Three Bears Happy Day :3

When Grumpy meets the Menace [WGM™]


Sunday morning, a honk sound disturbed the whole neighborhood where Yoona’s apartment is located to. Yoona’s eyes are popping out from her eye sockets in shock because of something she saw outside her window. She woke up seeing a big truck outside of their apartment that probably blocking the whole alley and no cars can pass by anymore. Even some curious passerby and their neighbors where looking out on it. It was a truck that has all their things for the orphanage. Stuffed toys, foods and snacks and other surprises for the kids are all inside it. It was all Wookie's idea and so the expenses were all from him. She groggily went outside to see more clearly and meet Wookie outside talking to the truck’s driver.

"What the hell is this??" Yoona muttered as she looked closer to the big truck then came Wookie and approached her.

"It's our little surprise for our little angels" Wookie said sweetly.

"L-little?? Are you sure??" Yoona said who still can't believe what is happening.

"Yes my dear, now go dress up or we'll be late for our destination~"  

“Where are the others?” She asked.

“Ah.. at our special bus over there” Wookie said and pointed at the luxurious looking bus ahead from the truck.

“Ahh.. Okay” Yoona said and nodded her head.

“Now ppali~ we have to get there fast” Wookie exclaimed as he claps his hand ordering for Yoona to hurry up. Yoona followed what Wookie said and immediately rushed back inside her apartment. She just noticed that her hair is all messy and she looked like a zombie because she slept late last night to finish her design for the Fashion Event that their Professor told them to do. She was eager for this outing too but she didn’t expect that they will go and fetch her at her apartment. She right away took a shower and wears her usual simple clothing.



Her eyes widened in shock again as she gets inside the special bus Wookie have been telling her a while ago. It doesn’t only look luxurious outside but a big extravagant one also inside. It’s like a limo-bus.  Wookie lead her inside and sees everyone sitting comfortably. She sees Seohyun and Jessica waving their hands to her while Changmin and Minho having a little chit-chat and Kyuhyun is playing with his newly bought PSP, though all of the boys were busy, they still manage to say hi to her. She just took noticed of Jonghyun who’s sitting at the corner next to Kyuhyun, listening to his ipod but didn’t even dare to greet her. Yoona just let it off and sat beside Jessica and Seohyun.

It will be a 2 hour drive towards their destination so they have their non-stop conversations and random games while on their way to kill boredom but Yoona still take a secret glance at Jonghyun once in a while. She wanted to sit beside him but it would look like she will go and bother him again.

“Ok, Let’s have our truth or truth game” Wookie added as they continue their random games inside the bus.

“Truth or truth!!” Everyone chanted in unison except for Jonghyun.

“Yes but if you didn’t answer you’ll get a dare instead and no choice but to follow. Or I’ll throw you outside of this bus and let you walk by yourself to the orphanage, kkkk” Wookie joked but everyone believed him right away coz they know how he is when no one follows his orders. Kyuhyun nudged his elbow to Jonghyun who sits next to him. Jonghyun just frown his face indicating he isn’t still interested to join them.

“Ok Yoona you’re first” Wookie pointed out.

“Eh?? Why me?” 

"coz I said so.. so that question would be.." Wookie said and made a long pause to think making everyone intently paid attention at him even Jonghyun who's ipod is actually off and secretly listens even before.

"When was the time you're the one who make a move for a kiss and where is it? lips?cheeks?forehead?hands?" Wookie asked making Jonghyun suddenly choked himself even though he isn't eating anything at all and Yoona reacted the same way. All eyes were in between the two of them now. 

"Ahh.. Something happened between you two huh?" Kyuhyun chimed teasingly.

"A-aniyo~.." Yoona answered.

"There is actually.." Jonghyun finally muttered breaking his silence from his corner and smirked as he looked directly to Yoona. Yoona wasn't able to say anything back and suddenly felt awkward with the situation.

"woaahhh~ I didn't know uri love contract is coming handy " Kyuhyun said.

"Is that true Yoona?" Wookie asked as he looked at her too. Yoona wants to hide but why is this bus isn't being helpful at her? She wanted to disappear right away as all eyes are haunting her. She nodded her head and blushed. 

"Where?" all asked except for Jonghyun who's just watching on the side. 

"Cheeks" She mumbled shyly but everyone frowned hearing her answer. Jonghyun expected their reaction would be like that after all. 

"Ehhh... just cheeks?" They all whined in disappointment making Yoona confused why they look like they are eager for more than that. Jonghyun just made a slight scoff at the side and let the others continue their game. Jonghyun and Yoona then have their staring game while everyone is having fun. They didn't let anyone disturbed them from staring at one another though they didn't talk at all it's like they are speaking through their eyes. They didn't notice how Kyuhyun whined inside the bus.

"WAHH! I'm going crazy! Aren’t we there yet? I want to see my Limmie" He kept screaming while everyone tried to calm him down, except for Jonghyun and Yoona of course.

After the two-hour drive, they finally reached the orphanage. They noticed how far it was from the city and you could tell that it was an isolated place. The place was surrounded with woods where you could probably go do camping too. They see an old-historic house where probably the kids stays, coz there are no other houses beside it anymore.

They were welcomed by a cutie girl named Hyerim the girl Kyuhyun had been whining all about inside the bus when they are on the way here. Her bright smile glows beautifully so no wonder why Kyuhyun wouldn't like her. Hyerim had been the subordinate caretaker of the orphanage coz she volunteered herself into it. She just loves to help that's why she gladly took the chance to be a caretaker here.

"Annyeong everyone" Hyerim greeted them with her cute eyesmile.


"Hello Limmie~ someone is excited to see you~" Wookie, Changmin and Minho said in unison while staring at Kyuhyun who was starstruck by her. He wasn't able to greet her coz he frozen up from his place upon seeing her. Hyerim was able to understand what they are applying by their looks towards Kyuhyun and she giggled afterwards.

"Annyeong Kyu oppa~" she greeted cutely.

"A-annyeong..." Kyu stuttered.

"Let's go inside everyone" Hyerim said and smile while gesturing everyone to come in. Everyone followed her while leaving Kyuhyun behind still frozen in his position. Jonghyun then wrapped his arm to Kyuhyun's shoulder. 

"You look lame hyung, super lame" Jonghyun scoffed then walk away with the others. Kyuhyun who had been in a daze finally realized what Jonghyun said.

"Yah! You!" Kyuhyun shouted angrily and then chuckled as he finally understands that Jonghyun is somehow going back to his old self now. He smiled as he thought that the dare is influencing Jonghyun bit by bit. He went in after realizing that everyone was already inside.

As they went inside, they were greeted by hyper kids. There are about 15 children inside the small orphanage.

"Kids, please welcome our guests properly" Hyerim ordered making all the kids formed in front of them into somehow scripted thing that usually elementary kids do too. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo" all kids greeted cutely and bowed their heads.

"Aigoo~ cute~" The two girls said in unison while Jessica just gave another blank stare showing she's not that interested with kids. The boys then can't help but to smile at the sight of the cute kids even our cold prince Jonghyun turn into one warm and light hearted one in seeing them.

They went with their own tasks after that. Changmin, Minho, Kyuhyun and Jonghyun where at the kids room and started decorating it . It will be the place where they will holding their mini party for the kids while Wookie and the three girls Yoona, Seohyun and Jessica went up to the kitchen to prepare the foods. Hyerim is left to take all the kids for a walk outside for awhile so they will be surprise with what they have prepared for them. Time passed on and everyone was busy. Jonghyun helped in every way he can, a little unexpected thing coming from him that's why everyone is glad seeing him working. After decorating and cooking, everything seems to be in place. They went on with their mini surprise for the kids.  


The kids were amazed with what they see inside the kids’ room. They were happy and excited so they quickly went to play inside. All sorts of noises are roaming around the room. All of them played with the kids for awhile to get to know each other and when they managed to calm down the kids from playing around the room they decided to get started. Wookie and Minho became the emcees of the mini party while Changmin is busy taking pictures and videos at the back. Whooping sounds came from Kyuhyun, Yoona, Jessica, Seohyun and Hyerim, signing that they are excited to. Jonghyun all the while sit with the other kids on the floor so he can keep contact with them while Yoona was busy taking secret glances again at him. Mini games where held like "Bring Me Game" and the kids were excited to play.

"Ok, now let's continue. Kids remember to pay attention coz you will get prizes from this, Arachi?" Wookie said while wagging his fake microphone infront of the kids.

"Ne~" all the kids answered in unison.

 "Ok, Bring me a..." Minho said and made a long pause as expected to make the kids anticipate for it.

"A picture of birds!" Minho shouted and every kids run as fast as they could to get that one book they know that has picture of birds. One little boy tripped and fall over Jonghyun. Jonghyun flinched a little as he sees him crying. Yoona expected him to be cold as she watched him but instead Jonghyun then help him get up and even played with him. Yoona and Jonghyun didn't mind the game anymore even though there's a winner already. Jonghyun was busy trying to calm down the little boy from crying while Yoona was busy watching them.

"Aiyoo.. what's your name?" Jonghyun asked at the little boy as he helped him.

"Yeun..woo" the little boy said in between his sobs.

"Don't cry anymore..hmm? hyung will help you with the game arasso?" Jonghyun smiled and the boy stopped crying right away. Yoona can't help but to watch them. Her heart is beating fast again as she watched Jonghyun's smile and being thoughtful for the kid.

"Ok now bring me...that guy's shirt" Wookie exclaimed and pointed out at Jonghyun. Everyone's eyes are on Jonghyun now; Even the little Yeunwoo gave him a please-give-me-your-shirt-look. Jonghyun gulped and slowly removed his shirt to give it to Yeunwoo. He just can't break his promise to a kid and run away from here. Yeunwoo right then run off to the emcees and gives Jonghyun's shirt. Yoona immediately covered her eyes as she instantly heard the task that was given and she didn't even dare to take a look at the half Jonghyun. Jessica and Seohyun were teasing her until the game ended and Jonghyun finally got his shirt back. All of the winners earned toys as their prizes but they didn't fail to give a few consolation prizes too for the others. 

"Ok, eating time!" The two emcees chanted happily. Every kid was served with delicious food cooked by Wookie, master chef as they call him. The kids eat with their hearts content even the emcees who got tired after a few minutes of talking in front and shouting to calm the kids. Yoona and Seohyun were busy feeding those who can't even hold a spoon yet. Yoona never felt this happy around children before, how she wished she brought her little brother Kyungsan with them. She sighed as she remembered and then continued to help the little girl she was feeding.

"here's the airplane, weeeee~" Yoona playfully moves the spoon and lightly shoving it to the girl's mouth as she feeds her. She didn't know that Jonghyun is also watching her from afar even though he is busy playing with the other kids too.

It was already afternoon as they decided to take a few minutes break for a while. Letting the kids play around inside while all of them have a chit-chat outside.

"Wahh.. It’s been a while since I did this kind of things" Wookie said while stretching his arms to the side.

"I find this really fun even though tiring.” Jessica said who just learned to hold and play with one kid because of course at first she isn't interested at them. But as time passed she eventually liked them. Everyone smiled at her like saying she had done her best.

"Also later before we go, we should make a few performances for them right?" Changmin added.

"Hmm, right.. I remembered Jonghyun oppa sings and plays guitar right?" Hyerim bluntly said making everyone look at her. Jonghyun didn't answer and turned his gaze away from them.

"What? The kids here love when someone perform with a guitar.That’s why we have a special guitar here for people who would like to perform a few songs" She continued giving her innocent smile but everyone is silent and doesn't know what to react. They know that Jonghyun stopped playing his guitar either singing already but of course except for Hyerim who keeps on insisting.

"Yeah! You could perform right?" Yoona added to the fire while looking at Jonghyun. Jonghyun just shook his head in disagreement. As they expected that would be his answer.   

They didn't notice that the kid before, Yeunwoo was watching them all the while. Yeunwoo likes music so he wanted to listen to the Hyung who just helped him a while ago. He rushed back inside and told her fellow kid about what he heard.

As they went back in, they were only able to prepare one performance only.. Wookie, Yoona and Minho sing and dance with the Three Bear Song while wearing bear costumes and made every kid followed them.

kom semariga han chibeyiso 
appa gom 
omma gom 
ae-gi gom 
appa gommun tungtunghae 
omma gommun nalshinhae 
ae-gi gommun na bulgwiyowo 
hishuk hishuk charhanda~ 

The entire kids dance with them, all you can hear are laughter inside the room as they performed even the cold prince Jonghyun started to laugh too. It was heart warming for them. After the performance they children keep on chanting "guitar" and they were shocked by them.  Jonghyun just kept in silence in his place and Yoona noticed that. She then followed the kids and chanted with them until finally everyone in the room is chanting with it. Jonghyun doesn't know what to do, his heart telling him to go infront but his brain is stopping him. Hyerim then took the special guitar she was saying a while ago and shows it in front of Jonghyun. The kids and the adults kept on chanting. Will he take it? Will he play again?  


Yoona kept on chanting hard even though she's sweating inside her bear costume. She wanted to hear him sing again. She really wanted to. 




Jonghyun take a few deep breathe and finally reached for the guitar. Everyone claps in excitement as they saw him stood up and holding the guitar. He went in front and thought of a song he is going to sing. 

Then he started strumming the strings of the guitar as he thing of something. He let his soothing voice take them to his world.

Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home

May be surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know~

And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
“I’m fine baby, how are you?”
Well I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that~  

As he finished the song, everyone clapped their hands in amazement with his performance. Yoona doesn't know why but she felt crying again. She was happy hearing him and her heart was touched by him. Everything went smooth after that. They went to clean up the place before going. They bid their goodbyes to the kids though it was the saddest part of it. The little Yeunwoo approached Jonghyun before leaving.

"Hyung! I swear I will be like you. I'll be a singer too." Yeunwoo said and Jonghyun bend down to his level and ruffled his hair.

"I'll be waiting then" Jonghyun smiled and Yeunwoo nodded his head while smiling and Yoona kept watching the two on the side.

One by one they went inside the bus, while Kyuhyun bid his goodbye to Hyerim. She will be left there for a little while longer to fix more things. At the bus, everyone dozed off on their respective seats because of the tiring activity they have done. It will be another two-hour drive back to the city. They felt happy even though it was a restless day. They've learn many things with the kids that's why they felt warmness in their hearts. Only the two, Jonghyun and Yoona have been awake the whole trip. It's either they have their staring game again or do fake sleeping. It was then Jonghyun motioned for Yoona to come sit beside him. Yoona then followed, she slowly walked and sat beside him. She doesn't know what to say so she kept her head down. 

"Did you have fun?" Jonghyun finally asked breaking the silence between them.

"Yeah a lot.." She muttered softly as to try not to wake up the others.

"Good" he said too softly.

"Why did you want me to sit here?" Yoona asked as she turned her face to him.

"Just nothing." Jonghyun mumbled and then he rested his head to Yoona's shoulder which make her startled a bit and got stiff but she's happy that they are this close. She just let him be and watched him dozed off as well after a few minutes. As the time goes by the two of them were sleeping already side by side and everyone wakes up in a sight of them. They just kept in silence as to not break how beautiful the scene they are seeing.

"What a happy day.” Kyuhyun mumbled softly.




A/N : What can you say about the chapter? Did you like it? Please comment and subscribe ^^ 

Anyway isn't he cute when around with kids? sjfdsjkfdskjfsd Burning appa *^*

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I'm sorry for not updating for almost a week, but I'm almost done with my recent chapter, I might post it later. hope so. If laziness didn't strike me.


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cloudyluen #1
Chapter 16: Wow.. nice story... please update dont gone MIA. Thanks
yamilay #2
Chapter 16: Love this story ^^
Chapter 16: Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, i love this story. Nice storyline, although there are so many school-life story, but your story was great and impressed just the way it is. Please, try to finish this story.
Tyaswy #4
Chapter 16: Authornim update soon pleaseeeeee
Chapter 16: please continue this story
Chapter 4: Please update....
Bluestar_88 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
please update authornim :(
Chapter 16: i really hope you update this story it is very nice and i think many events will happen in the next chapters... i really really Love this story PLEASE continue to write about THEM! DEERBURNING FIGHTING....! Authornim FIGHTING !!! :D
novamp #10
Chapter 16: Please update soon this story