Fact : Obsessed fan girls are scary.

When Grumpy meets the Menace [WGM™]


7:15 am, Monday

Yoona kept on being hesitant whether to greet Jonghyun on a text message or not. She wanted to know on how he is because they won’t be meeting again today. Jonghyun’s class will be at the morning while hers are at the afternoon. To kill time she went off to work at the café. She took a few minutes break and set off to their locker room. She quickly grabbed her phone and vigorously typed a message but then she deleted it afterwards. She kept on doing that till she gets frustrated whether to continue or not.

“aigoo..” She sighed while looking at her phone and remembered how they were together yesterday. She kept in mind the moment when Jonghyun rested his head on her shoulder and now she's smiling like an idiot thinking of it. She tried to type again.

TO: Lee Jonghyun

Annyeong :3 –Yoona

“1,2,3… Send!” She counted and pressed the send button afterwards while shutting her eyes. A few seconds later her phone beeped and she began to panic.

“Omomomo.. That was fast!” She muttered before opening the message.

Annyeong –Jonghyun

“Gaahhhh!!!” She squeals like there’s no tomorrow and immediately typed again to keep their conversation.

Where are you? –Yoona

At home.. wae? - Jonghyun

Didn’t you have class? – Y

I’m still preparing, and besides my class starts at 9.. I still have time. –J

Ah. Arasso, just saying hi –Y

You.. odiga? -J

At the café.. I’m working –Y

Working but you’re texting? –J

Eh..I took a few minutes break –Y

Arasso, I’ll come by – J

Really? -Y

You don’t want? –J

Ani, I’m just asking, Come here and I’ll give you free coffee ^^ -Y

Ara, just make sure you won’t spill it on me again – J

I won’t I promise!! –Y

After their conversation, Yoona put her phone back to her locker right away and went back inside to continue her work. She was at the cashier for the time being and kept looking at the main entrance to see if Jonghyun has arrived. It was 20 minutes later when Jonghyun finally appeared and Yoona was actually busy at the moment. She didn't notice him went in until the cutie IU tapped her shoulder.

"unnie, look.. The rude guy from before is here.” IU muttered at her while pointing Jonghyun out. Yoona turn to look at the guy she is talking about. She sees Jonghyun standing in front of the main door looking at her too. They have their staring game again. 

"He's been looking directly at you for the past 5 minutes. Is he going to scold you?" IU asked and watched the dazed Yoona.

"unnie!" IU called out as she snaps her fingers in front of Yoona. Yoona then realized she was staring too long at Jonghyun all the while. She looked away and immediately approached Iu with a smile.

"Ahm. Can you be here in the cashier for a while?"

"Ahm.. Okay unnie" IU said while smiling.

"Thank you!"  Yoona then walked out from the counter and quickly move towards where Jonghyun is. IU then proceeds to take over at the cashier and watched the two.

"Hey, sorry I didn't notice you fast." Yoona greeted as Jonghyun just gave him a blank stare.

"Where's my coffee?" 

"Aissh..just wait I'll give it to you. What do you want? Hot or iced?"

"iced coffee.." 

"Arasso.. Just have a seat first" Yoona speaked out and Jonghyun just gave her a nod as his answer. Jonghyun then took a seat near the windows again just like before. Yoona kept thinking of their first meeting. It wasn't as good as they are in now. Sometimes Jonghyun still treat her coldly but sometimes his kindness is unconsciously showing. She then went to the counter to tell IU about the iced coffee and that she will pay it later. 

"unnie, do you want me to kick that guy? Is he still complaining about the spilled drink and even bothered you too for a free drink?" IU asked worriedly while putting the price at the computer.

"Eh.. Aniyo cutie IU. We’re on good terms now though he still acts cold sometimes" Yoona mumbled as she watched IU prepares the iced coffee.

"Chincha? but tell me if he's bothering you again ne? I'll beat him up for sure" IU said as she handed the iced coffee to her.

"Aigoo. nae~" Yoona smiled while taking the glass of iced coffee carefully and went to Jonghyun's table afterwards. She carefully puts down the glass to his table, making sure she won't spill it again and then took a seat across him and smiled.

"Good thing you wanted to come by here?" Yoona asked.

"I just want to.." Jonghyun answered before having a sip of his iced coffee and making Yoona frown from his answer. After that little conversation, it started to be awkward again. It’s either Yoona will watch him drink his coffee or wander her gaze around the café while Jonghyun all the while keeps drinking his coffee trying to find in his mind a topic to talk about. Though both of them are eager to talk to each other, they just can’t find the right words to say. They’ve been trying to talk about something but the uncomfortable wall is still blocking in between them. They just kept in silence till Jonghyun finishes up his drink.

“Thanks for this” He muttered.

“You’re welcome”

“I have to go”

“Ok, take care”

Jonghyun went off to school leaving Yoona at the café. She continued her work with a heavy heart. She felt that Jonghyun is still unreachable. They haven’t even muttered any single word when they are alone together. She sighed as she watched him leaving.

“Should I text him again?” She mumbled and pouted.

“Why not unnie?” Iu suggested and giggled while sneaking up behind her.

“Yah!” Yoona yelped as she was startled by Iu’s actions.

“You like him don’t you? That’s why you can't be mad though he is being rude to you, Kkk” Iu added teasingly to her. Iu has been actually observing the two from afar. She noticed every of their awkward actions towards each other.

“Eh?? Aniyo!” Yoona pouted and flailed her arms trying to act like a kid who kept denying of what she is being accused to. She hurriedly went to the locker room and takes her phone. She was hesitant again and took minutes before deciding to text him. She heaved a sigh before typing a message.

Thanks for your time – Yoona

“Send!” She mumbled as she pressed the send button and then she realized she put a heart on the text.

“UwaaaahhH!! NO! NO! Don’t send!” She panicked trying to cancel the message but it was too late. She scratched the back of her head as she can’t do anything anymore.

“pabo Yoona! Aisshhh!”


Jonghyun arrived at the school and since he still has few more minutes left, he went to the private lounge to rest there for a while. No people were around and so he sat on the couch comfortably and placed his bag to the side before hearing a beep on his phone. He read the message and a small smile is showing out from his face.

Thanks for your time  -Yoona

He was smiling like an idiot reading it over and over again. Changmin who just went inside the lounge notices the weird smile Jonghyun is making.

“Ehhh~What’s that?” Changmin chimed which make Jonghyun’s smile fade away and quickly hid his phone..

“Nothing hyung.” He muttered coldly.

“Hmm, ara, I know you won’t tell me”

“Good, so don't ask anymore”

“I’ll just find a way to know. Kkk” Changmin hissed.

“Aish, I better go now” Jonghyun then get up for his seat, grabbing his bag with him and walked out of the lounge. He just left the lounge and didn't even bother to listen on to what is Changmin about to say. He doesn't know whether to reply back or not as he is on his way to his room. He thought of something good to reply then type it.

No problem, Thanks for the coffee again. Come by at our house later :)  -Jonghyun

After sending the message, he went off to his class. On his way to his room some of the students are giving him a weird look on their faces. He wondered why but being the typical Jonghyun of course he'll just let it off. 


Afternoon came and it's time for Yoona's class. She was happy while reading Jonghyun's message on the way to school. She read it for like a hundred times already and whenever she glances at the smiling emoticon she just can't helped but to feel overwhelmed. Also she was glad like it's a brand new day and nothing could go wrong for her. She was thinking of submitting her design for the Fashion Event project today which makes her excited then she could go to Jonghyun's house after class to visit him. Everything is planned on her head. As she walks at the hallways of the school someone briskly bumped into her making her fall off to the ground. She looked up to see who it is and sees a cute girl but with a heavy eyeliner on which make her kinda look mean.

"Omo, mianhae~ I was in a hurry I didn't see you.." Jiyeon apologized as she reached her hand out to her. Yoona smiled thinking that she's a good girl after all. She reached out for her hand and then Jiyeon helped her to get up.

"It's okay" Yoona muttered softly and dust off any dirt on her.

 "Yeah, anyway I have to go, I'm really sorry" Jiyeon bowed her head politely and excused herself as she walked away. Yoona bowed back to her and watched her leave for a minute. She then continued her way to her classroom while Jiyeon stopped from walking and turned to observe her.

"Tch, pabo girl" Jiyeon smirked evilly.

All of a sudden all of the students’ eyes are on Yoona as she walks around, wherever she goes they are all staring at her. Some girls even stare like they are disgusted with her. This gives her weird feeling so she went to the rest room to check herself out if there's something wrong with her face. She looked at the mirror of the restroom and but didn't see anything wrong at all. She shrugged it off and was about to go out of the restroom when suddenly three girls blocked her way. She stares at them confusedly while they stare at her like she's about to get in trouble. She noticed that one girl is holding a bucket with probably has a water on it while the two are busy gazing around as if guarding the restroom.

"Is she the one?" One girl muttered.

"Yes" Another girl answered.

"Excuse me? Do I know you?" Yoona asked politely but the two girls forcefully dragged her, pinning her down into one of the cubicles door, she tried to escape from their grasp but they seem too strong for her beside the fact that she's skinny.

"Yah! What are you going to do with me???" Yoona asked angrily.

"This is your punishment for acting up as if you’re our oppa's girlfriend You flirt!! " One girl shouted out which make Yoona more worried and certainly thought that it was Jonghyun who they are pointing out. She tried to free herself from their hold but they still overcome her strength.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" 

"Yeah right! The news is all over the school!!!"

"What do you mean?" 

"Who do you think you are for getting close to our oppa???"

“I don’t know what you are talking about!”

"You're no good for him!" one girl shouted pushing Yoona off more to the cubicle’s door. Yoona cringed from the slight pain on her back and then the one who was holding a bucket all the while, placed it above Yoona’s head and bathed her with all what is inside it to her. A tinged smell of fish stock is roaming all over Yoona’s body. She was shivering for how cold the water with fish stock that is showered at her. They all laughed at her as they even took her things and even pushed her inside a closet [a small room inside the rest room where mostly cleaning materials can be found]. She tried to fight back but they quickly closed the door of the closet and locked her in. They blocked the knob of the closet’s door so she won't be able to get out.

"Yah!!Let me out!!" Yoona screamed as she kept on banging the door.

"Stay away from Jonghyun oppa! arasso??" They threatened before walking out of the rest room, clearing up the mess they made. Yoona kept calling out for them but she noticed no one is answering anymore. 

"Someone help me! Please!" Yoona shouted out and started to feel tears are falling down from her cheeks. She felt scared and alone. She can't even make a phone call coz they took her things. She tried hard to call out but still no one is responding, never thinking that she will experience bullying in this school. All seems unreal and cannot be understood. Coldness is getting on her and even the fact that she can’t do anything against them. She rested her head on the door for a while trying to think of a way to get out. Minutes have passed and she's feeling sick with the smell that is tracing around her plus feeling chilly from being wet all of a sudden. She embraced herself to keep thinking. She felt so weak and suffocated inside.

"Hello? Is someone here?" Someone muttered waking her up from her senses. Yoona thought that this someone probably passed by the rest room and heard her crying out.

"Yes! Please! Help me!" Yoona quickly answered and bangs the door then suddenly it opens up thanks to that someone. She turned to look who it is and sees that it was the girl from before.

"Omo, thank you!" Yoona said as she slowly walked outside of the closet.

"No problem, Are you okay? What happened?" Jiyeon asked worriedly trying to help her out.

"Some girls, they did this." Yoona tries to say feeling her breathe becomes weaker.

"Aigoo. You should hide somewhere. They still might harass you if they saw you" Jiyeon added.

"ne" Yoona nodded weakly and was thankful enough that someone helped her from this mess. Jiyeon then lead her out of the restroom, looking around as if trying to hide from the girls who just hurt Yoona a while ago.


In Yoona's classroom, everyone was happy that they were able to submit their designs to Prof. Kim while leaving Key worried because Yoona isn't still around. He knows how much Yoona want to get in for the Fashion Event that's why he kept on watching the door if Yoona would just suddenly rush in.  He keeps on biting the end of his pencil hoping the Prof Kim won't go out of the room yet though it's almost dismissal time. He keeps on watching his wristwatch too to check up on time.

"Aish Yoona where are you?" he mumbled.

"Okay Class dismissed" Prof Kim spoke out which make Key troubled. All of the students make rumble sounds with their chairs and tables indicating they are on their way to leave the room. Key quickly approached their Professor to ask for an extension of the submission. 

"Sir, can you give extension for the passing of designs?" Key asked as he watched Prof. Kim arranging papers from his table.

"Have you not submitted yours yet?" Prof. Kim asked back at him.

"I already have, but please sir. This is for my friend." Key said while waiting for his answer.

"Who's your friend?" Prof. Heechul asked.

"Yoona.. Im Yoona sir" Key answered.

"Im Yoona?" Prof. Heechul repeated while raising an eyebrow, trying to remember who she is in his class.

"Yes sir"

"hmm...let's see.."


Jiyeon and Yoona went off to the rooftop coz they think it would be safest place to hide too. Jiyeon helped her rest there for a while. They sat on a bench that is placed on there. Yoona’s breathing became worse and her body feels cold already. She felt sick and Jiyeon noticed her.

"Gwenchana?" Jiyeon asked

"Ne, gwenchana, thanks to you" Yoona muttered weakly.

"Wait here, I'll go grab medicine at the clinic" Jiyeon said.

"Ani.. don't go there anymore.. You will be in trouble because of me. You better leave me here instead." Yoona said concernedly. 

"Yah! I can't do that! I just can't leave you here"

"Aniyo, it's okay.. I don't want you to get in trouble please"

"Are you sure?"


"arasso, but I'll try to ask for help out there, ok?" 

"Ok" Yoona mumbled as she nodded her head weakly. Jiyeon then hesitantly stood up and went out of the rooftop. As soon as she walked down of the stairs without Yoona looking back at her, her concerned face turns into a face. She was amused on how her evil plan turned out as her drama shut down. It was all of her plan to spread the news about Jonghyun having a girlfriend. She knew that fan girls will go out of rage when they heard about it. She knows how fan girls would react towards it but of course to be able not to get caught she has to act like a good girl in front of Yoona’s eyes. As she walks off to the hallway, she noticed the three girls who bullied Yoona just a while ago having their usual chat. She smirked as she think of another plan.

“I saw her! She escaped and went to the rooftop! Ppali before she calls out for help!” Jiyeon shouted out to earn the attention of the three girls. 


At the school’s gate, Key was waiting for Yoona if ever she will pass by. He has to tell what Prof. Kim told him about the Fashion Event so he waited for her there. He keeps on wandering his gaze with the students coming out of the school but he just can’t seem to find Yoona around. He tried to contact her phone but no one is answering which make him worried more. He sighed as he can’t find her at all but suddenly he over hears some girls gossiping as they are about to walk out of school.

“Did you hear about the news?”

“Ne! aisshh.. I can’t believe Jonghyun oppa has a girlfriend”

“What’s her name again?”

“I think it’s Yoona..Yoona Im”

“aissh.. She’s probably a flirt!!”


The girls went on with their walk not noticing how Key is getting mad already with the way they talked about his friend. Key clenches his hand into a fist when he heard them talking about Yoona like that. He was about to grab the girl's hair and have a fight with them but when a sudden tap on his shoulder stopped him.

“hyung!” Taemin greeted

“Oh Taemin-ah” Key greeted back.

“What are you doing here?” Taemin asked with a smile on his face.

“Ah.. just waiting for someone”

“Ah.. arasso..anyway I’ll go now”

“Ok” Key smiled and let Taemin leave him behind. Suddenly the gossip he heard went back in his mind.

“Jonghyun?... Jonghyun Lee?” Key continued when he realized he just talked to Jonghyun’s brother.

“Oh! Taemin-ah! Taemin-ah!” He called out. Taemin then stopped from walking and turn to look at him.

“Yes hyung?”

“Do you by chance know Yoona Im?” Key asked making Taemin tilted his head to side with a tint of confusion on his face. 



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I'm sorry for not updating for almost a week, but I'm almost done with my recent chapter, I might post it later. hope so. If laziness didn't strike me.


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cloudyluen #1
Chapter 16: Wow.. nice story... please update dont gone MIA. Thanks
yamilay #2
Chapter 16: Love this story ^^
Chapter 16: Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, i love this story. Nice storyline, although there are so many school-life story, but your story was great and impressed just the way it is. Please, try to finish this story.
Tyaswy #4
Chapter 16: Authornim update soon pleaseeeeee
Chapter 16: please continue this story
Chapter 4: Please update....
Bluestar_88 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
please update authornim :(
Chapter 16: i really hope you update this story it is very nice and i think many events will happen in the next chapters... i really really Love this story PLEASE continue to write about THEM! DEERBURNING FIGHTING....! Authornim FIGHTING !!! :D
novamp #10
Chapter 16: Please update soon this story