▤ ( Ideas ) ━ 41- 50

▤ ( The Notebook ) ━ Ideas
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  ▤  # 041 - Love and War

Plot Two girls who became enemies because of one guy became best friends because of that same guy. When history repeats itself and have the girls falling together for another guy once again, would they choose chicks before ? Or let another guy destroy a genuine friendship?   Genre Friendship, Romance, Drama,    Characters The two girls, love interests   Notes Both of these girls are competitive!!! Don't give me that bullcrap where one is willing to back down for their friend or they wouldn't have become enemies to begin with. This would be better for comedy and you can write about how both the girls try to get his attention  


  ▤ # 042 - Lost & Found

Plot When he goes on a voyage by himself to the secluded chain of islands, the least he expected was to become shipwrecked on one of them where no one ever travels to. Blame him for being so adventurous, a flaw obviously in this situation. When he meets a girl on the island, they decided to stay together and find a way off the island. Yet when he is found, he seems to have been the only one the island all this time? No other signs of another survivor is anywhere. Who was she really?   Genre Romance, Maybe horror   Characters Anyone   Notes inspired from sims 2 castaway and me washing dishes LMFAO Suggestions: You don't have to add in the part where the girl is probably a ghost and instead focus on these two stranger's developement on the island. Think survival instincts and challenges that would happen if you were to ever become shripwrecked.  


  ☑ # 043 - Code : Rainbow

Plot One squad in the police force are starting to become outstanding not because they are exceptionally good at their job, but more like they are the jokes of the force. When their team leader goes missing and is found to be kidnapped, the group starts to get serious and finally not up like they always do. Would they be able to save the team leader in the end?   Genre Crack, Etc etc   Characters Applicants and whoever   Notes Okaay so I thought up this story in the genre of crack, but it doesn't have to be. If you do, at the end, maybe it was all just a phony case to get the team to finally do their work. They are basically the outcast of the cops, the back back back-ups and tend to mess up missions wherever they go. Keep that in mind.  


  ▤ # 044 - Cops of Greenville

Plot The story that follows a cop unit as they solve cases and how they manage to balance work with personal life or if they don't at all. These aren't the top of the top, just normal cops who investigate homicides every now and then, give parking tickets, and rarely used their gun. When they catch news of a big case and is assigned the lead team for the first time, they have a hard time adjusting but maybe, just maybe they can solve the case and claim honor for their team.   Genre Action, Drama, etc   Characters anyone   Notes This unit isn't the top of the top people okaay?! I'm pretty sick of seeing all the stories that say either they are the top of the top or the jokes, even though I made the idea in the previous chapter. These are normal cops in a small town kind of thing if you like. They will fail, they will up, remember that.  


  ▤ # 045 - Time Will Tell

Plot Two kids tied together by documents because of their social background, the heir and heiress to one of the most famous Korea facilities, brands, etc. They are together under the law, but behind th
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Notebook : added 2 new ideas. (ghostwriter & book of life)


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Chapter 131: is book of life up or??
bc someone commented
down below but it says
available and idk bc--
it seems so cool i wanna
adopt it but iDk )):
ihatehanbin #2
Chapter 131: hiii can i adopt book of lifeee??
Chapter 131: wow, both new additions are amazing!
haha i would love to read one of them. xD
not write, i won't ever complete it. XD
Chapter 3: Can I have idea number 2?
KpopObsession15 #5
Chapter 3: Can i adopt idea numer 5
baymaxx #6
Chapter 128: can i adopt this idea c:
Chapter 124: does it rly take that long for the girl to poop the pearl out of her system