Mission Impossible?

When Grumpy meets the Menace [WGM™]


After agreeing with the dare, I got everything in an instant. I was able to pay my brother's medication; also our rent now is for free. I was able to buy new clothes and the most exciting one is to get in school again. My life is so wonderful. Yoona flailed her arms like a crazy girl. "Kyaah~ Oh I'm so happy~ Yeah~*the tune of Sherlock* " She sang while putting her new clothes on.

Yoona kept daydreaming in her bedroom while preparing herself for school. She was given a chance to study the major she had been wishing for, Fashion Designing. She squealed in excitement knowing she will be in school again. But isn't she forgetting something? Yoona immediately snapped out back to reality. Of course she remembered that everything isn't for free. She still had to be with that grumpy guy and make him fall in love. She didn't regret taking the dare anymore. She remembered what Kyuhyun said about the rules that if she wasn't able to make him fall in a month. All the ties between them will be cut off, then no money anymore, and she will be removed from the school too.

"If it didn't work, beats me. At least I was able to pay for my expenses for a month and I was able to experienced school life again, and the most important thing in about a month my brother will go out of the hospital if he got his continuous medications. DAEBAKKKK~" Yoona feel alive again but of course a promise is a promise she'll try her best for that dare. She never breaks her promises. She planned on what she will do with Jonghyun.

"Mr. Grumpy just wait.. " She murmured to herself while a small smirk crept on her face.  


Jonghyun made his way inside the campus while carrying his back pack on his right arm. He noticed a familiar clothing everywhere he goes. All of the students wear the same thing. The Hello Kitty Swag jacket he was wearing yesterday. Either it will a boy or a girl they wore the same jacket. 

One fan girl even cried out "Kyahh~ Jonghyun oppa, I'm wearing the same clothing like yours. I felt we've gotten close, please be my boyfriend! I will buy you a lot of hello kitty stuffs!!!"  Jonghyun felt scared with the crazy fan girl and ran off to hide.

"What the hell?" he mumbled while looking around to see if the coast is clear now, scanning every corner, all he sees are the same thing but he makes sure there are no more crazy fans out there. He turned a glance at the School's announcement board as he walk passed by it and caught a glimpsed of something eerie. A picture of him wearing the same jacket posted at the board with a caption "Jonghyun Lee's New Fashion Trend". He immediately scratched off the picture from the board.

"Haha! I told you it will be a trend Jonghyunnie~" Changmin scoffed off as he show up from behind Jonghyun and receiving a glare of course but he just shrugged it off. 

"Is this your scheme hyung?"

"No.. You know how your fans are. If they see you wearing one they will copy you immediately." Changmin chuckled. 

"Whatever." Jonghyun muttered coldly and trampled the picture with his hand, throwing it into a trash bin after. He then continued to go to his class.

"Okay, see ya later!" Changmin shouted to him while watching him leave. Jonghyun just raised his left hand without looking back at him indicating that he agrees.


Yoona arrived early at school. She still got 1 hour before her class starts so she decided to go to the library to take notes of her plans this day. She wandered around in amazement seeing what's inside the Seoul University. Such an extra-ordinary school as she thought. She then head off to the library satisfied with her surroundings.

"Ok. Mission no. 1 : Visit Jonghyun in his class before going to my class and greet him happily " Yoona writes this on her notes. Making a list of things she should do with him. It even has title on it. "How to Make Grumpy Fall List ". She giggled while reading the title over and over again. She then realized that it's time for Jonghyun's class. So she hastily grabbed her things and went off to find his classroom. How did she get to know Jonghyun's schedule? Kyuhyun gave her all the information she needs. He even gave her a tour around the school so she won't get lost at all.

"Room 304?" Yoona reads the room numbers aloud making sure it is Jonghyun's classroom. She noticed the door was closed but there's a mini window in it so she leaned on the door to peek if Jonghyun is inside. The door suddenly burst out open because of some student who was planning to go outside, making Yoona fall off inside the class room hitting the floor. All of students' eyes landed on her making them stopped on their businesses. She whimpered in pain then suddenly realized what just happened.

Jonghyun whose table was just right in front of her gives out a menacingly stare. She steadily stood up and made a 90 degrees bow to everyone. "Jeosonghamnida" she spoke politely and quickly went out of the class room. Jonghyun followed her which made everyone curious.

"What are you doing just now?" Jonghyun asked angrily while following Yoona. Yoona stopped walking right away and faced him. "Mianhae.. I just want to greet you before going to my class." She said.  

"I don't need that. Don't ever go to my classes, I tell you. " Jonghyun warned.

"Yah! Don’t be a meanie. I wasn't intending to do that."

"tch.. just don't. arasso?"

Yoona frowned with what he said but it didn't change her mind at all. 

"Anii! I will visit every time I wanted too!" she said giving out her best smile.

Jonghyun can't believe with what she just said. He just decided to walk out frigidly not giving any answer to her. 

"Yah Lee Jonghyun! Remember this! I won't give up!" She shouted.

"Psh..  We’ll see" Jonghyun mumbled while leaving her alone.

Yoona make a scowled face and gets her note. "Ok, Mission No 1. - failed." she sighed and went off to her class after.


Mission No. 2 - Have lunch with him :D 

She roamed around the school's cafeteria carrying her home-made lunch. She even bothered to make Jonghyun one too. How unfortunate that he isn't around the cafeteria. "Did he rest at the private lounge today?" she mumbled while still searching around the cafeteria. She went to check up the lounge but still no Jonghyun around.  

"Where is he?" 

"Who are you looking for?" someone said behind her back. She turned to see who it is.

"Ah. Changmin oppa. Annyeong" She greeted.

"Are you looking for Jonghyun?" he asked.

"Hmm. Nae~ "

"He's not here. During lunch he would usually go to his hiding place, starving himself to death. kk.." 

"Omo.. chincha? Where is it?" Yoona asked worriedly.

He let out a soft chuckle seeing Yoona's reaction. "I'll tell you but don't utter it to anyone." he finally said.


Jonghyun actually has a lot of hiding places, It may be either the abandoned building at the back of their school, the school's rooftop or maybe his favorite bench under an oak tree near the abandoned building. Right now, he is sitting on his favorite bench. Letting himself listen to the birds chirping or how the wind blows the branches of the trees. It was music to his ears. He closed his eyes and let his imagination wander. He just loved here being alone. He has a sharp sense in hearing so he immediately knows when someone is walking towards his direction. He opened his eyes which kinda make a blurry vision an after effect of closing his eyes all the while; He then tried to comprehend who the figure is.

Yoona stood in front of him, holding out a lunch box to him. Jonghyun then realized who it is. 

"How did you find me?"

"Secret~" She giggled.

"Aish, why are you here?"

She sat beside him not answering his question and opens the lunch box right away. "Tada~ " She exclaimed showing what's inside, a few pieces of kimbap and egg rolls. Jonghyun just scoffed and muttered. “I’m not hungry."

"Hmm.. Oh that's fine. I was just showing this to you. kkk~ " Yoona then started to eat some.

"Oh yeah? Then get out of here.." He moves his head motioning for her to leave.

"Ani, I will stay here! " She said while shoving some more kimbap to .

"Then  I will leave, Bye." Jonghyun stood up immediately but was stopped as Yoona grabbed his wrist.

She tried to talk but is full of kimbap which make her spit a bit of the rice on Jonghyun's shirt. She swallowed the food immediately as she and Jonghyun witnessed what happened.. "Aishhhh.. You!" He removed his hand from her grasp and walked out mad for the nth time with her.

"Mianhae..." Yoona said while watching him leaving her alone for the 2nd time today.


"Unnie eotteoke?" Yoona cried out as she tries to hug the rest room's wall, trying to copy Harry Potter who was able to pass through walls in the movie. She wanted to be eaten by it because of shame.

"Ah wae?" Jessica asked as she watched Yoona being weird today.

" I keep messing up. Jonghyun is always in a bad mood when he's with me" 

"How many days have passed already since the dare?" 

Yoona think for a while before answering"Ahm.. a day?"

"See? A day Yoona! You can't expect him to just fall in an instant. Just be yourself. Believe me.." Jessica advised.

"Unnie you're so jjang!~ " Yoona screamed out and hugged her.

"Aish. my baby girl~ " Jessica acted up like a mom which make them both burst out laughing. But they don't know that their conversation is being overheard by someone who is silently inside one of the cubicle of the rest room. As soon as Yoona and Jessica went out of the rest room. She opens the cubicle's door and went off the sink to wash her hands. "A dare with Jonghyun oppa? " she muttered in tone of disagreement.


Mission 3 : Make a good Impression to his parents.

Yoona still continued to work for Manager Kim at the cafe even though she started schooling already. After her job is done, she went off right away to borrow their delivery motor to get to Jonghyun's house. She carefully put in a box of cake in it and drives off towards her destination. Although she's wearing a skirt and heels this time, she didn't mind using a motor as her transportation.



She felt familiar with the streets as she passed by on the way to Jonghyun's house. She then remembered that this is the same street to get to their old house. Weird feelings trying to get on her but she let it off not wanting to remember the past anymore. She stopped by across the house and got amazed on how big his house was a mansion to be exact. 

"Is this really his house?" she asked to herself while looking at the piece of paper where Jonghyun's address is written. "fksdnfsjkfkjsd. OMG, It is!. They are really that rich. Wahh.. Oh right.. the cake!" Yoona clasped her hand together and took out the box of cake. She walked off the street carrying the box of cake and tried to passed by but she forgot to look on her side where a car is about to pass by.

Sccreeeekkk.. Blag.. Crack..

Yoona was too shocked she can't believe what just happened. She fell off her to the ground making her heels break and the box of cake fall off to the ground ruined.  Good thing the car stopped right away in front of her or she'll be dead already.

"What the hell are you thinking, why suddenly crossing the road? Are you stupid?" Jonghyun shouted out while getting off his car.

Yoona started crying out which make Jonghyun more worried. 

"Yah! Gwenchana?"

Yoona tries to speak in between her sobs. " the..  c-,,,cake.. is.. ruined.. even ...my heels" she cried out loud again.

"What the hell? You were almost got yourself killed but you still worry for the cake and your heels?." Jonghyun grumbled.

"Anyway what are you doing here?"

“The cake was for you and for your family and the heels were expensive you know..." She finally said calmly. 

Jonghyun think for a while on how really determined the girl in front of her. Somehow this is the 3rd time she came after him. "psh.. How persistent." he mumbled softly and made a little smile on his face but Yoona wasn't able to witness it coz she's trying to picked up the cake that was ruined on the ground. 

Jonghyun then went to his house leaving her behind.

"Yah! Are you leaving me again???" She called out as she noticed him walking away.

He turned around to face her while giving a slight smile on his face "Aren't you coming in?" 

Yoona was shocked with what she just heard that Jonghyun is actually inviting her in with a smile on his face. For the first time? Is this real? or am I just dreaming??? Did he just smile? sjfnsdkjfsd. OMGAWDDD. Why did I just noticed that now.. Yeah.. He is really handsome.. or more like Beautiful. kkkk. 

"what? are you coming or not?" Jonghyun said making Yoona snapped out back to reality.

"Coming!" Yoona tried to stand up but failed as she felt pain in her ankle. She just noticed it now and winced in pain again as she tried to move it for the second time. Jonghyun immediately approached her. 

"You got yourself sprained.” he worriedly said as he checked again her ankle.

"But I'm okay.."

"I'll carry you inside, Ride on" Jonghyun then turned showing his back to her. Yoona blinked her eyes for a few times trying to wonder if this is really the Jonghyun he was talking before.

"Come on now" Jonghyun angrily grumbled being irritated coz Yoona is still on a dazed. Yoona immediately ride on to his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jonghyun stood up and started to walk in their house while Yoona on his back.

LOL. Well, he really is still the grumpy guy but now, I got to see his different side. Am I lucky? Why do I feel my heart thumping wildly?




A/N: Thanks for the subscribers. I want to thank you all one by one but asianfanfic is being little a meanie on me. It won't let me comment .__. Oh well. Hope you guys like this chapter. don't forget comment and subscribe.  :D 

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I'm sorry for not updating for almost a week, but I'm almost done with my recent chapter, I might post it later. hope so. If laziness didn't strike me.


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cloudyluen #1
Chapter 16: Wow.. nice story... please update dont gone MIA. Thanks
yamilay #2
Chapter 16: Love this story ^^
Chapter 16: Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, i love this story. Nice storyline, although there are so many school-life story, but your story was great and impressed just the way it is. Please, try to finish this story.
Tyaswy #4
Chapter 16: Authornim update soon pleaseeeeee
Chapter 16: please continue this story
Chapter 4: Please update....
Bluestar_88 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
please update authornim :(
Chapter 16: i really hope you update this story it is very nice and i think many events will happen in the next chapters... i really really Love this story PLEASE continue to write about THEM! DEERBURNING FIGHTING....! Authornim FIGHTING !!! :D
novamp #10
Chapter 16: Please update soon this story