Savior of the Day..goes to... tantananaaaaa~

When Grumpy meets the Menace [WGM™]



At home, Jonghyun is being impatient as he waits inside his room. Either he goes to sit on the sofa or goes to lie down on his bed. He was just feeling anxious all of sudden. He knows that classes already by this time are dismissed and probably Yoona’s class as well. He kept on thinking where could she be. Somehow he feels worried too much he doesn’t even know why. He felt something wrong is happening. He snatched his phone that is resting on the small table beside his bed and quickly makes a message to her.

Yah! odiga? -Jonghyun

He waited for a few minutes but he noticed that Yoona isn't answering his text. He doesn't want to seem like he is desperate so he let it off for a few minutes more. He keeps on waiting till an hour already had passed. He went on to send her a few more messages and even called her because paranoia is eating him all up. He noticed she's really not answering her phone.

"Aishh, What the heck? Why am I this worried?” he mumbled as he sat up from his bed.

On the other hand, Yoona was resting at the rooftop and thinking of possible way to get out of school easily. Though the chilly breeze from the roof top makes her shiver she doesn't let it take over her mind. Suddenly the door of the rooftop burst opened which made her shocked and think that the girl from before came back.

"Hey, I said do-" She was about to say but stopped half way seeing who just entered the rooftop. Her eyes widened in shock and trembled in fear seeing the three girls from before. But they aren't just three of them now; a few more girls were with them. 

"Please stop...I don't know what you're talking about before.. I have enough." Yoona pleaded before standing up from her seat.

"Ha.. yeah right" One girl hissed as she was holding Yoona’s things. It even seems that they are all going on a gang fight. Yoona slowly make steps backwards. She can’t think straight anymore and want to run away from where she is. One girl smirked at the sight of the terrified Yoona. She’s not even part of the group of girls who’s tugging all over Yoona, She just sneaked up behind the door of the rooftop as to see her plan is coming in action. Jiyeon tried not to show up and started to walk away from that place.


Taemin invited Key at their house to further explain what he knew about Yoona and to at least let his brother know. As they arrived, they were welcomed with a furious Jonghyun walking around the main entrance like waiting for someone to come. The two gave him a confused look as to latter know why is he acting up like that. It’s been two hours and Yoona isn’t still showing up.

“Hyung” Taemin finally called up disturbing him.

“Shush” Jonghyun hushed while holding out his hand to Taemin and trying to think up, walking around in circles.

“Hyung” Taemin called up again.


“Key has something to ask to you”

“what is it?” Jonghyun asked as he turned his gaze to Key.

“Is it true that you are dating Yoona?” Key bluntly asked.

“What?” Jonghyun asked back being dumbfounded with Key’s question.

“is it true?”

“Wait… How did you know about that?”

“Well a few girls gossiping about it a while ago… I overheard their conversation” Key explained. Jonghyun’s eye widen in shock after hearing his explanation.

“This is bad…” he mumbled as he realized about it.

“What? Why hyung?” Key asked again but Jonghyun didn’t answer him back and walk out of the house instead. He rushes to his car leaving the two puzzled on what is happening.


“Are you done? tch..” Yoona asked sarcastically in between her breathes as she was being strangled by two girls.  She was hit a few times with the eggs thrown to her and even has some bruises because of their punches and kicks. She may look filthy and weak now but she thinks she has to be strong instead of running away from where she is. She thinks running away won’t solve anything and just face this.

“You’re really not giving up huh?”

“No.. I don’t even know why you are doing this to me”

“Coz we told you to stay away from our oppa! Why aren’t you following?”

“tch.. I don’t get you girls. He isn’t yours at all!” Yoona shouted knowing what they will react. The girls blown out of rage and they started to hit her again. Though she feels like crying, she bit her lower lip hard to prevent it taking all of their hits.

“Tomorrow, don’t show up to Jonghyun oppa anymore! Arasso?” One girl warned while pulling Yoona’s hair out.

“I won’t ever do that!” Yoona fight back while tearing up.

“sheesh.. This girl won’t just give up”

“Oh I will make her give up” The girl then put her things down in front of Yoona and motioned the other girls to let her go. Yoona then slumped down to the ground as her knees are being frail already. She looked at the girl trying to understand what she is planning. She gasped seeing the girl carrying a container of fuel and matches. Yoona looked at them with fear in her eyes. She noticed the girl pouring up the fuel to her things. She crawled back away from it knowing what will happen next. The next thing she could see is that fire eating up her things even her bag and the design she supposed to submit today.

“No..” Yoona cried out with a quivered voice.

She remembered that night, the night her parents died. Even just a tinges of fire makes her remember everything. Flashbacks were rushing to her mind. She trembled in fear crying for help. The girls just watch her raging in fear. Though they don’t know why she is reacting that way, seeing that the fire won’t burn down the whole school anyway they just let it off. Some of them are laughing some are happy but not showing thoroughly. She hugged herself still crying out for help and distancing herself from the fire.


Jiyeon was panting hard trying to catch up to the 3 Kyu-line members: Kyuhyun, Changmin and Ryeowook, who just walked out of the private lounge.

“Oppas!” she shouted out gaining their attentions.

“Oh Jiyeon ssi..” Ryeowook said softly watching the weary Jiyeon that looks like she just ran one kilometer sprint. She slowly catches her breathe before answering.

“Oppa… Yoona unnie… at the rooftop”

“What?” The three guys asked in unison.

“Yoona is being bullied at the rooftop! Ppalli!” Jiyeon cried out. The three guys were dumbfounded but didn’t waste time and hurried towards where Yoona is.

Jiyeon smiled evilly while watching the 3 guys letting them be lured with her drama and she started praising herself for being such a good actress.

"Poor Yoona..." She mumbled as the three are away from her eye sight.

“What happened to Yoona??” Someone asked behind her back. Jiyeon immediately faced who it is, knowing the voice is familiar to her.

“J-Jong..hyun oppa…” She stuttered with eyes wide in shock seeing him.

“Where is she?” Jonghyun asked and all Jiyeon could see is the worried look on his face.

“Oppa, what are you doing here?” Jiyeon asked not wanting to answer his question.

“Just tell me where is she?!” He asked angrily.

“r-rooftop..” Jiyeon hesitantly replied. She didn’t expect Jonghyun will be at school by this time and even came looking for Yoona. She felt tormented and weak at the same time. Clutching her fist while answering, she just noticed Jonghyun isn’t around anymore. She realized that he has probably run away already to the rooftop.

“issshh! Why that girl is so lucky?” She whined out stomping her feet on the ground. She didn’t expect Jonghyun ruining her plan at the very last moment.


“You should be aware now how scary we can get”

Yoona wasn’t able to reply back, her fear is taking all over her body; all she can do is cry. One girl tried to give her one last hit but her hand was stopped by someone. She turned to see who it is.

“O-oppa…” She stuttered seeing Kyuhyun gripping her wrist hard with an intense look on his face.

“How dare you?” Kyuhyun mumbled angrily to the girl’s face, threatening her to get out already. She noticed that she’s all alone and her colleague left her. They dashed out of the rooftop once seeing the Kyu-line members rushed inside. The girl gulped and run out after realizing. Wookie quickly set the fire out with the extinguisher available near the rooftop’s door while Changmin checked out Yoona’s condition. Noticing that Yoona has some bruises and can’t even stand up on her own; Changmin immediately carries her up like a bride to help her.


Jonghyun was still running off on his way to the rooftop. He finally reached it and sees no one. He was catching up with his breathe and panting wildly while looking around the place. He noticed a burnt thing on the ground and some matches on its side, understanding the situation though he didn’t see it for himself. He punched the wall as he realized he was late and curses in the wind. He went to look around out of the rooftop to check up on where is Yoona again. He felt beaten once again for the first time after 3 years have passed. It was first when he learned about the news of his ex-girlfriend’s death and now this time all he could think is Yoona’s safety.

"Damn it, Where is she?" He cursed as he turned to look around the school's ground.


The Kyu-liners went off to their private lounge and let Yoona rest there for awhile and have a talked about everything. Kyuhyun even called up Seohyun and Jessica’s help to treat Yoona’s wounds. They all gave her a worried look seeing her weak. Yoona just smiled to make them feel relieved even for a bit.

“aish! If I get my hands on those girls, I will make sure they will feel my wrath!” Jessica whined while cleaning up Yoona’s bruises on her face.

“Nado!” Seohyun added while seeing her nose flaring.

“We have to fix this thing before it gets worst.” Wookie spoke out.

Yoona didn’t react but instead kept quiet while sitting on the sofa as her wound are being treated. She's lost on her thoughts about the incident.

“Should we tell Jonghyun?” Changmin asked to all the people inside the lounge.

“No! Don’t tell him oppa!” Yoona quickly answered as she got awakened hearing the name Jonghyun.

“What not tell me?”

“Jonghyun…” Kyuhyun mumbled after seeing Jonghyun on the doorway of the lounge.

 Yoona got shocked but quickly hide her face with a pillow. She doesn’t want Jonghyun to see her condition, her face that’s full of wounds.

Jonghyun just stare at her though he can’t see her face. He tried to approach her but his way was blocked by Wookie and gave him a stern look.

“It’s better if you let this pass today” Wookie mumbled.

“What? I don’t get you..” Jonghyun continued but still Wookie didn’t let him pass thru and shakes his head in disapproval.

“Why I can’t even see nor talk to her?!” Jonghyun asked angrily but saying it loud enough so Yoona can hear. They didn’t answer him back, no one dared to.

“Tell me what happened…” He calmly said. 

“We will…for now just let these pass today.” Kyuhyun reasoned out. Jonghyun is confused and yet he let this off and walked out of the lounge a bit irritated.

Yoona then slowly remove the pillow that is covering her face a while ago as to see Jonghyun isn’t around the lounge anymore. She wanted to cry but she bit her lower lip to avoid it.

They all gave her meaningful look to keep strong.

“gwenchana” Yoona smiled to everyone to not make them worry anymore.

“We have to do something with this.” Kyuhyun bluntly said.

“Yeah. We must stop the bullying thing.” Changmin added.

“How?” Jessica asked.

“I think I have a solution for that..” Wookie said whilst rubbing his chin.

They all looked at Wookie as to wonder what he is planning. They didn’t notice that Jonghyun stayed outside to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“What are you thinking Wookie?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Kyu-line Protection Program~” Wookie chimed to all of them.

"What??" All of them asked in unison. 

Savior of the Day..goes to... tantananaaa~ Kyu-line members~ LOL XD Jonghyun wae are you late?!


A/N: Finally I was able to update \o/ I know you probably hate me coz I didn't update for like almost 2-3 weeks? This lazy author-nim is at fault. I will take the blame. Hopefully I didn't lose my readers T^T but if ever I have. I will still continue this story till the end. I love my subscribers. Please comment >< It will be much appreciated. I want to know your opinions. Anyway I'm really really sorry. -bows 90 degs- If you noticed that this is chapter 11 and not chapter 12 coz I deleted the one I posted at chapter 10- where I said sorry and so on.. blah blah.. xD 

<3<3<3 more loves to you all. 

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I'm sorry for not updating for almost a week, but I'm almost done with my recent chapter, I might post it later. hope so. If laziness didn't strike me.


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cloudyluen #1
Chapter 16: Wow.. nice story... please update dont gone MIA. Thanks
yamilay #2
Chapter 16: Love this story ^^
Chapter 16: Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, i love this story. Nice storyline, although there are so many school-life story, but your story was great and impressed just the way it is. Please, try to finish this story.
Tyaswy #4
Chapter 16: Authornim update soon pleaseeeeee
Chapter 16: please continue this story
Chapter 4: Please update....
Bluestar_88 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
please update authornim :(
Chapter 16: i really hope you update this story it is very nice and i think many events will happen in the next chapters... i really really Love this story PLEASE continue to write about THEM! DEERBURNING FIGHTING....! Authornim FIGHTING !!! :D
novamp #10
Chapter 16: Please update soon this story