Secret Gangster
Chapter Four
Chapter Four
Chapter Four
Chapter Four
Central Academy
Central Academy
The sun came up, indicating the start of a new day. As always, Changmin was the first one to wake up. With a long and big stretch, he got off his bed and washed up before going down to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself and nine other kids. While making toast, he turned his laptop on and started searching for a school that would accept all eight of the members since he and Taehwan have already graduated from school.

"Central Academy..." He mutters to himself and grins when he found the school's website. He looked up and glanced over to the stove, blinking before he got up and turned it off. "I almost burnt it." He scolded himself before getting up and placed the eggs on the plate. Taking out ten slices of bread he filled them up with eggs before sitting back down and eating one himself. Scrolling through the site's 'contact us' section he found their address and smirked. "I guess they'll be studying there."

"Woo~ Bread and eggs~" Miki cheered as she sat down and started eating breakfast. "Morning," She beamed as she took another bite. "The others will be down soon and this time Chanmi is up early today."

"There are times I wake up early." Chanmi muttered as she entered the dining room and sat down beside Changmin.

"And there are times you're the last one to get up." Taehwan grinned and tousled her hair. He looked over to Changmin and raised an eyebrow. "Hyung what are you doing so early in the morning?"

"Looking for a school for the eight of them to enrol to while the two of us should look for jobs. I know we're here to take over South Korea and all but you guys never had the chance to have proper education. I'm not taking any no's." He looked up and casted every a firm look before looking back down at the laptop screen.

Nicole's eyes twinkled. "We're going to school?" She asked as she took the last bite of her toast and dranked her orange juice in one shot. "Where?"

"Central Academy?" Jihwan said out loud. "We're going there?"

"Yes. Go get changed once you're done. I'm going to get you enrolled to this school today." Changmin informed, getting up and gathering the plates and dumping them into the sink. "And no fights. Like Chanmi said before, keep your identity low and hidden. We're only Tias at night and we're normal people at day time."


"Hyung, what's the date today?" Jonghyun yawns loudly as they walked down the streets.

"It's the 10th of May today, why?" Taehwan questions as he too yawned.

"I wanna see how Jongup is doing... Can I?"

"After we get enrolled." Chanmi said and rushes foward towards a rather big building and stopped right at the gate. "Is this Central Academy?" She asked Changmin who nodded. "Damn this school is big." She mumbles, then she stared at her friends. "Remember guys, don't let anyone here know who we are."

They saluted her mockingly as they all follwed Changmin and Taehwan to the principal's office. What seemed like forever inside the office, they were finally enrolled into the school. Nicole, Minhwan and Jonghyun were first years. Jinri, Chohee, Jihwan, Miki and Chanmi were second years. They were each given their uniforms and were given a list of what they needed for the Academy. They were to attend class next Monday. Taehwan and Changmin thanked the principal and left the academy.

"Wow, we actually got accepted." Miki blinked as she stared at the enrolment form. "I hate filling out these things." She scrunched up her face. "This thing is so time consuming." She grumles before taking out a pen from the tin that kept all the pens that was placed in the middle of the table. Taking the cap off the pen, they all started filling out the paper.

Changmin and Taehwan watched over them as they filled it out, helping them if they didn't understand what the question meant. An hour passed and they finally finished filling out the papers. Jihwan sighed and stretched his hand, cracking his fingers and knuckles in process.

"Here you go." Jinri lazily passed the papers to Changmin who carefully read through them.

He nodded and placed the papers in the an envelope. "Does anyone know who goes to Central Academy? Like any gangs?"

Nicole grinned. "I DO!" She hollered as she puts her hands up like a child. "Though I only know one and that's none other than Block B." She giggled. "I guess they're repeating."

Chanmi gapped at Nicole. "Are you freaking serious?" She bit down on her lips. "They're repeating?"

Nicole nodded and they all bursted out laughing.

"Well, I guess that's something we can tease them with at night." Taehwan chuckled. "Do you know any other gangs that are in Central Academy?"

"No." Nicole shook her head and sighed. "There are only three gangs that I know by the their real names and the names they go by when as a gang. SHINee, B.A.P and Block B. Other than that I don't know."

"I guess we'll just have to find out ourselves." Jinri smirks as she stares up at the ceiling. "But we can't afford to let them know who we are right?"

Chanmi and the rest nodded in agreement. "While that happens, I'll probably try to spy on my family as well. What about you guys?"

"I'll probably try to spy on my step brother without getting caught." Jonghyun scratched his head. "I'm pretty sure that's what the other's are planning to do. What are you going to do hyung?" He asks, directing the question to Changmin and Taehwan.

Taehwan grins. "We're going to find a job while you guys study at school."

"We need to make money too you know." Changmin chuckled. "We can't always rely on Chanmi for money."

"Good. I'm planning to keep those money I save myself all too myself." She grinned evilly before glancing at each of her friends. "You're going to have to work and earn money yourselves."

Miki widened her eyes. "What? No way. Are you for real?"

"Yesh~" Chanmi grinned. "Anyways, what are the things that we need for the Academy." She looked up at Taehwan, eyeing the paper in his hand. "Well?" She raised an eyebrow up.

"Have a look at it yourself." He handed the paper to her.

Taking the paper from Taehwan, she scanned through and frowned. "So... we don't need to bring anything but food and money? Everything would be provided for us, including our very own locker."

"Is that all?" Chohee peered over her shoulder and frowned. "Be prepared on the first day? What the hell does that mean?"

"Hyung, where the hell did you enrol us to?" Minhwan groans and tousles his hair.

"How would I know?" Changmin smirked. "I only enrolled you guys to a school that was near here. You got a problem?"

"No but I have a feeling there would be fights going on there. Lots of them."


Monday came and all eight members of Tias were up and ready, wearing the uniform. The girls were wearing white long sleeve blouse with a black tie with black pants and they each wore different types of black combat shoes. The boys uniforms were exactly the same, except for their tie which was blue. And like the girls, they wore different shoes. Some wore black school shoes or just comfortable shoes.

"Go have fun." Changmin grinned as he looked at his printed resumes. "While you're in school, we'll be looking for jobs."

They all nodded and headed to the Academy. Jihwan yawns and rubbed his eyes and his mind was on his older brother. Would he remember me? He thought as he followed his group of friends. They arrived at the Academy and they immediately went to the school's office to pick up their timetable. They hadn't seen any student's around yet as they had came a bit early.

Once they recieved their timetable, they immediately scanned through their timetable, comparing them to each other to see if they have any classes together and to their surprise, they did. Now they didn't have to worry about making any friends, not that they wanted to in the first place.

"Wait, what the hell is training class?" Jonghyun frowned. "What kind of academy is this?" He asks as he folds his timetable and stuffed them inside his bag even though it wasn't needed.

"Let's go find our lockers. Remember guys-"

"Keep our identities low and hidden." They all cut Chanmi off and grinned at her. Chanmi rolled her eyes and chuckled as they went to find their lockers. It took them quite some time to find their lockers. Their lockers were lined up in a line and were beside each other. After putting their bag inside their lockers and taking out their wallets they all went to the cafeteria.

"Food!" Nicole squealled and ran to the counter and immediately ordered something to eat.

"Seriously that girl's hunger can never die down." Jihwan sighed. "I'm surprised she ain't fat yet."

They all laughed and watched her stuff food in when she got the food and sat down at the table. They all watched her in amusement, chuckling at Nicole occassionally.

"What?" Nicole blurted, the piece of chicken stuffed half way in .

"No, nothing." Chohee chuckled. "Kepp eating." She smiled. Her eyes darted around and they landed on a figure that was by the door, staring right back at her. Is that... JB of GOT7? He's in this school too? She thought and broke the eye contact. "Guys, JB of GOT7 is also in this school." She whispered, her eyes flickered back to him as he was still standing by the door.

Chanmi frowned and looked back, staring at JB who still stared at them before making his way towards them. Stopping by the table, he stared at each of them and frowned. They look familiar... He thought.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you around here." JB asks and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"We just transfered here." Nicole replied after she finished the food.

"I see."

"Who are you?" Jonghyun asked, curious about JB's real name.

"I'm Jaebum. Im Jaebum. Nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Cool. Nice to meet you Jaebum." Jonghyun smiles back. "Do you know what training class is? What kind of school is this?"

Jaebum blinks at them and frowns. "You all transfered here without knowing what happens in this school?" They all shook their head. Jaebum sighs and pulls a chair over and sat down. "This an academy for gangs."

Chanmi widened her eyes. No ing way. She thought. "Are you... serious?"

"Yup and by the looks of it, you guys don't look like the type of people that would be in gangs. You might have a hard time adjusting here. If you need anything, feel free to come and find me and ask me anything." Jaebum smiles and left the eight sitting there dumbfounded and speechless.

"Well... we are ed." Minhwan mutters. "I hope we'll be able to keep our identity low. Damn why did it have to be a gang school?" He tousles his hair in frustration.

"This could be the only chance where we can learn about other gangs." Chohee says but she felt uneasy. She didn't want anyone to find out that they were Tias. That would cause a lot of troubles since they rather keep the day time and the night time self different.

Before the others could say anything, the bell rang. They all sighed before going to their specific classrooms and waited outside for the teacher to arrive. What seemed like hours to them, which was only a few minutes, the teacher arrived and questioned who they were. Chanmi replied with a very short answer, stating that they were transfer students and also lied to the teacher that they had no idea that this was an academy for gangs which took the teacher by surprise.

The teacher, Mr Han slammed his hands down onto the desk and cleared his throat. "We have transfer students today. Three of them." He nodded over to the girls and they walked inside. Jinri was the first one to walk inside, her innocent looking eyes made every student there thinking why she's in this type of school. Right after Jinri was Miki, Chohee, Jihwan and Chanmi. They all stared at the new students who looked a bit too innocent for this academy. "They all didn't know this academy was a gang type of academy. Go easy on them." He said and looked over to them. "Go introduce yourselves."

The one part I hate. Jihwan thought. "Hi." He smiled slightly. "My name is Kwon Jihwan. Like the teacher said, we really didn't know this was a gang academy. So please don't include in your fights." Or else you'll expreience something painful.

Miki scanned her eyes across the room and widened when she saw her step-brother sitting in the back corner, looking out the window, not interested in the new students. Well, I hope my introduction won't make him think I'm his step-sister. I don't want to have my cover blown just yet. "My name is Yoo Miki. It's a pleasure to meet you all." She smiled and just on cue, Youngjae's headed snapped to the front, staring at Miki.

Yoo Miki? Youngjae thought. She's not my step-sister is she? No, she couldn't be. She wouldn't be in this type of school. I wonder how she is... Is she well? What would she think of me if she found out that I was in a gang?

Chohee smiled and bowed to the class before straightening her back. "My name is Bang Chohee. Nice to meet you."

Bang Chohee? Youngjae widened his eyes again. Wait, I shouldn't jump into conclusion. There could be other Bang Chohee's around the world. He sighs and glanced at the other members.

"I'm Lee Jinri."

"Lee Chanmi." She nodded but said nothing else.

Mr Han told them to sit down at their allocated seats and they weren't that happy to be seated away from each other. Except for Miki though. She was sitting right beside her step-brother.

God damn it. Why do I have to be the one sitting beside him? This makes it harder for me to avoid him. Miki thought and sighed, casting a side glance over to Youngjae and was startled to see him staring at her. She blinked onced before turning back to the teacher. This is going to be a long day and a long year of hiding who I really am.

Fourth chapter is up. You probably have noticed there were major changes in the previous chapter and for this one too.

The girl's school uniform

The boy's

Nicole, Jinri and Miki's combat shoes

Chanmi and Chohee's combat shoes

Central Academy. This is how the Academy looks like

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sorry if it took me long to upload this chapter >~< hope you enjoyed the long chapter~


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Chapter 11: "The all-time champion" hahaha I think all others still can't beat him
sazuka #2
Chapter 11: Yeah I agree with you about BaekYeon thing^^

update soon^^ You don't know how happy I am when I know you already update it^^
Chapter 11: Seriously, This get's more and more interesting as it goe's on.
Can't wait to see how the plot will develop later in the story :D

I get all excited when you update XD
Update soon, Author-Nim <3
Tessatc #4
Chapter 11: Hey yo!!!! Just asking but when is. Leo gonna show up??? Not saying that the story write now is bad. It's REALLY GD
Update soon!! Really like the story and your layout :D
sazuka #6
Chapter 10: This is surely amazing. I love it so much^^ please update soon.
Chapter 10: Tias is sure having fun scaring those groups XD
sazuka #8
Chapter 9: Please update soon author nim.
This is so amazing. I love how the game going kekekeke
Chapter 9: Yay finally VIXX encountering this story .. and even VIXX won in music show today /throw confetti/ ... is it a coincidence ? Ok just kidding XD

The fun game will begin thanks to Chanmi who spread the rumour XD
sazuka #10
Chapter 10: We'll wait author nim^^ I wish you can update soon^^ fighting