Dara has an oppa?

I'll go wherever you go


Dara's POV
The most romantic moment of my life is coming! The prom is coming! I am so freaking excited because finally I can get the chance to enjoy myself for a while. This is going to be awesome because our school is making a big party out of this after all it's every year. Who's gonna be my prom ? Probably Jinwoon. And the two love birds, Jiyong and Sohee would most probably match up. I'm feeling uninspired! But no, I should be prepared to what's good coming to me. When I entered the school, some students are now busy arranging the place for the prom. There were many flowers and it looked like a real castle because of the royal theme. Being mesmerized, I was startled when somebody approached me and it was Jinwoon.
"Hey, this is exciting!" said Jinwoon.
"Why? What are you planning?" I asked.
"Don't you see that this is a perfect situation where we can get to make Jiyong jealous? Think of it seriously." He replied.
"About that, I don't think it is working. How can we know if he's already jealous if there are no signs?" I said.
"Just wait. He will soon explode, belive me." Jinwoon said as he chuckled.
"So, you're going to be my prom , right? You'll be my dance partner and eveything." I said.
"Of course." He said.
When Jinwoon and I were walking, I saw Jiyong and he saw me too. It was like time stopped when our eyes met. It was like 5, 6, 7, or 8 seconds stare. Ugh. How can he have such gorgeous eyes? Alright, I'm being crazy. What I should do is to get ready to have fun at the prom. Enough daydreaming. When lunchbreak came, I didn't eat anything and just went to the library. There, I saw Sohee and some of her friends talking. I went to the other side but I can hear what they're talking about.
"Hey Sohee, what's your real plan? Just tell me. Maybe I could be able to help." 
"I can't. I'm alone at this. No one knows about my plan." said Sohee.
"We'll remain quiet, we promise."
"No. I really can't tell you." said Sohee
"But what gives you the right to play around with Kwon Jiyong? You'll end up hurting him."
"I don't care. What matters here is my plan on him" said Sohee.
"Right. If you don't tell us your plan, we'll tell Kwon Jiyong about it and you'll not succeed."
"Hey, what gives you the right to do so? I am his girlfriend and you can't do this to me." said Sohee.
"Yes we can. So hurry and decide or you'll lose him."
"Okay, okay I will tell you now. Just stay quiet okay?" said Sohee.
"My real plan is that I'm going to dump him. Like any other girls do. The truth is, I don't really love him or I'm not really inlove with him. I just want him to get hurt, feel frustrated and he will be if I dump him. That's my plan." said Sohee.
Right ater I heard those sentences, I got frowned. What is she talking about? She'll dump Jiyong? Make him feel frustrated? Hurt him? Just what the heck?!
"Okay, now that you already know about my plan, I want you to shut up or I'll smash your pretty faces." Sohee warned.
This girl is evil! How can he do that to Jiyong? He knows nothing about this! He does nothing wrong to her but why is she doing this to him? Jiyong doesn't deserve a girl like her! He better know about her plan or he'll get hurt. But, if I tell him, would he consider believing it? What if he ignores me? I am so confused right now.
When I got out of the library, I went to the washroom to think about things. Inside I was alone. Then suddenly I heard the door opened and I saw Jiyong got inside. I was about to say a word when he shut me up. His hands covering my mouth. What is he doing? I tried to speak but I can't. Then after a few more minutes, he finally let me go.
"Yah! What's your problem? Are you crazy? This is the girl's room! How could you?" I yelled.
"Hey, shut up or I'll get busted! There were girls following me wherever I go and this is the only place I found where I could hide, I'm sorry!" said Jiyong.
"Okay. So how long are you planning on hiding? You put me into this!" I said.
"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you." said Jiyong.
"Maybe those girls are gone. Let's get outta here." I said.
When I reached the door, I held the knob and it won't open. What the heck? What is wrong with this thing?
"Hey, help me.. The door won't open. The lock is inside but the door seems to be locked up here." I said.
Jiyong tried to open it but it still won't open. Why am I in this kind of situation? Then suddenly, Sohee's plan popped out on my mind. Is this the right time to tell him about it?  
"We're locked up here. We'll just have to wait I guess." said Jiyong.
"Um, yeah." I said.
Okay. This is really awkward. We got locked up, it's getting boring. What else? Ugh. I hope someone would come for help.
"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" asked Jiyong.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You and Jinwoon, is there something going on between the two of you?" asked Jiyong.
And with that, I got curious. Why is he asking such question? Is he bothered if ever there is something going on between Jinwoon and I? What should I do?
"Um, why do you ask?" I asked.
"Nothing. It's just you two are really close." said Jiyong.
"Actually we're more than friends." I said.
*sighs* Crap. I said what? 
"Really? Good for you then." said Jiyong.
So it's really okay with him if Jinwoon and I are officially dating, huh. I can't believe he wold be happy for me.
"Um, I got a question too if you don't mind." I said.
"What will you do if you found out that your girlfriend is just using you or in other words, she doesn't really love you?" I asked.
"Why did you asked that kind of question? Sohee would never let me down." said Jiyong.
Poor Jiyong. Doesn't know his girlfriend's actually fooling him.
"Just what if? I want to hear your answer." I said.
"The truth is, I don't know. I don't know if I could accept it. I love her and I know she does the same way. I just don't know what to do or what to feel if there would be a case like that to happen." said Jiyong.
"No, she doesn't! She is just playing with you! She would dump you sooner or later." I said.
There I already said it. I feel so sorry for Jiyong. I mean he doesn't deserve this! He's too good.
"What? What're you talking about?" asked Jiyong.
"You heard me right. She is just using you and she will soon dump you. You'll get hurt. And I don't want you to." I said.
"No. She can't do that. I know her better than you do. If you're trying to fool me I'm telling you it's not working. Dara I'm inlove with her and it's not going to work if you tell things like that. I know you like me but we just can't be together." said Jiyong.
"I'm not lying, Jiyong. You know I can't lie to you. It's true. She's using you!" I said.
"Stop it! I don't want to hear it. Enough with your lies. I don't know how'd you get all that strength to lie to me." said Jiyong.
"But I'm rea-" I said as I was cut off from  talking.
And with the silence that came after, I heard the door opened and I went out quickly. I was crying. How could he not believe me? I was telling the truth but he's persisting I was lying just to get him. I quickly went to the balcony where I used to rest and find time alone. There I cried and I cried. What I wanted is just, I want him not to get hurt. I want him out of Sohee's arms because she will just dump him.
Jinwoon's POV
I was on my way to the classroom when I noticed the balcony where Dara used to go and stay. When I got there, I was shocked because I saw Dara sitting alone and crying. What's with her? Did the girls hurt her again? I don't know.
"Dara? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked.
"I..I was telling the truth yet he won't believe me." Dara said during her sobs.
"What truth? To whom? Tell me everything." I said.
And when she can't tell any word, I just stayed with her. I can't force her if she can't really tell me everything.
"Whatever it is, I am here. You don't have to cry anymore. If it's Jiyong, don't worry I'll smash his face for you." I said.
This girl is like a kid when crying. I feel sorry for her. But it's giving me the thought that Jiyong is the one responsible for this. How can that guy make a girl cry? That bastard. To calm Dara, I hugged her. I just can't understand why this girl is wasting her precious time for that freak. She does everything but that fool isn't noticing anything at all. Maybe it's time for Dara to forget about him. She doesn't deserve this.
"Jinwoon, thank you for always being here for me. You're the only person I can count on. You are always there to comfort me. I don't know what to do if I don't have someone like you." said Dara.
"Of course I am always here. I will not leave you." I said.
I am saying crazy things to this person. What's wrong with me? I can't fall inlove with her. That's one basic rule. She loves someone else so I got no chance. I would just be her hero whenever she needs one. I will never make her cry.
"Dara, do you still love him? Why don't you try finding someone else. Those who are worth it. Not someone who won't appreciate your efforts. I just don't want to see you cry again." I said.
"I don't know. I think I love him more than I love myself. But that's wrong. I should seriously forget him. But I just can't."
said Dara.
"But there are other guys better than him. He's not the only guy in this world. And you still have me." I said.
"What do you mean?" asked Dara.
"What would you do if I tell you that I like you more than just a friend?" I asked.
And with that, I saw her looked shocked. What did I just told her? 
"I'm just kidding. Don't give me that look." I said as I chuckled.
"Hey, at least be serious just for once." said Dara.
"C'mon let's get out of here." I said.
Jiyong's POV
I shouldn't have said that. I shoul've told Dara what I truly feel. I am a complete idiot. When Dara left me, I saw her teary eyes and that got me guilty. What should I do? I made her cry again. I always make her cry and that's obviously wrong. And I even told her that she's just using Sohee to get my attention. Dman, I really should'nt have said those hurtful things to her. Now, she's crying again and I don't even have the right to comfort her. How is she doing right now, anyway? Is she still crying? Is someone there to comfort her? I should'nt have let her go. I should've held her hands. I shouldve stopped her from leaving. That way, things would've been right. But it's too late to change everything. I already made this mistake. 
When the dismissal came, Sohee told me not to take her home because she'll be hanging out with her friends. While I was walking, I noticed a tall guy around with girls and he doesn't look familliar. When I walked and didn't mind him, I saw him walking towards me.
"Do you perhaps know Sandara Park?" said he.
"Yes. Why?" I said.
"Do you know where she is? I really can't find her in this pretty big campus." said he.
"Oppa!" yelled Sohee.
"I thought you're with your friends? What brings you here?" I asked.
"Those idiots ditched me. Let's go home." She replied.
"Um, you can ask around with these people. Goodbye." I said.
Who is that guy anyway? And why is she seeking for Dara?
Dara's POV
The moment I arrived home, I saw a guy standing near the gate and I was shocked when I saw his face.
"Oppa?!" I yelled.









Author's Note : Hi, guys! Sorry for the late update! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter! :*






jiyongsfuturewife  ❤


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sweetmiele #1
Chapter 14: Oppa who? Continue this jiyongsfuturewife please
I love the story! <3 update soon neh? x)
Chapter 14: new character??? Who could he be? Hmmmmm,please update soon :)
applerVIP #4
wow.. its so cool that you can do such cool things hahhha! it made readers feel important! :) anyway.. update if you can
How do you do those cool things on aff such as aking the reader's name appear? It's so cool! Please teach me? ^-^
myjoyce1986 #6
Chapter 14: please stop dara for being pathetic over jiyong let her ignore him and let jiyong know sohee's plan and i want to know who's that guy i hope it will be another rival let jiyong be the one who will pursue dara
Crazy4dara #7
Chapter 14: Who is the guy????? Another fan boy perhaps? Hmmp....Jiyong is such an idiot sometimes. I want another guy to chase Dara & let Jiyong be jealous to the tenth level. Dara, it's okay to love someone but leave some for yourself. Like Jinwoon said there are other fishes in the sea. Thanks for the update!
Chapter 14: Who is that guy?! Curious***
I don't even know what to say to Jiyong, like ughhh!
Chapter 14: Ahhh who is the guy? >.<
roxijojo #10
Chapter 14: ohh please, right now I prefer jinwoon...
Thnak you so much for the update!!!