▤ ( The Dollmaker )

▤ ( The Notebook ) ━ Ideas
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▤ ( The Dollmaker )-simplicity-



whoever you chooose, idols, applicants, etc




The dollmaker resides in a secluded house in the middle of the woods, very similar to that of the witch in the candy house. One look into the small cabin and one can see plenty of porcelain dolls seated on the many different levels of shelves he adorned his small cottage with. On the outside, the dollmaker was mysterious but not one who looked evil at all. In fact, he was pretty friendly once he reaches towns. When girls starts to go missing, he's honestly not the first one suspected, yet he's the real culprit. Luring ladies into his house and them of their souls, they have become one of his many pawns. Until they find a subsitute. When the girls get desperate, they start dragging down others to live and it was something the dollmaker always laughed at. He knew everyone was selfish at heart, but maybe someone can restore h

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Notebook : added 2 new ideas. (ghostwriter & book of life)


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Chapter 131: is book of life up or??
bc someone commented
down below but it says
available and idk bc--
it seems so cool i wanna
adopt it but iDk )):
ihatehanbin #2
Chapter 131: hiii can i adopt book of lifeee??
Chapter 131: wow, both new additions are amazing!
haha i would love to read one of them. xD
not write, i won't ever complete it. XD
Chapter 3: Can I have idea number 2?
KpopObsession15 #5
Chapter 3: Can i adopt idea numer 5
baymaxx #6
Chapter 128: can i adopt this idea c:
Chapter 124: does it rly take that long for the girl to poop the pearl out of her system