A walk with my hero

I'll go wherever you go

Narrator's POV

Friday afternoon, a typical day where it is considered as most of the student's favorite part of the week. Reasons are because they find it a lot exciting fo what they call weekend parties. It is like a holiday for them after all the hardworks they've done in the school. There are simply two kinds of students here in Shinhwa, first is those students who go straight to their homes just to find their parents worry-free while the second kind of students are those who usually came from a wealthy family and who like partying and don't care if their parents are worried sick. Dara along with her bestfriend, Bom were invited by some of their friends to come and join them at such club far from the school. Dara didn't care to join them because she insisted that she is not the type to be hanging around at a club late at night.
Dara's POV
As my friends ask me to join them, I quickly responded no because that's not really my thing, I told Bom that she can go and join them and that I can go home by myself too. She insisted if I would be safe since it's already late but I exclaimed that it is alright.
"Don't talk to strangers, okay? Call me when you got home. Bye!" said Bom.
As I saw them left I went downstairs to go home then I saw Jiyong who's about to go to my direction.
"Oppa?" I said in disbelief.
"Hey, why the hell are you still here? It's already late, don't your parents get worried and angry?" asked Jiyong.
"They're in abroad. I was about to go home but then I saw you."  I explained.
"Is that so? Then let's take you home." said Jiyong.
He's going to take me home? Kyaaah!
"You sure are a good girl, Dara although sometimes you are so worrysome." Jiyong suddenly said.
"Have you heard about our conversation earlier? You sure loves to eavesdrop, huh." I said as I chuckled.
"You don't know what happens at night and it's dangerous nowadays, you know." His tone suddenly changed into a serious one.
What's this all about? Worrying about me, then lecturing me?
"I know all of that, you don't have to worry." I said.
"What made you think that I'm worrying for you?" Jiyong suddenly asked.
"Well, it's because you keep on telling me not to go home late, right?" I said.
"Think whatever you want." He said as he walked faster.
"Hey oppa, wait for me." I exclaimed as I held his hand.
"I.. I'm sorry." I said in a low voice.
"For what?" asked Jiyong.
"For always giving you troubles." I answered.
"Tch, stupid." He said as I saw him smirked.
"Hey, it's not nice for a girl to hear you saying that and calling me that." I exclaimed.
"And now you're angry with me?" asked Jiyong.
"It's just that you called me stupid." I answered.
"What a stupid but... cute girl you are, Dara. Happy now?" said Jiyong.
He said cute? Oh my gosh I think my heart skipped a beat when I heard that.
"So this is your home?" asked Jiyong.
"Yeah, I've been living here since High school." I explained.
As we finally arrived to my place, I thanked him again just to be answered by a smile and then I waved my right hand at him to bid goodbye. I saw him turned around as I went inside.
Jiyong's POV
Damn, this girl is making me crazy. How can she go home all by herself this late at nght? Now that there a lot of bad guys lurking around. Did she even know that? How can she be carefree like that? I have to admit the fact that I'm worrying about her because she's my friend, right? No offense but I am really just worried about her safety. After I went home, I just went to my bed to do some of my random and typical hobbies everyday. Sitting on the bed, listening to music or reading some random books until I fell asleep. After I'm done with all these, I finally slept.
Dara's POV
*clock alarms*
*wakes up and sees the time*
That time already? Oh my gosh. I'm gonna be late for today's walk with Jiyong. As I opened my pretty big cabinet, I picked four clothes particularly dresses and then I placed it on my bed. I began thinking what to choose and suddenly I saw a pink chiffon dress. This is the best! I quickly took a bath then got ready and I went outside then drove myself to the park. I told Jiyong yesterday that we should just meet at the park that's why I went there quickly just to find him sitting on a bench near a fountain.
"You're late." said Jiyong.
"I'm terribly sorry, I overslept, that's why." I explained.
"Well, what are we going to do, anyways?" asked Jiyong.
"Do you want to ride something at the amusement park? It's just nearby here." I asked.
"Sure." he answered.
As we arrived at the amusement park two girls approached us.
"What a lovely couple you are! Come and ride one of  our couple bikes. It's gonna be fun!" the other girl said.
"Um, let me just clarify, we're not a couple. Actually we're just friends." I shyly explained.
"It's okay, we'll ride it." said Jiyong.
OMG, we will look like a couple more if we ride this couple bike!
"Is this really okay with you?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah." was his only response.
As we got on the bike, he started riding it.
"I can see that you don't know how to ride a bike. You can just held me on my waist." sad jiyong.
"Thanks, oppa." I said as I saw him smirked.
This feeling I am feeling right now is really amazing. How can this guy who I've just met a couple of days ago let me feel this way? I really fell inlove with him deeply. I don't want any Prince Charming in my life right now since my hero's now here, I don't mind. I thought at first that I was hated but it's not exactly what I can feel when he's around me. He makes me feel safe when I'm with him and I always feel butterflies on my stomach when he's near. I'm so glad we've met.
Jiyong's POV
Oh my God. Why do I always agrees on whatever she says or insist? I mean, I can just say no to her but I'm afraid that would hurt her feelings. I already hurt her feelings, though by rejecting her recent confession. It doesn't matter as long as she's happy by my side. As I noticed her looking bored somehow I asked her if she wanted to learn how to bike.
"Hey, do you want me to teach you how to ride a bike?" I asked.
"S-sure." said Dara.
"Okay, here we go. Just take your balance well, you'll be able to learn." I explained.
"Okay, don't let go unless I told you to, okay? Here I go." said Dara.
"You can try to let go now, oppa." She continued.
As I finally let her go alone, I saw that she's balancing very well but then she still fell down. I quickly approached her asking if she's alright.
"Hey, clumsy. Are you alright?" I asked in disbelief.
"How dare you." She said while weeping.
"Why didn't you follow me? I wouln't have fell down if you were near." She continued, still crying.
"Oh, I'm sorry. As an apology, I'll buy you an ice cream." I said.
"An ice cream? What do you think of me? A child?" exclaimed Dara.
"There, there." I said caressing her head. As I offer my hand to help her stand up.
As she stood up, her angry and pissed off face were still seen so I took her to the near ice cream store and bought her one. She began to smile while eating it. She thanked me too and forgave me. I didn't realize such small thing would make her come back to her cuddly and cheerful side. Once I saw her smile like that again, I asked her if she wanted to ride something more and she said that she wanted us to ride the ferris wheel. We went to the ferris wheel and then we got inside. Silence interfered first then I suddenly brought some topic and we began talking to each other again like normal friends even though I feel that we are like a couple like the others who are here in the amusement park.
Author's Note: An early update! Again, I would love to see your comments and please subscribe! I <3 you guys!
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sweetmiele #1
Chapter 14: Oppa who? Continue this jiyongsfuturewife please
I love the story! <3 update soon neh? x)
Chapter 14: new character??? Who could he be? Hmmmmm,please update soon :)
applerVIP #4
wow.. its so cool that you can do such cool things hahhha! it made readers feel important! :) anyway.. update if you can
How do you do those cool things on aff such as aking the reader's name appear? It's so cool! Please teach me? ^-^
myjoyce1986 #6
Chapter 14: please stop dara for being pathetic over jiyong let her ignore him and let jiyong know sohee's plan and i want to know who's that guy i hope it will be another rival let jiyong be the one who will pursue dara
Crazy4dara #7
Chapter 14: Who is the guy????? Another fan boy perhaps? Hmmp....Jiyong is such an idiot sometimes. I want another guy to chase Dara & let Jiyong be jealous to the tenth level. Dara, it's okay to love someone but leave some for yourself. Like Jinwoon said there are other fishes in the sea. Thanks for the update!
Chapter 14: Who is that guy?! Curious***
I don't even know what to say to Jiyong, like ughhh!
Chapter 14: Ahhh who is the guy? >.<
roxijojo #10
Chapter 14: ohh please, right now I prefer jinwoon...
Thnak you so much for the update!!!