▤ ( Ideas ) ━ 21- 30

▤ ( The Notebook ) ━ Ideas
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  ▤  # 021 - The Pact

Plot The many sons of King Jaewoo, 12 to be exact, all disappeared on the same night the full moon rose. Convinced that they were kidnapped, he orders the whole kingdom's people to go on a search for the 12 missing boys but nobody was able to find anything. They just disappeared into thin air and after months of searching without finding them, he finally accepted that they'd be gone forever. This was back in the early 1950s. Now its 2013 and the mystery still remains in the kingdom of Elixir. As a group of girls find themselves wondering and actually researching more about this mystery for a Global Project, a group of boys suddenly appear in their lives. At some points, they seem like they're helping the girls with getting more clues but they always end up back at square A. Are the boys really there to help the girls with the project or are they hiding some sort of secret pertaining to the mystery of Elixir?   Genre Mystery, Supernatural, Romance   Characters Applicants, Exo   Notes So like I saw Exo's Men Style photoshoot and this idea just came to mind where they're from the past and suddnely disappeared. Basically, a group of modern girls search into a mystery of the early 1950s and then Exo suddenly appears in their school, joining their group. Apparently they announce they can help them with finding out the reason behind the missing boys but they're actually obstructing the girls from really finding anything out. I was thinking the secret was they're werewolves. They had traveled together being reckless teens and well, got bit by an alpha seeking to expand his packs. (sighs too much teen wolf feels rn tbh.) After being bitten, the 12 manages to break out from the alpha and start their own pack that went by one pact. They will not harm the innocent and need to protect the humans from finding out about supernaturals.  


  ▤ # 022 - The Baby Project

Plot There's some kind of depiction for hell and heaven for everyone but for a group of college students in their final days of their biology class, hell was right in their face. That came in the form of a baby. Having made their way towards the end of the college course, a class of students finds themselves becoming guinea pigs for their biology teacher who has given the class the task of taking care of a baby with a designated partner that he, himself, chooses, for the next two weeks. If they return the baby with poor condition, they fail the class, all hard work and effort put into the majority of the year gone. If this test was to go smoothly, he had decided that everyone can pass with an 100 for the class and will continue using this as a finals exam because how hard can taking care of a baby be right?   Genre Crack, Comedy, Optional Romance   Characters Applicants, Chosen love interests   Notes An idol as the teacher. Someone cracky. Inspired from seeing my sister doing her homework and a vague memory of a movie like that. The groups should be one girl and one boy. I'm not sure if the class biology fits this exam, so you can change it.  


  ☑ # 023 - Rebirth

Plot In the idol world when everything is monitored and one little mistake can cause you your future, one idol group had fully destroyed their own future towards fame. Being hated. Being bashed. Being insulted wherever they go, just from that small mistake, they had lost most support. Now they are back again and determined to change their image. They will reborn as the next top idol group.   Genre Drama, Optional Romance   Characters Applicants and chosen love interests   Notes So basically, a girl group apply fanfic but I thought this would be more different. It's about a girl group whose having a comeback after a few years and back to prove everyone that lost support for them, they can become just as great. Some things that may have brought the group down. ​One girl dating a top idol/actor gets hated on by everyone, saying she doesn't deserve him and everything. Though idol dating is quite open nowadays, think Exo member. If one of them were to ever date, all hell would break lose. Another member being sued for drug uses, accidents she caused. Refer to the Nichkhun, or Daniel from DMTN's case. The group being accused of bullying or being completey rude to seniors though they just debuted.  


  ☑ # 024 - Humanoids

Plot In the future world where idol replicas are made and every fangirl out there though have craved to be with the real one, finds themself satisfied with the humanoids that stood in their room, slept on their bed, and had the same face and maybe even personality of their idols, the idols find it ridiculous that they are slowly losing popularity because of the robots. Now the next merchants are in for a surprise when the 'humanoid' arrives in their home and they find out its actually the idol himself, trying to see what made all the fangirls devoted to the humanoids. With humanoids now standing on the stage as their replacement, when would their secret be found out?   Genre Comedy, Romance   Characters Applicants, chosen love interests   Notes This crazy idea just came into mind LOL. imagine the perfect world where robots that are exactly like your idols, can be bought. Think absolute boyfriend. T
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Notebook : added 2 new ideas. (ghostwriter & book of life)


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Chapter 131: is book of life up or??
bc someone commented
down below but it says
available and idk bc--
it seems so cool i wanna
adopt it but iDk )):
ihatehanbin #2
Chapter 131: hiii can i adopt book of lifeee??
Chapter 131: wow, both new additions are amazing!
haha i would love to read one of them. xD
not write, i won't ever complete it. XD
Chapter 3: Can I have idea number 2?
KpopObsession15 #5
Chapter 3: Can i adopt idea numer 5
baymaxx #6
Chapter 128: can i adopt this idea c:
Chapter 124: does it rly take that long for the girl to poop the pearl out of her system