Thank You Note

Where Love Should Be (Completed)
Hello! Is my last chappie a crap? It's too short but it needs to end.

Anyway, I just want to say thank you everyone for the support you have given to me. This fanfic may not be the best fanfic that I have ever written unlike the first one, but thank you! As usual, thank you also to my silent readers for your never ending support. And thank you to those silent readers who finally commented on my previous fanfic just once.

I wonder where are some of my old readers of my first fanfic. They disappeared? Where are you? Hope that you are still reading my fan fic.

To my loyal silent readers, whether new or old, just one last time, please comment on my fic!

Since Winglin is in bonkers, looks like I have no choice but to post the third fanfic on Blogger and CEFC. I'll post the link soon, so please wait for it and please support it! Take note: it's about CE.

Thank you everyone! And don't forget to comment! I'm getting excited for my third fanfic...but because of Winglin, I became like this. =l

Anyway, enough of ranting. Got to work on my next fanfic!


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Visiting old fics!
new reader btwwww
Hope to see more ff from ya~~~~`
<3333333 this one 2
really enjoy all the ff you write :]
jiroholic20 #6
hi! i really enjoyed all the fanfics you write. :)) hope you'll still continue to write and write! and more rated please? haha. :))