▤ ( Targeted Romance )

▤ ( The Notebook ) ━ Ideas
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▤ ( Targeted Romance )-simplicity-



whoever you chooose, idols, applicants, etc




With Valentines right around the corner, _____ High has decided to host their annual school couples contest. This contest is everyone's most expected and nervous contest with plenty of students joining, whether they are really a couple or not because this involves a grand prize of a two night and three day escapade to Jeju Island, the place of romance. All work would be dismissed and they would not be hold accountable for their absences. Not to mention, the couple can also star in an mv with an artist of their choice writing a song based on their love story. So who'll be the lucky 'couple' this time around?





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Notebook : added 2 new ideas. (ghostwriter & book of life)


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Chapter 131: is book of life up or??
bc someone commented
down below but it says
available and idk bc--
it seems so cool i wanna
adopt it but iDk )):
ihatehanbin #2
Chapter 131: hiii can i adopt book of lifeee??
Chapter 131: wow, both new additions are amazing!
haha i would love to read one of them. xD
not write, i won't ever complete it. XD
Chapter 3: Can I have idea number 2?
KpopObsession15 #5
Chapter 3: Can i adopt idea numer 5
baymaxx #6
Chapter 128: can i adopt this idea c:
Chapter 124: does it rly take that long for the girl to poop the pearl out of her system