a table and joined it together with his friends sitting behind him. "How was class?"

"It was alright." Minhwan smiled. "So what do you do in training class?"

"Oh, it's just fights against other gangs but I don't know how it'll go with you guys since you aren't in a gang." Mark said as he eyes each and one of them. Damn they look really familiar. Where have I seen those eyes? Maybe they just look similar but it feels like I'm talking to Tias. Nah, that can't be. He thought and cleared his throat. "Do you know how to fight?"

"Well we've learnt all sorts of self defense." Chohee lied. "Is that good enough?"

"Well..." Jackson trailed off and sighed. "You should be able to do well." Damn it feels like I'm talking to Tias but I'm pretty sure other people can have similar voice to others...

"Thanks." Chanmi grinned and the bell rang. "Well then, off to training class we go." She looked over to her friends. "Do you remember where it is?" She asked Chohee who shrugged in response.

"We can take you there. We are in the same class." Both Jr and Yugyeom said in unison.


Upon arriving at their training class, which was the academy's school hall. The members of Tias were reunited as both first and second year training class were a joint class which would allow them to gather even more information on the gangs. Chanmi looked around and widens her eyes at the familiar boy she encountered when she was on her way to her parent's house.

So he goes to this school? I wonder which brother of mine he is... Chanmi thought as her eyes lingered on him a bit longer before she turned back to her friends who were continuously looking around, looking for any students they knew. Together with Mr Han, Mr Kim, Mrs Jung and Mrs Lee entered the hall and made the sudents sit along the walls of the hall in their classes. Chanmi and her group of friends were sitting right at the back, leaning against the walls as their classes were right beside each other.

How the hell does this work? Miki thought as she looked around. I've never heard of an academy for gangs but nonetheless there are gangs everywhere so I shouldn't be this surprised. After all, we did go to a school in L.A and it was a gang school. She sighed and looked around for her brother and locked eye contact with Youngjae who was staring at her. She raised an eyebrow up and tilted her head.

"What?" She mouthed to him and she recieved nothing but just a shake of his head. I guess I should talk to him. Pretend to be his friend when I'm actually his step sister.

"Okay, stop all the chit chat." Mrs Jung said and clapped her hands twice before gaining everyone's attention. "Now... Where are the new trans students?" Tias raised their hands up, making every student stare at them. "Okay. For the first half of the class you'll sit out and watch. Come talk to me during the break." She nodded before clearing . "I'll have it over to Mr Kim now."

Mr Kim smiled and clears his throat. "Since our transfer students aren't in gangs, go easy on them in the second half." He rubbed his hands together and grinned. "Shall we get the class started?"

"YEAH!" All students cheered as Tias just rolled their eyes, not understanding why they were so excited in a training class.

"Remember take this training class serious as it may affect your gang's pride." Mr Kim smirked.

So their gang's pride is on the line? Sweet. This should be easy to find out which gang is which and who is from which gang. Chohee thought as she looked around.


Student's filled the hall again after the first half of the class was done and they were deserved a small break. There wasn't any fighting in the first half of the class since the teachers had spent the whole time explaining the rules to Tias and told them how the fight was going to be but they warned them that the students here might not hold back even if they weren't in gangs.

Chohee sighed as she regrouped with her friends. They looked around and see students filling up the hall one by one. "That was the longest first half of the class ever." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't see why they had to explain to us." Minhwan mutters with a sigh as he stretches his arms up in the air.

The teachers soon arrived as the door of the hall was shut closed. The members of Tias were excited for training class since they would be able to fight against one of the students from whatever gang they were from. Nicole had stopped complaining about the fact Miki and the others stole her food as she was completely focused on the students around her; ready to gather information about them.

Mr Han cleared his throat to get the students attention as he walked to the center of the circle. He looked around and his eyes lingered on Chohee and smiled. "Bang Chohee, can you please come up to the front?"

Starting with me first eh? Chohee inwardly smirked and stood up from her spot. She looked down at her friends and smiled before walking over to Mr Han who looked around the room.

"Who would you like to go against?"

She shrugs and looks around. "Anyone. I don't mind. After all I'm not in any gang so I don't have any pride to worry over." She grinned.

"Alright then..." Mr Han paused and smirked. "Mark Tuan, you'll be her opponent."

I'm getting Mark? Damn, poor guy. He's going to be beaten up by me again. Chohee chuckled as Mark made his way towards her. Mr Han had already moved back to where the rest of the teachers were standing. The two; Chohee and Mark stood about 5 meters from each other.

Man, do I have to go against a girl? Of all people, he choses me. Mark complained in his head and sighed. "I'll try to go easy on you."

Chohee blinked innocently with a smile. "You don't have too."

Nicole, Minhwan, Jonghyun, Yugyeom and BamBam are first years in Central Academy. There are other idols I have in mind for as first years. The same for second years and third years. Can you guess who they are? Jinri, Chohee, Jihwan, Miki, Chanmi, P.O, JB, Jr, Mark, Jackson, Youngjae and Daehyun are second years. Zico, Kyung, U-Kwon, B-Bomb, Jaehyo and Taeil are repeating third year.
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sorry if it took me long to upload this chapter >~< hope you enjoyed the long chapter~


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Chapter 11: "The all-time champion" hahaha I think all others still can't beat him
sazuka #2
Chapter 11: Yeah I agree with you about BaekYeon thing^^

update soon^^ You don't know how happy I am when I know you already update it^^
Chapter 11: Seriously, This get's more and more interesting as it goe's on.
Can't wait to see how the plot will develop later in the story :D

I get all excited when you update XD
Update soon, Author-Nim <3
Tessatc #4
Chapter 11: Hey yo!!!! Just asking but when is. Leo gonna show up??? Not saying that the story write now is bad. It's REALLY GD
Update soon!! Really like the story and your layout :D
sazuka #6
Chapter 10: This is surely amazing. I love it so much^^ please update soon.
Chapter 10: Tias is sure having fun scaring those groups XD
sazuka #8
Chapter 9: Please update soon author nim.
This is so amazing. I love how the game going kekekeke
Chapter 9: Yay finally VIXX encountering this story .. and even VIXX won in music show today /throw confetti/ ... is it a coincidence ? Ok just kidding XD

The fun game will begin thanks to Chanmi who spread the rumour XD
sazuka #10
Chapter 10: We'll wait author nim^^ I wish you can update soon^^ fighting