
Missing Lauren!



Lauren walked around fill with scare. She wants to go home with her appas, she want her appas. Lauren eyes watery and she sniffed and the man walked up to her.

"Hey little girl. You're pretty, what are you doing here?" Lauren stares at him and she look away.

'I'm not suppose to talk to stranger. Go away stranger.' Lauren thought as she walks away. She hold her stomach, she's very hungry. "Yah, you're hungry?" Lauren stopped, she look at the stranger. "Come with oppa, he can take you to get some food." Lauren look at him with a face, 'your too far to be called oppa and you're ugly.' Lauren thought but she walk to him. "Ha, that's a good girl." the stranger touch behind back of her hand and Lauren willing walk where the stranger take her.

'Food.' Lauren thought fill with lots of foods.


Sengho sigh but coughing as G.O looks at the floor front of him while Thunder is lying on the floor and Mir watch through the window.

"How long is Lee Joon out there searching?" Mir asked with low voice and Thunder respond emotionless.

"Four hours. He didn't call us." G.O sigh softly and he notices his daughter, Dayoung hides in the shadow.

"Dayoung, why are you up? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" G.O frown while all appas look at her worried and concerned.

Dayoung look down and shake her head, "I can't sleep." G.O stood up and walk to her.

"Wae?" Dayoung look at her favorite appa, "I miss Lauren." G.O smile sadly and he picks her up. "We all miss Lauren." Dayoung hides her face in G.O shouler and he pats her back gently.

Mir sigh and look back at the window, he saw the gray clouds cover quickly and heard the thunder sound in the background.

"It's going to be rain?" Mir thought out loud as Sengho glance at Mir and look down.

"I heard the weather is gonna be storm for the rest of the week or two." Sengho cough once again. G.O frown at his leader, "I think you should go to another room and rest." Sengho sigh and nod his head.

"I should do that." Sengho stood up and walk to another room to rest.

Mir close the curtains and sit down on the sofa, "If Lee Joon is not back by tonight, he'll catch a cold." all appas nodded agreeing while Dayoung peak at her appas.

Dayoung is not jealous of Lauren anymore, she understands now, because she and Lauren already talked about it. Dayoung remember that Lauren told her that she's love Lee Joon-appa. Dayoung eyes watery and she quickly cover her face on G.O shoulder.

G.O rubbing her back smooth and softy, "Shhh...We’re all missing her." G.O peck her head.

-Lee Joon-

Lee Joon kept run and run around while the rains become harder and harder. Lee Joon pant while look around in panic and anxious, he dropped his knee on the ground and look around in the middle of the nowhere. Lee Joon looks up at the dark gloomy sky, "Lauren!!!!!!!!" Lee Joon shouted through the loudest windy and rainy.

Meanwhile Lauren is eating mini pancakes with a stranger sitting across from her. He smirking while watching her, "She would make a really good money." He secretly laughing while Lauren her lips.

'Why is old man laughing?' Lauren thought in confusion but she shrugged off and keeps eating.


What da yall think of this poster? Isn't amazing?! XD

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Llamasandpandas #1
Can you please update again
Pandalover321 #2
I love his story please update<3<3<3
Chapter 8: What??? That's going to be a disaster
Matrix31 #4
Chapter 7: Please update soon this story is amazing and interesting
please update soon... i hope they find lauren...
KpopJujuBee #6
omg please hurry up and finsh this story please omg lee joon hurry up and find her!!! loves your stories ^^
Everyone is so worried about Lauren. Joon, hurry and find her before that stranger does something to her!!! ><"
ochi_kawaii #8
omo.. this is so cute >o<
please continue it ^^
Thank u ^_^
Tis is so tensing, cliffhanger to me :/ Update soon okay? ^_^v Although you update till chapter 4 IT IS DAEBAK! (Y) Fighting! ^^