Secret Gangster
Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight
Innocent Acts
Innocent Acts
It was that time of the day again where all eight of Tias had to wake up early to go to school. They were so tired that they barely had the energy to even talk to each other while they walked to school. Unlike every other day, for once Nicole wasn't complaining about how hungry she was as she was practically like a zombie. She had eye bags due to the case she stayed up all night watching Korean Drama's. Jinri and Chohee were complaining about how cold last night were and how aching their bodies were due to their sleeping positions. Jihwan, Jonghyun and Minhwan were the ones complaining about money and how the morning is so cold and wished they were in some place that was Summer. Miki was the only one that was hlaf dead and half alive. She didn't sleep much but she also stayed up gathering information about Kara. Chanmi was the only one that was super alive as she had a good night sleep. She was happy that she revealed her innocent self to her family but at the same time, she felt guilty about lying to her family.

"Come on guys~" Chanmi shouted and clapped her hands. "Tell you what. I'll treat you all for lunch today. How does that sound?" Almost immediately all seven of them brightened up and hugged Chanmi before racing each other to school. She blinked at them and sighed. "Maybe I should have just let them look like zombies." She threw her hands up in the air and grinned before dashing off to catch up to her friends.

Upon arriving at the school Chanmi spotted Jonghyun and grinned. Jonghyun turned around and beamed at her before ditching his friends and ran over to her. He hugged her and looked up at her with his super sparkly eyes. Chanmi chuckled and tousled his hair.

"No, not the hair!" He complained and fixed his.

He really reminds me of Jihwan. Them and their hair problems. "Are they your gang?" She asked and blinked innocently at the four standing behind Jonghyun with  their mouth parted slightly.

Jonghyun stood up and composed himself and cleared his throat. He turned to his gang and chuckled. "Guys, meet my older step-sister." He scratched the back of his head.

Aron, the eldest, raised an eyebrow up. "Wow, I never knew our leader can have this side."

"S-Shut up."

"Leader?" Chanmi blinked. "You're a leader?" Which gang though? I already forgot which gangs were part of which territory... and which allliance... I'm such a bad sister.

"Yeah. I'm the leader of NU'EST and I go buy JR."

"Are you not going to introduce me to your friends?"

"That's Aron, Ren, Minhyun and Baekho." Jonghyun said as he pointed to each of his friends and grinned but pouted after when the bell rang.

"Well, I'll see you at lunch." She grinned before running off to her class.

Watching afar was MyName as they kept their eyes on NU'EST and Chanmi's retreating figure. The leader snickered and the youngest just shook his head. Seyong looked over to Jonghyun and raised an eyebrow up at the boy's happy face.

"Look at that. Look at how happy he is to see his sister again." Insoo rolled his eyes. He smirked at looked over to the building's entrance. "Let's target the girl."

"Are you serious hyung?" Junkyu raised an eyebrow. "We're not entirely sure if she and her friends are innocent, not belonging to any gang at all or whether they're actually in a gang and are just hiding it."

"Junkyu is right, but a threat to NU'EST or JR's sister might do the trick." Seyong grinned.

"What do you mean?"

"If we threaten the girl, she'll either fight back or just be scared of us. If she fights back, we'll know she's in a gang or not. If we threathen NU'EST, especially her step-brother then she'll might do something."

"But you hyung," Chaejin trailed off. "They can actually fight. They learned all different types of martial arts."

"How do you know?"

"I'm in the girl's class and I've seen how the Chohee girl beat the crap out of GOT7's Mark."

"That sounds highly suspicious." Gunwoo muttered. "I guess we'll be keeping an eyes on those eight. Insoo, Seyong and I will do that. Chaejin, you and Junkyu can go on with the threat to either the girl or NU'EST."


"Eonnie. Eonnie!" Nicole repeated as she saw Chanmi and dragged her to the counter of the cafeteria.

Chanmi stared at her in shock and regretted her decision in treating them for lunch. My precious money. I shouldn't have said that. Gah! I forgot how much this little girl can eat. She sighed. "What do you want?" I swear she's like the female version of Allen from D.Gray Man.

Nicole beamed, her eyes were like shooting beams as she looked at each of the different food. "I want chicken katsu don, takoyaki, fried dumplings, boiled dumplings, bbq pork bun, okonomiyaki, dried chicken and sushi." She blabbled on and clapped her hands. "Oh and don't forget strawberry pancakes, strawberry parfait and lemon iced tea."

The person at the counter stared at her and looked over to Chanmi. "Can she really finish that?"

"Yes." Chanmi replied and sigh. "How much would that be?"

"That would be $113.75."

The remaining members of Tias stared at Nicole in shock. Chohee and Jinri was in shock at the amount of food on their table and watched Nicole gobble down the food. Chanmi sighed and stood up, pointing a finger at Nicole. "Never again I am going to buy you food! Go get a job and earn your own money!" She exclaimed and threw her hands up.

Jonghyun looked up at the leader and chuckled. "I'm not going to buy anything too. We're going to have to start limiting the amount of food you consume."

Nicole pouted but said nothing and continued eating. Taking one last look at her friends, Chanmi walked out of the cafeteria with a yakisoba bread in her hands. She wandered around the back of the school and scanned the area.

I swear there was a group of five people spying on me this morning when I was interacting with Jonghyun this morning. Good thing I had placed hidden camera's around the school. Chanmi thought as she took out her phone and accessed the cctv through the app. She plugged earphones into her ear and listened and watched the recording. Hm, I see now. So they're either going to target me and either Jonghyun to see whether we're in any gangs at all. It'll be harder if any gangs here finds out if we're actually in a gang and it'll be harder for me to conceal my identity. She frowned and zoomed in on the recording. Hm? Is that Seyong I see? I don't think he remembers me though. Well, we did only met once or twice when I visited Japan and happen to bump into him.


Chanmi turned around, taking out the ear phones and placed the back into her pockets before exciting the cctv app. She raised an eybrow up at the three, who she suspected to be Seyong, Gunwoo and Insoo.

"Is there something you need?" She asks as she looks down onto her phone and looked for Howon's contact number and send him a message to come find her at the back of the school. She knew he could track down her location within the school so she wasn't worried.

"Look at us when we're talking to you." Seyong hissed.

Chanmi rolled her eyes and faced them. "Is that how you treat a girl?" She sneered. "I don't think you'd be getting any girlfriends anytime soon." Chanmi took a few steps back, avoiding Seyong's sudden punch. "Hitting a girl? That's even more worse." She face a face. You'll regret this tonight. Just you watch. I'll give you broken bones and you can say hello to the hospital for a week or month.

Gunwoo held Seyong back and walked over to Chanmi and stood right in front of her. He glared down at her trying to intimidate her but Chanmi only blinked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you have something to say? Or are you going to keep glaring down at me?" She rolled her eyes and shifted her attention behind the boys. The two maknae's. "Maybe those two behind you can come join in."

Gunwoo looked back. "Junkyu. Chaejin. You're here." He smirked and nodded over to Chanmi.

"Just to let you know. I do know how to protect myself." Chaejin rolled his eyes and rushed over towards Chanmi and held her in a lock. Chanmi raised an eyebrow up and chuckled. "Do you really think this semi-tight grip of yours would do something?" She asks and easily got out of it. She walked back and bumped into Howon. She looked up and grinned. "Hi. You found me."

Howon nodded and patted her head as he glared at MyName. "What are you doing?"

"Stay out of this Hoya. This is none of your business." Insoo glared.

Howon smirked. "If it's my younger sister's business, then it is mine."

Gunwoo widened his eyes and stared at Chanmi who smirked at him. "If I see you lay a finger on her, you'll be sorry." Howon warned before dragging her off. Chanmi follwed Howon to where the hall was and stopped. He sighed and turned around. "You shouldn't be picking fights with them. They're gangs and you're not."

But I am one. She pouted. "I need to show you something."

"What is it?"

"Did you check your phone?" Howon shook his head. "Then check it now. I already sent it to you while I was waiting for you."

Howon nodded and took his phone out. Watching the clip with a frown, he stared at Chanmi after finishing the clip. "How did you get this?"

"Um... I was bored in L.A so... I learnt some hacking skills." She scratched the back of her head and chuckled. Hell, I didn't learn it. I already have that skill ever since I left Seoul for L.A.

Howon sighed and pointed his index finger at her. "No making troubles okay?" Chanmi nodded with a pout. "Good. Come home with us today along with your friends. Mum and dad wants to meet them and have dinner together."


Chanmi and Howon continnued to chat until the bell rang. Chanmi dashed off to her favourite class; training class, leaving Howon standing there, not being able to say anything.


"Eonnie~!" Jinri shouted and waved her hands up.

Chanmi smiled and made her way over to her group. Sitting down between Minhwan and Miki, she looked around to find Jonghyun. She found him quite easily as he was just sitting across her on the other side of the hall. Before she could call out to him, the teachers walked into the hall and silenced everyone. Mr Han looked around the room and nodded to himself.

"Kim Jonghyun and Kang Jungkyu." He announced and walked back to where the other teachers were standing.

Chanmi widened her eyes when she heard the names announcement. They are so dead tonight. She glared at Junkyu who had a smirk. So they planned it?

Chanmi clenched her fist as she watched her younger step brother fight against Junkyu. Her eyes would always hardened when Jonghyun was hit. Her eyes darted over to the teacher and gritted her teeth. She turned to Nicole and smirked. She tapped Nicole on the shoulder and guestured her to come closer.

"What's wrong?" Nicole whispered in English with a frown visible. "Did something happen?"

Chanmi nodded stiffly but didn't actually want to say anything. "If it's your turn next for this lesson. Pick Chae Jinseok. Beat him up would you?"

"Whoever they are, they must of done something to piss you off." Nicole stated and stared at Jonghyun. "Is he also the reason why you're pissed?" Chanmi nodded and sighed. "Who are they?"

"They're the two maknae's of MyName."

"MyName? The group Seyong is in?"

"Yeah." She replied bitterly. "They'll regret targeting my brother tonight." She said lowly as she stared at Junkyu with a murderous gaze. "Oh, they are dead." She smirked as her fist shook with anger when Jonghyun gasped for air and surrendered.

Nicole shuddered at the sight of her leader pissed and to be honest, she was scared. She hadn't seen Chanmi this angry before. The only time she was like this when Block B were seriously hurt years ago. She gupled in fear and turned away from Chanmi and sighed.

Whatever happens to them tonight. I pray for them to make it out alive. Nicole closed her eyes and sighed again. She looked up upon hearing the teacher calling out her name. She inwardly smirked and got up and walked to the middle of the circle. "Ssaem, can I pick my opponent?"

Mr Han was taken aback by her request and cleared his throat after a minute of shock. "Y-Yes, sure of course." He awkwardly smiled. "Who would you like to go against?"

Nicole smirked. "Chae Jinseok." Chaejin and Junkyu widened their eyes and stared at her. Nicole did the same and sent a mischievous grin at Chaejin. "Please go easy on me." She said sweetly.


On the way home, Chanmi suddenly remembered what Hoya said but decided to tell them when they got home. Upon arriving home at their house, Chanmi was still angry at Junkyu and would never forgive them. She swore to herself that she would get revenge for Jonghyun. Taehwan looked up from his magazine and caught Chanmi's expression.

"Did something happen? You look like you want to kill someone."

Chanmi chuckled. "Of course I do." She said lowly.

"According to what noona told us on the way home. MyName seems to be planning to reveal our identities. They're aiming for Chanmi noona and her step brother Jonghyun." Jihwan said as he stretched his arms above his head and let out a long sigh.

"Jonghyun?" Changmin raised an eyebrow up.

"Kim Jonghyun. He's the leader of NU'EST." Jinri said and stifled a yawn. "For training class today, Junkyu went up against Jonghyun and Chanmi wasn't exactly happy about it. Considering the fact Junkyu might have planned it with the teacher."

"She even made me choose Chaejin if I got chosen and beat him up." Nicole sighed.

Chanmi smiled but her eyes were dark. "I won't stand back and let my family get hurt. Anyways, go get changed and wash up a little." She said as she went up the stairs. "My family wants to meet you~"


The gang followed Chanmi to her families house. Once again she reminded them to keep their profiles low. They were all nervous and hoped that Minhyuk wouldn't find out that they were Tias. Although they all knew that Chanmi's family were made up of gangs, they didn't want to let anyone know that they were Tias, not until they have reached their goal; to conquer South Korea and form some alliances.

Uponing arriving at the door of her families house, they all took a few seconds to collect themselves before pressing the door bell. Chanmi's head was full of thoughts on how to leave slightly early and find MyName and give them some beating. The members had bags with them which had a few pair of clothings where they can change into and appear as Tias later during the night if they wanted to. Their masks were also in there.

The door opened, revealling Mrs Lee, who had a big smile on her face. She welcomed them all in and gave Chanmi a big hug before letting her go catch with her friends. Chanmi immediately ran upstairs and barged into Jonghyun's room. Her step brother was too shock to say anything and just continued putting his shirt back on. Her eyes hardened even more but she tried to compose herself.

"Are you okay?" She asked calmly as she could and she walked towards him. "Do you need me to help?"

Jonghyun smiled and shook his head. "It's nothing noona. I'm alright. It's nothing big."

Nothing big my ! You were completely beaten up. I'll make sure they won't be able to walk tomorrow. Chanmi thought.


"Hm?" Chanmi blinked.

"You seem to be in deep thoughts."

"Oh it's nothing."

"Your friends will be joining us with dinner today right?"

Chanmi hummed a response and walked out of the room. Jonghyun followed behind and chatted with Chanmi but once in awhile he would wince in pain when he laughs a bit too hard which made Chanmi even more angier. One by one, Chanmi's siblings came home and her friends tried to act like they don't know anything about gangs while they tried to gather as much information about each territories.

"Eonnie, is being a gang leader difficult?" Nicole asked as she leaned closer to Chaerin.

"Not really." Chaerin chuckled. "But it's really a pain in the when other gangs try to gang up on you when you're alone."

"Which gangs?" Chanmi asked as she plopped herself down between Howon and Minhyuk.

"MyName and Kara."

That's it. I'm going to target East first. Chanmi thought and nodded. "Are they strong? How strong are they?"

Chaerin chuckled and tousled Chanmi's hair. "Why are you so interested. It's better if you stay innocent and not get involved in our gang matters."

Sorry, but we're already are. They all thought but nonetheless nodded. The more they chatted with Chanmi's siblings, they began to know more information about each of their gangs. Chanmi was really interested in actually meeting them as she is right now. Mr Lee soon came in and they all left to the dining room to eat dinner. Dinner with the Lee family was loud but they were all having fun. Chanmi looked around and stared at her half finished bowl of rice. A sigh escaped her lips as she placed down her chopsticks softly.

"Thank you for the food." Chanmi said softly and casted a knowing look to her members before smiling at her parents. "Sorry mum, I'm not that hungry."

"It's okay dear." Mrs Lee smiled and took away the bowl from Chanmi.

Chanmi excused herself and went upstairs. She went into her room and changed back into the clothes she had on earlier but she made sure she didn't put on her jacket yet. Running downstairs, she immediately put on her shoes but before she could even open the door Howon pulled her arm.

"Where are you going?"

"For walk. I just need to think about how to adjust to the Academy." She lied and smiled. Once she had tied her shoelaces, she bolted out of the house, leaving the door open.


Chanmi walked around East,scanning the area as she was on high alert. She knew where MyName's turf was so she wasn't worried about where it was. She adjusted her mask and zipped up her jacket and sighed. When she turned the corner to an alleyway, she bumped into The Boss. She stared at them and they stared back without saying anything. Chanmi stared at Karam for a long time and finally realised who it was.

"You're The Boss?"

Karam frowned. "Yes, that's us. Who are you?"

Chanmi smirked and cracked her knuckles. "Someone you don't need to know yet."

Karam twitched his lips in annoyance and sighed. "Why don't you leave before you get hurt." He stated.

"That I can't do. I have business with Kara and MyName. Please move."

"We can't let you through." Mika said as he walked right up to her. "Please leave."

"You don't know who you're talking to boy." She chuckled and grabbed him by the collar and leaned close to his ears. "I am Min of Tias. Let me through or we'll do it the hard way."

"M-Min of T-Tias?" He stuttered and staggered back. He looked over to Karam and shook his head.

Karam frowned when he saw Mika's worried expression. "Who are you?" He asked again.

Chanmi clicked her tongue and kicked Mika in the stomach. Mika doubled over in pain and gasped for air as he tried to tolerate the pain. Her eyes shifted to Karam. "I will not say it a second time. Let me through or else you'll experience something you wouldn't want to." She stated in low but dangerous tone.

"What is going on here?" Gyuri shouted and rushed over to Mika.

"Gyuri of Kara I presume?" Chanmi stated. "I have some business with you."

Gyuri scoffed. "I have no appointments. Who do you think-" She stopped and widened her eyes at the mask. "M-Min." She stuttered.

Chanmi smirked. "Shall we go to your turf? I would like you to bring MyName along as well."


As Chanmi walked behind Gyuri as they both walked on the road since there weren't much cars around. Chanmi looked around her surroundings, remembering the streets and the different corners that turns to different streets as she formed a plan in her head. She was going to have Miki deal with The Boss, since they had hurt her step brother and she seemed determined. Gyuri came to a stop in front her apartment in which she shares with her Kara members.

She turned to Chanmi and sighed. "MyName is already here."

Chanmi grinned. "They better be. If I find out they're not there..." She stated but didn't finish her sentence as she gaze at Gyuri with a frightening gaze which made her shudder.

Gyuri nodded and lead Chanmi to her apartment room. When Chanmi entered the apartment, the Kara members and MyName were really shocked to see Chanmi there with Gyuri. Just one look at her mask, they all knew who she was and they were all frozen into place, thinking about what she was here for. Casually walking over to the living room and sat down on the arm chair and crossed her legs, her gaze lingered on Junkyu the longest.

She cleared and leaned back in the chair. "First, I would like all Kara members but Gyuri to leave. Preferably stay in your room. If I catch you eavesdropping you'll be sorry."

Gyuri looked over to her members and nodded her head. They have no idea why she wre and were extremely scared. Chanmi closed her eyes and heard the doors closed before opening them again.

"Is there anything bothering you?" Gyuri asked as MyName tensed.

"Of course there is." She sated and looked over to MyName. "Your alliacne, MyName has been causing some trouble." She smirked as she leaned forward and placed a black USB on the table. She nodded at Gyuri to open it.

Gyuri stood up, taking the USB and plugged it inside her laptopn. She opened it and turned it on. Widening her eyes as she watched the clip. MyName also widened their eyes, all thinking how she had even set up hidden camera's around the school.

"This Chanmi girl and her friends are ours."

"What do you mean?" Seyong questioned.

"How should I say this." Chanmi chuckled, liking this game way to much. "They are close friends of ours." Her eyes hardened. "They are very innocent type of people and I'd rather keep it that way." She leaned forward. "I would like you to stay away from Chanmi and her friends. Oh, I want you to stay away from NU'EST as well."

"If we don't?"

"You can consider us taking East from you by force. Now, you wouldn't want to make the world's feared gang your enemy right?" Gunwoo gulped in fear and shook his head. "That's good. I always want Jun.Q to apologize to JR. Tomorrow in training class, you will apologize to JR and I will ask Chanmi for confirmation. Are we clear?" Chanmi stated as she laned back. Either way, I'm still going to target this territory first. "My business with MyName is done. They can go and the Kara members can come out."

The members of MyName hesitated to leave but with Chanmi's glare they hurried out of Gyuri's apartment. Soon the rest of the Kara members came out of their rooms and sat down in the living room. Chanmi leaned back and smirked.

"A few of your alliances have been causing me friends some trouble and a few other gangs that I know."

"I thought it was just MyName?" Gyuri frowned.

"The Boss have been messing with B.A.P. MyName, as I have mentioned earlier and it seems like both you and MyName have been bothering CL of 2NE1 when she's alone." She said as she looked at her nails and sighed. "I personally know a lot of gangs here but they don't know of me. No one knows our real identity." She smirked.

"What are you saying?" Hara asked as she figeted on her seat.

"This will be a warning." Chanmi said before getting up and leaving the apartment.


Just as Chanmi made her way back to her parent's house, she remembered that she had left the bag at her own house. She took her phone out and just as she was about to call Changmin and tell them to go home, she realised she had a few missed calls. Frowning at the caller ID, which seemed to be from Taehwan and called him back.

"Yah, where are you?" He breathed heavily.

"Err, I went to pay East a visit. Why? Is there something wrong?"

"The rest of us have already left your families house and are in our night selves."

"Get to the point."

Taehwan sighed. "Your step brother, Jonghyun is held captive by Shadow."

Chanmi stopped in her steps and widened her eyes. "Those bastards are here?"

"Yeah. What should we do?"

"Stay where you are. Where are you?"


Chanmi immediately hanged up, tracked Taehwan and rushed to South. I was a good thing she was at the boarder of East, Central and South. She quickened her pace and found Taehwan and her members. She was beyond mad. Saying nothing, she kicked the door open and widened her eyes in horror.


Yay~ Chapter Eight. I'm finally remembering how the plot goes for this story and hopefully I'll be able to update more chapters. I think for now I'll focus on Secret Gangster but as for my other's stories (in which some have been last updated like last year) >~< I'm such a bad author but I guess it's kind of my bad habit of creating new stories when I haven't finished my other stories.
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Thank you!
sorry if it took me long to upload this chapter >~< hope you enjoyed the long chapter~


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Chapter 11: "The all-time champion" hahaha I think all others still can't beat him
sazuka #2
Chapter 11: Yeah I agree with you about BaekYeon thing^^

update soon^^ You don't know how happy I am when I know you already update it^^
Chapter 11: Seriously, This get's more and more interesting as it goe's on.
Can't wait to see how the plot will develop later in the story :D

I get all excited when you update XD
Update soon, Author-Nim <3
Tessatc #4
Chapter 11: Hey yo!!!! Just asking but when is. Leo gonna show up??? Not saying that the story write now is bad. It's REALLY GD
Update soon!! Really like the story and your layout :D
sazuka #6
Chapter 10: This is surely amazing. I love it so much^^ please update soon.
Chapter 10: Tias is sure having fun scaring those groups XD
sazuka #8
Chapter 9: Please update soon author nim.
This is so amazing. I love how the game going kekekeke
Chapter 9: Yay finally VIXX encountering this story .. and even VIXX won in music show today /throw confetti/ ... is it a coincidence ? Ok just kidding XD

The fun game will begin thanks to Chanmi who spread the rumour XD
sazuka #10
Chapter 10: We'll wait author nim^^ I wish you can update soon^^ fighting